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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Edvin
2.Perekonnanimi Nugis
3.Töökoht Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut
4.Ametikoht erakorraline vanemteadur (poole koormusega)
5.Sünniaeg 20.04.1938 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem. Lõpetanud Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia (1965), omistatud insener-mehaaniku kvalifikatsioon;
Lõpetanud kaugõppe aspirantuuri, Leningrad-Puškinis, Loode Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise ja elektrifitseerimise TU Instituudis (1971), kaitsnud tehnikateaduste kandidaadi väitekirja Kaunases Leedu PA juures (1972), omistatud tehnikakadidaadi kraad (1974);
Lõpetanud dokturantuuri Eesti Maaviljeluse ja Maaparanduse TU Instituudis (1986), kaitsnud tehnikateaduste doktori väitekirja Minskis Kesktsooni Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise ja Elektrifitseerimise TU Instituudi juures (1988), omistatud tehnkateaduste doktori kraad (1989).
7.Teenistuskäik Eesti Maaviljeluse ja Maaparanduse TU Instituut:
- 1966 -67 - insener-katsetaja
- 1967-74 - nooremteadur
- 1974-89 - vanemteadur
- 1989-93 - juhtivteadur
Eesti Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise Instituut:
- 1993 - 1994 - juhtivteadur
Keila vald
- 1994 - 1995 - abivallavanem
- 1994 - 1996 - juhtivteadur 0,5 koormusega
Eesti Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise Instituut
- 1996 - 1998 - vanemteadur
Presidendi Kantselei
1998 - 1999 – Arnold Rüütli abi
Eesti Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise Instituut
1998 - 1999 - vanemteadur kohakaasluse alusel
Eesti Põllumajanduse Mehhaniseerimise Instituut
1999 - 2001 - vanemteadur
Eesti Maaviljeluse Instituut
2002 - k.a - erakorraline vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad Tehnikateaduste doktor põllumajanduse mehhaniseerimise erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
N. Liidu Kõrgem Attestatsioonikomisjon, 1989
10.Tunnustused teeneline leiutaja (1986)
ja –administratiivne
Baltic States Branch of ISTRO president (2000 - 2003;
Estonian Branch of ISTRO president (1996 - ka)
- FAO ühiskondlik ekspert mullamonitooringu alal (1993 - ka);
- REC (The Regional Environmental Center for Central and eastern Europe) nõunik (1998 - ka);
- Eesti Leiutajate Liidu president(1996 - ka);
- Teaduslik-loomingulise Assotsiatsiooni "Ecofiller®"esimees (1988 - ka).
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Antanas Satkus, DSc, 2000, juh. Mykolas Arlauskas ja Edvin Nugis. Külviaseme efektiivsus liivsavi mullaharimisel odra viljelemisel. Leedu Maaviljeluse Instituut

Juri Saveljev, cand, 1990, juh. Edvin Nugis. Mulla tihendamise likvideerimine traktori K-700/701 jälgedes teravilja külvil. Valgevene Põllumajanduse Akadeemia

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Mulla erisügavuslik harimine, muldade seisundi agro-ökoloogilised nõuded, mulla mehaanika ja tehnoloogia, kompleksenergiakulu, mulla tallamine, kompuutersimulatsioonmodelleerimine, täppisviljelus, informatsiooniteooria, koht-spetsiifilise informatsioonialased uuringud.
14.Jooksvad grandid Garndileping nr. 5418: Biomelioratiivsete meetodite ja nende agroökoloogiliste aspektide uurimine künnikihialuse tihesega põllumuldadel", põhitäitja .

E. Nugis., 2004. Complex estimation soil compaction and soil compactedness.Transactions of the Estonian Agricultural University, Agronomy (219), ISSN 1406-4049, 16-18.

J. Kuht, E. Reintam, H. Loogus and E. Nugis., 2003. Changes of nitrogen assimilation and intracellular fluid pH in plants of barley depending on bulk density of compacted soils. Agronomy Research 1 (2), ISSN 1406-894X, 139-144

E. Nugis, R. Lehtveer, J. Kuht., 2001. soils Technical and Agrotechnical Bearing Capability and Vulnerability to Compaction. 1st International Conference of BSB of ISTRO & Meting of Working Group 3 of the INCO-COPERNICUS Concerted Action on Subsoil Compaction (Ed. E.Nugis) on Modren Ways of Soil tillage and Assessment of Soil Compaction and Seedbed Quality (ISBN 9985-78-224-0), 21-24 August 2001, EAU, Tartu, Estonia, 179-187.

