[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Viktor
2.Perekonnanimi Palm
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülilkooli Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht vanem teadur
5.Sünniaeg 23.04.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgharidus: Tartu Ülilkooli Füüsika osakond, 1979 (tahke keha füüsika)
7.Teenistuskäik Füüsika Instituut, Tartu:
1979-1982 - insener
1982-1985 - aspirant
1985-1989 - noorem teadur
1989-2004 - teadur
2005-.... - vanem teadur
Erialane täiendamine:
1993, 1994, 1999, 2000 - külaskäigud Šveitsi Föderaalses Tehnoloogia Instituudis (ETH, Zürich) Füüsikalise Keemia Laboris (prof. U.Wild);
1996, 1997, 1998 - külaskäigud Müncheni Tehnika Ülilkooli Füüsikalise Keemia Instituudis (prof. V.Bondybey) NATO Linkage Grant’i raames;
2005 - külaskäigud Lundi Laserkeskuses, Lundi Ülilkoolis (Euroopa Komisjoni programmi LASERLAB-EUROPE toetusel)
8.Teaduskraad füüsika-matemaatika kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
ETA Füüsika Instituut, 1988
10.Tunnustused 1996.a. Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia (täppisteadused, keemia ja mikrobioloogia)
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Füüsika Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Martti Pärs, MSc, 2004, juh. Viktor Palm. Konfokaalne mikroskoopia üksikute kiirgustsentrite detekteerimiseks. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1). Klaaside ja kristallide madalatemperatuuse dünaamika uurimine kõrglahutusega selektiivspektroskoopia meetoditega: spektraalsälkamine, ühe lisandimolekuli spektroskoopia.
2). Kvantoptika ja interferentsi nähtused.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant #6543;
põhitäitja ETF grandis #5547 (K.Rebane)

V.Palm, N.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Terrylene-doped biphenyl monocrystals for optical single-molecule spectroscopy”, Proc. SPIE, 6029, 60291N, (2006).

V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Hole burning and single-molecule spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl”, J. Lumin., 107, 1-4, 57-61, (2004).

T.Plakhotnik, T.Nonn, V.Palm, “Saturation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 357, 5-6, 397-402, (2002).

T.Plakhotnik, V.Palm, “Interferometric Signatures of Single Molecules“, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 18, 183602, (2001).

E.A.Donley, S.Bonsma, V.Palm, V.Burzomato, U.P.Wild, T.Plakhotnik, “Zero-phonon lines of single molecules in polyethylene down to millikelvin temperatures”, J. Lumin., 87-89, 1-4, 109-114, (2000).

V.Hizhnyakov, A.Laisaar, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, “Transformation of soft localized modes in glasses under pressure”, Phys. Rev. B, 62, 17, 11296-11299, (2000).

V.Kiisk, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, I.Sildos, “Peculiarities of SHB in the 637nm line of N-V defects in CVD-grown diamond films”, J. Lumin., 86, 3-4, 349-353, (2000).

V.Palm, K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in single-molecule spectroscopy”, J. Lumin., 86, 3-4, 207-209, (2000).

V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in single-molecule spectroscopy”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 42, 3, 477-480, (2000) [Transl. of Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg), 42, 3, 467, (2000)].

V.Palm, “Compact simplified design of optical cell for single-molecule spectroscopy”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 70, 7, 2957-2959, (1999).

K.K.Rebane, O.Ollikainen, V.V.Palm, “Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of a Single Impurity Terrylene Molecule in n-Decane”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 84, 3, 374-380, (1998) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (St. Petersburg), 84, 3, 431-438, (1998)].

N.Caspary, V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, V.E.Bondybey, “Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Terrylene in n-Alkane Mixtures”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 283, 5-6, 345-349, (1998).

O.Ollikainen, V.Palm, K.Rebane, “Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of Single Impurity Molecules of Terrylene in n-Decane”, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 46, 4, 273-280, (1997).

