[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Andres
2.Perekonnanimi Kuusk
3.Töökoht Tartu Observatoorium
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur, atmosfäärifüüsika osakonna juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 26.10.1947 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, atmosfäärifüüsika, 1970
7.Teenistuskäik 1972- Tartu Observatoorium, nooremteadur, vanemteadur, juhtivteadur, vanemteadur;
1992-1997 Tartu Ülikooli ja Tartu Observatooriumi biogeofüüsika ühisõppetooli lektor
8.Teaduskraad füüs.-mat. kand. (atmosfäärifüüsika); geofüüsikadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Geofüüsika Peaobservatoorium, Peterburi, 1979;
Tartu Ülikool, 1991
ja –administratiivne
1999-k.a. Agricultural & Forest Meteorology (Elsevier) - toimetuskolleegiumi liige;
1999-k.a. Agronomie (INRA, Pariis) - erialatoimetaja
2002-k.a. Tartu Observatooriumi nõukogu liige
2005-k.a. Sihtfinantseeritava teema 0062466s03 vastutav täitja
2005-k.a. Tartu Observatooriumi atmosfäärifüüsika osakonna juhataja
2005-k.a. NATO ekspert konsultant kaugseire alal
2005-k.a. Euroopa Kosmoseagentuuri projekti CHRIS-Proba 3133 vastutav täitja
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Paas, Markko, MSc, 2004, juh. Kuusk, Andres. Metsa kiirgusre^ziimi uurimine CCD-radiomeetriga. Digitaalpiltide radiomeetriline korrektsioon. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Kiirguslevi taimkattes, taimkatte optiline kaugseire
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6100, Kiirgusenergia hajumine ja neeldumine looduslikes ja kultiveeritud taimkatetes

Kuusk, A., Lang, M., and Nilson, T. (2004). Simulation of the reflectance of ground vegetation in sub-boreal forests, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 126(1-2), 33-46.

Nilson, T. and Kuusk, A. (2004). Improved algorithm for estimating canopy indices from gap fraction data in forest canopies, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 124(3-4), 157-169.

Pinty, B., Widlowski, J.-L., Taberner, M., Gobron, N., Verstraete, M. M., Disney, M., Gascon, F., Gastellu, J.-P., Jiang, L., Kuusk, A., Lewis, P., Li, X., Ni-Meister, W., Nilson, T., North, P., Qin, W., Su, L., Tang, S., Thompson, R., Verhoef, W., Wang, H., Wang, J., Yan, G., and Zang, H. Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Results from the second phase, J. Geophys. Res., 109(D6): D06210 10.1029/ 2003JD004252 25 March 2004.

Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Nilson, T., and Kuusk, A. (2004). The effect of crown shape on the reflectance of coniferous stands, Remote Sensing of Environment, 89(1), 41-52.

Fang, H., Liang, S., and Kuusk, A. (2003). Retrieving leaf area index using a genetic algorithm with a canopy radiative transfer model, Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(3): 257-270.

Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Nilson, T., Kuusk, A., and Smolander, H. (2003). Application of a forest reflectance model in estimating leaf area of Scots pine stands using Landsat-7 ETM reflectance data. Canadian J. Remote Sens., 29(3), 314-323.

Gemmell, F., Varjo, J., Strandstrom, M., and Kuusk, A. (2002). Comparison of measured boreal forest characteristics with estimates from TM data and limited ancillary information using reflectance model inversion, Remote Sensing of Environment, 81(2-3): 365-377.

Kuusk, A., Nilson, T., and Paas, M. (2002). Angular distribution of radiation beneath forest canopies using a CCD-radiometer. Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 110(4): 259-273.

Lang, M., Kuusk, A., Nilson, T., Lükk, T., Pehk, M., and Alm, G. (2002). Reflectance spectra of ground vegetation in sub-boreal forests. Web page. Available on-line http://www.aai.ee/bgf/ger2600/ from Tartu Observatory, Estonia.

Eklundh, L., Harrie, L., and Kuusk, A. (2001). Investigating relationships between Landsat ETM+ sensor data and leaf area index in a boreal conifer forest, Remote Sensing of Environment, 78(3): 239-251.

Kuusk, A. (2001). A two-layer canopy reflectance model, J.Q.S.R.T., 71(1): 1-9.

Kuusk, A. and Nilson, T. (2000). A directional multispectral forest reflectance model, Remote Sens. Environ., 72(2), 244-252.

Kuusk, A. (1998). Monitoring of vegetation parameters on large areas by the inversion of a canopy reflectance model, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 19(15): 2893-2905.

Kuusk, A. (1995). A Markov chain model of canopy reflectance, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 76(3-4): 221-236.

