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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Tõnu
2.Perekonnanimi Laas
3.Töökoht Tallinna Ülikool,
Narva mnt 25, 10120, Tallinn
4.Ametikoht Rakendusfüüsika õppetooli dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 05.02.1969 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1986-1991 TPedI, diplom füüsika-matemaatika erialal, keskkooli füüsika- ja põhikooli matemaatika õpetaja kutsega,
1991-1992 TPÜ Täiendõppe Keskus, diplom kõrgkooli õpetaja kutsega,
1993-1996 TPÜ, magistrantuur teoreetilise füüsika erialal, MSc kraad füüsikas 1998,
1998-2002 TÜ, doktorantuur teoreetilise füüsika erialal, PhD teoreetilises füüsikas 2002
7.Teenistuskäik 1992-1993 Järva MV infoosakonna süsteemiinsener,
1995-2002 TPÜ rakendusfüüsika õppetooli assistent,
2002-2003 TPÜ rakendusfüüsika õppetooli lektor,
2003- (TLÜ) TPÜ rakendusfüüsika õppetooli dotsent
8.Teaduskraad PhD teoreetilises füüsikas
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2002
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Füüsika Seltsi juhatuse liige, 2004-
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Matemaatiline füüsika, väljateooria ja üldrelatiivsusteooria,
füüsika didaktika kõrgkoolis
14.Jooksvad grandid Värvilise müra poolt indutseeritud faasiüleminekud ja ülekandenähtused
mittelineaarsetes süsteemides, ETF grant nr 5943,2004-2007, põhitäitja;
Stohhastilised protsessid tiheda plasma ja konstruktsioonmaterjalide vastastiktoimel, Rahvusvahelise Aatomienergia Agentuuri projekt
No 302-FI-EST 12062,2002-2006, põhitäitja;
Nanosekundilised kiirgusimpulsid lõhkeainete ja radioaktiivsete detailide kiireks avastamiseks , NATO projekt SfP-981118, 2005-2008 , põhitäitja.

R.Tammelo, T.Laas, R.Mankin. On electromagnetic wave tails in curved spacetimes. Comm. Phys.-Math.Soc. Sci. Fennica, 2004, 166, 201-208.

Laas, T., Mankin, R., Ugaste, Ü. 2003. Multipole waves in an inhomogeneous medium. In: Ugaste, Ü. (Ed.) Dense plasma interaction with materials. Proc. of the International seminar on October 9-11, 2003, Tallinn, Estonia. Acta Universitas Tallinnensis, Realia B2, 79-86.

Laas T. Propagation of Waves in Curved Spacetimes. ISBN 9985-56-638-1, PhD Thesis, Tartu Univ. Press, Tartu. 2002.

R.Mankin, T.Laas, R.Tammelo. A new approach to electromagnetic wave tails on a curved spacetime. Phys. Rev.D, 2001, 63, 063003.

R.Mankin, T.Laas, R.Tammelo. Electromagnetic wave tails on curved spacetime and their observational implications. Phys. Rev.D, 2000, 62, 041501 (R).

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. A new method for solving covariant wave equation by means of higher-order fundamental solutions: proof of an algorithm. Class.Quantum Grav., 1999, 16, 2525-2536.

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. Complete algorithms for calculating the higher-order fundamental solutions of wave equations. Class. Quantum Grav., 1999, 16, 1215-1225.

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas.Exact solutions of covariant wave functions with a multipole source term on curved spcetimes. Gen.Rel.Grav. ,1999 ,31 ,537-554.

T.Laas,R.Mankin. Diversors and higher-order fundamental solutions of covariant wave equations. Proc.Estonian Acad. Sci.Phys.Math.,1998,47,3,229-242.

T.Laas,R.Mankin, R.Tammelo.Higher-order fundamental solution of second-order wave equations on a curved spacetime.Class. Quantum Grav. ,1998,15,1595-1605.

viimati muudetud: 21.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Tõnu
2.Surname Laas
3.Institution Tallinn University
Narva road 25, 10120, Tallinn
4.Position Associated professor, Chair of Applied Physics
5.Date of birth 05.02.1969 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1986-1991 Tallinn Pedagogical Institute, diploma of teacher of physics and mathematics,
1991-1992 Tallinn Pedagogical University, diploma in university teacher speciality,
1993-1996 Post-graduate study in Tallinn Pedagogical University in the field of theoretical physics, MSc in theoretical physics 1998,
1998-2002 Doctoral degree study in Tartu University in the field of theoretical physics
7.Research and
professional experience
1992-1993 Järva County Council , computer system engineer,
1995-2002 Tallinn Pedagogical University, assistant in chair of applied physics,
2002-2003 Tallinn Pedagogical University, lecturer in chair of applied physics,
2003-Tallinn University (Tallinn Pedagogical University), associated professor of applied and general physics
8.Academic degree PhD in Theoretical Physics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tartu University, 2002
Member of the board of Estonian Physics Society, 2004-
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Mathematical physics, field theory and general relativity,
didactics of university physics
14.Current grant funding Colored-noise-induced phase transitions and transport phenomena in
nonlinear systems, ESF Grant No 5943, 2004-2007, Investigator;
Stochastic processes at dense plasma beams interaction with construction
materials,International Atomic Energy Agency Project No 302-FI-EST 12062, 2002-2006, Investigator;
Nanosecond radiation pulses for rapid detection of explosives and nuclear agents, NATO Project SfP-981118,2005-2008, Investigator
15.List of most important publications

R.Tammelo, T.Laas, R.Mankin. On electromagnetic wave tails in curved spacetimes. Comm. Phys.-Math.Soc. Sci. Fennica, 2004, 166, 201-208.

Laas, T., Mankin, R., Ugaste, Ü. 2003. Multipole waves in an inhomogeneous medium. In: Ugaste, Ü. (Ed.) Dense plasma interaction with materials. Proc. of the International seminar on October 9-11, 2003, Tallinn, Estonia. Acta Universitas Tallinnensis, Realia B2, 79-86.

Laas T. Propagation of Waves in Curved Spacetimes. ISBN 9985-56-638-1, PhD Thesis, Tartu Univ. Press, Tartu. 2002.

R.Mankin, T.Laas, R.Tammelo. A new approach to electromagnetic wave tails on a curved spacetime. Phys. Rev.D, 2001, 63, 063003.

R.Mankin, T.Laas, R.Tammelo. Electromagnetic wave tails on curved spacetime and their observational implications. Phys. Rev.D, 2000, 62, 041501 (R).

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. A new method for solving covariant wave equation by means of higher-order fundamental solutions: proof of an algorithm. Class.Quantum Grav., 1999, 16, 2525-2536.

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas. Complete algorithms for calculating the higher-order fundamental solutions of wave equations. Class. Quantum Grav., 1999, 16, 1215-1225.

R.Mankin, R.Tammelo, T.Laas.Exact solutions of covariant wave functions with a multipole source term on curved spcetimes. Gen.Rel.Grav. ,1999 ,31 ,537-554.

T.Laas,R.Mankin. Diversors and higher-order fundamental solutions of covariant wave equations. Proc.Estonian Acad. Sci.Phys.Math.,1998,47,3,229-242.

T.Laas,R.Mankin, R.Tammelo.Higher-order fundamental solution of second-order wave equations on a curved spacetime.Class. Quantum Grav. ,1998,15,1595-1605.

last updated: 21.09.2005

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