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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ljudmilla |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Timofejeva |
3. | Töökoht | Geenitehnoloogia Instituut, Tallinna Tehnikaülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 11.10.1952 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Leningradi Riiklik Ülikool 1976; ETA Eksperimentaalbioloogia Instituudi aspirantuur 1985-1989; EMBO kursused "In situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes", Heidelberg 1994 RMS kursused "Flow Cytometry", York, Suurbritannia, September 2006 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1976-1977 ETA Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi protozooloogia sektori insener 1977-1978 ETA Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi protozooloogia sektori nooremteadur 1978-1982 ETA Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi taimegeneetika osakonna insener 1982-1990 ETA Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi taimegeneetika osakonna nooremteadur 1990-1999 EPMÜ Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi taimegeneetika osakonna teadur 1999-2004 EPMÜ Eksperimentaalbioloogia instituudi taimegeneetika osakonna vanemteadur 2005- TTÜ Geenitehnoloogia Instituudi vanemteadur 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 Koostöö Kalifornia Ülikoolis (Berklis) 2002-2003, 2004-2005 Koostöö Pennsylvania Ülokoolis |
8. | Teaduskraad | PhD |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1999 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Põhilised uurimissuunad haaravad a) meioosi geneetilise kontrolli võtmesündmusi: kromosoomide paardumist ja rekombinatsiooni; b) nende geenide identifitseerimist, mis põhjustavad pehme nisu resistentsust leheroostet ja jahukastet põhjustavate patogeenide tekitatud seenhaiguste suhtes. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 0371796s01 Teraviljade geneetilise potentsiaali suurendamine genoomi rekonstrueerimise teel. Grandihoidja Dr. K. Järve G6904 Arabidopsis'e RAD51 homoloogid ja nende interaktsioonid meioosis |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Golubovskaya I.N., Hamant O., Timofejeva L., Wang C.J., Braun D., Meeley R., Cande W.Z. Alleles of afd1 dissect REC8 functions during meiotic prophase I. J Cell Sci. 2006 Aug 15;119(Pt 16):3306-15. Jakobson I., Peusha H., Timofejeva L., Järve K. Adult plant and seedling resistance to powdery mildew in a Triticum aestivum x Triticum militinae hybrid line. Theor Appl Genet. 2006 Feb;112(4):760-9. Zhang W., Sun Y., Timofejeva L., Chen C., Grossniklaus U., Ma H. Regulation of Arabidopsis tapetum development and function by DYSFUNCTIONAL TAPETUM1 (DYT1) encoding a putative bHLH transcription factor. Development. 2006 Aug;133(16):3085-95. Zhao D., Yang X., Quan L., Timofejeva L., Rigel N.W., Ma H., Makaroff C.A. ASK1, a SKP1 homolog, is required for nuclear reorganization, presynaptic homolog juxtaposition and the proper distribution of cohesin during meiosis in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol. 2006 Sep;62(1-2):99-110. Wijeratne A.J., Chen C., Zhang W., Timofejeva L., Ma H. The Arabidopsis thaliana PARTING DANCERS gene encoding a novel protein is required for normal meiotic homologous recombination. Mol Biol Cell. 2006 Mar;17(3):1331-43. Yang X., Timofejeva L., Ma H., Makaroff C.A. The Arabidopsis SKP1 homolog ASK1 controls meiotic chromosome remodeling and release of chromatin from the nuclear membrane and nucleolus. J Cell Sci. 2006 Sep 15;119(Pt 18):3754-63. Chen C., Zhang W., Timofejeva L., Gerardin Y., and Ma H. 2005. The Arabidopsis ROCK-N-ROLLERS gene encodes a homolog of the yeast ATP-dependent DNA helicase MER3 and is required for normal meiotic crossover formation. Plant Physiol., 43: 321-334. Hamant O., Golubovskaya I., Meeley R., Fiume E., Timofejeva L., Schleiffer A., Nasmyth and Cande W.Z. A REC8-dependent plant shugoshin is required for maintenance of centromeric cohesion during meiosis and has no mitotic functions. 