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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Valdur
2.Perekonnanimi Saks
3.Töökoht Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht Laboratooriumi juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 03.09.1943 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, Moskva Ülikool
7.Teenistuskäik Eesti TA Küberneetika Instituut, noorem teaduslik töötaja 1970-1971
Moskva Ülikooli keemiateaduskonna noorem teaduslik töötaja 1971-1972
Moskva Kardiokeskuse vanem teaduslik töötaja 1972-1981
Moskva Kardiokeskuse bioenergeetika laboratooriumi juhataja 1981-1993
Eesti TA Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituudi Bioenergeetika laboratooriumi juhataja k.t. - 1993 kuni tänaseni
Grenoble'i Joseph Fourier Ülikooli Südameraku füsioloogia laboratooriumi titulaarprofessor, 1994 - kuni tanaseni
Töötanud lühiajaliselt koostööprogrammide läbiviimisel: University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 1975-1978
John Hopkinsi Ülikoolis Baltimore'is, USA, 1978-1981
Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France korduvalt aastatel 1981-1993
8.Teaduskraad Keemiakandidaat Bioloogiadoktor
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1971 Moskva Ülikoolis
1981Moskva Kardiokeskus
10.Tunnustused NSVL Riiklik Preemia 1978
ÜRO ja UNICEF'i rahvusvaheline preemia "Research for Development" 1988
ja –administratiivne
1993 Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia akadeemik
International Society for Heart Research, Täitevkomitee liige
American Heart Association, Basic Science Council
International Federation of Cardiological Societies
Venemaa Biokeemia Ühing
American Physiological Society
American Biophysical Society
Osavõtt väljaannete toimetamisest:
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, USA
Il Cuore, Italy
Cardioscience, Italy
Journal of Physiology, Poland
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

K. Guerrero, PhD, 2005, juh. Valdur Saks. Rakusiseste energeetiliste üksuste struktuurne ja funktsionaalne organisatsioon südamerakkudes. Grenoblei Ülikool

T. Käämbre, PhD, 2004, juh. Valdur Saks, Enn Seppet. Rakusisesed energeetilised üksused: struktuursed ja funktsionaalsed aspektid. Tartu Ülikool

F.Appaix, PhD, 2003, juh. Valdur Saks. Struktuursed ja funktsionaalsed seosed mitokondrite ja tsütoskeleti vahel kardiomüotsüütides. Grenoblei Ülikool

T. Andrienko, PhD, 2003, juh. Valdur Saks. Rakusisese struktuuri osa mitokondriaalse hingamise regulatsioonis. Grenoblei Ülikool

T.Tiivel, PhD, 2002, juh. Valdur Saks, Raivo Vilu. Mitokondri välismembraani roll hingamise regulatsioonis in vivo normaalsetes südame ja skeletilihaste rakkudes. Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool

Z. Daneshard, PhD, 1998, juh. Valdur Saks. Mitokondriaalse hingamise uurimine. Grenoblei Ülikool

Y. Voronkov, PhD, 1995, juh. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaasi reaktsiooni võrdlev analüüs südames ja skeletilihastes. Moskva Ülikool

E. Vasilyeva, cand, 1993, juh. Valdur Saks. Oksüdatiivse fosforüleerimise regulatsioon südamerakkudes in vivo.. Moskva Ülikool

I. Dzaliashvili, cand, 1992, juh. Valdur Saks. Fosfokreatiini kartioprotektiivsete mehhanismide uuringud.. Moskva Ülikool

Th. Branishte, cand, 1992, juh. Valdur Saks. Skineeritud lihaskidude kasutusmeetodid südame biopsia uuringutes. Moskva Ülikool

U. Kamilova, cand, 1991, juh. Valdur Saks. Neotooni kasutusmeetodid neuromuskulaarsete haiguste ravis. Moskva Ülikool

M. Samarenko, cand, 1989, juh. Valdur Saks. Neooton kui infraktivastane effektiivne ravim. Moskva Ülikool

G Elizarova, cand, 1988, juh. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaasi reaktsioon lihasrakkude müofibrillides. Moskva Ülikool

Z. Khuchua, cand, 1988, juh. Valdur Saks. Mitokondriaalne kreatiinkinaas südames: funktsionaalne konjugeeritus ANT-ga. Moskva Ülikool

S. Dzhavadov, cand, 1987, juh. Valdur Saks. Kardioprotektsiooni rakumehhanismide uuringud. Moskva Ülikool

A. Preobrazhenski, cand, 1986, juh. Valdur Saks. Kaltsiumi metabolism südamelihastes. Moskva Ülikool

V. Severin, cand, 1985, juh. Valdur Saks. Kardiomüopaatia mehhanismid eksperimentaaluuringutes. Moskva Ülikool

I Shepeleva, cand, 1981, juh. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaas vereseerumis kui südame kahjustuse indikaator. Moskva Ülikool

N. Lipina, cand, 1980, juh. Valdur Saks. Fosfokreatiini süntees südame mitokondrites.. Moskva Ülikool

E. Seppet, cand, 1979, juh. Valdur Saks. Glükoluutiliste reaktsioonidega ja mitokondriaalse oksüdatiivse fosforüleerimisega seotud PCr sünteeri mehhanismi uuringud.. Moskva Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Raku bioenergeetika, biokeemia, biofüüsika
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF nr. 6142 "Kompartmentaliseeritud energiatransporgi võrgud kardiomüotsüütides ja eelkohastumise mehhanismid"(grandihoidja)
ETF nr. 5515 "Mitokondrite ja ATPaaside funktsionaalsed kompleksid kui energeetilise metabolismi põhiüksused oksüdatiivsetes lihasrakkudes"

Anmann T., Eimre M, Kuznetsov A.V., Andrienko T., Kaambre T., Sikk P., Seppet E., Tiivel T., Vendelin M., Seppet E. and Saks V.A. Calcium-induced contraction of sarcomeres changes regulation of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized cardiac cells. FEBS Journal 272, 3145-3161, 2005.

Eimre M., Puhke R., Alev K., Seppet. E., Sikkut A., Peet N., Lenzer A., Haviko T., Seene T., Saks V., Seppet E. Altered mitochondrial apparent affinity for ADP and impaired function of mitochondrial creatine kinase in gluteus medius of patients with hip osteoarthritis. Am. J. Physiol. Submitted 2005.

Guerrero K., Wuyam B., Mezin P., Vivodtzev I., Vendelin M., Borel J.-Ch., Hacini R., Chavanon O., Imbeaud S., Saks V. and Pison Ch. Functional coupling of adenine nucleotide translocase and mitochondrial creatine kinase is enhanced after exercise training in lung transplant skeletal muscle, Am. J. Physiol., DOI, 10.1152/ajpregu.00229.2005.

Marko Vendelin, Nathalie Beraud, Karen Guerrero, Tatiana Andrienko, Andrey V Kuznetsov, Jose Olivares, Laurence Kay, and Valdur A Saks. Mitochondrial regular arrangement in muscle cells: a "crystal-like" pattern Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 288: C757-C767, 2005.

Peltier S, Burelle Y, Novel-Chate V, Demaison L, Verdys M, Saks V, Keriel C, Leverve XM. Effect of exogenous adenosine and monensin on glycolytic flux in isolated perfused normoxic rat hearts: Role of pyruvate kinase. Mol Cell Biochem. 2005 Sep;277(1-2):55-61.

Saks V.A., Vendelin M., Aliev M.K. Kekelidze T. and Engelbrecht J. Mechanisms and modeling of energy transfer between and among intracellular compartments. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, 3edition, volume 5, Neural Energy Utilization, Dienel G. and Gibson G., the Editors, Springer Science + Business Media, New York-Boston, 2005, in press.