Kuusk, A. (1994). A multispectral canopy reflectance model, Remote Sens. Environ., 50(2): 75-82.

Kuusk, A. (1991). Determination of vegetation canopy parameters from optical measurements, Remote Sens. Environ., 37(3): 207-218.

Kuusk, A. (1991). The hot spot effect in plant canopy reflectance. In: R.B. Myneni, J. Ross(Eds.) Photon-Vegetation Interactions. Applications in Optical Remote Sensing and Plant Ecology , Springer Verlag, Berlin, 139-159.

Kuusk, A. (1990). Photographic methods for studying the reflectance of vegetation cover, Sov. J. Remote Sens., 6(4): 672-681.

Kuusk, A. (1990). Scattering of direct solar radiation in the crown of an isolated tree, Sov. J. Remote Sens., 7(2): 361-370.

Nilson, T. and Kuusk, A. (1989). A reflectance model for the homogeneous plant canopy and its inversion, Remote Sens. Environ., 27(2): 157-167.

Kuusk, A. (1983). The hot spot effect of a uniform vegetative cover, Earth Res. from Space, No. 4, 90-99, (Russian, English translation in Sov. J. Remote Sens., 1985, 3(4): 645-658).

Kuusk, A. (1979). Influence of cloud field structure on the radiance of the Earth, Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and on the Earth Surface, Proc. 10th Allunion Workshop on Actinometry, 31 July- 5 August 1978, Rylsk, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 190-192. (Russian).

Kuusk, A., Mullamaa, Ü.-A., Niilisk, H., and Sulev, M. (1976). Study of the variability of cloud and radiation field during the 13th expedition of the research vessel 'Academician Korolev', TROPEX-74, Proc. of the International Atlantic Tropic Experiment, Vol. 1., Atmosphere, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 600-608. (Russian).

Mullamaa, Ü.-A., Sulev, M., Põldmaa, V., Ohvril, H., Niilisk, H., Allenov, M., Tchubakov, L., and Kuusk, A. (1972). Stochastic Structure of Cloud and Radiation Fields, Acad., Sci. ESSR, Tartu, 1972. 281 pp. (Russian, English translation: US NASA, Wash., D.C., Technical Translation F-822, 1975, 192 pp.).

viimati muudetud: 09.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Andres
2.Surname Kuusk
3.Institution Tartu Observatory
4.Position senior research associate, head of the dept. of atmospheric physics
5.Date of birth 26.10.1947 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University, physics of the atmosphere, 1970
7.Research and
professional experience
1970-1972 forced military dienst in the soviet army;
1972- Tartu Observatory, junior, senior, leading, senior research associate;
1992-1997 lecturer at the joint chair of biogeophysics of Tartu University and Tartu Observatory
8.Academic degree PhD (physics of the atmosphere); Dr. Sci. (geophysics)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
The Main Geophysical Observatory, St. Petersburg, 1979;
Tartu University, 1991
1999- Agricultural & Forest Meteorology (Elsevier) - a member of the editorial board;
1999- Agronomie (INRA, Pariis) - Field Editor
2002- member of the Counsil of Tartu Observatory
2005- PI of the target financed project 0062466s03
2005- head of the dpt. of atmospheric physics, Tartu Observatory
2005- NATO RTO Space Expert Consultant
2005- PI of the ESA project CHRIS-Proba 3133
12.Supervised dissertations

Paas, Markko, MSc, 2004, superv. Kuusk, Andres. Metsa kiirgusre^ziimi uurimine CCD-radiomeetriga. Digitaalpiltide radiomeetriline korrektsioon. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Radiative transfer in vegetation canopies, optical remote sensing of vegetation canopies
14.Current grant funding ESF 6100, Scattering and absorption of radiation energy in natural and cultivated vegetation canopies
15.List of most important publications

Kuusk, A., Lang, M., and Nilson, T. (2004). Simulation of the reflectance of ground vegetation in sub-boreal forests, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 126(1-2), 33-46.

Nilson, T. and Kuusk, A. (2004). Improved algorithm for estimating canopy indices from gap fraction data in forest canopies, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 124(3-4), 157-169.

Pinty, B., Widlowski, J.-L., Taberner, M., Gobron, N., Verstraete, M. M., Disney, M., Gascon, F., Gastellu, J.-P., Jiang, L., Kuusk, A., Lewis, P., Li, X., Ni-Meister, W., Nilson, T., North, P., Qin, W., Su, L., Tang, S., Thompson, R., Verhoef, W., Wang, H., Wang, J., Yan, G., and Zang, H. Radiation Transfer Model Intercomparison (RAMI) exercise: Results from the second phase, J. Geophys. Res., 109(D6): D06210 10.1029/ 2003JD004252 25 March 2004.

Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Nilson, T., and Kuusk, A. (2004). The effect of crown shape on the reflectance of coniferous stands, Remote Sensing of Environment, 89(1), 41-52.

Fang, H., Liang, S., and Kuusk, A. (2003). Retrieving leaf area index using a genetic algorithm with a canopy radiative transfer model, Remote Sensing of Environment, 85(3): 257-270.

Rautiainen, M., Stenberg, P., Nilson, T., Kuusk, A., and Smolander, H. (2003). Application of a forest reflectance model in estimating leaf area of Scots pine stands using Landsat-7 ETM reflectance data. Canadian J. Remote Sens., 29(3), 314-323.

Gemmell, F., Varjo, J., Strandstrom, M., and Kuusk, A. (2002). Comparison of measured boreal forest characteristics with estimates from TM data and limited ancillary information using reflectance model inversion, Remote Sensing of Environment, 81(2-3): 365-377.

Kuusk, A., Nilson, T., and Paas, M. (2002). Angular distribution of radiation beneath forest canopies using a CCD-radiometer. Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 110(4): 259-273.

Lang, M., Kuusk, A., Nilson, T., Lükk, T., Pehk, M., and Alm, G. (2002). Reflectance spectra of ground vegetation in sub-boreal forests. Web page. Available on-line http://www.aai.ee/bgf/ger2600/ from Tartu Observatory, Estonia.

Eklundh, L., Harrie, L., and Kuusk, A. (2001). Investigating relationships between Landsat ETM+ sensor data and leaf area index in a boreal conifer forest, Remote Sensing of Environment, 78(3): 239-251.

Kuusk, A. (2001). A two-layer canopy reflectance model, J.Q.S.R.T., 71(1): 1-9.

Kuusk, A. and Nilson, T. (2000). A directional multispectral forest reflectance model, Remote Sens. Environ., 72(2), 244-252.

Kuusk, A. (1998). Monitoring of vegetation parameters on large areas by the inversion of a canopy reflectance model, Int. J. Remote Sensing, 19(15): 2893-2905.

Kuusk, A. (1995). A Markov chain model of canopy reflectance, Agricult. Forest Meteorol., 76(3-4): 221-236.

Kuusk, A. (1994). A multispectral canopy reflectance model, Remote Sens. Environ., 50(2): 75-82.

Kuusk, A. (1991). Determination of vegetation canopy parameters from optical measurements, Remote Sens. Environ., 37(3): 207-218.

Kuusk, A. (1991). The hot spot effect in plant canopy reflectance. In: R.B. Myneni, J. Ross(Eds.) Photon-Vegetation Interactions. Applications in Optical Remote Sensing and Plant Ecology , Springer Verlag, Berlin, 139-159.

Kuusk, A. (1990). Photographic methods for studying the reflectance of vegetation cover, Sov. J. Remote Sens., 6(4): 672-681.

Kuusk, A. (1990). Scattering of direct solar radiation in the crown of an isolated tree, Sov. J. Remote Sens., 7(2): 361-370.

Nilson, T. and Kuusk, A. (1989). A reflectance model for the homogeneous plant canopy and its inversion, Remote Sens. Environ., 27(2): 157-167.

Kuusk, A. (1983). The hot spot effect of a uniform vegetative cover, Earth Res. from Space, No. 4, 90-99, (Russian, English translation in Sov. J. Remote Sens., 1985, 3(4): 645-658).

Kuusk, A. (1979). Influence of cloud field structure on the radiance of the Earth, Radiation Processes in the Atmosphere and on the Earth Surface, Proc. 10th Allunion Workshop on Actinometry, 31 July- 5 August 1978, Rylsk, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 190-192. (Russian).

Kuusk, A., Mullamaa, Ü.-A., Niilisk, H., and Sulev, M. (1976). Study of the variability of cloud and radiation field during the 13th expedition of the research vessel 'Academician Korolev', TROPEX-74, Proc. of the International Atlantic Tropic Experiment, Vol. 1., Atmosphere, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 600-608. (Russian).

Mullamaa, Ü.-A., Sulev, M., Põldmaa, V., Ohvril, H., Niilisk, H., Allenov, M., Tchubakov, L., and Kuusk, A. (1972). Stochastic Structure of Cloud and Radiation Fields, Acad., Sci. ESSR, Tartu, 1972. 281 pp. (Russian, English translation: US NASA, Wash., D.C., Technical Translation F-822, 1975, 192 pp.).

last updated: 09.08.2005

[ sulge aken ]