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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Marika
2.Perekonnanimi Eller
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Psühholoogia osakond
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 21.06.1961 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli keemiaosakond, bioorgaanilise keemia eriala, 1984
7.Teenistuskäik 1984-1989 - TÜ Ensümoloogia labori vanemlaborant;
1989-1991 - samas teadur;
1991-1993 - TÜ Bioorgaanilise keemia labori teadur; (paralleelselt tegin 1989-1994 mitmete stipendiumite toel teadustööd Uppsala Ülikooli Biokeemia Instituudis);
1993-1998 - TÜ Keemilise füüsika instituudi bioorgaanilise keemia teadur;
1999 - .. TÜ Psühholoogia osakonna psühhofüsioloogia teadur
8.Teaduskraad Bioloogiateaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1989
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ajukudedes ja mikrodialüsaatides sisalduvate monoamiinide ja nende metaboliitide määramismeetodite optimeerimine. Monoamiinide neurokeemia.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Alttoa, A.; Kõiv, K.; Eller, M.; Uustare, A.; Rinken, A. and Harro J. Effects of low dose N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine administration on exploratory and amphetamine-induced behavior and dopamine D2 receptor function in rats with high or low exploratory activity. Neuroscience 132(4), 2005, 979-990.

Häidkind, R.; Eller, M.; Kask, A.; Harro, M.; Rinken, A.; Oreland, L. ; Harro, J. Increased behavioural activity of rats in forced swimming test after partial denervation of serotonergic system by parachloroamphetamine treatment. Neurochemistry International 45, 2004, 721-732.

Mällo, T.; Berggard, C.; Eller, M.; Damberg, M.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Effect of long-term blockade of CRF1 receptors on exploratory behaviour, monoamines and transcription factor AP-2. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 77, 2004, 855-865.

Harro, J.; Terasmaa, A.; Eller, M.; Rinken, A. Effect of denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by DSP-4 treatment on [3H]-raclopride binding to dopamine D2 receptors and D2 receptor-G protein interaction in the rat striatum. Brain Res 976, 2003, 209-216.

Häidkind, R; Eller, M.; Harro, M.; Kask, A.; Rinken, A; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Effects of partial locus coeruleus denervation and chronic mild stress on behaviour and monoamine neurochemistry in the rat. European Neuropsychopharmacology 13(1), 2003, 19-28.

Eller, M.; Harro, J. Partial denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSP-4 potentiates the long-term effect of parachloroamphetamine on 5-HT metabolism in the rat. Neurosci. Lett 322, 2002, 53-56.

Häidkind, R.; Kivastik, T.; Eller, M.; Kolts, I.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSP-4 reduces dopamine release potential in the nucleus accumbens shell in concious rats. Neurosci. Lett. 332, 2002, 79-82.

Damberg, M.; Eller, M.; Tõnissaar, M.; Oreland, l.; Harro, J. Levels of transcription factors AP-2a and AP-2b in the brainstem are correlated to monoamine turnover in the rat forebrain. Neurosci Lett 313(1-2), 2001, 102-104.

Harro, J.; Tõnissaar, M.; Eller, M.; Kask, A.; Oreland, L. Chronic variable stress and partial 5-HT denervation by parachloroamphetamine treatment in the rat: effects on behavior and monoamine neurochemistry. Brain Res. 899, 2001, 227-239.

Harro, J.; Tõnissaar, M.; Eller, M. The effects of CRA 1000, a non-peptide antagonist of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1, on adaptive behaviour in the rat. Neuropeptides 35(2), 2001, 100-109.

Kask, A.; Eller, M.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Neuropeptide Y attenuates the effect of locus coeruleus denervation by DSP-4 treatment on social behaviour in the rat. Neuropeptides 34(1), 2000, 58-61.

Shchepetova, E., Eller, M.; Raidaru, G.; Ilomets, T. Analysis of dansyl derived amino acids of proteinaceous glues by high performance liquid chromatography. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem. 48(4), 1999, 156-162.

Järv, J., Sak, K., Eller, M., Ek, P., Engström, A. and Engström, L. Quantitative structure-Activity Relationships in the Protein Kinase C Reaction with Synthetic Peptides Derived from Myelin Basic Peptides. Bioorg. Chem. 24, 1996, 159-168.

Loog, M., Eller, M., Ekman, P., Engström, L., Eriksson, S., Järv, J., Ragnarsson U., Toomik, R. Comparison of Substrate Specificities of Protein Kinases A and C Based on Peptide Substrates. Bioorg. Chem. 22, 1994, 328-336.

Toomik, R., Eller, M., Ekman, P., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. D-amino acid residues as substrate specificity determinants for casein kinase II. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 200(3), 1994, 1564-1569.