Saks V.A., Wallimann T. and Schlattner U. Calcium and energy transfer. J. Physiol. 565, p.703, 2005.

Saks V, Guerrero, K., Vendelin M., Engelbrecht J. and Seppet E. The creatine kinase isoenzymes in organized metabolic networks and regulation of cellular respiration: a new role for Maxwell’s demon. In: Creatine Kinase (Vial C., Ed.) in series: Molecular Anatomy and Physiology of Proteins (Uversky V.N., series Ed.), NovaScience Publishers, New York, 2005, in press.

Seppet E, Eimre M, Peet N, Paju K, Orlova E, Ress M, Kovask S, Piirsoo A, Saks VA, Gellerich FN, Zierz S, Seppet EK. Compartmentation of energy metabolism in atrial myocardium of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Mol Cell Biochem. 270(1-2):49-61, 2005.

Seppet E. K., Margus Eimre, Tiia Anmann, Evelin Seppet, Nadezhda Peet, Tuuli Käämbre, Kalju Paju, Andres Piirsoo, Andrei V. Kuznetsov, Marko Vendelin, Frank N. Gellerich, Stephan Zierz, Valdur A. Saks, Intracellular energetic units in healthy and diseased hearts, Exp.Clin.Cardiol. 10, 173-183, 2005.

Sophie Pelloux, Julie Robillard, René Ferrera, André Bilbaut, Carlos Ojeda, Valdur Saks, Michel Ovize and Yves Tourneur. Non beating HL-1 cells for confocal microscopy. Application to mitochondrial functions during cardiac preconditioning. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 2005 Sep 1; [Epub ahead of print]

Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Saks, V. In situ monitoring of kinetics of metabolic conversion of ATP to ADP catalyzed by MgATPases of muscle Gastrocnemius skinned fibers using micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Electrophoresis. 17: 2996-3002, 2004.

Kuznetsov, A. V., Schneeberger, S., Renz, O., Meusburger, H., Saks, V., Usson, Y., Margreiter, R. Functional heterogeneity of mitochondria after cardiac cold ischemia and reperfusion revealed by confocal imaging. Transplantation. 77: 754-6,2004.

Kuznetsov, A. V., Schneeberger, S., Seiler, R., Brandacher, G., Mark, W., Steurer, W., Saks, V., Usson, Y., Margreiter, R., Gnaiger, E. Mitochondrial defects and heterogeneous cytochrome c release after cardiac cold ischemia and reperfusion. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 286: H1633-41,2004.

Ojeda, C., Joseph, P., Saks, V. A., Piriou, V., Tourneur, Y. Subcellular heterogeneity in mitochondrial red-ox responses to KATP channel agonists in freshly isolated rabbit cardiomyocytes. Mol. Cell. Biochem.256-257: 367-77, 2004.

Ovadi, J., Saks, V. On the origin of intracellular compartmentation and organized metabolic systems. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256-257: 5-12, 2004.

Saks, V. A.., Kuznetsov, A. V., Vendelin, M., Guerrero, K., Kay, L., Seppet E.K. Functional coupling as a basic mechanism of feedback regulation of cardiac energy metabolism. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 265:185-199, 2004.

Seppet, E. K., Eimre, M., Andrienko, T., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Kuznetsov, A. V., Saks, V. Studies of mitochondrial respiration in muscle cells in situ: Use and misuse of experimental evidence in mathematical modeling Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256: 219–227, 2004.

Vendelin, M., Eimre, M., Seppet, E., Peet, N., Andrienko, T., Lemba, M., Engelbrecht, J., Seppet, E. K., Saks, V. A. Intracellular diffusion of adenosine phosphates is locally restricted in cardiac muscle Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256-257: 229-41,2004.

Vendelin, M., Lemba, M., Saks, V. A. Analysis of functional coupling: mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase. Biophys. J. 87: 696-713, 2004.

Andrienko, T. Kuznetsov, A., V., Kaambre, T., Usson, Y., Orosco, A., Appaix, F., Tiivel, T., Sikk, P., Vendelin, M., Margreiter, R., Saks, V. A. Metabolic consequences of functional complexes of mitochondria, myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2059-72, 2003.

Appaix, F., Kuznetsov, A. V., Usson, Y., Kay, L., Andrienko, T., Olivares, J., Kaambre,T., Sikk, P., Margreiter, R., Saks, V. Possible role of cytoskeleton in intracellular arrangement and regulation of mitochondria. Exp. Physiol. 88: 175-90, 2003.

Kuznetsov, A.V., Kunz, W. S., Saks, V., Usson., Y, Mazat, J. P., Letellier, T., Gellerich, F. N., Margreiter, R. Cryopreservation of mitochondria and mitochondrial function in cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers. Anal. Biochem. 319: 296-303, 2003.

Saks, V., Kuznetsov, A., Andrienko, T., Usson, Y., Appaix, F., Guerrero, K., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Lemba, M., Vendelin, M. Heterogeneity of ADP diffusion and regulation of respiration in cardiac cells. Biophys. J. 84: 3436-56, 2003.

Aliev MK, Dos Santos P, Hoerter JA, Soboll S, Tikhonov AN, Saks VA. Water content and its intracellular distribution in intact and saline perfused rat hearts revisited. Cardiovasc. Res. 53: 48-58, 2002.

Appaix, F., Guerrero, K., Rampal, D., Izikki, M., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Brdiczka, D., Riva-Lavieille, C., Olivares, J., Longuet, M., Antonsson, B., Saks VA. Bax and heart mitochondria: uncoupling and inhibition of respiration without permeability transition. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.; 1556, 155-67, 2002.

Boudina, S., Laclau, M. N., Tariosse, L., Daret, D., Gouverneur, G., Bonoron-Adele, S., Saks, V. A., Dos Santos, P. . Alteration of mitochondrial function in a model of chronic ischemia in vivo in rat heart. Am. J. Physiol. Heart. Circ. Physiol. 282: H821-31, 2002.

Seppet, E. K., Kadaja, L., Braun, U., Kisand, K., Metskula, K., Uibo, R., Kaambre, T., Saks, V. A. Intracellular energetic units in cardiac cells: Targets in primary biliary cirrhosis, J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 34: A57, 2002.

Vendelin, M., Bovendeerd, P. H., Saks, V., Engelbrecht, J. Cardiac mechanoenergetics in silico. Neuro Endocrinol. Lett. 23: 13-20,2002.

Laclau, M. N., Boudina, S., Thambo, J. B., Tariosse, L., Gouverneur, G., Bonoron-Adele, S., Saks, V.A., Garlid, K. D., Dos Santos, P. Cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning preserves mitochondrial function and functional coupling between adenine nucleotide translocase and creatine kinase. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 33: 947-56, 2001.

Menin, L., Panchichkina, M., Keriel, C., Olivares, J., Braun, U., Seppet, E. K., Saks, V. A. Macrocompartmentation of total creatine in cardiomyocytes revisited. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 220: 149-59, 2001.

Riva, C., Chevrier, C., Pasqual, N., Saks, V., Rossi, A. Bcl-2/Bax protein expression in heart, slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles in young rats growing under chronic hypoxia conditions. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 226: 9-16, 2001.

Saks, V. A., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Eimre, M., Orlova, E., Paju, K., Piirsoo, A., Appaix, F., Kay, L., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Fleck, E., Seppet, E. Intracellular energetic units in red muscle cells. Biochem. J. 356: 643-657, 2001.

Seppet, E. K., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Tiivel, T., Vija, H., Tonkonogi, M., Sahlin, K., Kay, L., Appaix, F., Braun, U., Eimre, M., Saks, V. A. Functional complexes of mitochondria with Ca,MgATPases of myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta; 1504: 379-95, 2001.