J. Kuht, E. Reintam, E. Nugis., 2001. Influence of compaction on the soil properties and condition of nutrients in some cereals and weeds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States, Tartu, Estonia, 28-30 June (ISBN 9985-882-98-9), 68.74

E. Nugis, J. Kuht., 2000. Subsoil compaction in Estonia. Horn, van den Akker & Arvidsson (Eds): Subsoil Compaction. Advances in Geoecology, 32,ISBN 3-923381-44-1, by CATENA VERLAG, 35447 Reiskirchen, 402-408

viimati muudetud: 15.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Edvin
2.Surname Nugis
3.Institution Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture
4.Position extraordinary senior scientist (half-salary)
5.Date of birth 20.04.1938 (day.month.year)
6.Education Higher educational level. Estonian Academy of Agriculture (1965), mechanic-engineer

1968-71 Leningrad-Pushkin, North-Western SR Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Electrification -PhD-student,and after that - PhD.Eng (1974)

1981-1986 - Estonian Institute of Cultivation and Land Improvement -Dr.Sc.-student, and after that - Dr.Sc.Eng.(1989)
7.Research and
professional experience
- Estonian Institute of Cultivation and Land Improvement:
-1966 -67 - engineer-inventor
- 1967-74 - junior research worker
- 1974-89 - senior research worker
- 1989-93 - leading research worker
- Estonian Institute of Agricultural Engineering
- 01.09.93 - 29.06.94 - leading research worker
- 29.06.94 - 10.10.94 - leading research worker working part-time
- Keila Community
- 01.03.94 – 16.06.95 – Deputy-Mayor
- Estonian Institute of Agricultural Engineering
- 10.10.94-01.03.96 - leading research worker working part-time
- Office of Estonian President
- 02.05.98-01.07.99 – assistant of Ex-President Arnold Rüütel (now a President of Estonian Republic)
- Estonian Patent Library
- 02.05.00-31.08.01 – Deputy-Director
- Estonian Institute of Agricultural Engineering
- 01.03.96- 31.12.01 senior research worker working part-time
Estonian Research Institute of Agriculture
- 01.01.02 incl. - senior research worker working part-time
8.Academic degree Dr.Sc.Eng. or Dr.Hab.Eng.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Highest Sertification Committee (USSR), 1989
10.Honours/awards acknowledged inventor (1986)
Ppresident of the Baltic States Branch of ISTRO (2000 - 2003;
President of the Estonian Branch of ISTRO (1996 - incl.)
Expert of FAO concerning soil monitoring(1993 - incl.);
Advisor of REC (The Regional Environmental Center for Central and eastern Europe) (1998 - incl.);
President of the Estnonian Inventors Association (1996 - incl.);
Chairman of the Scientific Creative Association "Ecofiller®"(1988 - incl.).
12.Supervised dissertations

Antanas Satkus, DSc, 2000, superv. Mykolas Arlauskas ja Edvin Nugis. Külviaseme efektiivsus liivsavi mullaharimisel odra viljelemisel. Leedu Maaviljeluse Instituut

Juri Saveljev, cand, 1990, superv. Edvin Nugis. Mulla tihendamise likvideerimine traktori K-700/701 jälgedes teravilja külvil. Valgevene Põllumajanduse Akadeemia

13.Current research program Soil tillage, incl. that of various depth
- agro-ecological requirements of soil tillage
- energy consumption (complex energy) in soil tillage
Physics, mechanics and technology of soil
Treading and treadability of soil
machine degradation of soil (soil/subsoil compaction)
- axial load of mobile technical implements
Land and soil protection. Sustainable land use
Seedbed quality preparation
- moist screening
Precision farming and sattelite navigation systems
14.Current grant funding 2003-2006, ESF, No 5418 " Biomelioration´s methods and investigations it agroecological aspects concerning subsoil compaction of arable lands", executor .
15.List of most important publications

E. Nugis., 2004. Complex estimation soil compaction and soil compactedness.Transactions of the Estonian Agricultural University, Agronomy (219), ISSN 1406-4049, 16-18.

J. Kuht, E. Reintam, H. Loogus and E. Nugis., 2003. Changes of nitrogen assimilation and intracellular fluid pH in plants of barley depending on bulk density of compacted soils. Agronomy Research 1 (2), ISSN 1406-894X, 139-144

E. Nugis, R. Lehtveer, J. Kuht., 2001. soils Technical and Agrotechnical Bearing Capability and Vulnerability to Compaction. 1st International Conference of BSB of ISTRO & Meting of Working Group 3 of the INCO-COPERNICUS Concerted Action on Subsoil Compaction (Ed. E.Nugis) on Modren Ways of Soil tillage and Assessment of Soil Compaction and Seedbed Quality (ISBN 9985-78-224-0), 21-24 August 2001, EAU, Tartu, Estonia, 179-187.

J. Kuht, E. Reintam, E. Nugis., 2001. Influence of compaction on the soil properties and condition of nutrients in some cereals and weeds. Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States, Tartu, Estonia, 28-30 June (ISBN 9985-882-98-9), 68.74

E. Nugis, J. Kuht., 2000. Subsoil compaction in Estonia. Horn, van den Akker & Arvidsson (Eds): Subsoil Compaction. Advances in Geoecology, 32,ISBN 3-923381-44-1, by CATENA VERLAG, 35447 Reiskirchen, 402-408

last updated: 15.08.2005

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