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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Rein
2.Perekonnanimi Munter
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, keemiatehnika instituut
4.Ametikoht Keskkonna-ja keemiatehnoloogia õppetooli juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 23.12.1936 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem
7.Teenistuskäik TPI,Keemiateaduskond, keemiainsener (1960)
Eesti TA Keemia Instituut, insener ja nooremteadur (1960-1962)
TPI, aspirantuur (1962-1965)
Assistent TPI keemiatööstuse prots.ja aparaatide kateedris(1965-1969)
Vanemõpetaja samas (1969-1974)
Dotsent samas (1975-1991)
Professor samas (1991...)
8.Teaduskraad Tehnikakandidaat
Tehnikadoktor (D.Sc.)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TTÜ, 1968
Kiievi Kolloid-ja Veekeemia Instituut (1991)
10.Tunnustused WHO IS WHO in OZONE (1997)
Medal Mente et Manu (TTÜ, 1996)
Publ.biograafia "2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century"
Eesti Teaduspreemia tehnikateaduste alal (2001)
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise Osooni Assotsiatsiooni(IOA) Nõukogu liige (alates 1998)
Ajakirjade "Ozone: Sci.and Eng." ja "Khimija i tehnologija vodõ"
toimetuskolleegiumi liige
Läänemere Ülikooli Direktooriumi liige (alates 1991)
Rahvusvaheliste Osooni konverentside/kongresside Orgkomitee liige
(alates 1991)
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Anna Goi, DSc, 2005, juh. Rein Munter, Marina Trapido. "Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Purification and Soil Remediation". TTÜ

Meelika Nõmme, MSc, 2005, juh. Rein Munter. "Legislations and requirements applied to chemical substances in the EU and other world trade markets. Registration of chemical substances". TTÜ

Karin Reinhold, MSc, 2003, juh. Rein Munter. "Risk of labour environment and chemical risk". TTÜ

Krista Jansen, MSc, 2003, juh. Rein Munter. "Environmental audit of the Baltic Sea". TTÜ

Ilona Honga, MSc, 2001, juh. Rein Munter. "Analysis of pesticides in food products by multimethod". TTÜ

Kairi Ruukholm, MSc, 2000, juh. Rein Munter. "Using of the moving bed systems for the biologically treated and clarified water deammonification". TTÜ

Valli Riipulk, MSc, 1998, juh. Rein Munter. "Distribution of AOX in fish of the Baltic Sea". TTÜ

Sven Kamenev, MSc, 1992, juh. Enno Siirde, Rein Munter. "Ozonation of water/wastewater with organic pollutants". TTÜ

Sergei Preis, cand, 1988, juh. Rein Munter, Enno Siirde. "Water/wastewater ozonation in the reactor "tube-in-tube". TTÜ

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Vee/reovee kaasaegsed töötlusmeetodid, eriti aeratsioon, osoonimine ja täiustatud oksüdatsioon, kombineeritud meetodid
14.Jooksvad grandid Ei oma

Munter R., Ojaste H., Sutt J. Complexed iron and groundwater treatment technology. Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2005.54(3).pp.142-153.

Munter R.,Ojaste H., Sutt J. Complexed iron removal from groundwater.Jour.of Environ.Eng.2005.131(7).pp.1014-1021.

Munter R., Trapido M., Veressinina Y. Oxidative decomposition of benzoic acid in the presence of metal ionic catalysts.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2005.54(1).pp.16-23.

Trapido M.,Veressinina Y., Munter R., Kallas J. Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzene. Ozone.Sci.and Eng.2005.27(4).pp.

Munter R. Mathematical modeling and simulation of ozonation processes in a downstream static mixer with sieve plates. Ozone:Sci.and Eng.2004.26(2).pp.227-236.

Kamenev I.,Munter R., Pikkov L.,Kekisheva L. Wastewater treatment in oil shale chemical industry.Oil Shale.2003.20(4).pp.443-459.

Munter R.,Ojaste H.,Sutt J. A new aeration & filtration technology for groundwater treatment.Proc.of 3rd Internat.Conf.on Oxidation Technologies for Water/Wastewater Treatment. Special topic: AOPs for recycling and reuse.CUTEC Serial Publ.Nr.57.2003.pp.316-321.ISBN 3-89720-655-2.

Munter R., Veressinina Y. A study on three phase ozonation.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2003.52(2).pp.83-90.

Trapido M.,Dello A.,Goi A.,Munter R. Degradation of nitroaromatics with the Fenton reagent. Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2003.52(1).pp.38-47

Trapido M., Goi A., Veressinina Y., Munter r. Application of catalysts for intensification of ozonation of some resistant compounds.Proc.of 3rd Internat.Conf.on Oxidation Technologies for Water/Wastewater Treatment. Special topic: AOPs for recycling and reuse.CUTEC Serial Publ.Nr.57.2003.pp.711-716..ISBN 3-89720-655-2.

Munter R., Preis S., Siirde E. Characterization of ozonation processes by compounds chemical oxygen demand.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2002.51(3).pp.139-147.

Munter R., Trapido M. Ozone - an environmentally friendly oxidant. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Special Issue nr.3.2002.pp.69-71

Trapido M.,Goi A., Munter R. Advanced oxidation and application for wastewater treatment and soil remediation.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.Special Issue nr.3.2002.pp.85-87.