2005. Current Biology, 15: 948-954. Li, W., Yang X., Lin Z., Timofejeva L., Xiao R., Makaroff C.A., Ma H. 2005. The AtRAD51C gene is required for normal meiotic chromosome synapsis and double-stranded break repair in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 138: 965-976. Li W., Chen C., Markmann-Mulisch U., Timofejeva L., Schmelzer E., Ma H., and Reiss B. 2004. The Arabidopsis AtRAD51 gene is dispensable for vegetative development but required for meiosis. PNAS, 101, 10596-10601. Pawlowski W.P., Golubovskaya I.N., Timofejeva L., Meeley R.B., Sheridan W.F. and Cande W.Z. 2004. Coordination of Meiotic Recombination, Pairing, and Synapsis by PHS1. Science, 303, 89-92. Safitdinova A., Timofeyeva L., Zhurov V., Gaginskaya E. 2000. Highly repeated centromere sequence FCP from chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) genome is revealed within interchromosomal connectives. Tsitologia, 41, 581-586. Timofeyeva L. and Enno T. Synaptonemal complex formation in haploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and in wheat-rye hybrids with and without the Ph gene. 1999. Acta Agronom. Hungarica, 47 (4): 357-369 Enno T., Peusha H., Timofeyeva L., Tohver M., Yakobson, Priilinn O. 1998. Identification of chromosomal translocations in common wheat, derivative of Triticum timopheevii. Acta Agron. Hung., 46: 209-216. Timofeyeva L. 1992. Genetical control of chromosome pairing in polyploids (review). Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol., 41 (4): 169-182 (in russian) Timofeyeva L.P. and Golubovskaya I.N. 1991. A new type of desynaptic gene in maize revealed by the microspreading method of synaptonemal complexes. Tsytologiya, 33 (7): 3-8. (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P., Grebennikova Z.K., Gaft M.S. and Golubovskaya I.N. 1991. Ultrastructural features of synaptonemal complexes of maize in norm. Tsytologiya, 33 (6): 12-19 (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P. 1990. Homologous and homoeologous chromosome pairing. In: Cytogenetics of Cereals, Tallinn: 129-139. (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P., Kolomiyets O.L., Vorontsova N.I., Bogdanov Yu, F. 1988. An electron microscope study of the synaptonemal complex in common wheat. I. Initiation of synapsis. - Tsytologiya, 30 (4): 390-394. (in russian) Timofeyeva L. and Bogdanov Yu. 1982. The prospects of using electron microscopy of meiotic chromosomes for applied genetics. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol., 31 (4): 91-99.(in russian) |
viimati muudetud: 27.09.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ljudmilla |
2. | Surname | Timofejeva |
3. | Institution | Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology |
4. | Position | Senior Researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 11.10.1952 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Sankt-Petersburg University, 1976; EMBO Practical Course "In situ hybridization on metaphase chromosomes", Heidelberg, Germany, October 1994 RMS Flow Cytometry Course, York, UK, September 2006 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1976-1977 Technician, Department of Protozoa Zoology, IEB at the Estonian Acad. Sci. 1977-1978 Junior Research Scientist (the same institution) 1978-1982 Technician, Department of Plant Genetics, IEB, Estonian Acad. Sci. 1982-1990 Junior Research Scientist (the same institution) 1990-1999 Research Scientist, Department of Plant Genetics, IEB at the Estonian Agricultural University. 1999-2004 Senior Research Scientist (the same institution) 2004- Senior Researcher, Department of Gene Technology, Tallinn University of Technology 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2005 Visiting Research Specialist at the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley. 2002-2003, 2004-2005 Visiting Scholar at the Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, State College. |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, 1999 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Main research interests include: a) genetic control of key events of meiosis: chromosome pairing and recombination; b) identification of genes conferring resistance of common wheat to fungal diseases caused by leaf rust and powdery mildew pathogens. |
14. | Current grant funding | Genetic improvement in cereals by genome reconstruction; 0371796s01 EAU IEB, PI - Dr.K.Järve |
15. | List of most important publications |