V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, A.Laisaar, V.Palm, P.Reineker, “High Pressure Narrowing of Zero-Phonon Lines in Polymer Glasses at Different Temperatures”, J. Lumin., 72-74, 415-416, (1997).

A.Osvet, V.Palm, I.Sildos, “Spectral hole burning and uniaxial stress study of radiation-induced defects in diamond”, J. Appl. Phys., 79, 11, 8290-8293, (1996).

M.Croci, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule spectroscopy: terrylene in the polymorphic matrix benzophenone”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 283, 137-142, (1996).

T.Plakhotnik, W.E.Moerner, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule spectroscopy: maximum emission rate and saturation intensity”, Opt. Commun., 114, 83-88, (1995).

U.P.Wild, F.Güttler, V.Palm, T.Plakhotnik, K.Rebane, “Some problems in spectroscopy of a single impurity molecules”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 77, 6, 839-846, (1994) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (St. Petersburg), 77, 6, 933-940, (1994)].

V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.Suisalu, “Line width study in fluorescence excitation spectra of single pentacene molecules introduced as impurities in p-terphenyl crystal”, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 9, 2219- 2221, (1994).

V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.P.Suisalu, “Study of zero-phonon linewidth in the luminescence excitation spectrum of a single impurity molecule”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 36, 4, 654-655, (1994) [Transl. of Fiz.Tverd.Tela (St. Petersburg), 36, 4, 1193-1196, (1994)].

W.E.Moerner, T.Plakhotnik, T.Irngartinger, M.Croci, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Optical probing of single molecules of terrylene in a Shpol'skii matrix: a two-state single-molecule switch”, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 30, 7382-7389, (1994).

V.Palm, L.Rebane, “H2-octaethylporphin in amorphous polystyrene matrix: spectral hole burning and spectral diffusion”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 217, 113-118, (1992).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt, V.V.Palm, “Optical heating of dielectric glasses: hole-burning study”, Phonons’89, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Phonon Physics and the Sixth International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (21-25 Aug. 1989, Heidelberg, FRG), Eds. S.Hunklinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss, London: World Scientific, Vol.1, 558-560, (1989).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, R.K.Kaarli, V.V.Palm, M.L.Ryatsep, Kh.R.Synayalg, “Shaping of picosecond pulses by filters synthesized by photo-burnout of spectral dips”, Sov. Phys.- Tech. Phys. (USA), 34, 10, 1187-1188, (1989) [Transl. of Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 59, 10, 158-160, (1989)].

H.Sõnajalg, A.Gorokhovskii, R.Kaarli, V.Palm, M.Rätsep, P.Saari, “Optical pulse shaping by filters based on spectral hole burning”, Opt. Commun., 71, 6, 377-380, (1989).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt., V.V.Palm, “Photoinduced spectral diffusion in organic glasses with impurities”, JETP Lett. (USA), 48, 6, 369-373, (1988) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 48, 6, 334-337, (1988)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal, “Dephasing of impurities in organic glasses between 0.04 and 1.5 K via spectral hole photoburning”, Proceedings of the third binational USA - USSR symposium on Laser optics of condensed matter (June 1-5, 1987, Leningrad), Eds. J.L.Birman, H.Z.Cummins, A.A.Kaplyanskii, Plenum Press, New York, 411-419, (1988).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of an impurity in an amorphous polymer: measurement using a filter based on photochemical hole burning”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 64, 5, 577-579, (1988) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 64, 5, 969-972, (1988)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of the impurity in an amorphous polymer measured using an optical filter based on spectral hole burning”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 153, 4, 328-331, (1988).

K.K.Rebane, A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., E.I.Malkin., V.V.Palm, “Visualization and storage of stress field by a method of spectral hole burning”, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. (USA), 14, 5, 414-416, (1988) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 14, 10, 935-939, (1988)].

A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 125, 4, 355-359, (1986).

