[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Rein
2.Perekonnanimi Kuusik
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, Anorgaaniliste materjalide teaduslabor
4.Ametikoht Juhtivteadur, laboratooriumi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 19.10.1941 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, 1964
7.Teenistuskäik Tallinna Tehnikaülikool:
2005 - juhtivteadur alates 01.09.05
2004- anorgaaniliste materjalide teaduslabori juhataja
1997- vanemteadur;
2000 - 2000 TTÜ Põlevkivi Instuudi dir. kt.;
1992-1997 - TTÜ keemiainstituudi direktor, vanemteadur ;
1991-1992 - anorgaanilise tehnoloogia teaduslabori juhataja;
1986-1990 - mineraalväetiste teaduslabori juhataja;
1981-1986 - teadusliku uurimise sektori osakonnajuhataja;
1975 - vanemteadur mineraalväetiste teaduslaboris;
1965-1980 - min.väetiste ja -söötade probleemlabori juhataja;
1965 - insener protsesside ja aparaatide kateedris
8.Teaduskraad tehnikakandidaat, vanemteaduri kutse
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Valgevene Keemilise Tehnoloogia Instituut, 1971
10.Tunnustused 2001, 1996,1993, 1991 - TTÜ tänukirjad;
1991 - Eesti Vabariigi Haridusministeeeriumi aukiri;
TTÜ teenetemedal “Mente et manu”;
1982 - kolmas auhind Mend. Nimelise Keemiaseltsi konkursilt;
1975 - Nõukogude Eesti Preemia, autorite kollektiivi liige
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Teadlaste Liidu volikogu liige, 2001-2005;
Eesti Keemia Seltsi juhatuse liige kuni 2004;
TTÜ keemia- ja keemiatehnika instituudi ning keemiateaduskonna nõukogu liige.
USA-EST põlevkivialaste ühisuuringute programm(alateema koordinaator, 2001-2003);
ühisprogramm Bulgaaria TA-ga (juht, 2001-2003);
programmi "Nordic CO2 Sequestraton" juht- ja teaduskomitee liige (2003-2006),
teaduskonverentside orgkomiteede liige - 1997 (Eesti Keemia Päevad), 1989 (IX International Conference on Phosphorus Chemistry), erialakonverentsid NL aegadest.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Mai Uibu, MSc, 2004, juh. Rein Kuusik. CO2 mineraliseerimine põlevkivienergeetikas. TTÜ, Tallinn

Andres Trikkel,, DSc, 2001, juh. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. Estonian calcareous rocks and oil shale ash as sorbents for SO2. TTÜ, Tallinn

Andres Trikkel, MSc, 1992, juh. Rein Kuusik. CaS saamine fosfogipsist. TTÜ, Tallinn

Anu Kuusk, cand, 1983, juh. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. High temperature treatment of phosphogypsum for obtaining sulphur dioxide and lime. Moskva

Helgi Veskimäe, cand, 1979, juh. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. Fosforiitide kaltsineerimine ja produktide happeline töötlemine. Minsk

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Loodusliku mineraaltoorme koostise, omaduste ning töötlemismeetodite uurimine; reaktsioonid anorgaanilistes mitmekomponentsetes süsteemides; keskkonnakeemia: keemia- ja energeetikatööstuse tahkete ning gaasiliste heitmete vähendamine ja utiliseerimine; termilised protsessid, keevkihitehnika.
14.Jooksvad grandid Grant 6195 "Ringlevas keevkihis tekkivad põlevkivituhad happeliste gaaside sorbendina" (2005-2007, täitja).
Grant 5606 "Kloori- ja väävliühendite koosmõju Eesti põlevkivi, tema poolkoksi ning nende baasil saadavate kütusesegude termooksüdatsioonil" (2003-2005, täitja).

Kaljuvee T., Trikkel A., Kuusik R., Bender V. The role of MgO in the binding of SO2 by lime-containing materials//J. Therm.Anal. Cal. 2005, Vol.80.P.591-597.

