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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Helgi
2.Perekonnanimi Arst
3.Töökoht Eesti Mereinstituut, Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht erakorraline vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 23.12.1931 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Tartu Ülikool (diplomijärgne eriala on geofüüsika)
7.Teenistuskäik 1955-1957 - Nõo Keskkool, füüsika ja matemaatika õpetaja
1957-1960 - Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituut, aspirant
1960-1963 - Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituut, teadur
1963-1973 - Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituut, vanemteadur
1973-1975 - Astrofüüsika ja Atmosfäärifüüsika Instituut, vanemteadur
1975-1987 - Termofüüsika ja Elektrofüüsika Instituut, vanemteadur
1987-1990 - Termofüüsika ja Elektrofüüsika Instituut, mereoptika sektori juhataja
1990-1992 - Ökoloogia ja Mereuuringute Instituut, kaugseire sektori juhataja
1992-2002 - Eesti Mereinstituutvanemteadur, vanemteadur
2002- 2004 - TTÜ Meresüsteemide Instituut, erakorraline vanemteadur
2004 - - TÜ Eesti Mereinstituut, erakorraline vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad 1) füüsika-matemaatika kandidaat
2) geofüüsika doktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1) Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1962
2) Tartu Ülikool, 1991
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi 2004.a. teaduspreemia laureaat (geo-ja bioteadused)
ja –administratiivne
1) Eesti Teaduskompetentsi Nõukogu geoteaduste ekspertgrupi liige
2) Soome-Eesti ühisprojekti "Estuaar" (2005-2007)Eesti-poolne koordinaator
3) BONUS (Baltic Sea Science-Network of Funding Agencies) ekspertide grupi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Liis Sipelgas, MSc, 2002, juh. Helgi Arst. Variation of bio-optical characteristics in different type of water bodies in Baltic Sea region. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool

Anu Reinart, PhD, 2000, juh. Helgi Arst. Undewater light field characteristics in different types of Estonian and Finnish lakes. Tartu Ülikool

Tiit Kutser, PhD, 1997, juh. Helgi Arst. Estimation of the water quality in turbid inland and coastal waters by passive optical remote sensing. Tartu Ülikool

Anu Reinart, MSc, 1995, juh. Helgi Arst. Solar radiation as a characteristic of lake properties. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Veekogude optika, passiivne optiline kaugsondeerimine, veealune valgusrežiim, looduslike vete bio-optiline modelleerimine.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant 5594, (2003-2006) "Veealuse kiirgusrežiimi ja primaarproduktsiooni määramine Eesti järvedes poolempiiriliste mudelite abil"

Arst H., Erm A., Kangro K., Nõges T. Nõges P. 2006. Comparison of spectral and broad-band models for computing photosynthetically absorbed radiation in turbid waters. Boreal Environmental Res. (accepted)

B.Paavel, H.Arst, A.Reinart, A.Herlevi 2005. Model calculations of diffuse attenuation coefficient spectra in lake waters. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biology, Ecology (accepted).

Reinart A., Arst H., Pierson D., 2005. Optical properties and light climate in Lake Verevi. Hydrobiologia, 44, No 1, 41-49.

Arst H., Sipelgas L. 2004. In situ and satellite investigations of optical properties of the ice cover in the Baltic Sea region, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 53, 1 25-36.

Sipelgas L., Arst H., Raudsepp U., Kõuts T., Lindfors A. 2004. Optical properties of coastal waters of northwestern Estonia: in situ measurements. Boreal Environmental Res., 9, 447-456.

Arst H. 2003. Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Multicomponental Water Bodies. Springer, Praxis-Publishing, Chichester, U.K., 231 pp.

Leppäranta M., Reinart A., Erm A., Arst H., Hussainov M., Sipelgas L. 2003. Investigation of ice and water properties and under-ice light field in fresh and brackish water bodies. Nordic Hydrology, 34, 3, 245-266.

Reinart A., Herlevi A., Arst H., Sipelgas L. 2003. Preliminary optical classification of lakes and coastal waters in Estonia and south Finland. J. Sea Res., 49, 357-366.

Sipelgas L., Arst H., Kallio K., Erm A., Oja P., Soomere T., 2003 Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in Finnish and Estonian lakes, Nordic Hydrology, 34, 4, 361-386

Arst H., Erm A., Reinart A., Sipelgas L., Herlevi A., 2002. Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient II: Application of improved model to different types of lakes. Nordic Hydrology, 33, 2, 207-226.