A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR, Phys. Mathem., 35, 2, 150-156, (1986) (in Russian).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal, “Photochemical burning of a gap in the spectrum of an impurity in an amorphous polymer at 0.05 - 1.5 K”, JETP Lett. (USA), 42, 6, 307-310, (1985) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 42, 6, 249-252, (1985)].

K.K.Rebane, V.V.Palm, “Use of the Doppler effect to study narrow photochemical holes in spectra”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 57, 3, 229-231, (1984) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 57, 3, 381-383, (1984)].

K.Rebane, V.Palm, “Doppler effect spectrometer for measurement of narrow photochemical holes in inhomogeneously broadened spectra”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR, Phys. Mathem., 33, 4, 461-463, (1984) (in Russian).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Contraction of, and hole burning in, a phosphorescence line corresponding to the forbidden T1 <--> S0 transition in the spectrum of pyrene in a glassy matrix”, JETP Lett. (USA), 37, 5, 237-241, (1983) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 37, 5, 201-204, (1983)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas, V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Peculiarities of dip (hole) burning in the spectra of organic molecules in vitreous matrices”, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys.Ser. (USA), 46, 5, 116-120, (1982) [Transl. of Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. (USSR), 46, 5, 952-956, (1982)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Characteristics of hole burning in the spectra of organic molecules in glassy matrices”, Sov. Phys.-Solid State (USA), 23, 4, 602-606, (1981) [Transl. of Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR), 23, 4,1040-1047, (1981)].

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Viktor
2.Surname Palm
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
4.Position senior scientist
5.Date of birth 23.04.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, diploma in physics, 1979 (solid state physics)
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Physics, Tartu:
1979-1982 - engineer
1982-1985 - post-graduate student
1985-1989 - junior scientist
1989-2004 - scientist
2005-.... - senior scientist
As a Guest Scientist:
1993, 1994, 1999, 2000 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory (Prof. U.P.Wild), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Zürich);
1996, 1997, 1998 - Institute of Physical Chemistry (Prof. V.E.Bondybey), Technische Universität München (participation in a NATO Linkage Grant);
2005 - Lund Laser Centre, Lund University (participation in European Commission programme LASERLAB-EUROPE)
8.Academic degree Ph.D. in physics (Cand.Phys.Math.Sci.)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Physics, Estonian Acad. Sci., 1988
10.Honours/awards 1996 Estonian State Science Award (Natural Sciences)
Member of Estonian Physical Society
12.Supervised dissertations

Martti Pärs, MSc, 2004, superv. Viktor Palm. Konfokaalne mikroskoopia üksikute kiirgustsentrite detekteerimiseks. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program 1). Investigation of low-temperature dynamics in crystals and glasses using the techniques of high-resolution laser spectroscopy: spectral hole burning, single impurity molecule spectroscopy.
2). Quantum optics and interference phenomena.
14.Current grant funding ESF grant #6543;
participaton in ESF grant #5547 (K.Rebane)
15.List of most important publications

V.Palm, N.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Terrylene-doped biphenyl monocrystals for optical single-molecule spectroscopy”, Proc. SPIE, 6029, 60291N, (2006).

V.Palm, M.Pärs, J.Kikas, “Hole burning and single-molecule spectroscopy of terrylene in incommensurate biphenyl”, J. Lumin., 107, 1-4, 57-61, (2004).

T.Plakhotnik, T.Nonn, V.Palm, “Saturation spectroscopy of vibronic transitions in single molecules”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 357, 5-6, 397-402, (2002).

T.Plakhotnik, V.Palm, “Interferometric Signatures of Single Molecules“, Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 18, 183602, (2001).

E.A.Donley, S.Bonsma, V.Palm, V.Burzomato, U.P.Wild, T.Plakhotnik, “Zero-phonon lines of single molecules in polyethylene down to millikelvin temperatures”, J. Lumin., 87-89, 1-4, 109-114, (2000).

