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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ivika
2.Perekonnanimi Ostonen
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, geograafia instituut
4.Ametikoht järeldoktorantuuris erakorraline teadur
5.Sünniaeg 25.02.1973 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 2003 PhD taimeökoloogia ja ökofüsioloogia erialal, Tartu Ülikool
1997 MSc taimeökoloogia ja ökofüsioloogia erialal, Tartu Ülikool
1995 BSc botaanika ja ökoloogia erialal, Tartu Ülikool
7.Teenistuskäik 1996-1998 Tartu Ülikool, põhitäitja ETF grantiprojektides: nr 2487 "Hariliku kuuse peente juurte dünaamika sõltuvus mullatingimustest ja nende osatähtsus kuusikute netoproduktsioonis";
1997-1998 nr 2726 "Peamiste variselagundajate koosluste struktuur ja aktiivsus Eesti kuusikutes";
1999-2000 nr 3977 "Risosfääriprotsesside mõju mineraaltoitainete kättesaadavusele erinevatel muldadel kasvavates okas- ja lehtpuumetsades";
1999-2001 Eesti Metsakaitsealade Võrgustik, botaanik
2001-2003 Tartu Ülikool, põhitäitja ETF grantiprojektis nr 4895 "Puuliigi mõju risosfääriprotsessidele erinevates mullatingimustes kasvavatel okaspuu- ja lehtpuuseemikutel".
2002 Tartu Ülikool, Geograafi Instituut, ökoloogia spetsialist SNS projektis nr 82 "Role of fine roots in carbon dynamics of forest soils"ja Soome Metsauuringute Instituudi Vantaa urimiskeskuse ja TÜGI ühisprojektis "The effect of ash+sludge application on tree mycorrhizas in forested mineral soil”
2003 – 2004 Tartu Ülikool, geograafia instituut, erakorraline teadur
2004 - 2006 Tartu Ülikool, geograafia instituut, järeldoktorantuuris erakorraline teadur.
8.Teaduskraad PhD, taimeökoloogia ja ökofüsioloogia erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2003
10.Tunnustused Esimene preemia Eesti üliõpilaste teadustööde 1997. a. riiklikul konkursil, geo- ja bioteaduste valdkonnas
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise Juureühingu liige (ISSR); ELUS liige; COST E38 "Woody Root Processes" esimese töörühma "Roots as indicators of environmental change" liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad *Eesti enamuspuuliikide peente juurte funktsionaalsus looduslikel ja tehnogeensetel muldadel
*Peente juurte dünaamika, produktsioon, eluiga, lagunemine ja risosfääriprotsessid kui oluline lüli metsade süsinikuringes
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr 6472 „Eesti peamiste puuliikide imijuurte ökomorfoloogiline varieeruvus erinevates metsakasvukohatüüpides“ (2005-2007).

Lõhmus K, Truu M, Truu J, Ostonen I, Vares A, Uri V, Alama S and Kanal A. 2005. Functional diversity of culturable bacterial communities in the rhizosphere in relation to fine-root and soil parameters in alder stands on forest, abandoned agricultural, and oil-shale mining areas. Plant and Soil (In press).

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K, Pajuste K. 2005. Fine root biomass, production and its proportion of NPP in a fertile middle-aged Norway spruce stand: comparison of soil core and ingrowth core methods. Forest Ecol. Manag. 212, 264-277.

Helmisaari, H.-S., Kukkola, M., Ostonen, I. Lõhmus, K. 2004. Tuhka-biolieteseseoksen vaikutukset kangasmailla. Tutkimussopimuksen loppuraportti. Metsäntutkimuslaitos, Vantaan tutkimuskeskus-Tarton Yliopisto. 55 s.

Lõhmus, K.; Ostonen, I. 2004. Combined method of ingrowth and soil cores to estimate fine root production. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.);http://www.rhizo.at.

Ostonen, I.; Lõhmus, K. 2004. Phytocentric approach of morphological and anatomical fine root parameters. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.);http://www.rhizo.at.

Ostonen I and Lõhmus K. 2003. Proportion of fungal mantle, cortex and stele of ectomycorrhizas in Picea abies (L.) Karst. in different soils and site conditions. Plant and Soil 257: 435-442.

Viilma, K., Öövel, J., Tamm, U., Tomson, P., Amos, T., Ostonen, I., Sørensen, P., Kuuba, R. 2001. Estonian Forest Conservation Area Network. Final Report of the Estonian Forest Conservation Area Network Project. Triip Grupp, Tartu. 95+306 p. (ed. J.Paal).

Ivask, M., Lõhmus, K., Truu, J., Truu, M., Ostonen, I. 2000. Earthworm Lumbricidae communities in alder and aspen forest: three case studies. Baltic Forestry 6, 1, 74-77.

