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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Tiit
2.Perekonnanimi Nirk
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Materjaliteaduse instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 21.12.1943 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, elektroonika erimaterjalide tehnoloogia, 1968
7.Teenistuskäik 1969-1971, TPI aspirant
1972-1974, TA Küberneetika Instituudi nooremteadur
1974-1978, TPI vanemõpetaja
1978-1996, TTÜ füüsikalise keemia õppetooli dotsent
1996- 2000. TTÜ õppe- ja teadusosakonna juhataja asetäitja,
2000-2005 TTÜ õppeosakonna juhataja asetäitja,
2005-k.a. pooljuhtmaterjalide tehnoloogia õppetooli dotsent
8.Teaduskraad Keemiateaduste kandidaat, teema "Defektide termodünaamika CdSe monokristallides"
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
ENSV TA 1974
10.Tunnustused MENTE ET MANU (1993)
ja –administratiivne
1991-1996 TTÜ keemiateaduskonna prodekaan
1980-1991 Eesti Keemia Seltsi TTÜ osakonna nõukogu aseesimees
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Olga Volobujeva, MSc, 1999, juh. TIIT NIRK. "Faasiüleminekute uurimine tahketes lahustes CdSexTe1-x" 1999. TTÜ

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad tahke keha keemia
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 5156

K. Lott, T. Nirk, S. Shinkarenko, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in ZnS:Al and in CdSe:Al, Solid State Ionics 173,1-4 (2004) 83.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik, T.Nirk, L.Türn and M.Nõges, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Donor-Doped II-VI Compounds, phys. stat. sol.(c), 0 (2003) 618.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, T.Nirk, L.Türn, A.Öpik and E.Gorohova, High temperature electrical conductivity of codoped ZnS and CdSe, Physica B 340-342 (2003) 263.

K.Lott, T.Nirk and O.Volobujeva Chemical Self-Diffusion in Undoped ZnS and in undoped CdSe, Crystal Engineering 5 (2002) 147.

Lott K., T.Nirk , M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik , A.Vishnjakov High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in the Ag Solubility Limit Region in ZnS and in CdSe, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3 (2001) 1295.

viimati muudetud: 12.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Tiit
2.Surname Nirk
3.Institution Tallinn Technical University, Department of Materials Science
4.Position associate professor
5.Date of birth 21.12.1943 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tallinn Polytechnical Institute, technology of special materials for electronics, 1968
7.Research and
professional experience
1969-1971 TTU post-graduate student
1972-1974 Institute of Cybernetics, Estonian Academy of Sciences, junior research scientist
1974-1978 TTU senior lecturer
1978-1996 TTU associate professor
1996- 2000 deputy head of department of teaching and science,
2000- 2005 deputy head of department of teaching,
2005- associate professor of chair of semiconductor materials
8.Academic degree Candidate of chemical sciences, "Defect Thermodynamics in CdSe monocrystals"
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Estonian Academy of Sciences 1974
10.Honours/awards MENTE ET MANU (1993)
1991-1996 assistant dean of faculty of chemistry of TTU
1980-1991 deputy head of council of TTU department of Estonian Chemical Society
12.Supervised dissertations

Olga Volobujeva, MSc, 1999, superv. TIIT NIRK. "Faasiüleminekute uurimine tahketes lahustes CdSexTe1-x" 1999. TTÜ

13.Current research program solid state chemistry
14.Current grant funding ESF grant 5156
15.List of most important publications

K. Lott, T. Nirk, S. Shinkarenko, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in ZnS:Al and in CdSe:Al, Solid State Ionics 173,1-4 (2004) 83.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik, T.Nirk, L.Türn and M.Nõges, High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in Donor-Doped II-VI Compounds, phys. stat. sol.(c), 0 (2003) 618.

K.Lott, O.Volobujeva, T.Nirk, L.Türn, A.Öpik and E.Gorohova, High temperature electrical conductivity of codoped ZnS and CdSe, Physica B 340-342 (2003) 263.

K.Lott, T.Nirk and O.Volobujeva Chemical Self-Diffusion in Undoped ZnS and in undoped CdSe, Crystal Engineering 5 (2002) 147.

Lott K., T.Nirk , M.Raukas, O.Volobujeva, A.Öpik , A.Vishnjakov High Temperature Electrical Conductivity in the Ag Solubility Limit Region in ZnS and in CdSe, Int.J.Inorg.Mat., 3 (2001) 1295.

last updated: 12.08.2005

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