V.Hizhnyakov, A.Laisaar, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, “Transformation of soft localized modes in glasses under pressure”, Phys. Rev. B, 62, 17, 11296-11299, (2000).

V.Kiisk, V.Palm, A.Suisalu, I.Sildos, “Peculiarities of SHB in the 637nm line of N-V defects in CVD-grown diamond films”, J. Lumin., 86, 3-4, 349-353, (2000).

V.Palm, K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in single-molecule spectroscopy”, J. Lumin., 86, 3-4, 207-209, (2000).

V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, “On the role of spectral diffusion in single-molecule spectroscopy”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 42, 3, 477-480, (2000) [Transl. of Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg), 42, 3, 467, (2000)].

V.Palm, “Compact simplified design of optical cell for single-molecule spectroscopy”, Rev. Sci. Instrum., 70, 7, 2957-2959, (1999).

K.K.Rebane, O.Ollikainen, V.V.Palm, “Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of a Single Impurity Terrylene Molecule in n-Decane”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 84, 3, 374-380, (1998) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (St. Petersburg), 84, 3, 431-438, (1998)].

N.Caspary, V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, V.E.Bondybey, “Single Molecule Spectroscopy of Terrylene in n-Alkane Mixtures”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 283, 5-6, 345-349, (1998).

O.Ollikainen, V.Palm, K.Rebane, “Fluorescence Excitation Spectra of Single Impurity Molecules of Terrylene in n-Decane”, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 46, 4, 273-280, (1997).

V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, An.Kuznetsov, A.Laisaar, V.Palm, P.Reineker, “High Pressure Narrowing of Zero-Phonon Lines in Polymer Glasses at Different Temperatures”, J. Lumin., 72-74, 415-416, (1997).

A.Osvet, V.Palm, I.Sildos, “Spectral hole burning and uniaxial stress study of radiation-induced defects in diamond”, J. Appl. Phys., 79, 11, 8290-8293, (1996).

M.Croci, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule spectroscopy: terrylene in the polymorphic matrix benzophenone”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 283, 137-142, (1996).

T.Plakhotnik, W.E.Moerner, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Single molecule spectroscopy: maximum emission rate and saturation intensity”, Opt. Commun., 114, 83-88, (1995).

U.P.Wild, F.Güttler, V.Palm, T.Plakhotnik, K.Rebane, “Some problems in spectroscopy of a single impurity molecules”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 77, 6, 839-846, (1994) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (St. Petersburg), 77, 6, 933-940, (1994)].

V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.Suisalu, “Line width study in fluorescence excitation spectra of single pentacene molecules introduced as impurities in p-terphenyl crystal”, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 9, 2219- 2221, (1994).

V.V.Palm, K.K.Rebane, A.P.Suisalu, “Study of zero-phonon linewidth in the luminescence excitation spectrum of a single impurity molecule”, Phys. Solid State (USA), 36, 4, 654-655, (1994) [Transl. of Fiz.Tverd.Tela (St. Petersburg), 36, 4, 1193-1196, (1994)].

W.E.Moerner, T.Plakhotnik, T.Irngartinger, M.Croci, V.Palm, U.P.Wild, “Optical probing of single molecules of terrylene in a Shpol'skii matrix: a two-state single-molecule switch”, J. Phys. Chem., 98, 30, 7382-7389, (1994).

V.Palm, L.Rebane, “H2-octaethylporphin in amorphous polystyrene matrix: spectral hole burning and spectral diffusion”, Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 217, 113-118, (1992).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt, V.V.Palm, “Optical heating of dielectric glasses: hole-burning study”, Phonons’89, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Phonon Physics and the Sixth International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (21-25 Aug. 1989, Heidelberg, FRG), Eds. S.Hunklinger, W.Ludwig, G.Weiss, London: World Scientific, Vol.1, 558-560, (1989).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, R.K.Kaarli, V.V.Palm, M.L.Ryatsep, Kh.R.Synayalg, “Shaping of picosecond pulses by filters synthesized by photo-burnout of spectral dips”, Sov. Phys.- Tech. Phys. (USA), 34, 10, 1187-1188, (1989) [Transl. of Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 59, 10, 158-160, (1989)].

