[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Mart |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Ustav |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool Tehnoloogiainstituut |
4. | Ametikoht | direktor |
5. | Sünniaeg | 16.07.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | kõrgharidus (Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1972; Keemiakandidaat 1979, molekulaarbioloogia erialal). |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1967-1972 TRÜ Füüsika-keemia teaduskonna keemiaosakonna üliõpilane. 1972-1974 Sõjaväeteenistus. 1974-1975 Küberneetika Instituut, vaneminsener 1976-1982 Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, vaneminsener, nooremteadur, vanemteadur 1979 Kandidaaditöö “Escherichia coli 5SRNA ja tRNA interaktsioon ribosoomi valkudega” kaitstud Ukraina TA Molekulaarbioloogia ja geneetika Instituudi Nõukogu ees. Juhendajad Akad. A. Lind ja R. Villems 1982-1985 Stasheerimine (Post-doctoral training) Uppsala Ülikooli Meditsiinilise Geneetika Instituudis (prof. Ulf Pettersson; prof.Björn Vennström). 1984 Vanemteaduri kutse. 1985-1989 TRÜ Onkogeneesi labori juhataja. 1989-1992 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, külalisteadlane (Visiting Scientist) 1992-praegu TÜ Bioloogia-geograafia teaduskonna Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituudi (TÜ MRI) Mikrobioloogia ja viroloogia õppetooli juhataja, korraline professor. 1996-1999 TÜ MRI juhataja. 2001 Eesti TA akadeemik 2002 sügisest alates TÜTI direktor |
8. | Teaduskraad | Keemiakandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
1979 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1) 1980.a. Eesti NSV preemia valgu biosünteesi mehhanismide uurimise eest. 2) 1996.a. Eesti teaduspreemia papilloomiviiruste replikatsiooni ja onkogeenide toimemehhanismide uurimise eest. 3) 2001.a. Valgetähe 3. järgu orden |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TÜ MRI Mikrobioloogia ja viroloogia õppetooli juhataja alates 1992.a. 2. TÜ MRI juhataja 1996 - 1999. 3. ETF Keemia ja molekulaarbioloogia ekspertkomisjoni liige, alamkomisjoni esimees 4. TÜMRI Nõukogu liige. 5. TÜ Bio.-Geo. Teaduskonna Nõukogu Liige. 6. EBK Nõukogu liige. 7. TÜ Strateegilise Kompetentsikeskuse Nõukogu liige. 8. Soome TA ekspertkomisjoni liige ja ekspertkomisjoni esimees |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Aare Abroi, PhD, 2004, juh. Mart Ustav. The determinants for the native activities of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein are separable. Tartu Ülikool Andrei Nikonov, MSc, 2004, juh. Mart Ustav. Specific monoclonal antibodies as tools for studying structure-function relationship of HCV RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase.. Tartu Ülikool Kadri Janikson, MSc, 2004, juh. Mart Ustav. Episomaalsete DNA viiruste replikatsiooni- ja segregatsioonifunktsiooni uurimine.. Tartu Ülikool Andres Männik, PhD, 2003, juh. Mart Ustav. Design and characterization of a novel vector system based on the stable replicator of bovine papillomavirus type 1.. Tartu Ülikool Elve Raukas, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Ustav. Nakkushaiguste molekulaardiagnostiliste meetodite väljatöötamine. Tartu Ülikool Ivar Ilves, PhD, 2003, juh. Mart Ustav. Virus-cell interactions in the replication cycle of bovine papillomavirus type 1.. Tartu Ülikool Kaidi Möll, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Ustav. Multiepitoopse antigeeni konstrueerimine ja sünteetilise antigeeni vastase immuunvastuse analüüs. Tartu Ülikool Toomas Silla, MSc, 2003, juh. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse tüüp 1 segregatsiooni uurimine pärmis Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tartu Ülikool Meelis Kadaja, MSc, 2002, juh. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse in vitro DNA replikatsioonisüsteemi kasutamine p53 valgu bioloogiliste aktiivsuste uurimiseks.. Tartu Ülikool Kaja Kiiver, MSc, 2001, juh. Mart Ustav. Hepatiit C viiruse genotüpeerimine ja mittestruktuursete valkude omaduste uurimine.. Tartu Ülikool Dina Lepik, PhD, 2000, juh. Mart Ustav. Modulation of viral DNA replication by tumor suppressor protein p53. Tartu Ülikool Niilo Kaldalu, PhD, 2000, juh. Mart Ustav. Studies of the TOL plasmid transcription factor XylS. Tartu Ülikool Reet Kurg, PhD, 2000, juh. Mart Ustav. Structure-function relationship of the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein. Tartu Ülikool Eve Sankovski, MSc, 1999, juh. Mart Ustav. Mudelsüsteemi loomine koletsüstokiniiniretseptorite CCK-A ja CCK-B signaaliülekande radade uurimiseks.. Tartu Ülikool Sulev Kõks, PhD, 1999, juh. Eero Vasar, Mart Ustav. Cholecystokinin (CCK) - induced anxiety in rats: influence of environmental stimuli and involvement of endopioid mechanisms and serotonin. Tartu Ülikool Dina Lepik, MSc, 1998, juh. Mart Ustav. p53 blokeerib papilloomiviiruste amplifikatsioonilist replikatsiooni.. Tartu Ülikool Tiit Talpsepp, MSc, 1998, juh. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse onkovalgu E5 üks võimalikke toimemehhanisme - vabaradikaalsete signaaliülekanderadade aktiveerimine rakus.. Tartu Ülikool Andres Männik, MSc, 1997, juh. Mart Ustav. Transkriptsiooni aktivatsioonil baseeruvate vektorite konstrueerimine ja testimine. Tartu Ülikool Ingrid Liiv, MSc, 1997, juh. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviirus tüüp1 (BPV-1) transkriptsiooni ja replikatsiooni aktivaatorvalgu E2 - vastaste monoklonaalsete antikehade saamine ja iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Maido Remm, PhD, 1997, juh. Mart Ustav. Human papillomavirus type 18: replication, transformation and gene expression.. Tartu Ülikool Marko Piirsoo, MSc, 1997, juh. Mart Ustav. Analysis of transgenic mice carrying Bovine Papillomavirus Type I (BPV) replicon based episomal vectors. Tartu Ülikool Ene Ustav, PhD, 1996, juh. Mart Ustav. E2 as the Modulator of the BPV1 DNA Replication.. Tartu Ülikool Aire Allikas, MSc, 1995, juh. Mart Ustav. BPV E2 valgu bioloogilise funktsiooni avaldumiseks on vajalik DNA-seonduv domään.. Tartu Ülikool Tiiu Mandel, MSc, 1995, juh. Mart Ustav. Veise papillomiviiruse tüüp 1 (BPV-1) stabiilset replikatsiooni ja koopiate arvu reguleerivate mehhanismide uurimine. