[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Timo |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Virtanen |
3. | Töökoht | MTÜ Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | teadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 22.04.1956 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Haridusteaduste doktor |
7. | Teenistuskäik | - Teadur, Changes in Childhood and Adolescent Depression, MTÜ Eesti-Rootsi Vaimse Tervise ja Suitsidoloogia Instituut, 01/04/2004 - - Teadur, MTÜ Youth for Health & Life, Noorte hasartmängimise ennetamisprojekt - Juhuslikkust ei saa mõjutada, Eesti, 01-08/2004 - Projektjuhataja, Åbo akademi, Turku, Interreg III A, Multicultural Health Promotion in Prison, 01/01/2004 - 31/12/2005 - Teadur, Åbo Akademi, Migration and Health, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, 2000-2004 - Teadur, Rahvusvaheliste ja Sotsiaaluuringute Instituut, Tallinn, 02-08/2002 - Teadur, Åbo Akademi, Migration and Crime, Academy of Finland, 2001-2002 - Teadur, Åbo Akademi, The European Statistical Atlas on Racial Violence, European Monitoring Center on Racism, Vienna, 01-08/2001 - Teadur, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, Youth and Racist Violence, EU and Ministry of Education, 01/01/1996-31/12/1999 - Lektor, Haridusteaduste osakond, Univ of Turku, Finland, 08-12/1995 - Teadur, Haridusteaduste osakond,Univ of Stockholm, Sweden,05-12/1993 - Uurimussekretäär, Siirtolaisuusinstituutti, Turku, Finland, 1990-1992; - Teadur, Lapin yliopisto, 1986-1990 |
8. | Teaduskraad | Haridusteaduste doktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
1991, Lapin yliopisto |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | tervise edendamine, multikulturaalsus, sõltuvused Virtanen T, Moilanen I. [Stress and coping with stress by mothers of children with mild cerebral dysfunctions] Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr. 1991 Sep;40(7):260-5. German. 1991 Virtanen, T. & Moilanen, I. (1991). Mothers of children with mild neurological disorders: Adaptational outcomes. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 14: 301 11. 1991 www.springerlink.com Virtanen, T., Moilanen, I. & Ihalainen, M. (1991). What causes stress for mothers of children with MBD? Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 19: 47 52. 1991 Medline |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Virtanen, T. (2002). Uimastite varasematest proovimisest Tallinna vene noorte seas (Early experimention of legal and illegal drugs among Russian youth in Tallinn) (in Estonian). Akadeemia, 14: 2187-95. Bobokhidze, V. & Virtanen, T. (2001). Substance Abuse among Immigrants in Finland: Arising Societal Perspectives (in Russian). Sociological Studies Monthly. 12: 92-7. Virtanen, T. (2001). The Racialization of Youth Gangs: When Violence Turns into a Fight over a Turf. H. Helve (ed.) Youth and Empowerment. Ashgate: London. Virtanen, T. (2000). (ed.) Youth, Racist Violence and Anti-racist Responses in the Nordic Countries. The Finnish Youth Research Society. Available at http://www.alli.fi/nuorisotutkimus/julkaisut/virtanen/index.html 2000 |
viimati muudetud: 15.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Timo |
2. | Surname | Virtanen |
3. | Institution | NGO Estonian-Swedish Mental Health and Suicidology Institute |
4. | Position | researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 22.04.1956 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Dr of Education |
7. | Research and professional experience |
- Exchange Researcher, Changes in Childhood and Adolescent Depression, Institute of Mental Health and Suicidology, Estonia, 01/04/2004 up to present - Researcher, NGO Youth for Health & Life, Youth Gambling Prevention – You cannot predict the chance, Estonia, 01-08/2004 - Project Leader, Åbo akademi, Interreg III A, Multicultural Health Promotion in Prison, 01/01/2004 - 31/12/2005 - Researcher, Åbo Akademi, Migration and Health, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, 2000-2004 - Exchange Researcher, Institute of International and Social Studies, Tallinn, 02-08/2002 - Researcher, Åbo Akademi, Migration and Crime, Academy of Finland, 2001-2002 - Researcher, Åbo Akademi, The European Statistical Atlas on Racial Violence, European Monitoring Center on Racism, Vienna, 01-08/2001 - Researcher, Åbo Akademi, Turku, Finland, Youth and Racist Violence, EU and Ministry of Education, 01/01/1996-31/12/1999 - Lecturer, Dept of Education, Univ of Turku, Finland, 08-12/1995 - Researcher, Dept of Education, Univ of Stockholm, 05-12/1993 - Research Secretary, Institute of Migration, Turku, Finland, 1990-1992; - Researcher, Univ of Lapland, 1986-1990 |
8. | Academic degree | Dr of Education |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1991, University of Lapland |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | health promotion, multicultural issues, addictions Virtanen T, Moilanen I. [Stress and coping with stress by mothers of children with mild cerebral dysfunctions] Prax Kinderpsychol Kinderpsychiatr. 1991 Sep;40(7):260-5. German. 1991 Virtanen, T. & Moilanen, I. (1991). Mothers of children with mild neurological disorders: Adaptational outcomes. International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 14: 301 11. 1991 www.springerlink.com Virtanen, T., Moilanen, I. & Ihalainen, M. (1991). What causes stress for mothers of children with MBD? Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 19: 47 52. 1991 Medline |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Virtanen, T. (2002). Uimastite varasematest proovimisest Tallinna vene noorte seas (Early experimention of legal and illegal drugs among Russian youth in Tallinn) (in Estonian). Akadeemia, 14: 2187-95. Bobokhidze, V. & Virtanen, T. (2001). Substance Abuse among Immigrants in Finland: Arising Societal Perspectives (in Russian). Sociological Studies Monthly. 12: 92-7. Virtanen, T. (2001). The Racialization of Youth Gangs: When Violence Turns into a Fight over a Turf. H. Helve (ed.) Youth and Empowerment. Ashgate: London. Virtanen, T. (2000). (ed.) Youth, Racist Violence and Anti-racist Responses in the Nordic Countries. The Finnish Youth Research Society. Available at http://www.alli.fi/nuorisotutkimus/julkaisut/virtanen/index.html 2000 |
last updated: 15.08.2005
[ sulge aken ]