Walsh, B., Tonkonogi, M., Soderlund, K., Hultman, E., Saks, V., Sahlin, K. The role of phosphorylcreatine and creatine in the regulation of mitochondrial respiration in human skeletal muscle. J. Physiol. 537: 971–978, 2001.

Dos Santos,P., Aliev, M. K., Diolez, P., Duclos, F., Besse, P., Bonoron-Adele, S., Sikk, P., Canioni, P., Saks, V. .A. Metabolic control of contractile performance in isolated perfused rat heart. Analysis of experimental data by reaction:diffusion mathematical model. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 32: 1703-34, 2000.

Kay, L., Nicolay, K., Wieringa, B., Saks, V., Wallimann, T. Direct evidence for the control of mitochondrial respiration by mitochondrial creatine kinase in oxidative muscle cells in situ. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 6937-4, 2000.

Marko Vendelin, Olav Kongas, Valdur Saks. Regulation of mitochondrial respiration in heart cells analyzed by reaction –diffusion model of energy transfer. Am. J. Physiol. , 278, C747 – C764, 2000.

Saks, V. A., Kongas, O., Vendelin, M., Kay, L., Role of the creatine/phosphocreatine system in the regulation of mitochondrial respiration. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 168: 635–641, 2000.

Saks V.A., Vendelin M., Kongas O. and Kay L. Creatine – phosphocreatine pathway in the intracellular networks of energy transfer and signal transduction in muscle cells. In: “ Creatine: from basic science to clinical research”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht – Boston, 2000, pp. 1 – 10.

Tiivel, T., Kadaya, L., Kuznetsov, A., Kaambre, T., Peet, N., Sikk, P., Braun, U., Ventura-Clapier, R., Saks, V., Seppet, E. K. Developmental changes in regulation of mitochondrial respiration by ADP and creatine in rat heart in vivo. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 208: 119-28, 2000.

Vendelin, M., Kongas, O., Saks, V. Regulation of mitochondrial respiration in heart cells analyzed by reaction-diffusion model of energy transfer. Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 278: C747-C764,2000.

Tonkonogi M., Walsh B., T. Tiivel, V. Saks, K. Sahlin. Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle is not impared by high tensity exercise. Pflugers Arch – Eur. J. Physiol. 437, 562 – 568, 1999.

Aliev M.K., van Dorsten F.A., Nederhoff M.G., van Echteld C.J.A., Veksler V., Nicolay K., Saks V.A. Mathematical model of compartmentalized energy transfer: its use for analysis and interpretation of 31P - NMR studies of isolated heart of creatine kinase deficient mice. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 184, 209 – 229, 1998

Khuchua Z. AL., Qin W., Boero J., Cheng J., Payne M., Saks V.A. and Strauss A.W. Octamer formation by cardiac sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase is mediated by charged N – terminal residues. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 22990 – 22996, 1998.

Novel – Chaté V., Mateo P., Saks V.A, Hoerter J.A. and A. Rossi. Chronic exposure to hypoxic environment alters the mechanism of energy transfer in myocardium. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 30, 1295 – 1303, 1998.

Rossi, A., Kay L., Saks V.A., Early ischemia-induced alterations of the outer mitochondrial membrane and the intermembrane space: a potential cause for altered energy transfer in cardiac muscle? Mol. Cell. Biochem., 184, 209 – 229, 1998

Saks V.A. , Aliev M., DosSantos P., Vendelin M. and Kongas O. Mathematical model of energy transfer in hearts with inhibited or albated creatine kinase system. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 6, 124 – 125, 1998

Saks V.A., Dos Santos P., Gellerich F.N., Diolez P. Quantitative studies of enzyme - substrate compartmentation, functional coupling and metabolic channelling in muscle cells. Mol. Cell Biochem., 184, 291 - 307, 1998.

Saks V.A., Veksler V.I., Kuznetsov A.V., Kay L., Sikk P., Tiivel T., Tranqui L., Olivares J., Winkler K., Wiedemann F., Kunz W.S. Permeabilized cell and skinned fiber techniques in studies of mitochondrial function in vivo. Mol.Cell. Biochem. 184, 81 – 100, 1998.

Saks V.A.., Ventura – Clapier R., Leverve X., Rossi A., Rigoulet M. What do we not know of cellular bioenergetics? – a general view on the state of the art. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 184, 3 – 9, 1998.

Voloschuk S.G., Belikova Yu.O., Klushnik T.P., Benivalensky D.S., Saks V.A. Comparative study of the kinetics of respiration and protein content of skinned fibers from different muscle types. Biokhimiya 63, (2) 190 – 193, 1998.

Aliev M.K., Saks V.A. Compartmentalised energy transfer in cardiomyocytes. Use of mathematical modelling for analysis of in vivo regulation of respiration. Biophys. J., 73, 428 - 445,1997

K. Anflous, V. Saks, P. Mateo, F. Samson, V. Veksler, R. Ventura-Clapier. Mitochondrial creatine kinase isoform expression does not correlate with its mode of action. Biochim J, 322, 73 -78, 1997

Kay L., Daneshrad Z., Saks V.A., Rossi, A. Alteration in the control of mitochondrial respiration by outer mitochondrial membrane and creatine during heart preservation. Cardiovascular Research, 34, 547 - 556, 1997.

Kay, L., Li, Z., Mericskay, M., Olivares, J., Tranqui, L., Fontaine, E., Tiivel, T., Sikk, P., Kaambre, T., Samuel, J. L., Rappaport, L., Usson, Y., Leverve, X., Paulin, D., Saks, V. A. Study of regulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo. An analysis of influence of ADP diffusion and possible role of cytoskeleton. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1322: 41-59, 1997.

Kay L., Rossi A., Saks V.A.. Detection of early ischemic damage by analysis of mitochondrial function in skinned fibers. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 174, 79 - 85, 1997

Kay L., Saks V.A., Rossi A. Early alteration of the control of mitochondrial function in myocardial ischemia. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol. 29, 3399 – 3411, 1997.

Kay L., Saks V.A., Rossi A. Early alteration of the control of mitochondrial function in myocardial ischemia. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol. 29, 3399 – 3411, 1997.

Kuznetsov A.V., Tiivel T., Sikk P., Käämbre T., Kay L., Daneshrad Z., Rossi A., Kadaja L., Peet N., Seppet E., Saks V. Striking difference between slow and fast twitch muscles in the kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in the cells in vivo. Eur J Biochem, 241, 909-915,1996.

Nascimben L., Ingwall J., Pauletto P., Friedrich J., Gwathmey J.K., Saks V.A., Pessina A.C., Allen P.D. Creatine kinase system in failing and nonfailing human myocardium. Circulation 94, 1894-1901, 1996

Saks V.A. Cardiac Energetics: compartmentation of creatine kinase and regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. In: M. Conway, J.F. Clark (Eds.) Creatine and creatine phosphate: scientific and clinical perspectives. Academic Press. San Diego-London-New York, pp. 65-78, 1996.

Saks V.A., Stepanov V.A., Jaliashvili I.V., Konorev E.A., Kryzanovsky S., Ettore Strumia. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of action for the cardioprotective and therapeutic role of creatine phosphate. In: M. Conway, J.F.Clark (Eds.) Creatine and Creatine phosphate: scientific and clinical perspectives. Academic Press. San Diego- London - New York, pp. 91-114, 1996.

