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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Richard
2.Perekonnanimi Tamme
3.Töökoht Molekulaarbioloogia Õppetool
Geenitehnoloogia Instituut
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 02.05.1974 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1981-1992: Tallinna 7. Keskkool
1992-1996: bioloogiaõpingud Tartu Ülikooli Bioloogia-geograafiateaduskonnas
6/1996: omistatud bakalaureusekraad (cum laude) biotehnoloogias ja biomeditsiinis
8/1997–9/2002: doktorantuur Adelaide’i Ülikooli Molekulaarsete Bioteaduste Õppetoolis
3/2004: omistatud PhD teaduskraad neuroarengubioloogias.
7.Teenistuskäik 9/1996-6/1997: kraadiõpingud Dr Michael Lardelli uurimisrühmas Uppsala Ülikooli Neurobioloogia Õppetoolis

8/1997-2/2002: kraadiõpingud Dr Michael Lardelli uurimisrühmas Adelaide’i Ülikooli Molekulaarsete Bioteaduste Õppetoolis

2/2003 - 12/2004: teadur Prof Tõnis Timmuski uurimisrühmas Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituudi Molekulaargeneetika Laboratooriumis.

1/2005 - vanemtadur (järeldoktor) Prof Tõnis Timmuski uurimisrühmas
Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Molekulaarbioloogia Õppetoolis
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Adelaide Ülikool, 2004
ja –administratiivne
3/2004-5/2005 - külalisseminaride organiseerimine Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituudi Molekulaargeneetika Laboratooriumis ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geenitehnoloogia Instituudis

6/2005 - osalemine Rahvusvahelise Aju-uuringute Organisatsiooni (IBRO) neurobioloogia loengukursuse organiseerimises (toimumisaeg ja -koht: 14-22/06/2005 Tallinna Tehnikaülikoolis)
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Selgroogsete närvisüsteemi arengu molekulaarsed aspektid;

Evolutsiooniliselt konserveerunud arengut reguleerivate geenide (nt. Notch-geeni) võrdlev-evolutsiooniline analüüs;

Uute tehnoloogiate arendamine cDNA raamatukogude produtseerimiseks ja tundmatu flankeeriva DNA kloneerimiseks;

Sebrakala presenilin-2 (st. ühe Alzheimeri haiguse tekkes osaleva geeni homoloogi) kloneerimine ja ekspressioonimustri analüüs;

Imetajate neuralized geeniperekonna funktsioonide analüüs.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Groth C, Nornes S, McCarty R, Tamme R, and Lardelli M. (2002). Identification of a second presenilin gene in zebrafish with similarity to the human Alzheimer’s disease gene Presenilin2. Development, Genes and Evolution 212(10):486-90.

Tamme R, Wells S, Conran J, Lardelli M. (2002). The identity and distribution of neural cells expressing the mesodermal determinant spadetail. BMC Developmental Biology 2:9.

Clapier CR, de Boer J, Pacold M, Tamme R, van Dinten LC. (2001). Brakes and gas pedals. Meeting: Spetses 2000, molecular mechanisms of development and disease. EMBO Rep 2(7):563-7.

Holland LZ, Rached LA, Tamme R, Holland ND, Kortschak D, Inoko H, Shiina T, Burgtorf C, Lardelli M. (2001). Characterization and developmental expression of the amphioxus homolog of Notch (AmphiNotch): evolutionary conservation of multiple expression domains in amphioxus and vertebrates. Dev Biol 232(2):493-507.

Kortschak RD, Tamme R, Lardelli M. (2001) Evolutionary analysis of vertebrate Notch genes. Dev Genes Evol 211(7):350-4.

Tamme R, Mills K, Rainbird B, Nornes S, Lardelli M. (2001). Simple, directional cDNA cloning for in situ transcript hybridization screens. Biotechniques 31(4):938-42, 944, 946.

Tamme R, Camp E, Kortschak RD, Lardelli M. (2000). Non-specific, nested suppression PCR method for isolation of unknown flanking DNA. Biotechniques 28(5):895-9, 902.

Rebane A, Tamme R, Laan M, Pata I, Metspalu A. (1998). A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal protein S3a genes. Gene. 210(2):255-63.

viimati muudetud: 22.08.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Richard
2.Surname Tamme
3.Institution Department of Molecular Biology
Institute of Gene Technology
Tallinn University of Technology
4.Position postdoctoral research fellow
5.Date of birth 02.05.1974 (day.month.year)
6.Education 6/1996 - B.Sc in biomedicine and biotechnology (cum laude), University of Tartu;
3/2004 - PhD in Science (developmental neurobiology), University of Adelaide
7.Research and
professional experience
9/1996-6/1997: postgraduate research in Dr Michael Lardelli's laboratory at the Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Uppsala University

8/1997-2/2002: postgraduate research in Dr Michael Lardelli's laboratory at the Department of Molecular Biosciences, University
of Adelaide

2/2003 - 12/2004: research in Prof Tõnis Timmusk's laboratory at the Department of Molecular Genetics, National Institute
of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

1/2005 - postdoctoral research in Prof Tõnis Timmusk's laboratory at the Department of Molecular Biology, Tallinn University of Technology
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Adelaide, 2004
3/2004-5/2005 - organiser of guest speakers' seminars at the Department of Molecular Genetics (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics) and the Department of

6/2005 - co-organiser of a lecture course in neurobiology held by the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) at the Tallinn University of Technology (14-22 June 2005)
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Molecular aspects of vertebrate nervous system development;

Comparative studies of evolutionarily conserved developmental regulatory genes (e.g. the Notch gene);

Development of novel technologies for constructing cDNA libraries and cloning unknown flanking DNA;

Cloning and expression studies of the zebrafish presenilin2 gene (i.e. one of the homologues of Alzheimer disease-causing genes);

Analysis of the functions of the mammalian neuralized gene family.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Groth C, Nornes S, McCarty R, Tamme R, and Lardelli M. (2002). Identification of a second presenilin gene in zebrafish with similarity to the human Alzheimer’s disease gene Presenilin2. Development, Genes and Evolution 212(10):486-90.

Tamme R, Wells S, Conran J, Lardelli M. (2002). The identity and distribution of neural cells expressing the mesodermal determinant spadetail. BMC Developmental Biology 2:9.

Clapier CR, de Boer J, Pacold M, Tamme R, van Dinten LC. (2001). Brakes and gas pedals. Meeting: Spetses 2000, molecular mechanisms of development and disease. EMBO Rep 2(7):563-7.

Holland LZ, Rached LA, Tamme R, Holland ND, Kortschak D, Inoko H, Shiina T, Burgtorf C, Lardelli M. (2001). Characterization and developmental expression of the amphioxus homolog of Notch (AmphiNotch): evolutionary conservation of multiple expression domains in amphioxus and vertebrates. Dev Biol 232(2):493-507.

Kortschak RD, Tamme R, Lardelli M. (2001) Evolutionary analysis of vertebrate Notch genes. Dev Genes Evol 211(7):350-4.

Tamme R, Mills K, Rainbird B, Nornes S, Lardelli M. (2001). Simple, directional cDNA cloning for in situ transcript hybridization screens. Biotechniques 31(4):938-42, 944, 946.

Tamme R, Camp E, Kortschak RD, Lardelli M. (2000). Non-specific, nested suppression PCR method for isolation of unknown flanking DNA. Biotechniques 28(5):895-9, 902.

Rebane A, Tamme R, Laan M, Pata I, Metspalu A. (1998). A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal protein S3a genes. Gene. 210(2):255-63.

last updated: 22.08.2005

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