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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Katrin
2.Perekonnanimi Laos
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool;
Toidu- ja Fermentatsioonitehnoloogia Arenduskeskus
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 30.03.1976 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 2001 - ... TTÜ Bio- ja toiduainetehnoloogia doktorant
1999 - 2001 TTÜ Bio- ja toiduainetehnoloogia tehnikateaduste magister
1994 - 1999 TTÜ Toiduainete tehnoloogia insener
1983 - 1994 Tallinna Väike-Õismäe Keskkool
7.Teenistuskäik 06.2005-… Toidu- ja Fermentatsioonitehnoloogia Arenduskeskus, projektijuht
09.2004-… Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Toiduainete instituut, teadur
05.2002–08.2002 Eesti Põllumajandus-Kaubanduskoda, ekspert
11.2001–09.2002 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Toiduainete instituut, teadur
01.1999–05.2001 Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Toiduainete instituut, innovatsiooniprojekti lepinguline täitja
06.1996–10.1997 AS Eesti Buss, administraator
8.Teaduskraad Tehnikateaduste magister
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2001
10.Tunnustused Aastane Euroopa Liidu Marie Curie stipendium doktoriõpinguteks Inglismaal Norwichi Toiduainete instituudis, 2002 - 2003;
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Arengufondi stipendium, 2004
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Looduslikud polüsahhariidid, polüsahhariid/valk koostoimed, toiduainete reoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid

K.Laos, G.J.Brownsey, M.Friedenthal, S.G.Ring. Rheological properties of gels formed with furcellaran and globular proteins bovine serum albumin and β-lactoglobulin. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 2005, 13, 269-275

Laos, K., Brownsey, G.J., Ring, S.G. Dependence of the interaction of furcellaran between the globular proteins bovine serum albumin and b-lactoglobulin on pH. Accessing Useful Technologies… Optimizing Food Safety and Nutrition, The 4th International Congress on Food Technology - Proceedings, Piraeus, Greece, 18-19 Feburary, 2005

Lõugas, T., Laos, K., Vokk, R., Friedenthal, M. Gel strength and encapsulation efficiency of furcellaran beads. Accessing Useful Technologies… Optimizing Food Safety and Nutrition, The 4th International Congress on Food Technology - Proceedings, Piraeus, Greece, 18-19 Feburary, 2005

Lõugas, T., Liis, M., Laos, K., Vokk, R. Physical properties as a tool for quality assessment in fruit processing. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 2005, 13, 295-299

Roger Parker, Timothy R. Noel, Geoffrey J. Brownsey, Katrin Laos and Stephen G. Ring. The Non-Equilibrium Phase and Glass Transition Behavior of β-Lactoglobulin – Biophysical Journal, 2005, 89, 1227-1236

Laos, K., Brownsey, G., Friedenthal, M., Ring, S. Interactions of furcellaran/BSA and furcellaran/b-lactoglobulin mixtures. Marine Biopolymers. Structure, Functionality and Applications, A satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium, Trondheim, Norway, 27-29 June, 2004

Laos, K., Tilk, K. The effect of packaging on the storage of jelly. Food and Nutrition, 2004, XII, Tallinn, 55-61.

Lõugas, T., Laos, K., Vokk, R., Friedenthal, M. Encapsulation of bioactive compounds of sea buckhorn in furcellaran beads. Marine Biopolymers. Structure, Functionality and Applications, A satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium, Trondheim, Norway, 27-29 June, 2004

Laos, K., Ring, S. Gelation of furcellaran and furcellaran/BSA mixture. Gums and stabilisers for the food industry, International Conference and Industry Exhibition Designing Structure into Foods, Wrexham, UK, 23 – 27 Juuni, 2003

Laos, K., Sirendi, M., Friedenthal, M. Rheological investigations in the Department of Food Processing” Food and Nutrition, 2002, X, Tallinn, 47-54.

Paalme, T., Adamberg, K., Eha, K., Friedenthal, M., Järvekülg, L., Laos, K., Kasemets, K., Kann, A., Kask, S., Laht, T.-M., Sirendi, M., Tauts, O., Tedersoo, E., Täht, R., Vokk, R. Applications of biotechnology in food engineering. Food and Nutrition, 2002, X, Tallinn, 16-30.

Eha, K., Laos, K., Barndõk, T., Friedenthal, M. The shear stress and fracture test of furcellaran at moderate concentrations. Food and Nutrition, 2001, IX, Tallinn, 41-46.

Laos, K., Sirendi, M., Eha, K., Friedenthal, M. Piima ja tema koostisosade mõju furtsellaraani geelide tekstuursetele omadustele. Eesti XXVII Keemiapäevad. Tallinn, 15-16 November 2001.

Laos, K. The extraction and recovery of gelling galactans from the red algae stratum of Kassari bay in the Baltic Sea. Food and Nutrition, 2001, IX, Tallinn, 59-60.

