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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Merike
2.Perekonnanimi Vaher
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 05.06.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1978
7.Teenistuskäik 1977-1978 - TRÜ, insener;
1978-1982 - TA Keemia Instituut, vaneminsener;
1982-2002 - TA keemia Instituut, teadur;
1999-2000 - TPÜ, lektor (osalise koormusega);
2002-2004 - TTÜ keemiainstituut, teadur;
2004- ...... - TTÜ keemiainstituut, vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad loodusteaduste doktor
loodusteaduste magister
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2002
Tallinna Tehnkaülikool, 1999
10.Tunnustused Nõukogude Eesti Preemia, 1987
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise sümpoosiumi INTERLEC 11 (1989) korraldamine
Artiklite retsenseerimine
Bakalaureusetööde juhendamine
Ettekanded ravusvahelistel konverentsidel
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Elektroforees, geelfiltratsioon, looduslike ühendite analüüs, antioksüdandid, neuropeptiidid, fosfolipiidid
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6166

K.Truus, R.Tuvikene, M.Vaher, T.Kailas, P.Toomik, T.Pehk. Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the Sea of Japan). Carbohydrate Polymers, 2006, 63, 130-135.

Merike Vaher, Mihkel Koel. Specific background electrolytes for nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, 1068,83-88.

Merike Vaher, Sille Ehala, Mihkel Kaljurand. On-column capillary electrophoretic monitoring of rapid reaction kinetics for determination of the antioxidative potential of various bioactive phenols. Electrophoresis, 2005, 26, 990-1000.

M.Kulp, M.Vaher, M.Kaljurand. Miniaturization of sampling for chemical reaction monitoring by capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, 1100, 126-129.

Sille Ehala, Merike Vaher, Mihkel Kaljurand. Characterization of Phenolic Profiles of North European Berries by Capillary Electrophoresis and Determination of Their Antioxidant Activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53(16), 6484-6490.

Arkadi Ebber, Sille Ehala, Marina Kudrjashova, Maria Kulp, Merike Vaher, and Mihkel Kaljurand. Flow sampling in capillary electrophoresis with a pneumatically driven computerized sampler. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 6-16.

Kalle Truus, Merike Vaher, Mihkel Koel, Andres Mähar, and Imants Taure. Analysis of bioactive ingredients in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus by capillary electrophoresis and neutron activation analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry; 2004, 379(5-6), 849-852.

Merike Vaher and Mihkel Koel. Electrophoretic mobilities in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 36-45.

Sille Ehala, Marina Kudrjashova, Mihkel Kaljurand, and Merike Vaher. Stroboscopic sampling in comprehensive high-performance liquid chromatography-capillary electrophoresis via a pneumatic sampler, Electrophoresis, 2004, 25 (7-8), 980-989.

Sille Ehala, Merike Vaher, and Mihkel Kaljurand. Separation of polyphenols and L-ascorbic acid and investigation on their antioxidant activity by capillary electrophorsis. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 21-35.

K.Truus, M.Vaher. Research of algal polysaccharides and related natural compounds in Estonia. Proc. Estoinian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2003, 52, 1, 20-37.

Merike Vaher, Kalle Truus, Mihkel Koel, Tõnis Pehk, Imants Taure and Anu Viitak. Complex investigation of composition of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus (The Baltic sea) by different instrumental methods. Instrumental Methods of Analysis modern Trends and Applications. Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki, 2003, 238-240.

M.Vaher, M.Koel. Separation of polyphenolic compounds extracted from plant matrices using capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, 2003, 990/1,-2, 225-230.

R.Kuldvee, M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Capillary electrophoretic separation of phenolic compounds in acetonitrile and propylene carbonate. Electrophoresis, 2003, 24, 1627-1634.

21. M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes for Non-aqueous Capillary, Electrophoresis, 2002, 23 (3), 426-430.

A.Ebber, M.Vaher, J.Peterson, M.Lopp. Application of capillary zone electrophoresis to the separation and characterization of poly(amidiamine) dendrimers with an ethylendiamine core. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 949, 351-358.

M.Sokolova, M.Vaher, M.Koel. Extraction of polyphenoles from plants with modified supercritical carbon dioxide. Proceeding of the Supercritical Fluids, Bordeaux, 2002, 885-888.

M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Application of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 979, 27-32.

M. Vaher, M.Koel, M. Kaljurand. Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis in acetonitrile using ionic-liquid buffer electrolytes. Chromatographia, 2001, 53, 302-306.

Truus K., Vaher, M., Taure, I. Algal biomass from Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta): investigation of mineral and alginate component. Proc. Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry, 2001, 50/2, 95-103.

Vaher, M, Truus, K., Taure, I., Leito, I., Lahe, L., Kallavus, U., Pehk, T. Composition and structure of summary polysaccharide from the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 1998, 47, 51-59.