Erm A., Arst H., Nõges P., Nõges T., Reinart A., Sipelgas L. 2002. Temporal variations in bio-optical properties of four North Estonian lakes in 1999-2000. Geophysica, 38, 1-2, 89-111.

A. Erm, H. Arst, T. Trei, A. Reinart, M. Hussainov, 2001. Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 2001, 6: 63-74.

A. Reinart, H. Arst, A. Erm, T. Trei, M. Hussainov, 2001. Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn II: Light climate in Lake Ülemiste. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6: 75-84.

T. Kutser, A. Herlevi, K. Kallio, H. Arst, 2001. A hyperspectral model for interpretation of passive optical remote sensing data. Science of Total Environment: Lake water Monitoring by Means of Remote Sensing, Elsevier 268 (2001) 47-58.

A. Reinart, H. Arst, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, 2000, Comparison of euphotic layer criteria in lakes. Geophysica, 36(1-2), 141-159.

H. Arst, A. Reinart, A. Erm, M. Hussainov, 2000. Influence of the depth-dependence of PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica 36(1-2), 129-139

A.Reinart, H. Arst, A. Blanco-Sequerios, A. Herlevi, 1998: Relation between underwater irradiance and quantum irradiance in dependence on water transparency at different depths in the water bodies, J. Geophys. Res., Ocean, 103, C4, 7749-7752

T. Kutser, H. Arst, S. Mäekivi, K. Kallaste, 1998: Estimation of the water quality of the Baltic Sea and some lakes in Estonia and Finland by passive optical remote sensing measurements on board a vessel, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 3, 53-66.

H. Arst, A. Herlevi, T. Lukk and S. Mäekivi. 1997: Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient. Limnol. Oceanogr., 42: 379-385

H. Arst, S. Mäekivi, T. Kutser, A. Reinart, A. Blanco-Sequeiros, J. Virta and P. Nõges, 1996: Investigation of different types of lakes in Estonia and Finland by optical methods. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 2, 187-198

T. Kutser, H. Arst, T. Miller, L. Käärmann, A. Milius, 1995: Telespectrometrical estimation of water transparency, chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations on Lake Peipsi. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 16, 3069-3085

viimati muudetud: 24.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Helgi
2.Surname Arst
3.Institution Estonian Marine Institute at the University of Tartu
4.Position senior researcher
5.Date of birth 23.12.1931 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher, University of Tartu (geophysics)
7.Research and
professional experience
1955-1957 - Nõo Secondary Scool, teacher of physics and mathematics
1957-1960 - Institute of Physics and Astronomy, post graduate student
1960-1963 - Institute of Physics and Astronomy, researcher
1963-1973 - Institute of Physics and Astronomy, senior researcher
1973-1975 - Institute of Astrophysics and Atmospheric Physics, senior researcher
1975-1987 - Institute of Thermophysics and Electrophysics, senior researcher
1987-1990 - Institute of Thermophysics and Electrophysics, head of the marine optics section .
1990-1992 - Institute of Ecology and Marine Research, head of the remote sensing section .
1992-2002 - Estonian Marine Institute, senior researcher
2002–2004 - TTU Marine Systems Institute, senior researcher
2004- - TU Estonian Marine Institute, senior researcher
8.Academic degree 1) Ph.D in phys.-math.
2) Dr.Sci in geophysics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1) University of Tartu, 1962
2) University of Tartu, 1991
10.Honours/awards State award of 2004 in geo- and biological sciences
1) Estonian Council of Scientific Competence,member of geosciences expert group
2) Estonian leader of the Estonian-Finnish joint investigation project “Estuaar”, 2005-2007
3) Member of the expert group BONUS
12.Supervised dissertations

Liis Sipelgas, MSc, 2002, superv. Helgi Arst. Variation of bio-optical characteristics in different type of water bodies in Baltic Sea region. Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool

Anu Reinart, PhD, 2000, superv. Helgi Arst. Undewater light field characteristics in different types of Estonian and Finnish lakes. Tartu Ülikool

Tiit Kutser, PhD, 1997, superv. Helgi Arst. Estimation of the water quality in turbid inland and coastal waters by passive optical remote sensing. Tartu Ülikool

Anu Reinart, MSc, 1995, superv. Helgi Arst. Solar radiation as a characteristic of lake properties. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Optics of the water bodies, passive optical remote sensing, underwater light regime, bio-optical modelling of natural waters
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation, Grant No 5594, (2003-2006) "Semi-empirical modelling of underwater light and primary production in Estonian lakes"
15.List of most important publications

Arst H., Erm A., Kangro K., Nõges T. Nõges P. 2006. Comparison of spectral and broad-band models for computing photosynthetically absorbed radiation in turbid waters. Boreal Environmental Res. (accepted)

B.Paavel, H.Arst, A.Reinart, A.Herlevi 2005. Model calculations of diffuse attenuation coefficient spectra in lake waters. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biology, Ecology (accepted).