Kavaliauskaite, I., Uibu, M., Teir, S., Kuusik, R., Zevenhoven, R., Denafas, G. Carbon dioxide long-term emissions and its storage options in the Baltic Region // Ecosystems and Sustanaible Development V /Editors: E. Tiezzi, C.A. Brebbia, S.E. Jorgensen, D.Almorsa Domar; WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Vol. 81. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2005. P. 439-448. ISBN 1-84564-013-6, ISSN 1746-448X (print), ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line) (ECOSUD 2005: Proc. V Int.Conf. on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. Cadiz, Spain, 3-5 May 2005).

R.Kuusik, M.Uibu, K.Kirsimäe. Composition and physical-chemical characterisation of oil shale ashesformed at industrial-scale boilers with CFBC//Oil Shale. 2005. In press.

R. Kuusik, M. Uibu, M. Toom, M-L. Muulmann, T.Kaljuvee, A. Trikkel. Sulphation and carbonization of oil shale CFBC ashes in heterogeneous systems//Oil Shale. 2005/ In press.

Denafas, G., Sitnikovas, D., Galinis, A., Kudrenickis, I., Klavs, G., & Kuusik, R. (2004). Predicting CO2 and SO2 emissions in the Baltic States through reorganization of energy infrastructure. Environment International, 30(8), 1045-1053.

Kuusik, R., Martins, A., Pihu, T., Pesur, A., Kaljuvee, T., Prikk, A., Trikkel, A., Arro, H. Fluidised bed combustion of oil shale retorting solid waste // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21, No. 3. P. 237-248.

Kuusik, R., Paat, A., Veskimäe, H., Uibu, M. Transformations in oil shale ash at wet deposition // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21. No1. P. 27-42.

Trikkel, A., Kuusik, R., Maljukova, N. Distribution of organic and inorganic ingredients in Estonian oil shale semicoke // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21, No. 3. P. 227-236.

Kaljuvee, T., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A., & Maljukova, N. (2003). Behavior of sulphur compounds at combustion of oil shale semicoke. // Oil Shale, 20(2), 113-125

Kaljuvee, T., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. SO2 binding into the solid phase during thermooxidation of blends [based on] Estonian oil shale semicoke // J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 2003. Vol. 72. P. 393-404;

Trikkel, A., & Kuusik, R. (2003). Modeling of Decomposition and Sulphation of Oil Shale Carbonates on the Basis of Natural Limestone. Oil Shale, 20(4), 491-500.

Kuusik, R., Türn, L., Trikkel, A., & Uibu, M. (2002). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed at Combustion of Oil Shale. 2. Interactions of System Components Thermodynamic Analysis. Oil Shale, 19(2), 143-160.

Kuusik, R., Veskimäe, H., & Uibu, M. (2002). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed at Combustion of Oil Shale - 3. Transformations in the System Suspension of Ash-Flue Gases. Oil Shale, 19(3), 277-288.

Kaljuvee, T., Trikkel, A., & Kuusik, R. (2001). Decarbonization of Natural Lime-Containing Materials and Reactivity of Calcined Products Towards So2 and Co2. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 64(3), 1229-1240.

Kuusik, R., Veskimäe, H., Kaljuvee, T., & Parts, O. (2001). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed by Combustion of Oil Shale - 1. Carbon Dioxide Binding at Oil Shale Ash Deposits. Oil Shale, 18(2), 109-122.

Patent EE 03154 B1 (Eesti Vabariik). Meetod alumiinium- ja raudsulfaate sisaldava veepuhastuskoagulandi saamiseks ning glaukoniidi kasutamine selle toormena / Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Leiutise autorid Rein Kuusik, Ludmilla Viisimaa. Patenditaotlus 21.06.1996, No P 9600037, patent kehtib alates 21.06.1996, patendikirjeldus avaldatud 15.02.1999. Int. Cl C 01 F 7/74, C 01 G 49/14, C 02 F 1/52.

