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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Maido |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Remm |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | korraline professor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 11.07.1965 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikool 1983-1990, bioloogia-geograafia teaduskond, biokeemia eriala. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1990 - 1992 teadur, Eesti Biokeskus 1992 - 1997 doktorant, Tartu Ülikool 1997 – 1998 Postdoc, Uppsala University, Department of Molecular Biology 1999 – 2000 Postdoc, Karolinska Institute, Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics Research 2001 - ... Bioinformaatika grupi juht, Eesti Biokeskus 2003 - ...Bioinformaatika õppetooli korraline professor, TÜ MRI |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1997 |
10. | Tunnustused | EC DG Research projekti Genemill repatrieerumise grant |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
- Seminaride korraldamine TÜ MRIs alates aastast 1995 - Artiklite peer review läbiviimine ajakirjades Bioinformatics, HumanMutation, Trends in Biotechnology ja BioSilico alates aastast 1999 - 24 töökohaga Linux-põhise arvutiklassi loomine ja ühendamine Eesti GRIDiga - 7nda iga-aastase Põhjamaade Bioinformaatika konverentsi Bioinformatics2005 peakorraldaja (23 esinejat ja ca 200 osalejat, peamiselt välisriikidest). - Eesti esindaja Põhjamaade Bioinformaatika ühingu juhatuses. - Eesti HTM juures asuva Teaduskompetentsi nõukogu ekspertliige. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Reidar Andreson, MSc, 2005, juh. Maido Remm. Comparison of different in silico methods for improvement of PCR primer quality.. Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Praimerite ja mikrokiipide disain. Assotsiatsiooniuuringutega seotud arvutusmetoodika ja algoritmide arendamine. Ortoloogide detekteerimise meetodid eukarüootsetes genoomides. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | - Sihtfinantseerimisgrant (2004-2008). Inimese genoomi haplotüüpse struktuuri analüüs. - ETF grant (2005-2006). Konserveerunud järjestuselementide detekteerimine eukarüootsetes genoomides võrdleva genoomika abil. - EAS rakendusuuringu grant (2005-2007). DNA-DNA interaktsioonide modelleerimine. - EU CRAFT grant (2005-2007). Array-SBS: uudsete mikrokiibi tehnoloogiate arendamine resekveneeriseks. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Mägi R, Kaplinski L and Remm M (2006) The Whole Genome TagSNP Selection and Transferability Among HapMap Populations. Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing 2006, 535-543. Kaplinski L, Andreson R, Puurand T and Remm M (2005) MultiPLX: automatic grouping and evaluation of PCR primers. Bioinformatics, 21:1701-1702. Laan M, Wiebe V, Khusnutdinova E, Remm M, Pääbo S (2005) X-chromosome as a marker for population history: linkage disequilibrium and haplotype study in Eurasian populations. Eur. J Hum Gen 13: 452-462. Mueller JC, Lõhmussaar E, Mägi R, Remm M, Bettecken T, Lichtner P, Huber S, Illig T, Luedemann J, Schreiber S, Wichmann HE, Pramstaller P, Romeo G, Testa A, Metspalu A and Meitinger T (2005) Comparative analysis of linkage disequilibrium patterns and tagSNP transferability among European populations and HapMap CEPH trios. Am J Hum Genet 76: 387-398. O'Brien K, Remm M, Sonnhammer E (2005) Inparanoid: The eukaryotic ortholog database. Nucl. Acids Res. 2005 33: D476-D480. Remm M, Kurg A, Metspalu A (2003)PCR and arrayed primer extension (APEX) for genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype mapping. In PCR Technology: Current Innovations ed. HG. Griffin and A. Griffin, CRC Press Dawson E, Abecasis GR, Bumpstead S, Chen Y, Hunt S, Beare DM, Pabial J, Dibling T, Tinsley E, Kirby S, Carter D, Papaspyridonos M, Livingstone S, Ganske R, Lõhmussaar E, Zernant J, Tõnisson N, Remm M, Mägi R, Puurand T, Vilo J, Kurg A, Rice K, Deloukas P, Mott R, Metspalu A, Bentley DR, Cardon LR, Dunham I (2002)A first generation haplotype map of human chromosome 22. Nature, 418: 544-548 Remm M, Metspalu A (2002)High-density genotyping and linkage disequilibrium in the human genome using chromosome 22 as a model.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 6: 24-30 Remm M, Storm C, Sonnhammer E (2001)Automatic clustering of orthologs and in-paralogs from pairwise species comparisons. J Mol Biol 314: 1041-1052 Remm M, Sonnhammer E (2000) Classification of transmembrane protein families in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome and identification of human orthologs.Genome Res 10: 1679-1689 Remm M, Remm A, Ustav M (1999) Human papillomavirus type 18 E1 protein is translated from polycistronic mRNA by a discontinuous scanning mechanism.J Virol 73: 3062-3070 Plumpton M, Sharp NA, Liddicoat LH, Remm M, Tucker DO, Hughes FJ, Russell SM, Romanos MA (1995)A high capacity assay for inhibitors of human papillomavirus DNA replication.Biotechnology (NY) 13: 1210-1214 Remm M, Brain R, Jenkins JR (1992)The E2 binding sites determine the efficiency of replication for the origin of human papillomavirus type 18.Nucleic Acids Res 20: 6015-6021 Sturzbecher HW, Brain R, Addison C, Rudge K, Remm M, Grimaldi M, Keenan E, Jenkins JR (1992)A C-terminal alpha-helix plus basic region motif is the major structural determinant of p53 tetramerization.Oncogene 7: 1513-23 |
viimati muudetud: 26.01.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Maido |
