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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Teet
2.Perekonnanimi Parve
3.Töökoht Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Soojustehnika Instituut
4.Ametikoht Teadur
5.Sünniaeg 30.11.1969 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1988 - 1993 TPI Diplomeritud insener
1995 - 2000 TTÜ Tehnikateaduste magister
2001 - 2005 TTÜ doktoriõpe
7.Teenistuskäik 1994 - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool- Teadur
8.Teaduskraad Tehnikateaduste magister
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tallinna Tehnikaülikool - 2000
10.Tunnustused Kultuuri - ja Haridusministeeriumi I preemia tehnikateaduste alal 1994/1995 õ-a. üliõpilaste teadustööde vabariiklikul konkursil
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Sadestised ja kõrgetemperatuuriline korrosioon biokütte kateldes.

Biomassi tuhkade paakumisprobleemid põletamisel.

Gaasilised ja tahked atmosfääriheitmed puidu, turba ja põlevkivi põletamisel
14.Jooksvad grandid

Teet Parve, Tõnu Pihu, Maaris Nuutre, Jüri Loosaar.THE ROLE OF ASH FORMING ELEMENTS ON ASH, WHILE BURNING NEW TYPES OF SOLID BIOFUELS. Presentation. 2nd WORLD PELLETS CONFERENCE,30 May - 1 June 2006 Jönköping, Sweden

Arto Hotta, Riku Parkkonen, Matti Hiltunen, Hendrik Arro, Jüri Loosaar, Teet Parve, Tõnu Pihu, Arvi Prikk, Toomas Tiikma. Experience of Estonian oil shale combustion based on CFB technology at Narva Power Plants. Oil Shale, V22, No 4S, 2005

H. Arro, M. Hiltunen, J.Loosaar et al. New 215 MWel CFB power units for Estonian oil shale. 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. May 22-25, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (CD), 12 p, http://asmeconferences.org/FBC05/TechnicalProgramOverview.cfm#1

Hendrik Arro, Jüri Loosaar, Teet Parve et. al Atmospheric emissions reduction by introducing oil shale circulating fluidized bed combustion (Poster), 6th Int. Conf. on Emission Monitoring, 9-11 June, Milan, 2004

Parve, T., Paist, A., Nuutre, M., Aluvee, R. Biokütuste tuha koostise mõju katla tööle // Konv. TEUK V kogum., Tartu, Estonia, 2004, lk. 60-63, ISBN: 9985-9553-2-3

Veski, A., Parve, T. Primaar- ja sekundaarõhk biokütuste restpõletamisel // Eesti Turvas, 1998, lk. 37-40

Ots, A., Parve, T., Skrifvars, B. J., & Hupa, M. The Sintering Tendency of Ash From Calcium-Rich Oil Shale. Journal of the Institute of Energy, 69(481),1996, 192-200

Ots, A., Parve, T., Skrifvars, B.-J. Sintering and fouling characterization ashes with high calcium oxide content // 13th int. conf. on fluidized bed combustion, ASME Publication, Orlando, 1995, pp. 1393-1404

Parve, T., Ots, A., Skrifvars, B.-J., Hupa, M. The sintering of Estonian oil shale ashes // Oil Shale, 1995, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 341-356

viimati muudetud: 30.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Teet
2.Surname Parve
3.Institution Tallinn University of Technology
Thermal Engineering Department
4.Position Research Scientist
5.Date of birth 30.11.1969 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1988 - 1993 TPI; Dip.ing
1995 - 2000 TTÜ; M.Sc.
2001 - 2005 TTÜ; study of Phd
7.Research and
professional experience
1994 - Tallinn University of Technology - Research Scientist
8.Academic degree MSc.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tallinn University of Technology - 2000
10.Honours/awards Young scientist of the year 1994/95; I prize in the field of science and tehnology
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Deposition and high temperature corrosion in biomass fired boilers

Sintering problem of biomass ash

Gaseous and solid atmospheric emissions from boilers combusting wood, peat and oil schale in Estonia
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Teet Parve, Tõnu Pihu, Maaris Nuutre, Jüri Loosaar.THE ROLE OF ASH FORMING ELEMENTS ON ASH, WHILE BURNING NEW TYPES OF SOLID BIOFUELS. Presentation. 2nd WORLD PELLETS CONFERENCE,30 May - 1 June 2006 Jönköping, Sweden

Arto Hotta, Riku Parkkonen, Matti Hiltunen, Hendrik Arro, Jüri Loosaar, Teet Parve, Tõnu Pihu, Arvi Prikk, Toomas Tiikma. Experience of Estonian oil shale combustion based on CFB technology at Narva Power Plants. Oil Shale, V22, No 4S, 2005

H. Arro, M. Hiltunen, J.Loosaar et al. New 215 MWel CFB power units for Estonian oil shale. 18th International Conference on Fluidized Bed Combustion. May 22-25, 2005, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (CD), 12 p, http://asmeconferences.org/FBC05/TechnicalProgramOverview.cfm#1

Hendrik Arro, Jüri Loosaar, Teet Parve et. al Atmospheric emissions reduction by introducing oil shale circulating fluidized bed combustion (Poster), 6th Int. Conf. on Emission Monitoring, 9-11 June, Milan, 2004

Parve, T., Paist, A., Nuutre, M., Aluvee, R. Biokütuste tuha koostise mõju katla tööle // Konv. TEUK V kogum., Tartu, Estonia, 2004, lk. 60-63, ISBN: 9985-9553-2-3

Veski, A., Parve, T. Primaar- ja sekundaarõhk biokütuste restpõletamisel // Eesti Turvas, 1998, lk. 37-40

Ots, A., Parve, T., Skrifvars, B. J., & Hupa, M. The Sintering Tendency of Ash From Calcium-Rich Oil Shale. Journal of the Institute of Energy, 69(481),1996, 192-200

Ots, A., Parve, T., Skrifvars, B.-J. Sintering and fouling characterization ashes with high calcium oxide content // 13th int. conf. on fluidized bed combustion, ASME Publication, Orlando, 1995, pp. 1393-1404

Parve, T., Ots, A., Skrifvars, B.-J., Hupa, M. The sintering of Estonian oil shale ashes // Oil Shale, 1995, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 341-356

last updated: 30.09.2005

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