Saks VA., Tiivel T, Kay L, Novel-Chate V, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Fontaine E, Keriel C, Leverve X, Ventura-Clapier R, Anflous K, Samuel J-L & Rappaport L. On the regulation of cellular energetics in health and disease. Mol Cell Biochem 160/161, 195-208,1996

V.A.Saks & M.K.Aliev. Is there the creatine kinase equilibrium in working heart cells? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm, 227, 360-367, 1996

V.A. Saks, R. Ventura-Clapier, M. Aliev. Metabolic control and metabolic capacity: two aspects of creatine kinase functioning in the cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1274, p.81-88,1996

V. Pelouch, F. Kolar, Z. Khuchua, G. Elizarova, M. Milerova, B. Oštadal, V. Saks. Cardiac phosphocreatine deficiency induced by GPA during postnatal development in rat. Mol Cell Biochem 163/164, 67-76,1996.

Fontaine, E.M., Keriel, C., Lantuejoul, S., Rigoulet, M., Leverve, X.M. & Saks,Cytoplasmic cellular structures control permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane for ADP and oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 213, 138-146 (1995)

Novel-Chate, V., Aussedat, J., Saks, V.A. & Rossi, A. Adaptation to chronic hypoxia alters cardiac metabolic response to  stimulation: novel face of phosphocreatine overshoot phenomenon. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27, 1679-16 (1995).

Saks, V.A., Kay, L., Rossi, A., Toompuu, M., Utno, L., Rätsep, I., Sulling, T. A novel method for evaluation of efficiency of heart preservation and intraoperational protection by analysis of the respiration of skinned cardiac fibers. In: Luigi C. D’Alessandro (ed.) Heart Surgery 1995. 6th International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery. Rome (Italy), May 29-June 1st, pp 197-212, 1995.

Saks, V.A., Kuznetsov, A.V., Khuchua, Z.A., Vasilyeva, E.V., Belikova, J.O., Kesvatera, T., Tiivel, T. Control of cellular respiration in vivo by mitochondrial outer membrane and by creatine kinase. A new speculative hypothesis: possible involvement of mitochondrial-cytoskeleton interactions. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27, 625-645, 1995.

Saks, V., Belikova, Y., Vasilyeva, E., Kuznetsov, A., Fontaine, E., Keriel, C. & Leverve, X. Correlation between degree of rupture of outer mitochondrial membrane and changes of kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in permeabilized heart and liver cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 208, 919-926, 1995.

Aliev M. K., Saks V. A. Mathematical modelling of intracellular transport processes and the creatine kinase systems: a probability approach. In : Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 333-346, 1994.

Aliev M. K., Saks V. A. Mathematical modelling of intracellular transport processes and the creatine kinase systems: a probability approach. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 333-346, 1994

Clark J. F., Khuchua Z., Kuznetsov A. V., Vassileva E., Boehm E., Radda G. K., Saks V. A. Actions of the creatine analogue beta-guanidinopropionic acid on rat heart mitochondria. Biochemical Journal, 300, 211-216, 1994.

Joseph F. Clark, Andrey V. Kuznetsov, Zaza Khuchua, Vladimir Veksler, Renée Ventura - Clapier, Valdur Saks. Creatine kinase function in mitochondria isolated from gravid and non-gravid guinea - pig uteri. FEBS Letters, 347, 147-151, 1994

Kapelko V. I., Popovich M. I., Veksler V. I., Ventura-Clapier R., Khuchua Z.A., Saks V. A. Subcellular basis for increased diastolic stiffness in experimental cardiomyopathies. In: Nagano M., Takeda N., Dhalla N. S. (Eds.). The Cardiomyopathic Heart, Raven Press, New York, p. 185-195, 1994.

Panchenko E., Dobrovolsky A., Rogoza A., Sorokin E., Ageeva N., Markova L., Titaeva E., Anuchin V., Karpov Y., Saks V. The effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on maximal walking distance, blood rheology, platelet aggregation, and fibrinolysis in patients with intermittent claudication. Intern. Angiology, vol. 13, No.1, 59-64, 1994

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Belikova Y. O., Kuznetsov A. Metabolic compartmentation and substrate channelling in muscle cells. Role of coupled creatine kinases in in vivo regulation of cellular respiration. A Synthesis. In: Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 155-192, 1994.

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Belikova Y. O., Kuznetsov A. Metabolic compartmentation and substrate channelling in muscle cells. Role of coupled creatine kinases in in vivo regulation of cellular respiration. A Synthesis. J. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 155-192, 1994.

Saks V. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Khuchua Z. A., Belikova Y. O., Aliev M. K., Kesvatera T., Tiivel T., Anflous K., Ventura-Clapier R., Keriel Ch., Fontaine E., Leverve X. ADP diffusion gradients and metabolic oscillatory signals to mitochondria in the heart and liver cells. In: Gnaiger E., Gellerich F., Wyss M., Steinlechner R., Azzone G. F. "What is controlling life. Modern trends in Biothermokinetics." Vol. 3 Innsbruck University Press, 1994, p.178-180

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role ocoupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, p. 1-348, 1994

Seppet E. K., Saks V. A. Thyroid hormones and the creatine kinase system in cardiac cells. In: Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp;299-312, 1994.

Seppet E. K., Saks V. A. Thyroid hormones and the creatine kinase system in cardiac cells. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 299-312, 1994

138. G.S.Galyautdinov, V.A.Saks, Ya.I.Kots, L.G.Vdovenko, Clinical application of phosphocreatine (Neoton) in congestive heart failure. I. Evaluation of general clinical efficiency. Il Cuore, X, 2, 185-193, 1993

M.K.Aliev, V.A.Saks, Quantitative analysis of the "phosphocreatine shuttle": I. A probability approach to the description of phosphocreatine production in the coupled creatine kinase - ATP/ADP translocase - oxidative phosphorylation reactions in heart mitochondria. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1143, 291-300, 1993.

T.L.Nemirovskaia, B.S.Shenkman, A.N.Nekrasov, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.A.Saks, Effect of training on the structural-metabolic indicators in athletes skeletal muscles. Biokhimiya, 58, 3, 471-479, 1993.

V.A.Saks, E.Strumia, Phosphocreatine: Molecular and cellular aspects of the mechanism of cardioprotective action. Current Therapeutical Research, 53, 5, 565-598, 1993.

V.A.Saks, E.V.Vassilyeva, Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, A.Lyapina, L.Petrova, N.A.Perov, Retarded diffusion of ADP in cardiomyocytes: Possible role of outer mitochondrial membrane and creatine kinase in cellular regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1144, 134-148, 1993.

A.A.Moibenko, G.I.Marchenko, V.N.Kotsuruba, L.F.Popovich, V.K.Zarzhevskaya, V.A.Saks. Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on endothelium endothelium-dependent vascular reactions in immune cardiac injury, Current Therapeutical Research, 52, 6, 791-801, 1992

A.V.Kuznetsov, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, S.A.Dzhavadov, V.A.Saks, Quantitative relatioship between ischemic heart disease and parameters of energy metabolism. Vestn. Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk 3, 21-26, 1992

I.V.Dzhaliashvili, E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, V.L.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks, The role of calcium ions in the molecular mechanism of the protective mechanism of exogenous phosphocreatine. Biokhimiya, 57, 2, 300-311, 1992.

Korchazkina O. V., Lakomkin V. L., Veksler V. I., Elizarova G. V., Saks V. A., Kapelko V. I., Kupriyanov V. V. Metabolic and functional consequances of complete inhibition of creatine kinase by iodoacetamide in the perfused heart. Biokhimiya, 57, 2, 203-213, 1992.

S.A.Dzhavadov, T.Z.Dzokharidze, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, E.S.Gel'fgat, V.A.Saks, G.Pogacha, Energy metabolism and contractile function of the heart in diabetic cardiomyopathy: effect of ischemia and reperfusion. Biokhimiya, 57, 12, 1917-1929, 1992.