H.Sõnajalg, A.Gorokhovskii, R.Kaarli, V.Palm, M.Rätsep, P.Saari, “Optical pulse shaping by filters based on spectral hole burning”, Opt. Commun., 71, 6, 377-380, (1989).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, G.S.Zavt., V.V.Palm, “Photoinduced spectral diffusion in organic glasses with impurities”, JETP Lett. (USA), 48, 6, 369-373, (1988) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 48, 6, 334-337, (1988)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal, “Dephasing of impurities in organic glasses between 0.04 and 1.5 K via spectral hole photoburning”, Proceedings of the third binational USA - USSR symposium on Laser optics of condensed matter (June 1-5, 1987, Leningrad), Eds. J.L.Birman, H.Z.Cummins, A.A.Kaplyanskii, Plenum Press, New York, 411-419, (1988).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of an impurity in an amorphous polymer: measurement using a filter based on photochemical hole burning”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 64, 5, 577-579, (1988) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 64, 5, 969-972, (1988)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Resonance fluorescence of the impurity in an amorphous polymer measured using an optical filter based on spectral hole burning”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 153, 4, 328-331, (1988).

K.K.Rebane, A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., E.I.Malkin., V.V.Palm, “Visualization and storage of stress field by a method of spectral hole burning”, Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. (USA), 14, 5, 414-416, (1988) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Tekh. Fiz. (USSR), 14, 10, 935-939, (1988)].

A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Chem. Phys. Lett., 125, 4, 355-359, (1986).

A.Gorokhovskii, V.Korrovits., V.Palm, M.Trummal, “Temperature broadening of a photochemical hole in the spectrum of H2-octaethylporphin in polystyrene between 0.05 and 1.5 K”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR, Phys. Mathem., 35, 2, 150-156, (1986) (in Russian).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.Kh.Korrovits., V.V.Palm, M.A.Trummal, “Photochemical burning of a gap in the spectrum of an impurity in an amorphous polymer at 0.05 - 1.5 K”, JETP Lett. (USA), 42, 6, 307-310, (1985) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 42, 6, 249-252, (1985)].

K.K.Rebane, V.V.Palm, “Use of the Doppler effect to study narrow photochemical holes in spectra”, Opt. Spectrosc. (USA), 57, 3, 229-231, (1984) [Transl. of Opt. Spektrosk. (USSR), 57, 3, 381-383, (1984)].

K.Rebane, V.Palm, “Doppler effect spectrometer for measurement of narrow photochemical holes in inhomogeneously broadened spectra”, Proc. Acad. Sci. Est. SSR, Phys. Mathem., 33, 4, 461-463, (1984) (in Russian).

A.A.Gorokhovskii, V.V.Palm, “Contraction of, and hole burning in, a phosphorescence line corresponding to the forbidden T1 <--> S0 transition in the spectrum of pyrene in a glassy matrix”, JETP Lett. (USA), 37, 5, 237-241, (1983) [Transl. of Pis’ma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. (USSR), 37, 5, 201-204, (1983)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas, V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Peculiarities of dip (hole) burning in the spectra of organic molecules in vitreous matrices”, Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR Phys.Ser. (USA), 46, 5, 116-120, (1982) [Transl. of Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Fiz. (USSR), 46, 5, 952-956, (1982)].

A.A.Gorokhovskii, Ya.V.Kikas., V.V.Palm, L.A.Rebane, “Characteristics of hole burning in the spectra of organic molecules in glassy matrices”, Sov. Phys.-Solid State (USA), 23, 4, 602-606, (1981) [Transl. of Fiz. Tverd. Tela (USSR), 23, 4,1040-1047, (1981)].

last updated: 12.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]