Truus, K., Vaher, M., Usov, A., Pehk, T., Kollist, A. Gelling galactans from the algal community of Furcellaria lumbricalis and Coccotylus truncatus (the Baltic Sea, Estonia): a structure-property study. - Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 1997, 21, 89-96

Truus, K., Vaher, M., Kukk, H., Pehk, T., Kollist, A. Läänemere punavetikate geelistuvad galaktaanid. - Eesti TA Toim., Keemia, 1996, 45, 1/2, 15-29

Truus, K., Taure, I., Eglite, G., Limberg, M., Ivask, K., Vaher, M. Micro- and trace elements content of commercial agaroses and their raw material. - Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. Chem., 1993, 42, 2, 87-96.

Vaher, M., Koljak, R., Truus, K. Activation of agarose matrix with 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole in various conditions. - Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. Chem., 1993, 42, 2, 104-106

Kollist, A.P., Vaher, M.E., Truus, K.E., Paris, J.P., Püssa, T.O. Characterization and utilization of polysaccharides isolated from agar-containing algae. - Current Topics in Marine Biotechnology. Ed. S.Miyachi, I.Karube, Y.Ishida. Tokyo: The Japanese Society for Marine Biotechnology, 1989, 245-248

Kollist, A.; Pussa, T.; Vaher, M.. Isolation, characterization, and use of polysaccharides from agar-containing algae. 7. Study of the dependence of the gelling ability of polygalactans on their physicochemical properties. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Keemia, 1982, 31(1), 63-71.

Hõrak, M., Tuulmets, A., Vaher, M. Solvent effects on the reaction kinetics of dialkylmagnesium with epoxides. Organic reactivity (Tartu), 1980, 17(2), 215-232.

Kollist, A., Vaher, M., Paris, J. & Püssa, T. Characterization and utilization of polysaccharides isolated from agar-containing algae. 4. The effect of concentration, determining temperature and storage time on the gel strength of some agars. Eesti NSV TA Toim. Keemia, 1980, 29, 210-214 (vene k.).

viimati muudetud: 14.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Merike
2.Surname Vaher
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 05.06.1955 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, 1978
7.Research and
professional experience
1977-1978 - University of Tartu, engineer;
1978-1982 - Institute of Chemistry, sen. engineer;
1982-2002 - researcher;
1999-2000 - TPU, lecturer;
2002-2004 - TTU, Department of Chemistry, researcher;
2004- ...... - TTU, Department of Chemistry, senior researcher
8.Academic degree Ph.D
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tallinn University of Technology, 2002
Tallinn University of Technology, 1999
10.Honours/awards Premium of Soviet Estonia, 1987
International Symposium INTERLEC 11 (arrangement)
Reviewer of scientific publications
Presentations on international scientific conferences
Supervisor of diploma degree thesis
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Electrophoresis, gelfiltration, antioxidants, structure and content of gelling polysaccharides in natural materials, neuropeptides, phospholipides
14.Current grant funding ETF 6166
15.List of most important publications

K.Truus, R.Tuvikene, M.Vaher, T.Kailas, P.Toomik, T.Pehk. Structural and compositional characteristics of gelling galactan from red alga Ahnfeltia tobuchiensis (Ahnfeltiales, the Sea of Japan). Carbohydrate Polymers, 2006, 63, 130-135.

Merike Vaher, Mihkel Koel. Specific background electrolytes for nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, 1068,83-88.

Merike Vaher, Sille Ehala, Mihkel Kaljurand. On-column capillary electrophoretic monitoring of rapid reaction kinetics for determination of the antioxidative potential of various bioactive phenols. Electrophoresis, 2005, 26, 990-1000.

M.Kulp, M.Vaher, M.Kaljurand. Miniaturization of sampling for chemical reaction monitoring by capillary electrophoresis. Journal of Chromatography A, 2005, 1100, 126-129.

Sille Ehala, Merike Vaher, Mihkel Kaljurand. Characterization of Phenolic Profiles of North European Berries by Capillary Electrophoresis and Determination of Their Antioxidant Activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005, 53(16), 6484-6490.

Arkadi Ebber, Sille Ehala, Marina Kudrjashova, Maria Kulp, Merike Vaher, and Mihkel Kaljurand. Flow sampling in capillary electrophoresis with a pneumatically driven computerized sampler. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 6-16.

Kalle Truus, Merike Vaher, Mihkel Koel, Andres Mähar, and Imants Taure. Analysis of bioactive ingredients in the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus by capillary electrophoresis and neutron activation analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry; 2004, 379(5-6), 849-852.

Merike Vaher and Mihkel Koel. Electrophoretic mobilities in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 36-45.