Патент 1805626 (Российская Федерация). Способ термической переработки фосфогипса / Таллинский технический университет. Авт. изобрет. Р.О. Куусик, А.И. Триккель. Заявл. 30.01.1991. № 4906272/26. Действует с 12.10.1993. МКИ С 01 В 17/50.

viimati muudetud: 27.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Rein
2.Surname Kuusik
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials
4.Position Leading Research Scientist, Head of Laboratory
5.Date of birth 19.10.1941 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tallinn Technical University, 1964
7.Research and
professional experience
Tallinn University of Technology (TUT):
2005 – leading research scientist
2004 – head of the Laboratory of Inorganic Materials
2002-2002 – vice director of the Institute of Oil Shale
1997 - senior researcher
1992-1997 - director of department of chemistry, sen. res. scientist 1991-1992 - head of the laboratory of inorganic chemistry
1986-1990 - head of the laboratory of mineral fertilizers
1981-1986 - head of department of research center of TTU
1975 – senior researcher
1965-1980 - head of the research lab. of mineral fertilizers
1965 - engineer, chair of chemical engineering
8.Academic degree Cand.Eng.(PhD.),
profession of the senior researcher
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Minsk Institute of Chemical Technology, 1971
The Higher Certification Center of USSR
10.Honours/awards 1996, 1993, 1991, 2001 - honour sertificates of TUT;
1996 – member of New York Academy of Sciences;
1991 - honour sertificate of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Estonia, the medal of merits of TUT “Mente et manu”;
1982 - the third award from competition of scientific projects, Mend. Chem. Society, SU, Moscow;
1975 - Prize of Soviet Estonia in the field of technical sciences
Member of the Council of the Union of Estonian Scientists, of the board of Estonian Chemical Society, of the boards of faculty of Chemistry, Institutes of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of TUT;
Task coordinator of the US – Estonia Oil Shale Research Program (2002-2003), co-operative program with Bulgarian Academy of Science (2002-2004 );
Member of Steering Commitee and Scientific Board of the program "Nordic CO2 Sequestration"(2002-2006);
member of organizing committee of several international scientific conferences.
12.Supervised dissertations

Mai Uibu, MSc, 2004, superv. Rein Kuusik. CO2 mineraliseerimine põlevkivienergeetikas. TTÜ, Tallinn

Andres Trikkel,, DSc, 2001, superv. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. Estonian calcareous rocks and oil shale ash as sorbents for SO2. TTÜ, Tallinn

Andres Trikkel, MSc, 1992, superv. Rein Kuusik. CaS saamine fosfogipsist. TTÜ, Tallinn

Anu Kuusk, cand, 1983, superv. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. High temperature treatment of phosphogypsum for obtaining sulphur dioxide and lime. Moskva

Helgi Veskimäe, cand, 1979, superv. Rein Kuusik, Mihkel Veiderma. Fosforiitide kaltsineerimine ja produktide happeline töötlemine. Minsk

13.Current research program Main fields: - investigation of the composition, properties and treatment methods of (natural)mineral raw materials and solid fuels; thermal processes, fluidized bed technique;- transformations in the inorganic multicomponent systems; - environmental chemistry: utilization and diminishing of solid and gaseous wastes of chemical and power industry.
14.Current grant funding Grant 6195 "CFBC Ashes as Sorbents for Acidic Gases" (2005-2007).
Grant 5606 "Interactions of chlorine and sulphur compounds at thermooxidation of Estonian oil shale, its semicoke and fuel blends based on them" (2003-2005).
15.List of most important publications

Kaljuvee T., Trikkel A., Kuusik R., Bender V. The role of MgO in the binding of SO2 by lime-containing materials//J. Therm.Anal. Cal. 2005, Vol.80.P.591-597.

Kavaliauskaite, I., Uibu, M., Teir, S., Kuusik, R., Zevenhoven, R., Denafas, G. Carbon dioxide long-term emissions and its storage options in the Baltic Region // Ecosystems and Sustanaible Development V /Editors: E. Tiezzi, C.A. Brebbia, S.E. Jorgensen, D.Almorsa Domar; WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. Vol. 81. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, 2005. P. 439-448. ISBN 1-84564-013-6, ISSN 1746-448X (print), ISSN 1743-3541 (on-line) (ECOSUD 2005: Proc. V Int.Conf. on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development. Cadiz, Spain, 3-5 May 2005).