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | 1) Kobra Naja naja oxiana atsetüülkoliinesteraasi substraatspetsiifilisuse uurimine. See oli minu esimene uurimisteema, mida ma alustasin Dr. Aavo Aaviksaare juhendamisel olles veel TRÜ üliõpilane ja jätkasin peale sõjaväeteenistust 1974-1975. aastal. 2)Nukleiinhapete ja valkude interaktsioonid ribosoomides ja nende roll valgu biosünteesis. See teema kujunes minu kandidaaditöö (Ph.D. praeguses mõistes, juhendajad Akad. A. Lind ja R. Villems) sisuks 3) Veise papilloomiviiruse geenide ekspressiooni uurimine kasutades retroviirusvektoreid. 4) Papilloomiviiruse replikonil põhinevate ekspressioonivektorite konstrueerimine ja nende kasutamine inimese plasminogeeni aktivaatori ekspressiooniks. 5) Papillomiviiruse DNA replikatsiooni initsiatsiooni molekulaarsete aluste väljaselgitamine 6) Papilloomiviiruse stabiilse replikatsiooni mehhanismide väljaselgitamine 7) Transkriptsiooni ja replikatsiooni faktor E2 struktuursete ja funktsionaalsete determinantide identifitseerimine ja funktsioneerimise uurimine 8) Bakteriaalsete transkriptsiooni aktivaatorite toimemehhanismi väljaselgitamine 9) Veise papilloomiviiruse onkovalgu E5 biokeemiliste ja apoptootiliste omaduste uurimine 10) Geendiagnostiliste meetodite väljatöötamine viiruseliste ja mikroobsete nakkuste identifitseerimiseks, detekteerimiseks ja subtüpeerimiseks 11) Uute geeniteraapia ja geenvaktsineerimise vektorite väljatöötamine (Patendid). |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 1)Sihtfinants 0182566. RNA ja DNA genoomiga viiruste replikatsioonimehhanismide uurimine ja geeniteraapia ning geenvaktsineerimise uute meetodite väljatöötamine 2003-2007. 2)ETF Grant No. 5998.Papilloomiviiruste genoomi mitootilise retseptori uurimine. 2004-2007. 3)ETF Grant No. 5999. Terapeutiliste märklaudade identifitseerimise süsteemi konstrueerimine. 2004-2007. 4)Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant No. INTNL 55000339.The analysis of the mechanisms of extrachromosomal replication of the bovine papillomavirus genome. 2000-2005. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kurg, R., Sild, K., Ilves, A., Sepp, M., Ustav, M. (2005) Association of Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein with Nuclear Structures In Vivo. Journal of Virology, 79 (16) 10528-10539. PATENT APPLICATION 60/652390 Inventors: SILLA, Toomas; HÄÄL, Ingrid; GEIMANEN, Jelizaveta; JANIKSON, Kadri, ABROI, Aare; USTAV, Ene ; USTAV, Mart and; MANDEL, Tiiu Title: Vectors, cell lines and their use in obtaining extended episomal maintenance replication of hybrid plasmids and expression of gene products. 2005 Abroi, A., Ilves, I., Kivi, S., Ustav, M. (2004) Analysis of chromatin attachment and partitioning functions of Bovine Papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein. Journal of Virology, 78 (4), 2100-2113. Ivar Ilves, Meelis Kadaja, Mart Ustav. (2003) Two separate replication modes of the bovine papillomavirus BPV1 origin of replication that have different sensitivity to p53. Virus Research,96, 75-84. Jaanson, N., Möll, K., Kulla, A., Ustav, M. (2003) Identification of the immunodominant regions of the melanoma antigen tyrosinase by anti-tyrosinase monoclonal antibodies. Melanoma Res., 13 (5), 473-482. Männik, A., Piirsoo, M., Nordström, K., Ustav, E., Vennström, B., Ustav, M. (2003) “Effective generation of transgenic mice by Bovine papillomavirus type 1 based self-replicating plasmid that is maintained as extrachromosomal genetic element in three generations of animals. Plasmid, 49, 193-204. Novel selection system No116068; application number FI20031319 ;Uusi selektiosysteemi, Granted 9/15/2003, 9/15/2006 Tenson, T., Laht, S., Adojaan, M., Männik, A., Toots, U., Ustav, M. Finland. Andreson, N., Lõivukene, K., Sillakivi, T., Maaroos, H.-I., Ustav, M., Peetsalu, A., Mikelsaar, M. (2002) Associateion of cagA and vacA Genotypes of Helicobacter pylori with Gastric Diseases in Estonia. J. of Clinical Microbiology, 40(1), 298-300. Episomal vectors and uses therof. Ustav, M. USA patent No: US 6479279B2, Nov.12.2002. Männik, A., Rünkorg, K., Jaanson, N., Ustav, M., Ustav, E. (2002) Induction of the Bovine Papillomavirus Origin “Onion Skin” –Type DNA Replication at High E1 Protein Concentrations In Vivo. Journal of Virology, June, 76, (11), 5835-5845. Tammur, J., Sibul, H., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Metspalu, A. (2002) A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line. BMC Molecular Biology, 3,(5), http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/3/5 55. Väli, Ü., Kilk, A., Ustav, M. (2001) Bovine papillomavirus onvoprotein E5 affects the arachidonic acid metabolism in cells. The International J. of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 22, 227-235. Allikas, A., Örd, D., Kurg, R., Kivi, S., Ustav, M. (2001) Roles of the hinge region and the DNA binding domain of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein in initiation of DNA replication. Virus Research, 75, 95-106. Kivimäe, S., Allikas, A., Kurg, R., Ustav, M. (2001) Replication of a chimeric origin containing elements from Epstein-Barr virus ori P and bovine papillomavirus minimal origin. Virus Research, 75, 1-11. Koljak, R., Järving, I., Kurg, R., Boeglin, W.E., Varvas, K., Valmsen, K., Ustav, M., Brash, A.R., Samel, N. (2001) The Basis of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase from the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. J. of Biological Chemistry, 276 (10), 7033-7040. Lampela, P., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Niskanen, M., Männistö, P.T., Raasmaja, A. (2001) Efficient transfection of novel Bovine Papillomavirus 1 expression plasmids. Plasmid, 46, 163-169. Raasmaja, A., Soosaar, A., Lampela, P., Kõks, S., Männik, A., Volke, V., Huotari, M., Joki, S., Ustav, E., Vasar, E., Ustav, M., Mannistö, P.T. (2001) Tyrosine hydroxylase gene transfer to rat striatum using Bovine Papilloma Virus-1 expression plasmids in the experimental model of Parkinson’s disease. Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett., 2, 83-86. Sillakivi, T., Aro, H., Ustav, M., Peetsalu, M., Peetsalu, A., Mikelsaar, M. (2001) Diversity of Helicobacter pylori genotypes among Estonian and Russian patients with perforated peptic ulcer, living in Southern Estonia. FEMS Microbiology Letters 195, 29-33. Tähtinen, M., Strengell, M., Collings, A., Pitkänen, J., Kjerrström, A., Hakkarainen, K., Peterson, P., Kohleisen, B., Wahren, B., Ranki, A., Ustav, M., Krohn, K. (2001) DNA vaccination in mice using HIV-1 nef, rev and tat genes in self-replicating pBN-vector. Vaccine, 19, 2039-2047. Kaldalu, N., Lepik, D., Kristjuhan, A. and Ustav, M. (2000) A Novel Immunotag System for Monitoring and Purification of Proteins. Biotechniques, 28 (3) 456-462. Kaldalu, N., Lepik, D., Kristjuhan, A., Ustav, M. (2000)Monitoring and Purification of Proteins Using Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Epitope Tags. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Protein Studies. Ed. by Lu,Q. and M.P. Weiner, Eaton Publ. Natick, MA., Chapter 27. Kaldalu, N., Toots, U. , DeLorenzo, V. and Ustav, M. (2000) Functional Domains of the TOL plasmid transcription Factor XylS. Journal of Bacteriology, 182 (4), 1118-1126. Kurg, R., Langel, U. and Ustav, M. (2000) Inhibition of the Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein Activity by Peptide Nucleic Acid. Virus Research, 66, 39-50. Kurg, R. & Ustav, M. (2000)Update to Monitoring and Purification of Proteins Using Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Tag. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Protein Studies. Ed. by Lu,Q. and M.P. Weiner, Eaton Publ. Natick, MA., Chapter 27. Lepik, D., Ustav, M. (2000) Cell-Specific Modulation of Papovavirus Replication by Tumor Suppressor Protein p53. Journal of Virology, May 74 (10). Lõivukene, K., Kolk, H., Maaroos, H-I., Kasenõmm, P., Aro, H., Ustav, M., Mikelsaar, M. (2000) Metronidazole and Clarithromycin Susceptibility and the Subtypes of VacA of Helicobacter pylori Isolates in Estonia. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 32, 59-62. Žusinaite, E., Krispin, T., Raukas, E., Kiiver, K., Salupere, R., Ott, K., Ustina, V., Zilmer, K., Scmidt, J., Sizemski, L., Jaago, K., Luman, M., Ilmoja, M., Prükk, T., Ustav, M.(2000) Hepatitis C virus genotyping in Estonia. APMIS, 108, 739-746. Collins, A., Pitkänen,J., Strengele, M., Tähtinen, M., Pitkänen, J., Lagerstedt, A., Hakkarinen, K., Ovod, V., Sutter, G., Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Männik, A., Ranki A.-M., Peterson, P., and Krohn, K. (1999) Humoral and cellular immune response to HIV-1 nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating of self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18(5-6), 460-467. Ilves, I., Kivi, S. and Ustav,M.(1999) Long-term episomal maintenance of bovine papillomavirus type 1 plasmids is determined by attachment to host chromosmes, which is mediated by the viral E2 and its binding sites. Journal of Virology 73(5):4404-4412. Kurg, R., Parik, J., Juronen,E., Sedman,T., Abroi,A., Liiv,I., Langel,Ü. And Ustav,M. (1999). Effect of bovine papillomavirus E2 protein-specific monoclonal antibodies on papillomavirus DNA replication. Journal of Virology 73(6):4670-4677. Kõljalg, S., Sults, I., Raukas, E., Truu, J., Ustav, M. Mikelsaar, M. (1999) Distribution of Acinetobacter baumanii in a Neurointensive Care Unit. Scand J. Infect Dis. 31, 145-150. Remm, M., Remm, A. and Ustav,M.(1999). Human papillomavirus Type 18 E1 protein is translated from polycistronic mRNA by a discontinuous scanning mechanism. Journal of Virology 73(4):3062-3070. Kõks, S., Soosaar, A., Võikar, V., Volke, V., Ustav, M., Männistö, P.T., Bourin, M., Vasar, E. Opioid antagonist naloxone potentiates anxiogenic-like action of cholecystokinin agonists in elevated plus-maze. Neuropeptides, 32 (3), 235-240. (1998). Lepik, D., Ilves, I., Kristjuhan, A., Maimets, T., Ustav, M. (1998) p53 protein is a suppressor of papillomavirus DNA amplificational replication. J. of Virology, 72(8): 6822-6831. Ustav, E. and Ustav, M. (1998) E2 protein as the master regulator of extrachromosomal replication of the papillomaviruses. - Papillomavirus Report, 9(6), 145-152. Abroi, A., Kurg, R., and Ustav, M. Transcriptional and replicational activation functions in BPV-1 E2 protein are encoded by different structural detrminants. Journal of Virology, 70, 6169-6179 (1996). Kaldalu, N., Mandel, T., Ustav, M. Tol plasmid transcription factor XylS binds specifically to the Pm operator sequence. Molecular Microbiology, 20, 569-580 (1996). Kilk, A., Talpsepp, T., Väli, Ü., and Ustav, M. Bovine papillomavirus oncoprotein E5 induces the NFkB activation through superoxide radicals. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, Vol.40(4), November, 687-697 (1996). Piirsoo, M., Ustav, E., Mandel, T., Stenlund, A., Ustav, M. Cis and trans requirements for stable episomal maintenance of the BPV-1 replicator. The EMBO Journal Vol.15(1), 101-111 (1996). Sild, T., Küüts, R., Aro, T., and Ustav, M. Detection and typing of HPV in cervical scrapes and biopsies: a comparison of test results and clinical diagnosis. 9th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, Sydney, Australia 12-16 May (1996). Aleshkov, S.B., Ustav M.B. and Baev A.A. Recombinant murine cell lines, transformed by various vectors based on bovine type 1 papillomavirus and expressing human tissue plasminogen activator. II. Analysis of cell lines, producing recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Mol. Biol. 28, 619-625 (1994). Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Szymanski, P., Stenlund, A. The BPV origin of replication requires a binding site for E2 transcription activator. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 90, 888-892 (1993). Chiang Cheng-Ming, Ustav, M., Stenlund, A., Ho, T.F., Broker, T.R., Chow, L.T. Viral E1 and E2 proteins support replication of homologous and heterologous papillomaviral origins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5799-5801 (1992). Aleshkov, S., Usstav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of human tissue type plasminogen activator in the recombinant cell lines of the different organisms. Mol. Biol. (Russian) 25, 1226-1238 (1991). Aleshkov, S., Ustav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of the human tissue type plasminogen activator in the recombinant mouse cell lines using vectors based on the bovine paapillomavirus type 1 replicon. Mol. Biol. (Russian) 25, 1239-1247 (1991). Ustav, M., Stenlund, A. Transient replication of BPV-1 requires two viral polypeptides encoded by the E1 and E2 open reading frames. EMBO J.10(2), 449 457 (1991). Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Szymanski, P., Stenlund, A. Identification of the origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus and characterization of the viral origin recognition factor E1. EMBO J. 10(13), 4321-4329 (1991). Aleshkov, S., Usstav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of the human tissue type plasminogen activator in the human cell lines using different eukaryotic promoters. Dok1. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Russian) 309, 721-724 (1989). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Sedman, J., Moreno-Lopez, J., Vennstrom, B., Pettersson, U. The E5 gene of bovine papillomavirus type 1 is sufficient for complete oncogenic transformation of mouse fibroblasts. Oncogene 2, 453-459 (1988). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Vennstrom, B., Moreno-Lopez, J., Pettersson, U. Bovine papillomavirus type 1 transforming functions studied by the use of a retrovirus system. Cancer Cells Vol. 5., Papillomaviruses. B.M. Steinberg, J.L. Brandsma, L.B. Taichman, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory pp. 209-214 (1987). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Moreno-Lopez, J., Vennstrom, B., Pettersson, U. Replication of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 genome: antisense transcripts prevent episomal replications. Gene 50, 185-193 (1986). Pettersson, U., Bergman, P., Ahola, H., Ustav, M., Stenlund, A., Zabielski, J., Vennstrom, B., Moreno-Lopez, J. Anatomy and expression of the transforming region of bovine papillomavirus type 1. Cancer Cells Vol. 4. DNA tumor viruses control of gene expression and replication. M. Botchan, T. Grodzicker, P.A. Sharp, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory pp. 595-603 (1986). Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The role of protein L16 and its fragments in the peptidyltransferase activity of 50S ribosomal subunits. Eur. J. Biochem. 135, 127-130 (1983). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Villems, R. 5S RNA - protin complex is involved in ribosomal subunit association. FEBS Lett. 153, 125-127 (1983). Remme, J., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The interaction of ribosomal proteins and its fragments with tRNA. FEBS Lett. 153, 267-269 (1983). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Maimets, T., Villems, R. The composition and properties of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA - protein complexis. Eur. J. Biochem. 121p, 383-389 (1982). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The properties of the tRNA - protein complexes of the Escherichia coli ribosome. Interaction with tRNA, 5S RNA and 30S ribosomal subunit. Eur. J. Biochem. 124, 269-273 (1982). Metspalu, E., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. A quaternary complex consisting of two molecules of tRNA and ribosomal proteins L2 and L17. FEBS Lett. 132, 105-108 (1981). Sedman, J., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The interaction of 5S RNA and its large fragments with ribosomal proteins. FEBS Lett. 136, 251-254 (1981). Ustav ja R. Villems “Active sites of the Escherichia coli ribosomes.” In the series Advances of Science and Technology. Biological Chemistry. Vol. 15, pp. 116-174 (1981) In Russian. Speek, M., Ustav, M., Lind, A., Saarma, M. Characterization of the secondary structure of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA using S1 nuclease and cobra venom endonuclease. Bioorg. Khim. 6, 1877-1880 (1980). Villems, R., Koger, A., Lind, A., Maimets, T., Metspalu, E., Saarma, M., Sarapuu, T., Ustav, M. Affinity chromatography as a useful tool on studying RNA-protein interactions. In: Biological Implications of the Protein - Nucleic Acid Interactions (Augustyniak, J. ed.). pp.91-99, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, N.Y., Oxford (1980). Kesvatera, T., Ustav, M., Aaviksaar, A. Cobra venom acetylcholine esterase II substrate specificity. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 62, 193-197 (1979). Saarma, M., Villems, R., Laving, A., Metspalu, A., Toots, I., Ustav, M., Lind, A. On the origin of eukaryotic 5.8S RNA. Hoppe-Zeyler’s Z. für Physiol. Chem. 360, 1040-1041 (1979). Ustav, M., Remme, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. New effective method of immobilizing ribonucleic acids and nucleotides on agarose. Bioorg. Khim. 5, 365-369 (1979). Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Villems, R., Ustav, M., Lind, A. Interaction of 5S RNA, 5.8S RNA and tRNA with rat-liver ribosomal proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 91, 73-81 (1978). Ustav, M., Saarma, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. The domain for transfer ribonucleic acid binding to the Escherichia coli ribosome. FEBS Lett. 87, 315-317 (1978). Lind, A., Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Toots, I., Ustav, M., Villems, R. Universal structure of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center and function of the 5.8S RNA. Bioorg. Khim. 3(8), 1138-1140 (1977). Ustav, M., Saarma, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. The interaction of 5S RNA with the proteins of the small ribosomal subunit. Bioorg. Khim. 3(12), 1699-1701 (1977). Ustav, M., Saarma, M. Lind, A., Villems, R. The interaction of transfer ribonucleic acid with 50S ribosomal subunit proteins. FEBS Lett. 83, 353-356 (1977). Ustav, M., Villems, R., Lind, A. The interaction of transfer ribonucleic acid with 30S ribosomal subunit proteins. FEBS Lett. 82, 259-262 (1977). |
viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Mart |
2. | Surname | Ustav |
3. | Institution | Tartu University Institute of Technology |
4. | Position | Director |
5. | Date of birth | 16.07.1949 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Graduated from the Tartu University, Faculty of Physics and Chemistry. Majors in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry in 1972. Ph.D. (Cand. Chem.Sciences in Molecular Biology) 1979. |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1975-1976 Junior Scientist, Inst. of Cybernetics Estonian Academy of Sciences; 1976-1979 Junior Scientist Tartu University; 1979-1985 Senior Scientist, Tartu University. 1985-1989 Head of the Laboratory of Oncogenesis, Tartu University. 1986- Head of the Laboratory of Oncogenesis, Estonian Biocentre. 1989-1992 Visiting scientist . - Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York.. 1992- Professor, Department of Microbiology and Virology, Tartu University. 1996-1999 Head of the Tartu University Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology 2001 Academician of Estonian Science Academy 2002- Director of Tartu University Institute of Technology |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. (Cand. Chem.Sciences in Molecular Biology) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1979 |
10. | Honours/awards | 1)1980 Research Prize of Estonia for research in the field of protein synthesis 2)1996 Research Prize or Estonia for research in the field of papillomaviruses. 3)2001 order of the white star 3 class |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of Council, Tartu University's Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology Member of Council, Tartu University's Faculty of Biology and Geography Member of Council of the Estonian Biocentre Chairman of the Chemistry and Molecular Biology subcommittee of the Estonian Science Foundation Member of Council of Tartu University's Centre of Strategical Competence Member of expert committe of the Finnish Academy of Sciences and the chairman of an expert committee 2001- Academician, Estonian Academy of Sciences |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Aare Abroi, PhD, 2004, superv. Mart Ustav. The determinants for the native activities of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein are separable. Tartu Ülikool Andrei Nikonov, MSc, 2004, superv. Mart Ustav. Specific monoclonal antibodies as tools for studying structure-function relationship of HCV RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase.. Tartu Ülikool Kadri Janikson, MSc, 2004, superv. Mart Ustav. Episomaalsete DNA viiruste replikatsiooni- ja segregatsioonifunktsiooni uurimine.. Tartu Ülikool Andres Männik, PhD, 2003, superv. Mart Ustav. Design and characterization of a novel vector system based on the stable replicator of bovine papillomavirus type 1.. Tartu Ülikool Elve Raukas, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Ustav. Nakkushaiguste molekulaardiagnostiliste meetodite väljatöötamine. Tartu Ülikool Ivar Ilves, PhD, 2003, superv. Mart Ustav. Virus-cell interactions in the replication cycle of bovine papillomavirus type 1.. Tartu Ülikool Kaidi Möll, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Ustav. Multiepitoopse antigeeni konstrueerimine ja sünteetilise antigeeni vastase immuunvastuse analüüs. Tartu Ülikool Toomas Silla, MSc, 2003, superv. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse tüüp 1 segregatsiooni uurimine pärmis Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Tartu Ülikool Meelis Kadaja, MSc, 2002, superv. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse in vitro DNA replikatsioonisüsteemi kasutamine p53 valgu bioloogiliste aktiivsuste uurimiseks.. Tartu Ülikool Kaja Kiiver, MSc, 2001, superv. Mart Ustav. Hepatiit C viiruse genotüpeerimine ja mittestruktuursete valkude omaduste uurimine.. Tartu Ülikool Dina Lepik, PhD, 2000, superv. Mart Ustav. Modulation of viral DNA replication by tumor suppressor protein p53. Tartu Ülikool Niilo Kaldalu, PhD, 2000, superv. Mart Ustav. Studies of the TOL plasmid transcription factor XylS. Tartu Ülikool Reet Kurg, PhD, 2000, superv. Mart Ustav. Structure-function relationship of the bovine papillomavirus E2 protein. Tartu Ülikool Eve Sankovski, MSc, 1999, superv. Mart Ustav. Mudelsüsteemi loomine koletsüstokiniiniretseptorite CCK-A ja CCK-B signaaliülekande radade uurimiseks.. Tartu Ülikool Sulev Kõks, PhD, 1999, superv. Eero Vasar, Mart Ustav. Cholecystokinin (CCK) - induced anxiety in rats: influence of environmental stimuli and involvement of endopioid mechanisms and serotonin. Tartu Ülikool Dina Lepik, MSc, 1998, superv. Mart Ustav. p53 blokeerib papilloomiviiruste amplifikatsioonilist replikatsiooni.. Tartu Ülikool Tiit Talpsepp, MSc, 1998, superv. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviiruse onkovalgu E5 üks võimalikke toimemehhanisme - vabaradikaalsete signaaliülekanderadade aktiveerimine rakus.. Tartu Ülikool Andres Männik, MSc, 1997, superv. Mart Ustav. Transkriptsiooni aktivatsioonil baseeruvate vektorite konstrueerimine ja testimine. Tartu Ülikool Ingrid Liiv, MSc, 1997, superv. Mart Ustav. Veise papilloomiviirus tüüp1 (BPV-1) transkriptsiooni ja replikatsiooni aktivaatorvalgu E2 - vastaste monoklonaalsete antikehade saamine ja iseloomustamine. Tartu Ülikool Maido Remm, PhD, 1997, superv. Mart Ustav. Human papillomavirus type 18: replication, transformation and gene expression.. Tartu Ülikool Marko Piirsoo, MSc, 1997, superv. Mart Ustav. Analysis of transgenic mice carrying Bovine Papillomavirus Type I (BPV) replicon based episomal vectors. Tartu Ülikool Ene Ustav, PhD, 1996, superv. Mart Ustav. E2 as the Modulator of the BPV1 DNA Replication.. Tartu Ülikool Aire Allikas, MSc, 1995, superv. Mart Ustav. BPV E2 valgu bioloogilise funktsiooni avaldumiseks on vajalik DNA-seonduv domään.. Tartu Ülikool Tiiu Mandel, MSc, 1995, superv. Mart Ustav. Veise papillomiviiruse tüüp 1 (BPV-1) stabiilset replikatsiooni ja koopiate arvu reguleerivate mehhanismide uurimine. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Molecular biology - mechanisms of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells and activation of transcription in the eukaryotic cells. RNA-protein interactions in the ribosomes Molecular Virology - the mechanisms of replication of human and animal papillomaviruses; conjugation of transcription and replication in gene expression of papillomaviruses. Molecular Diagnostics - application of PCR and other molecular methods for diagnosis of bacterial and viral infections. Gene Therapy - construction of episomal gene therapy vectors and their application for treatment of different inherited and acquired diseases. Gene vaccination ( nucleic acid vaccination) - development of respective gene vaccination vectors and their use for boosting an immune response against different antigens. |
14. | Current grant funding | 1)Targ. Fin. Project 0182566, 2003-2007. “Investigation of replication mechanisms of RNA and DNA genomic viruses and development of new gene therapy and gene vaccination methods”. 2)ESF grant 5998 2004-2007 “Study of the receptors for the papillomavirsl genome in the mitotic cells” 3)ESF grant 5999 2004-2007 “Development of the system for identification of therapeutic targets” 4)Howard Hughes Medical Institute grant No. INTNL 55000339. 2000-2005 “The analysis of the mechanisms of extrachromosomal replication of the bovine papillomavirus genome” |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kurg, R., Sild, K., Ilves, A., Sepp, M., Ustav, M. (2005) Association of Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein with Nuclear Structures In Vivo. Journal of Virology, 79 (16) 10528-10539. PATENT APPLICATION 60/652390 Inventors: SILLA, Toomas; HÄÄL, Ingrid; GEIMANEN, Jelizaveta; JANIKSON, Kadri, ABROI, Aare; USTAV, Ene ; USTAV, Mart and; MANDEL, Tiiu Title: Vectors, cell lines and their use in obtaining extended episomal maintenance replication of hybrid plasmids and expression of gene products. 2005 Abroi, A., Ilves, I., Kivi, S., Ustav, M. (2004) Analysis of chromatin attachment and partitioning functions of Bovine Papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein. Journal of Virology, 78 (4), 2100-2113. Ivar Ilves, Meelis Kadaja, Mart Ustav. (2003) Two separate replication modes of the bovine papillomavirus BPV1 origin of replication that have different sensitivity to p53. Virus Research,96, 75-84. Jaanson, N., Möll, K., Kulla, A., Ustav, M. (2003) Identification of the immunodominant regions of the melanoma antigen tyrosinase by anti-tyrosinase monoclonal antibodies. Melanoma Res., 13 (5), 473-482. Männik, A., Piirsoo, M., Nordström, K., Ustav, E., Vennström, B., Ustav, M. (2003) “Effective generation of transgenic mice by Bovine papillomavirus type 1 based self-replicating plasmid that is maintained as extrachromosomal genetic element in three generations of animals. Plasmid, 49, 193-204. Novel selection system No116068; application number FI20031319 ;Uusi selektiosysteemi, Granted 9/15/2003, 9/15/2006 Tenson, T., Laht, S., Adojaan, M., Männik, A., Toots, U., Ustav, M. Finland. Andreson, N., Lõivukene, K., Sillakivi, T., Maaroos, H.-I., Ustav, M., Peetsalu, A., Mikelsaar, M. (2002) Associateion of cagA and vacA Genotypes of Helicobacter pylori with Gastric Diseases in Estonia. J. of Clinical Microbiology, 40(1), 298-300. Episomal vectors and uses therof. Ustav, M. USA patent No: US 6479279B2, Nov.12.2002. Männik, A., Rünkorg, K., Jaanson, N., Ustav, M., Ustav, E. (2002) Induction of the Bovine Papillomavirus Origin “Onion Skin” –Type DNA Replication at High E1 Protein Concentrations In Vivo. Journal of Virology, June, 76, (11), 5835-5845. Tammur, J., Sibul, H., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Metspalu, A. (2002) A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line. BMC Molecular Biology, 3,(5), http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/3/5 55. Väli, Ü., Kilk, A., Ustav, M. (2001) Bovine papillomavirus onvoprotein E5 affects the arachidonic acid metabolism in cells. The International J. of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 22, 227-235. Allikas, A., Örd, D., Kurg, R., Kivi, S., Ustav, M. (2001) Roles of the hinge region and the DNA binding domain of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 E2 protein in initiation of DNA replication. Virus Research, 75, 95-106. Kivimäe, S., Allikas, A., Kurg, R., Ustav, M. (2001) Replication of a chimeric origin containing elements from Epstein-Barr virus ori P and bovine papillomavirus minimal origin. Virus Research, 75, 1-11. Koljak, R., Järving, I., Kurg, R., Boeglin, W.E., Varvas, K., Valmsen, K., Ustav, M., Brash, A.R., Samel, N. (2001) The Basis of Prostaglandin Synthesis in Coral: Molecular Cloning and Expression of a Cyclooxygenase from the Arctic Soft Coral Gersemia fruticosa. J. of Biological Chemistry, 276 (10), 7033-7040. Lampela, P., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Niskanen, M., Männistö, P.T., Raasmaja, A. (2001) Efficient transfection of novel Bovine Papillomavirus 1 expression plasmids. Plasmid, 46, 163-169. Raasmaja, A., Soosaar, A., Lampela, P., Kõks, S., Männik, A., Volke, V., Huotari, M., Joki, S., Ustav, E., Vasar, E., Ustav, M., Mannistö, P.T. (2001) Tyrosine hydroxylase gene transfer to rat striatum using Bovine Papilloma Virus-1 expression plasmids in the experimental model of Parkinson’s disease. Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett., 2, 83-86. Sillakivi, T., Aro, H., Ustav, M., Peetsalu, M., Peetsalu, A., Mikelsaar, M. (2001) Diversity of Helicobacter pylori genotypes among Estonian and Russian patients with perforated peptic ulcer, living in Southern Estonia. FEMS Microbiology Letters 195, 29-33. Tähtinen, M., Strengell, M., Collings, A., Pitkänen, J., Kjerrström, A., Hakkarainen, K., Peterson, P., Kohleisen, B., Wahren, B., Ranki, A., Ustav, M., Krohn, K. (2001) DNA vaccination in mice using HIV-1 nef, rev and tat genes in self-replicating pBN-vector. Vaccine, 19, 2039-2047. Kaldalu, N., Lepik, D., Kristjuhan, A. and Ustav, M. (2000) A Novel Immunotag System for Monitoring and Purification of Proteins. Biotechniques, 28 (3) 456-462. Kaldalu, N., Lepik, D., Kristjuhan, A., Ustav, M. (2000)Monitoring and Purification of Proteins Using Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Epitope Tags. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Protein Studies. Ed. by Lu,Q. and M.P. Weiner, Eaton Publ. Natick, MA., Chapter 27. Kaldalu, N., Toots, U. , DeLorenzo, V. and Ustav, M. (2000) Functional Domains of the TOL plasmid transcription Factor XylS. Journal of Bacteriology, 182 (4), 1118-1126. Kurg, R., Langel, U. and Ustav, M. (2000) Inhibition of the Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein Activity by Peptide Nucleic Acid. Virus Research, 66, 39-50. Kurg, R. & Ustav, M. (2000)Update to Monitoring and Purification of Proteins Using Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Tag. Cloning and Expression Vectors for Protein Studies. Ed. by Lu,Q. and M.P. Weiner, Eaton Publ. Natick, MA., Chapter 27. Lepik, D., Ustav, M. (2000) Cell-Specific Modulation of Papovavirus Replication by Tumor Suppressor Protein p53. Journal of Virology, May 74 (10). Lõivukene, K., Kolk, H., Maaroos, H-I., Kasenõmm, P., Aro, H., Ustav, M., Mikelsaar, M. (2000) Metronidazole and Clarithromycin Susceptibility and the Subtypes of VacA of Helicobacter pylori Isolates in Estonia. Scand. J. Infect. Dis. 32, 59-62. Žusinaite, E., Krispin, T., Raukas, E., Kiiver, K., Salupere, R., Ott, K., Ustina, V., Zilmer, K., Scmidt, J., Sizemski, L., Jaago, K., Luman, M., Ilmoja, M., Prükk, T., Ustav, M.(2000) Hepatitis C virus genotyping in Estonia. APMIS, 108, 739-746. Collins, A., Pitkänen,J., Strengele, M., Tähtinen, M., Pitkänen, J., Lagerstedt, A., Hakkarinen, K., Ovod, V., Sutter, G., Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Männik, A., Ranki A.-M., Peterson, P., and Krohn, K. (1999) Humoral and cellular immune response to HIV-1 nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating of self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18(5-6), 460-467. Ilves, I., Kivi, S. and Ustav,M.(1999) Long-term episomal maintenance of bovine papillomavirus type 1 plasmids is determined by attachment to host chromosmes, which is mediated by the viral E2 and its binding sites. Journal of Virology 73(5):4404-4412. Kurg, R., Parik, J., Juronen,E., Sedman,T., Abroi,A., Liiv,I., Langel,Ü. And Ustav,M. (1999). Effect of bovine papillomavirus E2 protein-specific monoclonal antibodies on papillomavirus DNA replication. Journal of Virology 73(6):4670-4677. Kõljalg, S., Sults, I., Raukas, E., Truu, J., Ustav, M. Mikelsaar, M. (1999) Distribution of Acinetobacter baumanii in a Neurointensive Care Unit. Scand J. Infect Dis. 31, 145-150. Remm, M., Remm, A. and Ustav,M.(1999). Human papillomavirus Type 18 E1 protein is translated from polycistronic mRNA by a discontinuous scanning mechanism. Journal of Virology 73(4):3062-3070. Kõks, S., Soosaar, A., Võikar, V., Volke, V., Ustav, M., Männistö, P.T., Bourin, M., Vasar, E. Opioid antagonist naloxone potentiates anxiogenic-like action of cholecystokinin agonists in elevated plus-maze. Neuropeptides, 32 (3), 235-240. (1998). Lepik, D., Ilves, I., Kristjuhan, A., Maimets, T., Ustav, M. (1998) p53 protein is a suppressor of papillomavirus DNA amplificational replication. J. of Virology, 72(8): 6822-6831. Ustav, E. and Ustav, M. (1998) E2 protein as the master regulator of extrachromosomal replication of the papillomaviruses. - Papillomavirus Report, 9(6), 145-152. Abroi, A., Kurg, R., and Ustav, M. Transcriptional and replicational activation functions in BPV-1 E2 protein are encoded by different structural detrminants. Journal of Virology, 70, 6169-6179 (1996). Kaldalu, N., Mandel, T., Ustav, M. Tol plasmid transcription factor XylS binds specifically to the Pm operator sequence. Molecular Microbiology, 20, 569-580 (1996). Kilk, A., Talpsepp, T., Väli, Ü., and Ustav, M. Bovine papillomavirus oncoprotein E5 induces the NFkB activation through superoxide radicals. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, Vol.40(4), November, 687-697 (1996). Piirsoo, M., Ustav, E., Mandel, T., Stenlund, A., Ustav, M. Cis and trans requirements for stable episomal maintenance of the BPV-1 replicator. The EMBO Journal Vol.15(1), 101-111 (1996). Sild, T., Küüts, R., Aro, T., and Ustav, M. Detection and typing of HPV in cervical scrapes and biopsies: a comparison of test results and clinical diagnosis. 9th World Congress of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy, Sydney, Australia 12-16 May (1996). Aleshkov, S.B., Ustav M.B. and Baev A.A. Recombinant murine cell lines, transformed by various vectors based on bovine type 1 papillomavirus and expressing human tissue plasminogen activator. II. Analysis of cell lines, producing recombinant tissue plasminogen activator. Mol. Biol. 28, 619-625 (1994). Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Szymanski, P., Stenlund, A. The BPV origin of replication requires a binding site for E2 transcription activator. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA 90, 888-892 (1993). Chiang Cheng-Ming, Ustav, M., Stenlund, A., Ho, T.F., Broker, T.R., Chow, L.T. Viral E1 and E2 proteins support replication of homologous and heterologous papillomaviral origins. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89, 5799-5801 (1992). Aleshkov, S., Usstav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of human tissue type plasminogen activator in the recombinant cell lines of the different organisms. Mol. Biol. (Russian) 25, 1226-1238 (1991). Aleshkov, S., Ustav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of the human tissue type plasminogen activator in the recombinant mouse cell lines using vectors based on the bovine paapillomavirus type 1 replicon. Mol. Biol. (Russian) 25, 1239-1247 (1991). Ustav, M., Stenlund, A. Transient replication of BPV-1 requires two viral polypeptides encoded by the E1 and E2 open reading frames. EMBO J.10(2), 449 457 (1991). Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Szymanski, P., Stenlund, A. Identification of the origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus and characterization of the viral origin recognition factor E1. EMBO J. 10(13), 4321-4329 (1991). Aleshkov, S., Usstav, M., Bajev, A. Expression of the human tissue type plasminogen activator in the human cell lines using different eukaryotic promoters. Dok1. Akad. Nauk SSSR (Russian) 309, 721-724 (1989). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Sedman, J., Moreno-Lopez, J., Vennstrom, B., Pettersson, U. The E5 gene of bovine papillomavirus type 1 is sufficient for complete oncogenic transformation of mouse fibroblasts. Oncogene 2, 453-459 (1988). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Vennstrom, B., Moreno-Lopez, J., Pettersson, U. Bovine papillomavirus type 1 transforming functions studied by the use of a retrovirus system. Cancer Cells Vol. 5., Papillomaviruses. B.M. Steinberg, J.L. Brandsma, L.B. Taichman, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory pp. 209-214 (1987). Bergman, P., Ustav, M., Moreno-Lopez, J., Vennstrom, B., Pettersson, U. Replication of the bovine papillomavirus type 1 genome: antisense transcripts prevent episomal replications. Gene 50, 185-193 (1986). Pettersson, U., Bergman, P., Ahola, H., Ustav, M., Stenlund, A., Zabielski, J., Vennstrom, B., Moreno-Lopez, J. Anatomy and expression of the transforming region of bovine papillomavirus type 1. Cancer Cells Vol. 4. DNA tumor viruses control of gene expression and replication. M. Botchan, T. Grodzicker, P.A. Sharp, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory pp. 595-603 (1986). Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The role of protein L16 and its fragments in the peptidyltransferase activity of 50S ribosomal subunits. Eur. J. Biochem. 135, 127-130 (1983). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Villems, R. 5S RNA - protin complex is involved in ribosomal subunit association. FEBS Lett. 153, 125-127 (1983). Remme, J., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The interaction of ribosomal proteins and its fragments with tRNA. FEBS Lett. 153, 267-269 (1983). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Maimets, T., Villems, R. The composition and properties of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA - protein complexis. Eur. J. Biochem. 121p, 383-389 (1982). Metspalu, E., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The properties of the tRNA - protein complexes of the Escherichia coli ribosome. Interaction with tRNA, 5S RNA and 30S ribosomal subunit. Eur. J. Biochem. 124, 269-273 (1982). Metspalu, E., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. A quaternary complex consisting of two molecules of tRNA and ribosomal proteins L2 and L17. FEBS Lett. 132, 105-108 (1981). Sedman, J., Maimets, T., Ustav, M., Villems, R. The interaction of 5S RNA and its large fragments with ribosomal proteins. FEBS Lett. 136, 251-254 (1981). Ustav ja R. Villems “Active sites of the Escherichia coli ribosomes.” In the series Advances of Science and Technology. Biological Chemistry. Vol. 15, pp. 116-174 (1981) In Russian. Speek, M., Ustav, M., Lind, A., Saarma, M. Characterization of the secondary structure of the Escherichia coli 5S RNA using S1 nuclease and cobra venom endonuclease. Bioorg. Khim. 6, 1877-1880 (1980). Villems, R., Koger, A., Lind, A., Maimets, T., Metspalu, E., Saarma, M., Sarapuu, T., Ustav, M. Affinity chromatography as a useful tool on studying RNA-protein interactions. In: Biological Implications of the Protein - Nucleic Acid Interactions (Augustyniak, J. ed.). pp.91-99, Elsevier Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, N.Y., Oxford (1980). Kesvatera, T., Ustav, M., Aaviksaar, A. Cobra venom acetylcholine esterase II substrate specificity. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 62, 193-197 (1979). Saarma, M., Villems, R., Laving, A., Metspalu, A., Toots, I., Ustav, M., Lind, A. On the origin of eukaryotic 5.8S RNA. Hoppe-Zeyler’s Z. für Physiol. Chem. 360, 1040-1041 (1979). Ustav, M., Remme, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. New effective method of immobilizing ribonucleic acids and nucleotides on agarose. Bioorg. Khim. 5, 365-369 (1979). Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Villems, R., Ustav, M., Lind, A. Interaction of 5S RNA, 5.8S RNA and tRNA with rat-liver ribosomal proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 91, 73-81 (1978). Ustav, M., Saarma, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. The domain for transfer ribonucleic acid binding to the Escherichia coli ribosome. FEBS Lett. 87, 315-317 (1978). Lind, A., Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Toots, I., Ustav, M., Villems, R. Universal structure of the ribosomal peptidyl transferase center and function of the 5.8S RNA. Bioorg. Khim. 3(8), 1138-1140 (1977). Ustav, M., Saarma, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. The interaction of 5S RNA with the proteins of the small ribosomal subunit. Bioorg. Khim. 3(12), 1699-1701 (1977). Ustav, M., Saarma, M. Lind, A., Villems, R. The interaction of transfer ribonucleic acid with 50S ribosomal subunit proteins. FEBS Lett. 83, 353-356 (1977). Ustav, M., Villems, R., Lind, A. The interaction of transfer ribonucleic acid with 30S ribosomal subunit proteins. FEBS Lett. 82, 259-262 (1977). |
last updated: 10.10.2005
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