Saks V. A., Dzhaliashvili I. V., Konorev E. A., Strumia E. Molecular and cellular aspects of the cardioprotective mechanism of phosphocreatine. Biokhimiya, 57, 12, 1763-1784, 1992.

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., Biochemical organization of energy metabolism in muscle. J. Biochem. Organization 1, 9-30, 1992.

Z.A.Khuchua, A.V.Kuznetsov, E.V.Vassilyeva, R.Ventura-Clapier, J.Clark, A.Ya.Steinschneider, O.V.Korchazhkina, V.L.Lakomkin, Th.Branishte, E.K.Ruuge, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, The creatine kinase system and cardiomyopathy. Am. J. Cardiovascular Pathology, 4 (3), 223-234, 1992

Z.A.Khuchua, A.V.Kuznetsov, E.V.Vassilyeva, R.Ventura-Clapier, J.Clark, A.Ya.Steinschneider, O.V.Korchazhkina, V.L.Lakomkin, Th.Branishte, E.K.Ruuge, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, The creatine kinase system and cardiomyopathy. Am. J. Cardiovascular Pathology, 4 (3), 223-234, 1992

T.A.Branishte, A.V.Kuznetsov, Z.A.Khuchua, A.N.Samko, V.G.Naumov, M.L.Semenovsky, Iu.N.Belenkov, V.A.Saks, Cellular mechanisms of impaired cardiac energetics in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: decrease in mitochondrial respiration and creatine kinase expression. Kardiologiya, 32, 5, 13-16, 1992.

V.A.Saks, E.A.Konorev, R.A.Grigoriants, Iu.N.Belenkov, Biochemistry of normal and ischemic cardiomyocytes: current state of studies. Kardiologiya, 32,3, 82-91, 1992.

V.A.Saks, V.I.Kapelko, M.Y.Ruda, M.L.Semenovsky, E.Strumia, Phosphocreatine as effective drug in clinical cardiology, Guanidino Compounds in Biology and Medicine, eds. by P.P.De Deyn, B.Marsecau, V.Stalon and I.A.Qureshi, John Libbey & Company Ltd., 239-248, 1992

V.I.Kapelko,V.V.Kupriyanov,N.A.Novikova,V.L.Lakomkin, O.V.Korchazhkina, E.K.Ruuge, V.A.Saks, Functional significance of 2 pathways of energy transport in cardiomyocytes. Kardiologiya, 32, 4, 71-74, 1992.

121. E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, V.L.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks, Participation of calcium ions in the molecular mechanism of cardioprotective action of exogenous phosphocreatine. Basic Res. Cardiol., 86, 327-339, 1991

E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, V.A.Stepanov, V.A.Saks, Effects of phosphocreatine and its structural analogues on membranes. Biokhimiya, 56, 9, 1701-1709, 1991.

E.A.Konorev, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, Improvement in contractile recovery of isolated rat heart after cardiologic ischemic arrest with endogenous phosphocreatine: Involvement of antiperoxidative effect? Cardiovascular Research, 25, N 2, 164-171, 1991

T.P.Klushnik, A.Ya.Spunde, A.G.Yakovlev, Z.A.Khuchua, V.A.Saks, M.E.Vartanyan, Intracellular alterations of the creatine kinase isoforms in brains of schizophrenic patients. Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology, 15, 271-278, 1991.

V.A.Saks, Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, In vivo regulation of mitochondrial respiration in cardiomyocytes: Specific restrictions for intracellular diffusion of ADP. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1074, 302-311, 1991.

E.A.Konorev, V.A.Saks, V.G.Sharov, L.A.Makhotina, Oxidative myocardial damage: Protective action of exogenous phosphocreatine. Byulleten Eksperimentalnoi Biologii I Meditsiny, 109, 3, 224-226, 1990

E.K.Seppet, A.I.Kadaya, A.P.Kallikorm, V.A.Saks, Synthesis of phosphocreatine in myocardial mitochondria of hyperthyroid rats. Biokhimiya, 55, 6, 1081-1087, 1990.

Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.A.Saks, Specific restriction for intracellular diffusion of ADP in cardiomyocytes. Biokhimiya, 55, 11, 1944-1957, 1990

A.V.Kuznetsov, Z.A.Khuchua, E.V.Vassilyeva, N.V.Medvedeva, V.A.Saks, Heart mitochondrial creatine kinase revisited: The outer mitochondrial membrane is not important for coupling of phosphocreatine production to oxidative phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 268, 176-190, 1989.

A.V.Kuznetsov, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, Regulation of respiration of the skinned cardiac fibers - a method which can assess functional parameters of mitochondria without their isolation from the tissue. Bull. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2, 233-266, 1989.

E.A.Konorev, V.A.Saks, V.G.Sharov, R.P.Yevstigneeva. Improvement of contraction and metabolism of rat isolated heart in postischemic reperfusion with phosphocreatine and tocopheryl phosphate and their combinations. Vestnik Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 12, 55-63, 1989.

M.L.Semenovsky, G.M.Mogilevsky, V.I.Shumakov, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, Metabolic protection of myocardium during surgery: Blood cardioplegia in combination with exogenous phosphocreatine. Sov. Med. Rev. A. Cardiol., 2, 233-266, 1989.

N.I.Afonskaya, M.B.Samarenko, A.M.Vikhert, N.M.Cherpachenko, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, M.Ya.Ruda, Phosphocreatine in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Sov. Med. Rev. A. Cardiol., 2, 267-294, 1989.

Z.A.Khuchua, Renee Ventura-Clapier, A.V.Kuznetsov, M.N.Grishin, V.A.Saks, Alteration in the creatine kinase in the myocardium of the cardiomyopathic hamsters. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 165, 2, 748-757, 1989.

V.A.Saks, V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.L.Lakomkin, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, S.A.Javadov, E.K.Seppet, S.Kairane, Quantitative evaluation of relationship between cardiac energy metabolism and post-ischemic recovery of contractile function. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 21 (Suppl.1) 67-78, 1989.

V.G.Sharov, N.N.Beskrovnova, S.A.Kryzhanovsky, J.G.Bobkov, V.A.Saks, N.V.Kaverina, Ultrastructure of Purkinje cells in the subendocardium and false tendons in early experimental myocardial infarction complicated by fibrillation in the dog. Virchows Archiv B. Cell. Pathol., 57, 131-139, 1989.

E.K.Seppet, M.A.Eimre, A.P.Kallikorm, V.A.Saks, Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on heart muscle contractility modulated by hyperthyroidism and extracellular calcium concentration. Journal of Applied Cardiology, 3, 369-380, 1988.

M.Ya.Ruda, M.B.Samarenko, N.I.Afonskaya, V.A.Saks, Reduction of ventricular arrythmias by phosphocreatine (Neoton) in patients with acute myocardial infarction. American Heart J., II6(20), 393-397, 1988

Seppet E. K., Eimre M. A., Kallikorm A. P., Saks V. A. Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on hear muscle contrctily modulated by hyperthyroidism and extracellular calcium concentration. J. of Applied Cardiology, V. 3, pp. 369-380, 1988.

V.A.Saks, L.A.Machotina, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, V.I.Kapelko, A.N.Preobrazhansky, N.V.Medvedeva, M.B.Vititnova, V.P.Kacharava, S.A.Kryzhanovsky, E.A.Konorev, V.V.Pitchugin, V.G.Sharov, N.V.Kaverina. High specificity of the molecular mechanism of protective action of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. Bull. Cardiology Research Centre USSR, 2, 42-50, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Severina, V.I.Veksler, V.A.Saks, The cardiac contractile failure induced by chronic creatine and phosphocreatine deficiency. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., V.20, 465-479, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Zueva, V.A.Saks, Mechanisms of the cardiac contractile function and energy metabolism adaptation to conditions of chronic depletion of phosphocreatine. J. Physiology, 34, 1, 3-11, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider. The role of ATP and phosphocreatine in regulation of contraction and defence of ischemic heart. Sechenov Physiological Journal of the USSR, 2, 217-223, 1988.