Eller, M., Järv, J., Toomik, R., Ragnarsson, U., Ekman, P., Engström, L. Substrate specificity of protein kinase C studied with peptides containing D-amino acid residues. J. Biochem. 114, 1993, 177-180.

Toomik, R., Ekman, P., Eller, M., Järv, J., Zaitsev, D., Myasoedov, N., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. Protein kinase assay using tritiated peptide substrates and ferric adsorbent paper for phosphopeptide binding. Anal. Biochem. 209, 1993, 348-353.

Ekman, P., Eller, M., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. Two methods to avoid the effect of endogenous protein inhibitors during the assay of protein kinase C activity in tissue extracts. Prep. Biochem. 22(2), 1992, 165-175.

Eller, M., Järv, J., Toomik, R., Ragnarsson, U., Ekman, P., Engström, L. Peptide fragments of myelin basic protein as substrates of protein kinase C. Biochem. Int. 27(4), 1992, 625-631.

Eller, M., Zaitsev, D., Fransson, B., Järv, J., Myasoedov, N.F., Ragnarsson, U. Serine decomposition in solid-state catalytic isotope exchange of a peptide. Bioorg. Chem. 20, 1992, 245-250.

Eller, M., Sepp, A., Toomik, R., Ekman, P., Järv, J., Ragnarsson, U., Engstrom, L. Studies on the substrate specificity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase using diastereomeric peptides. Biochem. Int. 25(3), 1991, 453-460.

Eller, M., Järv, J. Kinetics of N-methylscopolamine interaction with muscarinic receptor from rat cerebral cortex. Neurochem. Int. 15(3), 1989, 301-305.

Eller, M., Järv, J. Two-step isomerization of quinuclidinyl benzilate - muscarinic receptor complex. Neurochem. Int. 12(3), 1988, 285-289.

Järv, J., Eller, M. Kinetic aspects of quinuclidinyl benzilate interaction with muscarinic receptor. Neurochem. Int. 13(4), 1988, 419-428.

Toomik, R., Eller, M., Järv, J. Interaction of choline esterases with affinity sorbents based on phenylenediamine derivatives. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Chemistry 37, 1988, 30-36.

Eller, M., Kõiv, A., Langel, Ü., Rinken, A., Tähepõld, L. and Järv, J. Quinuclidine benzilate can't be used as a ligand in equilibrium binding studies with muscarinic receptor. Neirokhimiya 6, 1987, 605-609. (in russian)

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Marika
2.Surname Eller
3.Institution University of Tartu, Department of Psychology
4.Position research fellow
5.Date of birth 21.06.1961 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, Department of Chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, 1984
7.Research and
professional experience
1984-1989 University of Tartu, laboratory of Enzymology, senior laboratory assistant;
1989-1991 research fellow in the same laboratory;
1991-1993 University of Tartu, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, researche fellow; (in paralllel, 1989-1994 I received, several scholarships for research at the Institute of Biochemistry of University of Uppsala);
1993-1998 University of Tartu, Institute of Chemical Physics, research fellow of bioorganic chemistry;
1999- .. University of Tartu, Department of Psychology, research fellow of psychophysiology
8.Academic degree Candidate of biological sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1989
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Optimisation of assay methods of monoamines and their metabolites in tissues and microdialysates. Neurochemistry of monoamines.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Alttoa, A.; Kõiv, K.; Eller, M.; Uustare, A.; Rinken, A. and Harro J. Effects of low dose N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine administration on exploratory and amphetamine-induced behavior and dopamine D2 receptor function in rats with high or low exploratory activity. Neuroscience 132(4), 2005, 979-990.

Häidkind, R.; Eller, M.; Kask, A.; Harro, M.; Rinken, A.; Oreland, L. ; Harro, J. Increased behavioural activity of rats in forced swimming test after partial denervation of serotonergic system by parachloroamphetamine treatment. Neurochemistry International 45, 2004, 721-732.

Mällo, T.; Berggard, C.; Eller, M.; Damberg, M.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Effect of long-term blockade of CRF1 receptors on exploratory behaviour, monoamines and transcription factor AP-2. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 77, 2004, 855-865.

Harro, J.; Terasmaa, A.; Eller, M.; Rinken, A. Effect of denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by DSP-4 treatment on [3H]-raclopride binding to dopamine D2 receptors and D2 receptor-G protein interaction in the rat striatum. Brain Res 976, 2003, 209-216.

Häidkind, R; Eller, M.; Harro, M.; Kask, A.; Rinken, A; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Effects of partial locus coeruleus denervation and chronic mild stress on behaviour and monoamine neurochemistry in the rat. European Neuropsychopharmacology 13(1), 2003, 19-28.

Eller, M.; Harro, J. Partial denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSP-4 potentiates the long-term effect of parachloroamphetamine on 5-HT metabolism in the rat. Neurosci. Lett 322, 2002, 53-56.