2. | Surname | Remm |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu |
4. | Position | full professor |
5. | Date of birth | 11.07.1965 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | University of Tartu 1983-1990, Faculty of Biology and Geography, graduated as biochemist. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1990 - 1992 Research Scientist, Estonian Biocentre 1992 – 1997 Ph.D. Student, University of Tartu, ESTONIA 1997 – 1998 Postdoc training, Uppsala University, Department of Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics group, SWEDEN 1999 – 2000 Postdoc training, Karolinska Institute, Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics Research, SWEDEN 2001 - ... Bioinformatics Group Leader, Estonian Biocentre, ESTONIA 2003 - ... Professor, Head of the Chair of Bioinformatics, University of Tartu, Estonia |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1997 |
10. | Honours/awards | EC project Genemill repatriation grant |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
- Seminar organization since 1995 - Peer review of papers for journals Bioinformatics, Human Mutation, Trends in Biotechnology and BioSilico - Installation of Linux based computer class and joining it with the Estonian GRID project - Main organizer for the 7th annual Nordic Bioinformatics conference Bioinformatics2005 in Tartu (23 speakers, ca 200 participants, mostly from outside Estonia). - Representative of Estonia in board of Nordic Society of Bioinformatics. - Member of expert comission of Scientific Competence at Estonian Ministry of Education and Research. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Reidar Andreson, MSc, 2005, superv. Maido Remm. Comparison of different in silico methods for improvement of PCR primer quality.. Tartu |
13. | Current research program | Design of primers and oligos for microarrays. Method and algorithm development for large scale association studies. Ortholog detection methods for eukaryotic genomes. |
14. | Current grant funding | - Haplotype structure of the human genome - core grant from the Ministry of Education and Research - 2004 - 2008. - Grant from Estonian Science Foundation (2005-2006). Detection of conserved sequence motifs in eukaryotic genomes using comparative genomics approach. - Applied Research Grant from Enterprise Estonia (2005-2007). Modeling of DNA-DNA interactions. - EU CRAFT grant Array-SBS (2005-2007). Development of novel microarrays for resequencing. |
15. | List of most important publications |
Mägi R, Kaplinski L and Remm M (2006) The Whole Genome TagSNP Selection and Transferability Among HapMap Populations. Pacific Symposium of Biocomputing 2006, 535-543. Kaplinski L, Andreson R, Puurand T and Remm M (2005) MultiPLX: automatic grouping and evaluation of PCR primers. Bioinformatics, 21:1701-1702. Laan M, Wiebe V, Khusnutdinova E, Remm M, Pääbo S (2005) X-chromosome as a marker for population history: linkage disequilibrium and haplotype study in Eurasian populations. Eur. J Hum Gen 13: 452-462. Mueller JC, Lõhmussaar E, Mägi R, Remm M, Bettecken T, Lichtner P, Huber S, Illig T, Luedemann J, Schreiber S, Wichmann HE, Pramstaller P, Romeo G, Testa A, Metspalu A and Meitinger T (2005) Comparative analysis of linkage disequilibrium patterns and tagSNP transferability among European populations and HapMap CEPH trios. Am J Hum Genet 76: 387-398. O'Brien K, Remm M, Sonnhammer E (2005) Inparanoid: The eukaryotic ortholog database. Nucl. Acids Res. 2005 33: D476-D480. Remm M, Kurg A, Metspalu A (2003)PCR and arrayed primer extension (APEX) for genome-wide linkage disequilibrium (LD) and haplotype mapping. In PCR Technology: Current Innovations ed. HG. Griffin and A. Griffin, CRC Press Dawson E, Abecasis GR, Bumpstead S, Chen Y, Hunt S, Beare DM, Pabial J, Dibling T, Tinsley E, Kirby S, Carter D, Papaspyridonos M, Livingstone S, Ganske R, Lõhmussaar E, Zernant J, Tõnisson N, Remm M, Mägi R, Puurand T, Vilo J, Kurg A, Rice K, Deloukas P, Mott R, Metspalu A, Bentley DR, Cardon LR, Dunham I (2002)A first generation haplotype map of human chromosome 22. Nature, 418: 544-548 Remm M, Metspalu A (2002)High-density genotyping and linkage disequilibrium in the human genome using chromosome 22 as a model.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 6: 24-30 Remm M, Storm C, Sonnhammer E (2001)Automatic clustering of orthologs and in-paralogs from pairwise species comparisons. J Mol Biol 314: 1041-1052 Remm M, Sonnhammer E (2000) Classification of transmembrane protein families in the Caenorhabditis elegans genome and identification of human orthologs.Genome Res 10: 1679-1689 Remm M, Remm A, Ustav M (1999) Human papillomavirus type 18 E1 protein is translated from polycistronic mRNA by a discontinuous scanning mechanism.J Virol 73: 3062-3070 Plumpton M, Sharp NA, Liddicoat LH, Remm M, Tucker DO, Hughes FJ, Russell SM, Romanos MA (1995)A high capacity assay for inhibitors of human papillomavirus DNA replication.Biotechnology (NY) 13: 1210-1214 Remm M, Brain R, Jenkins JR (1992)The E2 binding sites determine the efficiency of replication for the origin of human papillomavirus type 18.Nucleic Acids Res 20: 6015-6021 Sturzbecher HW, Brain R, Addison C, Rudge K, Remm M, Grimaldi M, Keenan E, Jenkins JR (1992)A C-terminal alpha-helix plus basic region motif is the major structural determinant of p53 tetramerization.Oncogene 7: 1513-23 |
last updated: 26.01.2006
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