V.V.Kupriyanov, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Severina, V.I.Kapelko, E.K.Ruuge, V.A.Saks, Relationships between pre-ischemic ATP and glycogen content and post-ischemic recovery of rat heart. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., V.20, 1151-1162, 1988.

E.K.Seppet, A.P.Kallikorm, S.A.Javadov, A.N.Preobrazhensky, V.A.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks. Energu dependence of heart contractility impairment in conditions of calcium overload. Cardiologiya v. XXVII(7), p. 72-76, 1987.

Elizarova G. V., Sykhanov A. A., Saks V. A. Myofibrillar creatine kinase reversible binding to contractile proteins, stoichiometric ratio to myosin and functional significance. Biokhimia 52 (4), 667-675, 1987

Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A., Novikova N. A., Golikov M. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Popovoch M. I. Adaptation of cardiac contractile function to conditions of chronic energy. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19, Suppl IV, 61, 1987.

Kuhchua Z.A., Kuznetsov A.V., Chernousova G.B., Lyulina N.V., Saks V.A. Immunochemical study on the structural basis of functional coupling between creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase in heart mitochondria. Biological Membranes 4, p. 415-425, 1987.

Kupriyanov V. V., Balaban R. S., Steinschneider A. Ya., Lakomkin V. L ., Ruuge E. K., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. 31p-NMR study of creatine kinase reaction mechanism in vitro and in vivo. - In: Myocardial metabolism Cardiology reviews, suppl. 2 (Eds. Smirnov V. N ., Katz A .), London, Harwood Academic Publ. GmbH, 1987, p. 120-130.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Kapelko V. I., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Saks V. A. Dissociation of adenosine triphosphate levels and contractile function in isovolumic hearts perfused with 2-deoxyglucose. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 1987, v. 19, p. 729-744.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Novikova N. A., Severina M. Yu., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. The role of phosphocreatine and ATP in contraction of normal and ischemic heart. Biomed. Biochem. Acta, 1987, v. 46, N 8/9, pp. 493-498.

Kupriyanov V.V., Steinschneider A.Ya., Lakomkin V.L., Zueva M.Yu., Kapelko V.I., Saks V.A. Metabolism of exogenous phosphocreatine and 3-phosphono-2-imino-1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolodine in perfused rat heart during ischemia. Biokhimia 52, p. 437-444, 1987

Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Novikova N. A., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. Phosphocreatine, ATP in energy supply for cardiac contraction. Metabolism and Development of Nervous System, 1987, Chichester, J. Wiley and Prague, Academia, pp. 276-281.

Saks V. A., Bobkov I. G., Strumia E. (editors) Creatine phosphate: biochemistry, pharmacology and clinical efficiency. Edizoni Minerva Medica. Torino, 1987.

Saks V. A., Javadov S. A., Pozin E., Preobrazhensky A. N. Biochemical basis of the protective action of phosphocreatine on the ischemic myocardium. In: Heart surgery-87 Ed. L. D` Alessandro Case Editrice Scietifica Internationale, Roma 1987, 155-170.

Saks V. A., Kapelko V. I., Kupriyanov V. V., Khuchua Z. A., Lakomkin V. L., Novikova N. A., Ruuge E. K., Sharov V. G., Steinschneider A. Ya., Zueva M. Yu. Control of energy transport in cardiac muscle. Dissociation of ATP levels from contractile function: cardiac failure due to phosphocreatine dediciency. - In: Heart function & Metabolism (Eds. Dhalla N. S., Pierce G. N., Beamish R. E.), Boston, Nijhoff Publ., 1987, p. 377-395.

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Kuznetsov A. V. Specific inhibition of ATP-ADP translocase in cardiac mitoplasts by antibodies against mitochondrial creatine kinase Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 891: 138-144, 1987.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Javadov S. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Sharov V. G., Veksler V. I., Kapelko V. I. Contents of high energy phosphates and rates of mitochondrial oxidative reactions: significance for cardiac contractile function. J. Mole. Cell. Cardiol. 19, Suppl. IV, 60, 1987

Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Kupriyanov V. V., Krizhanovsky S. A., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Preobrazhensky A. N., Javadov S. A., Anyukhovsky E. P., Beskrovnova N. A., Rosenschtraukh L. V., Kaverina N. V. Phosphocreatine and related compounds: protective action on the ischemic myocardium. - In: "Myocardial metabolism. Cardiology reviews", suppl. 2, (Eds. Smirnov V. N., Katz A.), London, Harwood Acad. Publ. GmbH, 1987, p. 189-200.

Semenovsky M. L., Shumakov V. I., Sharov V. G., Mogilevsky G. M., Asmolovsky A. V., Makhotina L. A., Saks V. A. Protection of ischemic mytocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine. II. Clinical, ultrastructural and biochemical evaluations. The J. of Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, St. Louis, 94 (5), 762-769, 1987.

Sharov V. G., Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Kapelko V. I., Steinschneider A. Ya., Javadov S. A. Protection of ischemic myocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton): I. Morphological and 31p-NMR studies. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 1987, v. 94, No. 5, pp. 749-761

Steinschneider A.Ya., Kupriyanov V.V., Ruuge E.K., Saks V.A. 3-Phosphono-2-imino-1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolidine is a competitive substrate of AMP-dephosphorylating enzymes in rat heart cytosol. Biokhimia 52, p.577-583, 1987.

Veksler V. I., Kuznetsov A. V., Sharov V. G., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. Mitochondrial respiratory parameters in cardiac tissue a novel method of assessment by using saponin-skinned fibers. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 892 (2): 191-196, 1987

Ventura-Clapier R., Saks V. A., Vassort Guy, Lauer Claudine, Elizarova G. V. Reversible MM-creatine kinase binding to cardiac myofibrils. Am. J. Physiol. 253 (Cell Physiol. 22): 444-455, 1987.

Ventura-Clapier R., Veksler V. I., Elizarova G. V., Mekfi H., Levitskaya E. L., Saks V. A. Contractile properties and creatine kinase activity of myofilaments following ischemia and reperfusion of the rat heart. Biochem. Med. and Metabol. Biol. 38: 300-310, 1987.

Aninkhovsky E. P., Javadov S. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Beloshapko G. G., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A. Effect f phosphocreatine and related compounds on the phospholipid metabolism of ischemic heart. Biochem. Med. Biol. 35 (3): 327-334, 1986.

Belenkov Yu. N., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Y., Samarenko M. B. Phosphocreatine action on ischemic myocardium experimental research and clinical trial. In: Progress in Molecular Genetics and Frontiere della Cardiologia Mason Ztacia Editori, Milano - 1986, 111-133.

Chazov E.I., Semenovsky M.L., Smirnov V.N., Shumakov V.I., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G., Mogilevsky G.M., Severin V.V., Asmolovsky A.V., Makhotina L.A. Morphological and biochemical criteria of the efficiency of clinical application of phosphocreatine (Neoton) for intraoperational protection of myocardium. Physiological J., 32, 3-13, 1986.

Javadov S. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Effect of phosphocreatine on the lysophosphoglyceride level during total ischemia of rat myocardium. Biokhimia 51 (4), 668-674, 1986.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lyulina N. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Zueva M. Yu., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase - catelyzed ATP-phosphocreatine exchange. Comparison of 31p-NMR saturation transfer technique and radioisotope tracer methods. FEBS letters. 208: 89-93, 1986

Kuznetsov A. V., Saks V. A. Affinity modification of creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase in heart mitochondria determination of their molar stoichiometry. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 134 (1): 359-366, 1986.