Häidkind, R.; Kivastik, T.; Eller, M.; Kolts, I.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Denervation of the locus coeruleus projections by treatment with the selective neurotoxin DSP-4 reduces dopamine release potential in the nucleus accumbens shell in concious rats. Neurosci. Lett. 332, 2002, 79-82.

Damberg, M.; Eller, M.; Tõnissaar, M.; Oreland, l.; Harro, J. Levels of transcription factors AP-2a and AP-2b in the brainstem are correlated to monoamine turnover in the rat forebrain. Neurosci Lett 313(1-2), 2001, 102-104.

Harro, J.; Tõnissaar, M.; Eller, M.; Kask, A.; Oreland, L. Chronic variable stress and partial 5-HT denervation by parachloroamphetamine treatment in the rat: effects on behavior and monoamine neurochemistry. Brain Res. 899, 2001, 227-239.

Harro, J.; Tõnissaar, M.; Eller, M. The effects of CRA 1000, a non-peptide antagonist of corticotropin-releasing factor receptor type 1, on adaptive behaviour in the rat. Neuropeptides 35(2), 2001, 100-109.

Kask, A.; Eller, M.; Oreland, L.; Harro, J. Neuropeptide Y attenuates the effect of locus coeruleus denervation by DSP-4 treatment on social behaviour in the rat. Neuropeptides 34(1), 2000, 58-61.

Shchepetova, E., Eller, M.; Raidaru, G.; Ilomets, T. Analysis of dansyl derived amino acids of proteinaceous glues by high performance liquid chromatography. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Chem. 48(4), 1999, 156-162.

Järv, J., Sak, K., Eller, M., Ek, P., Engström, A. and Engström, L. Quantitative structure-Activity Relationships in the Protein Kinase C Reaction with Synthetic Peptides Derived from Myelin Basic Peptides. Bioorg. Chem. 24, 1996, 159-168.

Loog, M., Eller, M., Ekman, P., Engström, L., Eriksson, S., Järv, J., Ragnarsson U., Toomik, R. Comparison of Substrate Specificities of Protein Kinases A and C Based on Peptide Substrates. Bioorg. Chem. 22, 1994, 328-336.

Toomik, R., Eller, M., Ekman, P., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. D-amino acid residues as substrate specificity determinants for casein kinase II. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 200(3), 1994, 1564-1569.

Eller, M., Järv, J., Toomik, R., Ragnarsson, U., Ekman, P., Engström, L. Substrate specificity of protein kinase C studied with peptides containing D-amino acid residues. J. Biochem. 114, 1993, 177-180.

Toomik, R., Ekman, P., Eller, M., Järv, J., Zaitsev, D., Myasoedov, N., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. Protein kinase assay using tritiated peptide substrates and ferric adsorbent paper for phosphopeptide binding. Anal. Biochem. 209, 1993, 348-353.

Ekman, P., Eller, M., Ragnarsson, U., Engström, L. Two methods to avoid the effect of endogenous protein inhibitors during the assay of protein kinase C activity in tissue extracts. Prep. Biochem. 22(2), 1992, 165-175.

Eller, M., Järv, J., Toomik, R., Ragnarsson, U., Ekman, P., Engström, L. Peptide fragments of myelin basic protein as substrates of protein kinase C. Biochem. Int. 27(4), 1992, 625-631.

Eller, M., Zaitsev, D., Fransson, B., Järv, J., Myasoedov, N.F., Ragnarsson, U. Serine decomposition in solid-state catalytic isotope exchange of a peptide. Bioorg. Chem. 20, 1992, 245-250.

Eller, M., Sepp, A., Toomik, R., Ekman, P., Järv, J., Ragnarsson, U., Engstrom, L. Studies on the substrate specificity of cAMP-dependent protein kinase using diastereomeric peptides. Biochem. Int. 25(3), 1991, 453-460.

Eller, M., Järv, J. Kinetics of N-methylscopolamine interaction with muscarinic receptor from rat cerebral cortex. Neurochem. Int. 15(3), 1989, 301-305.

Eller, M., Järv, J. Two-step isomerization of quinuclidinyl benzilate - muscarinic receptor complex. Neurochem. Int. 12(3), 1988, 285-289.

Järv, J., Eller, M. Kinetic aspects of quinuclidinyl benzilate interaction with muscarinic receptor. Neurochem. Int. 13(4), 1988, 419-428.

Toomik, R., Eller, M., Järv, J. Interaction of choline esterases with affinity sorbents based on phenylenediamine derivatives. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Chemistry 37, 1988, 30-36.

Eller, M., Kõiv, A., Langel, Ü., Rinken, A., Tähepõld, L. and Järv, J. Quinuclidine benzilate can't be used as a ligand in equilibrium binding studies with muscarinic receptor. Neirokhimiya 6, 1987, 605-609. (in russian)

last updated: 10.10.2005

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