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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Gunnar |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Tasa |
3. | Töökoht | Inimese bioloogia ja geneetika õppetool, Üld- ja molekulaarpatoloogia instituut, Arstiteaduskond, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | Vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 10.02.1965 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgem, lõpetanud arstiteaduskonna ravi eriala 1991 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Olen töötanud 1991-st aastast kuni käesoleva ajani Tartu Ülikooli inimese bioloogia ja geneetika õppetooli assistendi teaduri ja vanemteadurina. Täiendamised:1) kliinilise- ja populatsioonigeneetika kursus Erasmuse Ülikoolis Roterdamis 1992.a.; 2) geneetika kursus Helsingis 1993.a.; 3) töötanud/ôppinud geneetika laboris Lundis 1993.a.; 4) töötanud/õppinud Töötervishoiu Instituudi geneetikalaboris Stockholmis 1994/1995; 5) töötanud/õppinud 1995/1996 Soome Töötervishoiu Instituudi geneetikalaboris. |
8. | Teaduskraad | Dr. med (PhD) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool 2004 |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Olen Eesti Inimesegeneetika Ühingu juhatuse liige. Kuulun Euroopa Ravimiameti (EMEA) geeniteraapia komiteesse. 1995.-ndal aastal käivitasin isikute molekulaargeneetilise identifitseerimise TÜ ÜMPI-s, millest koostöös Eesti Kohtuarstliku Ekspertiisibürooga sai aastal 2001 alguse kohtuarstlik DNA labor. Olen oma laboris käivitanud mõnede pärilike haiguste molekulaardiagnostika (pärilik hemokromatoos, UPD Angelman'i ja Prader-Willi sündroomide korral). |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Anne Must, MSc, 2005, juh. Gunnar Tasa. Association of five factor model personality traits with genetic markers of serotonin and dopamine systems. Tartu Ülikool, 2002 |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Peamisteks tegevusvaldkondadeks on olnud inimese geneetika, populatsioonigeneetika ja molekulaargeneetika. Peamised tegevussuunad:1) geneetiliselt polümorfsete detoksifikatsiooniensüümide bioloogiliste omaduste kirjeldamine; 2) polümorfsete detoksifikatsiooniensüümide populatsioonigeneetika; 3) geneetiliselt polümorfsete detoksifikatsiooniensüümide roll haigustundlikkuse mõjutamisel; 4) psüühiliste tunnuste (vaimsed võimed ja isiksuse omadused) ning psühhiaatriliste haiguste (depressioon) geneetika; 5) silmahaiguste (katarakt, glaukoom ja sarvkesta geeljas tilkdüstroofia) geneetika. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Sihtfinantseerimine "Geneetilised ja rakulised haiguste põhjused, rakkude diferentseerumine ja tüvirakkude teraapias", teema juht: Prof. A.-V. Mikelsaar. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Maron E, Lang A, Tasa G, Liivlaid L, Tõru I, Must A, Vasar V, Shlik J. Associations between serotonin-related gene polymorphisms and panic disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005; 8(2):261-6. Maron E, Tasa G, Tõru I, Lang A, Vasar V, Shlik J. Association between serotonin-related genetic polymorphisms and CCK-4-induced panic attacks with or without 5-hydroxytryptophan pretreatment in healthy volunteers. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2004; 5(3):149-54. Zetterberg M, Zetterberg H, Palmer M, Rymo L, Blennow K, Tasa G, Juronen E, Veromann S, Teesalu P, Karlsson JO, Hoglund K. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism in patients with cataract. Br J Ophthalmol. 2004; 88(5):716-8. Veromann S, Sünter A, Juronen E, Tasa G, Panov A. Eye lens crystallins: a component of intraocular pseudoexfoliative material. Ophthalmic Res. 2004; 36(1):51-4. Veromann S, Sünter A, Tasa G, Juronen E, Panov A, Pastak M, Kaljurand K. Dietary sugar and salt represent real risk factors for cataract development. Ophthalmologica. 2003; 217(4):302-7. Alexandrie AK, Rannug A, Juronen E, Tasa G, Warholm M. Detection and characterization of a novel functional polymorphism in the GSTT1 gene. Pharmacogenetics. 2002; 12(8):613-9. Pärlist P, Mikelsaar AV, Tasa G, Beckman L. The frequency of C282Y and H63D mutations in Hemochromatosis gene in native Estonians. Eur J Epidemiol. 2001; 17(3):213-6. Tasa G, Kals J, Muru K, Juronen E, Piirsoo A, Veromann S, Jänes S, Mikelsaar AV, Lang A. A novel mutation in the M1S1 gene responsible for gelatinous droplike corneal dystrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001; 42(12):2762-4. Juronen E, Tasa G, Veromann S, Parts L, Tiidla A, Pulges R, Panov A, Soovere L, Koka K, Mikelsaar AV. Polymorphic glutathione S-transferase M1 is a risk factor of primary open-angle glaucoma among Estonians. Exp Eye Res. 2000; 71(5):447-52. Juronen E, Tasa G, Veromann S, Parts L, Tiidla A, Pulges R, Panov A, Soovere L, Koka K, Mikelsaar AV. Polymorphic glutathione S-transferases as genetic risk factors for senile cortical cataract in Estonians. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41(8):2262-7. Kalev I, Mikelsaar AV, Beckman L, Tasa G, Pärlist P. High frequency of the HIV-1 protective CCR5 delta32 deletion in native Estonians. Eur J Epidemiol. 2000; 16(12):1107-9. Vlachodimitropoulos D, Norppa H, Autio K, Catalan J, Hirvonen A, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Demopoulos NA, Sorsa M. GSTT1-dependent induction of centromere-negative and -positive micronuclei by 1,2:3,4-diepoxybutane in cultured human lymphocytes. Mutagenesis. 1997; 12(5):397-403. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Pooga M, Mikelsaar AV. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against class theta glutathione S-transferase T1-1. Hybridoma. 1996; 15(1):77-82. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Pooga M, Mikelsaar AV. Purification, characterization and tissue distribution of human class theta glutathione S-transferase T1-1. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1996; 39(1):21-9. Tasa G, Juronen E, Viikmaa M, Tiidla A, Pärlist P, Uusküla M, Kalev I, Mikelsaar AV. Distribution of glutathione S-transferase T1 phenotypes in the Estonian population. Gene Geogr. 1996; 10(3):181-9. Norppa H, Hirvonen A, Jarventaus H, Uuskula M, Tasa G, Ojajarvi A, Sorsa M. Role of GSTT1 and GSTM1 genotypes in determining individual sensitivity to sister chromatid exchange induction by diepoxybutane in cultured human lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 1995; 16(6):1261-4. Tasa G, Juronen E, Uusküla M, Viikmaa M, Mikelsaar AV. Phenotyping of glutathione S-transferase M1 in the Estonian population by ELISA using GSTM1a and GSTM1b specific monoclonal antibodies. Clin Chim Acta. 1995; 239(2):191-6. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Parik J, Mikelsaar AV. Allele-specific monoclonal antibodies against glutathione S-transferase Mu1-1. Hybridoma. 1994; 13(6):477-84. Mikelsaar AV, Tasa G, Pärlist P, Uusküla M. Human glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genetic polymorphism in Estonia. Hum Hered. 1994; 44(5):248-51. |
viimati muudetud: 10.08.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Gunnar |
2. | Surname | Tasa |
3. | Institution | Department of Human Biology and Genetics, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Senior researcher |
5. | Date of birth | 10.02.1965 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Higher, graduated from Medical Faculty of University of Tartu in 1991 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
I have been working in the Department of Human Biology and Genetics since 1991 as an assistant and researcher. Research training:1) course of clinical and population genetics at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam 1992.a.; 2) course of genetics in 1993 in Helsinki; 3) research in the laboratory of genetics in Lund 1993.a.; 4) research in the laboratory of molecular genetics at the Institute of Occupational Health in Stockholm 1994/1995; 5) research in the laboratory of molecular genetics at the Institute of Occupational Health in 1995/1996. |
8. | Academic degree | PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu 2004 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
I am a member of the Board of Estonian Society of Human Genetics and also a member of Gene Therapy Expert Group of EMEA (European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products). In 1995 I established a forensic DNA lab. The lab provides DNA services for Estonian police and also most paternity cases in Estonia are genotyped in this lab. I help to resolve the most complicated cases that occur in this forensic DNA lab. Laboratory headed by me is the only lab in Estonia where molecular diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis and UPD in the cases of Angelman/Prader-Willy syndromes is performed. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Anne Must, MSc, 2005, superv. Gunnar Tasa. Association of five factor model personality traits with genetic markers of serotonin and dopamine systems. Tartu Ülikool, 2002 |