Golubovskaya I.N., Hamant O., Timofejeva L., Wang C.J., Braun D., Meeley R., Cande W.Z. Alleles of afd1 dissect REC8 functions during meiotic prophase I. J Cell Sci. 2006 Aug 15;119(Pt 16):3306-15. Jakobson I., Peusha H., Timofejeva L., Järve K. Adult plant and seedling resistance to powdery mildew in a Triticum aestivum x Triticum militinae hybrid line. Theor Appl Genet. 2006 Feb;112(4):760-9. Zhang W., Sun Y., Timofejeva L., Chen C., Grossniklaus U., Ma H. Regulation of Arabidopsis tapetum development and function by DYSFUNCTIONAL TAPETUM1 (DYT1) encoding a putative bHLH transcription factor. Development. 2006 Aug;133(16):3085-95. Zhao D., Yang X., Quan L., Timofejeva L., Rigel N.W., Ma H., Makaroff C.A. ASK1, a SKP1 homolog, is required for nuclear reorganization, presynaptic homolog juxtaposition and the proper distribution of cohesin during meiosis in Arabidopsis. Plant Mol Biol. 2006 Sep;62(1-2):99-110. Wijeratne A.J., Chen C., Zhang W., Timofejeva L., Ma H. The Arabidopsis thaliana PARTING DANCERS gene encoding a novel protein is required for normal meiotic homologous recombination. Mol Biol Cell. 2006 Mar;17(3):1331-43. Yang X., Timofejeva L., Ma H., Makaroff C.A. The Arabidopsis SKP1 homolog ASK1 controls meiotic chromosome remodeling and release of chromatin from the nuclear membrane and nucleolus. J Cell Sci. 2006 Sep 15;119(Pt 18):3754-63. Chen C., Zhang W., Timofejeva L., Gerardin Y., and Ma H. 2005. The Arabidopsis ROCK-N-ROLLERS gene encodes a homolog of the yeast ATP-dependent DNA helicase MER3 and is required for normal meiotic crossover formation. Plant Physiol., 43: 321-334. Hamant O., Golubovskaya I., Meeley R., Fiume E., Timofejeva L., Schleiffer A., Nasmyth and Cande W.Z. A REC8-dependent plant shugoshin is required for maintenance of centromeric cohesion during meiosis and has no mitotic functions. 2005. Current Biology, 15: 948-954. Li, W., Yang X., Lin Z., Timofejeva L., Xiao R., Makaroff C.A., Ma H. 2005. The AtRAD51C gene is required for normal meiotic chromosome synapsis and double-stranded break repair in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 138: 965-976. Li W., Chen C., Markmann-Mulisch U., Timofejeva L., Schmelzer E., Ma H., and Reiss B. 2004. The Arabidopsis AtRAD51 gene is dispensable for vegetative development but required for meiosis. PNAS, 101, 10596-10601. Pawlowski W.P., Golubovskaya I.N., Timofejeva L., Meeley R.B., Sheridan W.F. and Cande W.Z. 2004. Coordination of Meiotic Recombination, Pairing, and Synapsis by PHS1. Science, 303, 89-92. Safitdinova A., Timofeyeva L., Zhurov V., Gaginskaya E. 2000. Highly repeated centromere sequence FCP from chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs) genome is revealed within interchromosomal connectives. Tsitologia, 41, 581-586. Timofeyeva L. and Enno T. Synaptonemal complex formation in haploid wheat (Triticum aestivum) and in wheat-rye hybrids with and without the Ph gene. 1999. Acta Agronom. Hungarica, 47 (4): 357-369 Enno T., Peusha H., Timofeyeva L., Tohver M., Yakobson, Priilinn O. 1998. Identification of chromosomal translocations in common wheat, derivative of Triticum timopheevii. Acta Agron. Hung., 46: 209-216. Timofeyeva L. 1992. Genetical control of chromosome pairing in polyploids (review). Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol., 41 (4): 169-182 (in russian) Timofeyeva L.P. and Golubovskaya I.N. 1991. A new type of desynaptic gene in maize revealed by the microspreading method of synaptonemal complexes. Tsytologiya, 33 (7): 3-8. (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P., Grebennikova Z.K., Gaft M.S. and Golubovskaya I.N. 1991. Ultrastructural features of synaptonemal complexes of maize in norm. Tsytologiya, 33 (6): 12-19 (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P. 1990. Homologous and homoeologous chromosome pairing. In: Cytogenetics of Cereals, Tallinn: 129-139. (in russian) Timopheyeva L.P., Kolomiyets O.L., Vorontsova N.I., Bogdanov Yu, F. 1988. An electron microscope study of the synaptonemal complex in common wheat. I. Initiation of synapsis. - Tsytologiya, 30 (4): 390-394. (in russian) Timofeyeva L. and Bogdanov Yu. 1982. The prospects of using electron microscopy of meiotic chromosomes for applied genetics. Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci., Biol., 31 (4): 91-99.(in russian) |
last updated: 27.09.2006
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