Ivask, M., Truu, J., Truu, M., Lõhmus, K., Ostonen, I. 1999. The Earthworm Communities and Microbial Activities in Coniferous Forests of Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 2: 32-36

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K and Lasn, R. 1999. The role of soil conditions in fine root ecomorphology in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 208:283-292.

viimati muudetud: 29.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ivika
2.Surname Ostonen
3.Institution Tartu University, Institute of Geography
4.Position postdoctoral fellow
5.Date of birth 25.02.1973 (day.month.year)
6.Education 2003 PhD. in plant ecology and ecophysiology , Tartu University
1997 MSc. in plant ecology and ecophysiology, Tartu University
1995 BSc. in botany and ecology, Tartu University
7.Research and
professional experience
1996-1998: Tartu University, senior research assistant at the projects of Estonian Science Foundation No 2487 (Fine root dynamics of Norway spruce depending on soil conditions and the proportion of fine roots in net primary production of spruce stands);
1997-1998: No 2726 (Structure and activity of the communities of the main decomposers of litter in Estonian forests);
1999-2000: No 3977 (Rhizosphere process and their influence on nutrient availability in coniferous and deciduous forest ecosystems in different soils);
2001-2003: No 4895 (Effect of tree species on rhizospere processes in coniferous and deciduous seedlings in different soil conditions.
1999-2001: Estonian Forest Conservation Area Network, botanist.
2002-2003: Tartu University, Institute of Geography, specialist of ecology on the SNS project nr 82 "Role of fine roots in carbon dynamics of forest soils"
2003-2004: Tartu University, Institute of Geography, extraordinary research fellow
2004-2006: Tartu University, Institute of Geography, postdoc. research fellow.
8.Academic degree PhD. in plant ecology and ecophysiology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2003
10.Honours/awards First prize in realm of bio-geo science from national contest for student research 1997
The member of International Society of Root Research and Estonian Naturalists´ Society; Member of working group 1 "Roots as indicators of environmental change" in project COST E38 "Woody Root Processes".
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program *The ecomorphology of absorbing roots in dominant tree species in different natural and anthropogenic site types in Estonia
*Nutrient cycling in forest ecosystems
*Root symbiosis and rhizosphere processes
14.Current grant funding ESF grant No 6472 "The ecomorphology of absorbing roots in dominant tree species in different forest site types in Estonia" (2005-2007)
15.List of most important publications

Lõhmus K, Truu M, Truu J, Ostonen I, Vares A, Uri V, Alama S and Kanal A. 2005. Functional diversity of culturable bacterial communities in the rhizosphere in relation to fine-root and soil parameters in alder stands on forest, abandoned agricultural, and oil-shale mining areas. Plant and Soil (In press).

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K, Pajuste K. 2005. Fine root biomass, production and its proportion of NPP in a fertile middle-aged Norway spruce stand: comparison of soil core and ingrowth core methods. Forest Ecol. Manag. 212, 264-277.

Helmisaari, H.-S., Kukkola, M., Ostonen, I. Lõhmus, K. 2004. Tuhka-biolieteseseoksen vaikutukset kangasmailla. Tutkimussopimuksen loppuraportti. Metsäntutkimuslaitos, Vantaan tutkimuskeskus-Tarton Yliopisto. 55 s.

Lõhmus, K.; Ostonen, I. 2004. Combined method of ingrowth and soil cores to estimate fine root production. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.);http://www.rhizo.at.

Ostonen, I.; Lõhmus, K. 2004. Phytocentric approach of morphological and anatomical fine root parameters. In: COST-631: Handbook of Methods used in Rhizosphere Research; Root growth and morphology (H-S. Helmisaari, I. Brunner Eds.);http://www.rhizo.at.

Ostonen I and Lõhmus K. 2003. Proportion of fungal mantle, cortex and stele of ectomycorrhizas in Picea abies (L.) Karst. in different soils and site conditions. Plant and Soil 257: 435-442.

Viilma, K., Öövel, J., Tamm, U., Tomson, P., Amos, T., Ostonen, I., Sørensen, P., Kuuba, R. 2001. Estonian Forest Conservation Area Network. Final Report of the Estonian Forest Conservation Area Network Project. Triip Grupp, Tartu. 95+306 p. (ed. J.Paal).

Ivask, M., Lõhmus, K., Truu, J., Truu, M., Ostonen, I. 2000. Earthworm Lumbricidae communities in alder and aspen forest: three case studies. Baltic Forestry 6, 1, 74-77.

Ivask, M., Truu, J., Truu, M., Lõhmus, K., Ostonen, I. 1999. The Earthworm Communities and Microbial Activities in Coniferous Forests of Estonia. Baltic Forestry, 2: 32-36

Ostonen I, Lõhmus K and Lasn, R. 1999. The role of soil conditions in fine root ecomorphology in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Plant and Soil 208:283-292.

last updated: 29.09.2005

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