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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Reet
2.Perekonnanimi Järving (Koljak)
3.Töökoht TTÜ matemaatika-loodusteaduskond, keemiainstituut, bioorgaanilise keemia õppetool
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 04.07.1965 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, bioorgaaniline keemia, 1983-1988
TTÜ doktorantuur, 1996-2000
7.Teenistuskäik 1988-1995 nooremteadur, TA Keemia Instituudis
1995-1996 stazeerimine Vanderbilti Ülikoolis (Nashville, TN) Kliinilise farmakoloogia osakonnas
1995-1999 doktorant, TTÜ
1996-2001 teadur, TTÜ Keemia Instituudi Bioorgaanilise keemia osakonnas
2001 tänaseni vanemteadur samas
8.Teaduskraad Ph.D. loodusteaduste alal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TTÜ, 2001
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi Teaduspreemia keemia ja molekulaarbioloogia alal, 2002 (teaduskollektiivi liige)
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Biokeemia Selts, liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Uute dioksügenaaside kloneerimine, ekspressioon ja katalüüsi mehhanismi iseloomustamine.
14.Jooksvad grandid NIH grant 2001-2005 (Eesti poolne grandihoidja N.Samel), põhitäitja ETF grant nr. 5100 (2002-2005, grandihoidja I.Järving), põhitäitja ETF grant nr 5639 (2003-2006, grandihoidja N.Samel), põhitäitja

Mortimer, M., Järving, R., Brash, A.R., Samel, N., Järving, I. (2006) Identification and characterization of an arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 445, 147-155

Järving R., Järving I., Kurg R., Brash A.R., Samel N. (2004) On the Evolutionary origin of Cyclooxygenase (COX) Isozymes: Characterization of Marine Invertebrate COX Genes Points to Independent Duplication Events in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Lineages. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 13624-13633.

Koljak, R., Järving, I., Kurg, R., Boeglin, W. E., Varvas, K., Valmsen, K., Ustav, M., Brash, A. R., & Samel, N. (2001). The Basis of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral - Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase From the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia Fruticosa. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(10), 7033-7040.

Valmsen, K., Järving, I., Boeglin, W. E., Varvas, K., Koljak, R., Pehk, T., Brash, A. R., & Samel, N. (2001). The Origin of 15r-Prostaglandins in the Caribbean Coral Plexaura Homomalla: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Novel Cyclooxygenase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(14), 7700-7705.

Varvas K, Järving I, Koljak R, Valmsen K, Brash AR, Samel N. (1999) Evidence of a cyclooxygenase-related prostaglandin synthesis in coral. The allene oxide pathway is not involved in prostaglandin biosynthesis, J Biol Chem. 274(15), 9923-9929

Koljak R., Lopp A., Pehk T., Varvas K., Müürisepp A.-M., Järving I, Samel N. New Cytotoxic Sterols from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 179-186.

Koljak R., Boutaud O., Sieh B.-H., Samel N., Brash A.R. Identification of a Naturally Occurring Peroxidase-Lipoxygenase Fusion Protein, Science, 1997, 277, 1994-1996

Varvas K., Koljak R., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N. Endoperoxide Pathway in Prostaglandin Biosynthesis in the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron Lett., 1994, 35, 8267-8270.

Koljak R., Pehk T., Järving I., Liiv M., Lopp A., Varvas K., Lille Ü., Samel N. New Antiproliferative 9,11-Secosterol from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993, 34, 1985-1986.

Varvas K., Järving I., Koljak R., Vahemets A., Pehk T., Müürisepp A.-M., Lille Ü., Samel N. In vitro Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins in the White Sea Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. Formation of Optically Active PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a and 15-keto-PGF2a from Arachidonic Acid, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993, 34, 3643-3646.

viimati muudetud: 12.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Reet
2.Surname Järving (Koljak)
3.Institution Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position Senior Research Scientist
5.Date of birth 04.07.1965 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, Estonia, Dipl. Chem., Bioorganic Chemistry, 1988
Tallinn University of Technology, Ph.D. Natural Sciences, 2001
7.Research and
professional experience
1988-1995 Junior Research Scientist, Department of Bioorganic Chemistry, Institute of Chemistry, Estonian Academy of Sciences
1995-1996 Research Fellow, Division of Clinical Pharmacology,Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
1995-1999 Ph.D. student, Tallinn University of Technology
1998- 2001 Research Scientist, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology
2001- present Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology
8.Academic degree Ph.D., Natural Sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
TUT, 2001
10.Honours/awards National Prize for Chemistry and Molecular Biology in 2002: “The pathway of prostaglandin biosynthesis in invertebrates”, member of the research team
Estonian Society for Biochemistry, member
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Molecular cloning, expression and characterization of novel dioxygenases.
14.Current grant funding NIH grant 2001-2005 (sub-contractor in Estonia - N. Samel), researcher
ESF grant 5100 (2002-2005, P.I. I. Järving), reseacher
ESF grant 5639 (2003-2006, P.I. N. Samel), reseacher
15.List of most important publications

Mortimer, M., Järving, R., Brash, A.R., Samel, N., Järving, I. (2006) Identification and characterization of an arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 445, 147-155

Järving R., Järving I., Kurg R., Brash A.R., Samel N. (2004) On the Evolutionary origin of Cyclooxygenase (COX) Isozymes: Characterization of Marine Invertebrate COX Genes Points to Independent Duplication Events in Vertebrate and Invertebrate Lineages. J. Biol. Chem., 279, 13624-13633.

Koljak, R., Järving, I., Kurg, R., Boeglin, W. E., Varvas, K., Valmsen, K., Ustav, M., Brash, A. R., & Samel, N. (2001). The Basis of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral - Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase From the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia Fruticosa. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276(10), 7033-7040.

Valmsen, K., Järving, I., Boeglin, W. E., Varvas, K., Koljak, R., Pehk, T., Brash, A. R., & Samel, N. (2001). The Origin of 15r-Prostaglandins in the Caribbean Coral Plexaura Homomalla: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Novel Cyclooxygenase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98(14), 7700-7705.

Varvas K, Järving I, Koljak R, Valmsen K, Brash AR, Samel N. (1999) Evidence of a cyclooxygenase-related prostaglandin synthesis in coral. The allene oxide pathway is not involved in prostaglandin biosynthesis, J Biol Chem. 274(15), 9923-9929

Koljak R., Lopp A., Pehk T., Varvas K., Müürisepp A.-M., Järving I, Samel N. New Cytotoxic Sterols from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron, 1998, 54, 179-186.

Koljak R., Boutaud O., Sieh B.-H., Samel N., Brash A.R. Identification of a Naturally Occurring Peroxidase-Lipoxygenase Fusion Protein, Science, 1997, 277, 1994-1996

Varvas K., Koljak R., Järving I., Pehk T., Samel N. Endoperoxide Pathway in Prostaglandin Biosynthesis in the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron Lett., 1994, 35, 8267-8270.

Koljak R., Pehk T., Järving I., Liiv M., Lopp A., Varvas K., Lille Ü., Samel N. New Antiproliferative 9,11-Secosterol from the Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993, 34, 1985-1986.

Varvas K., Järving I., Koljak R., Vahemets A., Pehk T., Müürisepp A.-M., Lille Ü., Samel N. In vitro Biosynthesis of Prostaglandins in the White Sea Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. Formation of Optically Active PGD2, PGE2, PGF2a and 15-keto-PGF2a from Arachidonic Acid, Tetrahedron Lett., 1993, 34, 3643-3646.

last updated: 12.08.2005

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