Munter R. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - current status and prospects.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2001.50(2).pp.59-80

´Veressinina Y., Trapido M., Ahelik V., Munter R. Fluoride in drinking water:the problem and its possible solutions. Proc. of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2001.50(2).pp.81-88.

viimati muudetud: 10.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Rein
2.Surname Munter
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology, Dept.of Chemical Engineering
4.Position Head of Chair of Environmental and Chemical Technology
5.Date of birth 23.12.1936 (day.month.year)
6.Education Higher
7.Research and
professional experience
TTU, Chemical Faculty, chemical engineer (1960)
Inst.of Chemistry of Estonian Acad.of Science, engineer,researcher (1960-1962)
Assisstent at Chemical Eng.Dept of TTU (1965-1969)
Senior Lecturer (1969-1974)
Professor (1991...)
8.Academic degree Candidate of Techn.Sciences
Doctor of Technical Sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
TTU, 1968
Kiev Institute of Colloidal and Water Chemistry (1991)
10.Honours/awards WHO IS WHO in OZONE (1997)
Medal Mente et Manu (TTU, 1996)
Publ.biography "2000 Outstanding Scientists of the 21st Century"
National Science Award in Technical Sciences(2001)
Member of the Board of the International Ozone Association (IOA) (since 1998)
Member of the Editorial Board of the journals "Ozone:Sci.and Eng." and "Water Chemistry and Technology"
Member of the Directory of the Baltic University (since 1991)
Member of the Organizing Committees of International Ozone Conferences and Congresses (since 1991)
12.Supervised dissertations

Anna Goi, DSc, 2005, superv. Rein Munter, Marina Trapido. "Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water Purification and Soil Remediation". TTÜ

Meelika Nõmme, MSc, 2005, superv. Rein Munter. "Legislations and requirements applied to chemical substances in the EU and other world trade markets. Registration of chemical substances". TTÜ

Karin Reinhold, MSc, 2003, superv. Rein Munter. "Risk of labour environment and chemical risk". TTÜ

Krista Jansen, MSc, 2003, superv. Rein Munter. "Environmental audit of the Baltic Sea". TTÜ

Ilona Honga, MSc, 2001, superv. Rein Munter. "Analysis of pesticides in food products by multimethod". TTÜ

Kairi Ruukholm, MSc, 2000, superv. Rein Munter. "Using of the moving bed systems for the biologically treated and clarified water deammonification". TTÜ

Valli Riipulk, MSc, 1998, superv. Rein Munter. "Distribution of AOX in fish of the Baltic Sea". TTÜ

Sven Kamenev, MSc, 1992, superv. Enno Siirde, Rein Munter. "Ozonation of water/wastewater with organic pollutants". TTÜ

Sergei Preis, cand, 1988, superv. Rein Munter, Enno Siirde. "Water/wastewater ozonation in the reactor "tube-in-tube". TTÜ

13.Current research program Water/wastewater advanced treatment processes, especially, aeration, ozonation and advanced oxidation, combined treatment methods
14.Current grant funding No current grants
15.List of most important publications

Munter R., Ojaste H., Sutt J. Complexed iron and groundwater treatment technology. Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2005.54(3).pp.142-153.

Munter R.,Ojaste H., Sutt J. Complexed iron removal from groundwater.Jour.of Environ.Eng.2005.131(7).pp.1014-1021.

Munter R., Trapido M., Veressinina Y. Oxidative decomposition of benzoic acid in the presence of metal ionic catalysts.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2005.54(1).pp.16-23.

Trapido M.,Veressinina Y., Munter R., Kallas J. Catalytic ozonation of m-dinitrobenzene. Ozone.Sci.and Eng.2005.27(4).pp.

Munter R. Mathematical modeling and simulation of ozonation processes in a downstream static mixer with sieve plates. Ozone:Sci.and Eng.2004.26(2).pp.227-236.

Kamenev I.,Munter R., Pikkov L.,Kekisheva L. Wastewater treatment in oil shale chemical industry.Oil Shale.2003.20(4).pp.443-459.

Munter R.,Ojaste H.,Sutt J. A new aeration & filtration technology for groundwater treatment.Proc.of 3rd Internat.Conf.on Oxidation Technologies for Water/Wastewater Treatment. Special topic: AOPs for recycling and reuse.CUTEC Serial Publ.Nr.57.2003.pp.316-321.ISBN 3-89720-655-2.

Munter R., Veressinina Y. A study on three phase ozonation.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chem.2003.52(2).pp.83-90.

Trapido M.,Dello A.,Goi A.,Munter R. Degradation of nitroaromatics with the Fenton reagent. Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2003.52(1).pp.38-47

Trapido M., Goi A., Veressinina Y., Munter r. Application of catalysts for intensification of ozonation of some resistant compounds.Proc.of 3rd Internat.Conf.on Oxidation Technologies for Water/Wastewater Treatment. Special topic: AOPs for recycling and reuse.CUTEC Serial Publ.Nr.57.2003.pp.711-716..ISBN 3-89720-655-2.

Munter R., Preis S., Siirde E. Characterization of ozonation processes by compounds chemical oxygen demand.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2002.51(3).pp.139-147.

Munter R., Trapido M. Ozone - an environmentally friendly oxidant. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Special Issue nr.3.2002.pp.69-71

Trapido M.,Goi A., Munter R. Advanced oxidation and application for wastewater treatment and soil remediation.Environmental Science and Pollution Research.Special Issue nr.3.2002.pp.85-87.

Munter R. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) - current status and prospects.Proc.of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2001.50(2).pp.59-80

´Veressinina Y., Trapido M., Ahelik V., Munter R. Fluoride in drinking water:the problem and its possible solutions. Proc. of Estonian Acad.Sci.Chemistry.2001.50(2).pp.81-88.

last updated: 10.08.2005

[ sulge aken ]