Preobrazhensky A.N., Javadov S.A., Saks V.A. Study on the hypothetical mechanism of protective effect of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. Biokhimia 51(4), p. 675-683, 1986

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Veksler V. I., Sharov V. G., Heart mitochondria in physiological salt solution not ionic strength but salt composition is important for association of creatine kinase with the inner membrane surface. Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Comm. 13 (3): 1262-1271, 1986.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Khuchua Z., Kupriyanov V. V. Compartmentation of adenine nucleotides and phosphocreatine shuttle in cardiac cells some new evidence. - In: Advances in experimental medicine and biology (ed. Brautbar N.), New York, Plenum Press, 1986, v. 194, p. 103-116.

Saks V.A., Vassort G., Ventura-Clapier R. Reversible MM-creatine kinase binding to Triton-treated isolated rat papillary muscles. J. Physiol. (London) 377: 117, 1986.

Sharov V. G., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Y., Cherpachenko N. M., Posin G. Ya., Markosyan R. A., Shepeleva I. I., Samarenko M. B., Saks V. A. Protection of ischemic myocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton): Pharmacokinatics of phosphocreatine, reduction of infarct size, stabilization of sarcolemma of ischemic cardiomyocytes and antithrombotic action. Biochem. Med. and Metabolic Biology 35: 101-114, 1986.

Kupriyanov V.V., Steinschneider A.Ya., Lakomkin V.L., Ruuge E.K., Kapelko V.I., Saks V.A. 31P-NMR study of protective effect of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium under cardioplegia. Bull. Cardiology Research Centre USSR, 1, 14-19, 1985.

Mogilevsky G.M., Sharov V.G., Saks V.A., Semenovsky M.L. Structural-biochemical characterization of the efficiency of the intraoperational myocardium protection. Pathology Archive, 47 (6), 24-29, 1985.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Anyukovsky E. P., Beloshapko G. G., Yushmanova A. V. The antiarrhythmic action of phosphocreatine in acute myocardial ischemia. Biochemical Medicine, 34, 120-128, 1985.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Ventura-Clapier R. Mechanism of energy supply for contraction: biochemical and NMR studies - In: Proceedings of the 16th FEBS Congress, part A, VNU Science press, 1985, p. 281-290.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Kupriyanov V. V., Miceli M. V., Jacobus W. J. Creatine kinase of rat heart mitochondria. The demostration of functional coupling to oxidative phosphorylation in an inner membrane-matrix preparation. J. Biol. Chem. 260 (12): 7757-7764, 1985.

Saks V. A., Sharov . G., Kupriyanov V. V., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Ya., Samarenko M. B. Phosphocreatine and myocardial protection: biochemical, pharmacological and clinical aspects. - in: Conoscere e curare il cuore 85, Rome, Schiaparelli Farmaceutici, 1985, p. 348-373.

Seppet E. K., Adojaan A. Y., Kallinorm A. R., Chernousova G. B., Lyulina N. V., Sharov V. G., Severin V. V., Popovich M. I., Saks V. A. Hormone Regulation of Cardiacenergy metabolism. I Creatine transport across Cell Menbranes of euthyroid rat heart. Biochem. Med. 34: 267-297, 1985.

Kupriyanov V. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Kapelko V. I., Zueva M. Ya., Lakomkin V. L., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. Regulation of energy flux through the creatine kinase reaction in vitro and in perfused rat heart. 31p-NMR Studies Biochim. Biophys. Acta 805: 319-331, 1984

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Lyulina N. V., Khuchua Z. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Ventura-Clapier R. Role of multienzyme complexes in intracellular compartmentation of adenine nucleotides and in regulation of cardiac energy metabolism. In: Cellular and molecular aspects of the regulation of the heart. Academic-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, 41-48.

Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Kupriyanov V. V., Smirnov V. N., Semenovsky M. L. Protective action of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. 16, Suppl. 2, 113, 1984.

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., Khuchua Z. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Emelin I. V. Creatine kinase in regulation of heart function and metabolism. I Further evidence for compartmentation of adenine nucleotides in cardiac myofibrillar and sarcolemmal coupled ATPase-creatine kinase systems. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 803: 254-264, 1984.

Seppet E. K., Adoyaan A. Y., Kallinorm A. P., Chernousova G. V., Lyulina N. V., Severin V. V., Popovich M. I., Saks V. A. Hyperthyroid cardiomyopathy: abnormalities in creatine transport and hypersensitivity to ischemic injury. Vestnik of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, 10, 48-56, 1984

Gellerich F. N., Schlame M., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase of heart mitochondria: no changes in its kinetic properties after inhibition of the adenine nucleotide translocator. Biomed. Biochem. Acta, 42 (10), 1335-1337, 1983.

Kupriyanov V. V., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Mechanism of passive Ca2+ permeability of vesicular sarcolemmal preparations from rat hearts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 728, 239-253, 1983.

Kupriyanov V. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. 31p-NMR SPECTRUM of phosphocreatine: ducterium-induced splitting of the signal. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm. 114, 3, 1117-1125, 1983.

Frank Gellerich, Saks V. A. Control of heart mitochondrial oxygen consumption by creatine kinase: the importance of enzyme localization. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 105 (4), 1473-1481, 1982.

Jacobus W. E., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase of heart mitochondria: changes in its kinetic properties induced by coupling to oxidative phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 219, (1), 167-178, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Grosse R., Spitzer E. Effect of cardenolids and sodium ion gradient on ATP - dependent Ca2+ accumulation in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles. Biokhimia 47 (I), 126-136, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Grosse R., Spitzer E. Effect of cardenolids and sodium ion gradient on ATP - dependent Ca2+ accumulation in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles. Biokhimia 47 (I), 126-136, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. The cardiac sarcolemmal protein kinase reaction. Kinetic characteristics and sensitivity to cyclic AMP. Advances in Myocardiology, v.3, p. 273-288, 1982. Plenum Press, 4, Eds. Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Dhalla N. S.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V. Intracellular energy transport and control of cardiac contraction. Advances in Myocardiology 3, 475-497, 1982. Plenum Press, 4, Eds. Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Dhalla N. S.

Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Saks V. A. Determination of molar content of creatine kinase in cardiac mitochondria by SH - reagents. Biokhimia 46 (5), 930-941, 1981.

Kupriyanov V. V., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Study of passive Ca2+ permeability of ventricular sarcolemmal preparations from myocardium. Biokhimia 46 (10), 1863-1879, 1981.

Preobrazhensky A.N., Saks V.A. Some properties of the reaction catalyzed by protein kinase bound to cardiac sarcolemma. Biokhimia 46 (9), 1681-1693, 1981

35. Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Seppet E. K., Jacobus W. E. Regulation of phosphorylcreatine synthesis in myocardial cells: the coupling of transphosphorylation to glycosis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and the significance of creatine kinase compartmentation. In: Energy transport, protein synthesis and hormonal control of heart metabolism US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH Publication N 80 - 2017, Betheda, 89-112, 1980

Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Lipina N. V., Levitsky D. O. Energy metabolism and ion fluxes across cardiac membranes.In: Advances in myocardiology, v. I (Eds. M. Tajuddin, P. K. Das, M. Tariq, N. S. Dhalla) University Park Press, Baltimore, 1980.

Grosse R., Spitzer E., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Repke K. K. H. Coordinate interplay between (n+, K+ ) antiport across the membrane of resieles forward from the plasme membrane of cardiac muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 603, I, 142-156, 1980.