13. | Current research program | I have been active in the field of human genetics, population genetics and molecular genetics. Current research involves following topics:1) biological properties of polymorphic detoxification enzymes; 2) population genetics of polymorphic detoxification enzymes; 3) role of detoxification enzymes in modifying genetic susceptibility to diseases; 4) genetics of psychological traits and diseases; 5) genetics of eye diseases. |
14. | Current grant funding | Genetic and cellular basis of the diseases, differentiation of cells and stem cells, use of them in therapy; PI: Prof. A.-V. Mikelsaar. |
15. | List of most important publications |
Maron E, Lang A, Tasa G, Liivlaid L, Tõru I, Must A, Vasar V, Shlik J. Associations between serotonin-related gene polymorphisms and panic disorder. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005; 8(2):261-6. Maron E, Tasa G, Tõru I, Lang A, Vasar V, Shlik J. Association between serotonin-related genetic polymorphisms and CCK-4-induced panic attacks with or without 5-hydroxytryptophan pretreatment in healthy volunteers. World J Biol Psychiatry. 2004; 5(3):149-54. Zetterberg M, Zetterberg H, Palmer M, Rymo L, Blennow K, Tasa G, Juronen E, Veromann S, Teesalu P, Karlsson JO, Hoglund K. Apolipoprotein E polymorphism in patients with cataract. Br J Ophthalmol. 2004; 88(5):716-8. Veromann S, Sünter A, Juronen E, Tasa G, Panov A. Eye lens crystallins: a component of intraocular pseudoexfoliative material. Ophthalmic Res. 2004; 36(1):51-4. Veromann S, Sünter A, Tasa G, Juronen E, Panov A, Pastak M, Kaljurand K. Dietary sugar and salt represent real risk factors for cataract development. Ophthalmologica. 2003; 217(4):302-7. Alexandrie AK, Rannug A, Juronen E, Tasa G, Warholm M. Detection and characterization of a novel functional polymorphism in the GSTT1 gene. Pharmacogenetics. 2002; 12(8):613-9. Pärlist P, Mikelsaar AV, Tasa G, Beckman L. The frequency of C282Y and H63D mutations in Hemochromatosis gene in native Estonians. Eur J Epidemiol. 2001; 17(3):213-6. Tasa G, Kals J, Muru K, Juronen E, Piirsoo A, Veromann S, Jänes S, Mikelsaar AV, Lang A. A novel mutation in the M1S1 gene responsible for gelatinous droplike corneal dystrophy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2001; 42(12):2762-4. Juronen E, Tasa G, Veromann S, Parts L, Tiidla A, Pulges R, Panov A, Soovere L, Koka K, Mikelsaar AV. Polymorphic glutathione S-transferase M1 is a risk factor of primary open-angle glaucoma among Estonians. Exp Eye Res. 2000; 71(5):447-52. Juronen E, Tasa G, Veromann S, Parts L, Tiidla A, Pulges R, Panov A, Soovere L, Koka K, Mikelsaar AV. Polymorphic glutathione S-transferases as genetic risk factors for senile cortical cataract in Estonians. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2000; 41(8):2262-7. Kalev I, Mikelsaar AV, Beckman L, Tasa G, Pärlist P. High frequency of the HIV-1 protective CCR5 delta32 deletion in native Estonians. Eur J Epidemiol. 2000; 16(12):1107-9. Vlachodimitropoulos D, Norppa H, Autio K, Catalan J, Hirvonen A, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Demopoulos NA, Sorsa M. GSTT1-dependent induction of centromere-negative and -positive micronuclei by 1,2:3,4-diepoxybutane in cultured human lymphocytes. Mutagenesis. 1997; 12(5):397-403. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Pooga M, Mikelsaar AV. Production and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against class theta glutathione S-transferase T1-1. Hybridoma. 1996; 15(1):77-82. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Pooga M, Mikelsaar AV. Purification, characterization and tissue distribution of human class theta glutathione S-transferase T1-1. Biochem Mol Biol Int. 1996; 39(1):21-9. Tasa G, Juronen E, Viikmaa M, Tiidla A, Pärlist P, Uusküla M, Kalev I, Mikelsaar AV. Distribution of glutathione S-transferase T1 phenotypes in the Estonian population. Gene Geogr. 1996; 10(3):181-9. Norppa H, Hirvonen A, Jarventaus H, Uuskula M, Tasa G, Ojajarvi A, Sorsa M. Role of GSTT1 and GSTM1 genotypes in determining individual sensitivity to sister chromatid exchange induction by diepoxybutane in cultured human lymphocytes. Carcinogenesis. 1995; 16(6):1261-4. Tasa G, Juronen E, Uusküla M, Viikmaa M, Mikelsaar AV. Phenotyping of glutathione S-transferase M1 in the Estonian population by ELISA using GSTM1a and GSTM1b specific monoclonal antibodies. Clin Chim Acta. 1995; 239(2):191-6. Juronen E, Tasa G, Uusküla M, Parik J, Mikelsaar AV. Allele-specific monoclonal antibodies against glutathione S-transferase Mu1-1. Hybridoma. 1994; 13(6):477-84. Mikelsaar AV, Tasa G, Pärlist P, Uusküla M. Human glutathione S-transferase GSTM1 genetic polymorphism in Estonia. Hum Hered. 1994; 44(5):248-51. |
last updated: 10.08.2005
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