Sille Ehala, Marina Kudrjashova, Mihkel Kaljurand, and Merike Vaher. Stroboscopic sampling in comprehensive high-performance liquid chromatography-capillary electrophoresis via a pneumatic sampler, Electrophoresis, 2004, 25 (7-8), 980-989.

Sille Ehala, Merike Vaher, and Mihkel Kaljurand. Separation of polyphenols and L-ascorbic acid and investigation on their antioxidant activity by capillary electrophorsis. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2004, 53, 1, 21-35.

K.Truus, M.Vaher. Research of algal polysaccharides and related natural compounds in Estonia. Proc. Estoinian Acad. Sci. Chem., 2003, 52, 1, 20-37.

Merike Vaher, Kalle Truus, Mihkel Koel, Tõnis Pehk, Imants Taure and Anu Viitak. Complex investigation of composition of the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus (The Baltic sea) by different instrumental methods. Instrumental Methods of Analysis modern Trends and Applications. Conference Proceedings, Thessaloniki, 2003, 238-240.

M.Vaher, M.Koel. Separation of polyphenolic compounds extracted from plant matrices using capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, 2003, 990/1,-2, 225-230.

R.Kuldvee, M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Capillary electrophoretic separation of phenolic compounds in acetonitrile and propylene carbonate. Electrophoresis, 2003, 24, 1627-1634.

21. M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Ionic Liquids as Electrolytes for Non-aqueous Capillary, Electrophoresis, 2002, 23 (3), 426-430.

A.Ebber, M.Vaher, J.Peterson, M.Lopp. Application of capillary zone electrophoresis to the separation and characterization of poly(amidiamine) dendrimers with an ethylendiamine core. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 949, 351-358.

M.Sokolova, M.Vaher, M.Koel. Extraction of polyphenoles from plants with modified supercritical carbon dioxide. Proceeding of the Supercritical Fluids, Bordeaux, 2002, 885-888.

M.Vaher, M.Koel, M.Kaljurand. Application of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium based ionic liquids in non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis. J. Chromatogr. A, 2002, 979, 27-32.

M. Vaher, M.Koel, M. Kaljurand. Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis in acetonitrile using ionic-liquid buffer electrolytes. Chromatographia, 2001, 53, 302-306.

Truus K., Vaher, M., Taure, I. Algal biomass from Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta): investigation of mineral and alginate component. Proc. Estonian Academy of Sciences. Chemistry, 2001, 50/2, 95-103.

Vaher, M, Truus, K., Taure, I., Leito, I., Lahe, L., Kallavus, U., Pehk, T. Composition and structure of summary polysaccharide from the red alga Furcellaria lumbricalis. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem., 1998, 47, 51-59.

Truus, K., Vaher, M., Usov, A., Pehk, T., Kollist, A. Gelling galactans from the algal community of Furcellaria lumbricalis and Coccotylus truncatus (the Baltic Sea, Estonia): a structure-property study. - Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 1997, 21, 89-96

Truus, K., Vaher, M., Kukk, H., Pehk, T., Kollist, A. Läänemere punavetikate geelistuvad galaktaanid. - Eesti TA Toim., Keemia, 1996, 45, 1/2, 15-29

Truus, K., Taure, I., Eglite, G., Limberg, M., Ivask, K., Vaher, M. Micro- and trace elements content of commercial agaroses and their raw material. - Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. Chem., 1993, 42, 2, 87-96.

Vaher, M., Koljak, R., Truus, K. Activation of agarose matrix with 1,1'-carbonyldiimidazole in various conditions. - Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. Chem., 1993, 42, 2, 104-106

Kollist, A.P., Vaher, M.E., Truus, K.E., Paris, J.P., Püssa, T.O. Characterization and utilization of polysaccharides isolated from agar-containing algae. - Current Topics in Marine Biotechnology. Ed. S.Miyachi, I.Karube, Y.Ishida. Tokyo: The Japanese Society for Marine Biotechnology, 1989, 245-248

Kollist, A.; Pussa, T.; Vaher, M.. Isolation, characterization, and use of polysaccharides from agar-containing algae. 7. Study of the dependence of the gelling ability of polygalactans on their physicochemical properties. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, Keemia, 1982, 31(1), 63-71.

Hõrak, M., Tuulmets, A., Vaher, M. Solvent effects on the reaction kinetics of dialkylmagnesium with epoxides. Organic reactivity (Tartu), 1980, 17(2), 215-232.

Kollist, A., Vaher, M., Paris, J. & Püssa, T. Characterization and utilization of polysaccharides isolated from agar-containing algae. 4. The effect of concentration, determining temperature and storage time on the gel strength of some agars. Eesti NSV TA Toim. Keemia, 1980, 29, 210-214 (vene k.).

last updated: 14.09.2005

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