Friedenthal, M., Vokk, R., Sirendi, M., Eha, K., Laos, K. Formulating dairy and fish products with inclusion of furcellaran from the red algae stratum of Baltic Sea. Nutritionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists. Porto, 12-14 Aprill, 2000

Laos, K., Sirendi, M. Textural properties of estagar gels in the presence of potassium and calcium cations and saccharose. Food and Nutrition, 2000, VIII, Tallinn, 55-71

viimati muudetud: 12.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Katrin
2.Surname Laos
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Food Department;
Innovation Centre of Food and Fermentation
4.Position research scientist
5.Date of birth 30.03.1976 (day.month.year)
6.Education 2001 - ... Tallinn University of Technology, Ph.D. program of Bio- ja Food Technology
1999 - 2001 Tallinn University of Technology, program of Bio- and Food Technology /M.Sc.
1994 - 1999 Tallinn University of Technology, program of Food Technology, graduated engineer
1983 - 1994 Tallinn Väike-Õismäe Secondary School
7.Research and
professional experience
06.2005-… Innovation Centre of Food and Fermentation, project leader
09.2004-… Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Food Department, research scientist
05.2002–08.2002 Estonian Chamber of Agriculture and Commerce, expert
11.2001–09.2002 Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Food Department, research scientist
01.1999–05.2001 Tallinn University of Technology, Institute of Food Department, performer of innovation project
06.1996–10.1997 Estonian Bus, administrator
8.Academic degree M.Sc.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tallinn University of Technology, 2001
10.Honours/awards One year EU Marie Curie PhD fellowship in England, Norwich Institute of Food Research, 2002 - 2003;
The stipend of Tallinn University of Technology Development Fund, 2004
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Natural Polysaccharides, Polysaccharide/protein Interactions, Food Rheology
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

K.Laos, G.J.Brownsey, M.Friedenthal, S.G.Ring. Rheological properties of gels formed with furcellaran and globular proteins bovine serum albumin and β-lactoglobulin. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 2005, 13, 269-275

Laos, K., Brownsey, G.J., Ring, S.G. Dependence of the interaction of furcellaran between the globular proteins bovine serum albumin and b-lactoglobulin on pH. Accessing Useful Technologies… Optimizing Food Safety and Nutrition, The 4th International Congress on Food Technology - Proceedings, Piraeus, Greece, 18-19 Feburary, 2005

Lõugas, T., Laos, K., Vokk, R., Friedenthal, M. Gel strength and encapsulation efficiency of furcellaran beads. Accessing Useful Technologies… Optimizing Food Safety and Nutrition, The 4th International Congress on Food Technology - Proceedings, Piraeus, Greece, 18-19 Feburary, 2005

Lõugas, T., Liis, M., Laos, K., Vokk, R. Physical properties as a tool for quality assessment in fruit processing. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 2005, 13, 295-299

Roger Parker, Timothy R. Noel, Geoffrey J. Brownsey, Katrin Laos and Stephen G. Ring. The Non-Equilibrium Phase and Glass Transition Behavior of β-Lactoglobulin – Biophysical Journal, 2005, 89, 1227-1236

Laos, K., Brownsey, G., Friedenthal, M., Ring, S. Interactions of furcellaran/BSA and furcellaran/b-lactoglobulin mixtures. Marine Biopolymers. Structure, Functionality and Applications, A satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium, Trondheim, Norway, 27-29 June, 2004

Laos, K., Tilk, K. The effect of packaging on the storage of jelly. Food and Nutrition, 2004, XII, Tallinn, 55-61.

Lõugas, T., Laos, K., Vokk, R., Friedenthal, M. Encapsulation of bioactive compounds of sea buckhorn in furcellaran beads. Marine Biopolymers. Structure, Functionality and Applications, A satellite to the XVIII International Seaweed Symposium, Trondheim, Norway, 27-29 June, 2004

Laos, K., Ring, S. Gelation of furcellaran and furcellaran/BSA mixture. Gums and stabilisers for the food industry, International Conference and Industry Exhibition Designing Structure into Foods, Wrexham, UK, 23 – 27 Juuni, 2003

Laos, K., Sirendi, M., Friedenthal, M. Rheological investigations in the Department of Food Processing” Food and Nutrition, 2002, X, Tallinn, 47-54.

Paalme, T., Adamberg, K., Eha, K., Friedenthal, M., Järvekülg, L., Laos, K., Kasemets, K., Kann, A., Kask, S., Laht, T.-M., Sirendi, M., Tauts, O., Tedersoo, E., Täht, R., Vokk, R. Applications of biotechnology in food engineering. Food and Nutrition, 2002, X, Tallinn, 16-30.

Eha, K., Laos, K., Barndõk, T., Friedenthal, M. The shear stress and fracture test of furcellaran at moderate concentrations. Food and Nutrition, 2001, IX, Tallinn, 41-46.

Laos, K., Sirendi, M., Eha, K., Friedenthal, M. Piima ja tema koostisosade mõju furtsellaraani geelide tekstuursetele omadustele. Eesti XXVII Keemiapäevad. Tallinn, 15-16 November 2001.

Laos, K. The extraction and recovery of gelling galactans from the red algae stratum of Kassari bay in the Baltic Sea. Food and Nutrition, 2001, IX, Tallinn, 59-60.

Friedenthal, M., Vokk, R., Sirendi, M., Eha, K., Laos, K. Formulating dairy and fish products with inclusion of furcellaran from the red algae stratum of Baltic Sea. Nutritionists meet Food Scientists and Technologists. Porto, 12-14 Aprill, 2000

Laos, K., Sirendi, M. Textural properties of estagar gels in the presence of potassium and calcium cations and saccharose. Food and Nutrition, 2000, VIII, Tallinn, 55-71

last updated: 12.08.2005

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