R.Kuusik, M.Uibu, K.Kirsimäe. Composition and physical-chemical characterisation of oil shale ashesformed at industrial-scale boilers with CFBC//Oil Shale. 2005. In press.

R. Kuusik, M. Uibu, M. Toom, M-L. Muulmann, T.Kaljuvee, A. Trikkel. Sulphation and carbonization of oil shale CFBC ashes in heterogeneous systems//Oil Shale. 2005/ In press.

Denafas, G., Sitnikovas, D., Galinis, A., Kudrenickis, I., Klavs, G., & Kuusik, R. (2004). Predicting CO2 and SO2 emissions in the Baltic States through reorganization of energy infrastructure. Environment International, 30(8), 1045-1053.

Kuusik, R., Martins, A., Pihu, T., Pesur, A., Kaljuvee, T., Prikk, A., Trikkel, A., Arro, H. Fluidised bed combustion of oil shale retorting solid waste // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21, No. 3. P. 237-248.

Kuusik, R., Paat, A., Veskimäe, H., Uibu, M. Transformations in oil shale ash at wet deposition // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21. No1. P. 27-42.

Trikkel, A., Kuusik, R., Maljukova, N. Distribution of organic and inorganic ingredients in Estonian oil shale semicoke // Oil Shale. 2004. Vol. 21, No. 3. P. 227-236.

Kaljuvee, T., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A., & Maljukova, N. (2003). Behavior of sulphur compounds at combustion of oil shale semicoke. // Oil Shale, 20(2), 113-125

Kaljuvee, T., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. SO2 binding into the solid phase during thermooxidation of blends [based on] Estonian oil shale semicoke // J. Therm. Anal. Cal. 2003. Vol. 72. P. 393-404;

Trikkel, A., & Kuusik, R. (2003). Modeling of Decomposition and Sulphation of Oil Shale Carbonates on the Basis of Natural Limestone. Oil Shale, 20(4), 491-500.

Kuusik, R., Türn, L., Trikkel, A., & Uibu, M. (2002). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed at Combustion of Oil Shale. 2. Interactions of System Components Thermodynamic Analysis. Oil Shale, 19(2), 143-160.

Kuusik, R., Veskimäe, H., & Uibu, M. (2002). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed at Combustion of Oil Shale - 3. Transformations in the System Suspension of Ash-Flue Gases. Oil Shale, 19(3), 277-288.

Kaljuvee, T., Trikkel, A., & Kuusik, R. (2001). Decarbonization of Natural Lime-Containing Materials and Reactivity of Calcined Products Towards So2 and Co2. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 64(3), 1229-1240.

Kuusik, R., Veskimäe, H., Kaljuvee, T., & Parts, O. (2001). Carbon Dioxide Binding in the Heterogeneous Systems Formed by Combustion of Oil Shale - 1. Carbon Dioxide Binding at Oil Shale Ash Deposits. Oil Shale, 18(2), 109-122.

Patent EE 03154 B1 (Eesti Vabariik). Meetod alumiinium- ja raudsulfaate sisaldava veepuhastuskoagulandi saamiseks ning glaukoniidi kasutamine selle toormena / Tallinna Tehnikaülikool. Leiutise autorid Rein Kuusik, Ludmilla Viisimaa. Patenditaotlus 21.06.1996, No P 9600037, patent kehtib alates 21.06.1996, patendikirjeldus avaldatud 15.02.1999. Int. Cl C 01 F 7/74, C 01 G 49/14, C 02 F 1/52.

Патент 1805626 (Российская Федерация). Способ термической переработки фосфогипса / Таллинский технический университет. Авт. изобрет. Р.О. Куусик, А.И. Триккель. Заявл. 30.01.1991. № 4906272/26. Действует с 12.10.1993. МКИ С 01 В 17/50.

last updated: 27.09.2005

[ sulge aken ]