Reinart A., Arst H., Pierson D., 2005. Optical properties and light climate in Lake Verevi. Hydrobiologia, 44, No 1, 41-49.

Arst H., Sipelgas L. 2004. In situ and satellite investigations of optical properties of the ice cover in the Baltic Sea region, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol. Ecol. 53, 1 25-36.

Sipelgas L., Arst H., Raudsepp U., Kõuts T., Lindfors A. 2004. Optical properties of coastal waters of northwestern Estonia: in situ measurements. Boreal Environmental Res., 9, 447-456.

Arst H. 2003. Optical Properties and Remote Sensing of Multicomponental Water Bodies. Springer, Praxis-Publishing, Chichester, U.K., 231 pp.

Leppäranta M., Reinart A., Erm A., Arst H., Hussainov M., Sipelgas L. 2003. Investigation of ice and water properties and under-ice light field in fresh and brackish water bodies. Nordic Hydrology, 34, 3, 245-266.

Reinart A., Herlevi A., Arst H., Sipelgas L. 2003. Preliminary optical classification of lakes and coastal waters in Estonia and south Finland. J. Sea Res., 49, 357-366.

Sipelgas L., Arst H., Kallio K., Erm A., Oja P., Soomere T., 2003 Optical properties of dissolved organic matter in Finnish and Estonian lakes, Nordic Hydrology, 34, 4, 361-386

Arst H., Erm A., Reinart A., Sipelgas L., Herlevi A., 2002. Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient II: Application of improved model to different types of lakes. Nordic Hydrology, 33, 2, 207-226.

Erm A., Arst H., Nõges P., Nõges T., Reinart A., Sipelgas L. 2002. Temporal variations in bio-optical properties of four North Estonian lakes in 1999-2000. Geophysica, 38, 1-2, 89-111.

A. Erm, H. Arst, T. Trei, A. Reinart, M. Hussainov, 2001. Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn I: Water transparency and optically active substances in the water, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management 2001, 6: 63-74.

A. Reinart, H. Arst, A. Erm, T. Trei, M. Hussainov, 2001. Optical and biological properties of Lake Ülemiste, a water reservoir of the city of Tallinn II: Light climate in Lake Ülemiste. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 6: 75-84.

T. Kutser, A. Herlevi, K. Kallio, H. Arst, 2001. A hyperspectral model for interpretation of passive optical remote sensing data. Science of Total Environment: Lake water Monitoring by Means of Remote Sensing, Elsevier 268 (2001) 47-58.

A. Reinart, H. Arst, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, 2000, Comparison of euphotic layer criteria in lakes. Geophysica, 36(1-2), 141-159.

H. Arst, A. Reinart, A. Erm, M. Hussainov, 2000. Influence of the depth-dependence of PAR region diffuse attenuation coefficient on the computation results of the downward irradiance in different type of water bodies. Geophysica 36(1-2), 129-139

A.Reinart, H. Arst, A. Blanco-Sequerios, A. Herlevi, 1998: Relation between underwater irradiance and quantum irradiance in dependence on water transparency at different depths in the water bodies, J. Geophys. Res., Ocean, 103, C4, 7749-7752

T. Kutser, H. Arst, S. Mäekivi, K. Kallaste, 1998: Estimation of the water quality of the Baltic Sea and some lakes in Estonia and Finland by passive optical remote sensing measurements on board a vessel, Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 3, 53-66.

H. Arst, A. Herlevi, T. Lukk and S. Mäekivi. 1997: Calculating irradiance penetration into water bodies from the measured beam attenuation coefficient. Limnol. Oceanogr., 42: 379-385

H. Arst, S. Mäekivi, T. Kutser, A. Reinart, A. Blanco-Sequeiros, J. Virta and P. Nõges, 1996: Investigation of different types of lakes in Estonia and Finland by optical methods. Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 2, 187-198

T. Kutser, H. Arst, T. Miller, L. Käärmann, A. Milius, 1995: Telespectrometrical estimation of water transparency, chlorophyll a and total phosphorus concentrations on Lake Peipsi. Int. J. Remote Sensing, 16, 3069-3085

last updated: 24.09.2005

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