Grosse R., Spitzer E., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Repke K. K. H. Coordinate interplay between (n+, K+ ) antiport across the membrane of resieles forward from the plasme membrane of cardiac muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 603, I, 142-156, 1980.

Kupriyanov V.V., Panasenko N.A., Saks V.A. The kinetics of the interaction of analogs of guanidine substrates with muscle creatine kinase. Bioorganic Chemistry, 6, 116-137, 1980.

Kupriyanov V. V., Seppet E. K., Emelin I. V., Saks V. A. Phosphocreatine production coupled to the glycolytic reaction in the cytosol of cardiac cells. Biochem Biophys. Acta, 592, 197-210, 1980.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Yuryavichyus I. A., Chazov E. I., Regulation of mechanical and electrical activity of the hypodynamic myocardium by creatine phosphate. In: Energy transport, protein synthesis and hormonal control of heart metabolism. US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH Publication N 80-2017, Betheda, 89-112, 1980

Saks V. A. Creatine kinase isoenzymes and control of cardiac contraction. In: Jacobus J. W., Ingwall J., Editors Heart creatine kinase: the integration of isoenzymes for energy distribution, p. 109-124. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1980.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Jacobus W. E. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The importance of creatine kinase localization for the coupling of mitochondrial phosphorylcreatine production to oxidative phosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 255, 2, 755-763, 1980.

Saks V.A., Smirnov V.N. Molecular mechanisms of changes in myocardial energy metabolism in pathological conditions. Cardiologiya, 20 (5), 10-12, 1980.

Erashova N.S., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G. and Lyzlova S.N. Creatine kinase from muscle cell nuclei. Biokhimia, 44, 372-378, 1979.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Emelin I.V. and Saks V.A. Steady state kinetics of pyruvate kinase from muscle. Biokhimia, 44, 104-115, 1979.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Yuriavichus I. A., Nesterenko N. V., Undrovinas A. I. and Smirnov V. N. Effect of creatine phosphate on the slow inward calcium current, action potential, and the contractile force of frog atrium and ventricle. Physiol. J. of USSR, 65, 405-413, 1979.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Yuriavichus I. A., Nesterenko N. V., Undrovinas A. I., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Effect of creatine phosphate on the slow inward calcium current, action potential and the contractile force of frog attrium and ventricle. Biochem. Med., 21, 1-15, 1979

Saks V.A., Kats V.M., Vetter R., Lylina V.N. and Shell W. The effect of calcium ions on the creatine kinase systems of myocardial cells. Biokhimia, 44, 1600-1611, 1979.

Saks V. A., Seppet E. K., Smirnov V. N. does oxidative phosphorylation increase the rate of creatine phosphate synthesis in heart mitochondria or not. J. Molecular Cellular Cardiol. II, 1265-1273, 1979.

Sharov V.G., Shepeleva I.I., Saks V.A. Electron microscopic investigation of permeability of the sarcolemma of rat cardiac myocytes during acute anoxia of the myocardium. Bull. Exp. Biol.Med. 8, 214-217, 1979.

Shepeleva I.I., Saprygin D.B., Saks V.A., Kramer A.A., Kashtelyan L.S. Experimental substantiation of myocardial affection visualization by means of pyrophosphate-99m Tc. Medical Radiology, 3, 16-22, 1979

Erashova N. S., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Lyzlova S. N. Creatine kinase bound to cardiac cells nuclei. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 82, 4, 1217-1222, 1978.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Saks V.A. Creatine phosphate synthesis coupled to the glycolytic reactions in heart cells cytosol. Biokhimia, 43, 1468-1476, 1978.

Levitsky D. O., Levchenko T. S., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Smirnov V. N. The role of creatine phosphokinase in supplyng energy for the calcium pump system of heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. Membrane Biochemistry, V. 2, NI, 81-96, 1978

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Undrovinas A. I., Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Sharov V. G. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The effect of creatine phosphate on the frog ventricular contractile force and action potential duration. Biochemical Medicine, 19, 148-164, 1978.

Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Role of creatine phosphokinase in cellular function and metabolism. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 56, 691-706, 1978.

Seppet E.K., Kupriyanov V.V., Saks V.A. Adenylate kinase from heart. II. Steady-state kinetics of the reverse reaction (ADP formation). Bioorganic Chemistry, 4, 95-108, 1978.

Sharov V.G., Orlova Z.R., Saks V.A. Ultrastructural bases of acute cardiac insufficiency not associated with rhythm disorders. Pathology Archive, 10, 3-14, 1978.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Saks V.A. Adenylate kinase from heart. I. Kinetics of the forward reaction. Bioorganic Chemistry, 3, 1682-1695, 1977.

Levitsky D.O., Levchenko T.S., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G. and Smirnov V.N. The functional coupling between Ca2+ -ATPase and creatine phosphokinase in heart muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biokhimia, 42 1766-1773, 1977.

Rosenshtraukh, L.V., Saks V.A., Undrovinas A.I., Yuryavichus A.I., Yushmanova A.V., Sharov V.G., Seppet E.K, Smirnov V.N. and Chazov E.I. The role of creatine phosphokinase systems in regulation of the force of contraction of frog heart muscle. Physiol. J. of USSR, 63, 681-688, 1977.

Saks V. A., Lipina N. V., Sharov V. G., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I., Grosse Richard. The localization of the MM isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase on the surface membrane of myocardial vells and its functional coupling to analain-inhibited (Na+, K+ ) ATPase. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 465, 550-558, 1977.

Saks V.A., Seppet E.K. and Lyulina N.V. A comparative study of the role of creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes in energy metabolism of skeletal and heart muscle. Biokhimia, 42, 579-588, 1977.

Sharov V. G., Saks V. A., Smirnov V. N., and Chazov E. I. An electron microscopic histochemical investigation of creatine phosphokinase in heart cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 468, 495-501, 1977.

Rosenshtraukh, L.V., Saks V.A., Undrovinas A.I., Yushmanova A.V., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. A study of the dependence of the frog heart muscle contractile force àn intracellular energy transport processes. Physiol. J. of USSR, 62, 1199- 1210, 1976

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Vetter R., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Kinetic propenties and the functional role of particulate MM-isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase bound to heart muscle myofibrilis. FEBS Letters, 62, 2, 293-296, 1976.

Saks V.A., Lipina N.V., Chernousova G.B., Sharov V.G., Smirnov V.N., Grosse R. Functional coupling of MM isoenzyme of creatine kinase with MgATPase of myofibrils and Na,K-ATPase of plasmatic membrane of heart cells. Biochimia 41, 2099-2109, 1976.

Saks V. A., Lipina N.V., Lyulina, Chernousova G.B., Vetter R., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. Functional characteristics of creatine kinase reactions in heart mitochondria and myofibrils. Biochimia 41, 1460-1470, 1976.

Saks V. A., Lipina N. V., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase and ATP-ADP translocase: kinetic evidence. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 173, 34-41, 1976.

Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Undrovinas A. I., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. Intracellular creatine content as a regulatory factor of frog heart energetics and fonce of contraction. Biochemical Medicine, 16, 21-36, 1976.

Saks V. A., Chernousova G., B., Gukovsky D. E., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Studies of Energy Transport in heart cells. Mitochondrial isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase: kinetic properties and regulatort action of Mg 2+ ions. Eu. J. Biochem., 57, 273-290, 1975.

Saks V.A., Lyulina N.V., Chernousova G.B., Voronkov Yu.I., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. Study of the role of mitochondrial creatine kinase in the process of energy transport in the heart cells. Cardiologiya 9, 103-110, 1975.

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Voronkov U. I., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Study of energy transport mechanism in myocardial cells. Circulation Research, v. 34 and 35, Suppl. III, 138-149, 1974.

Saks V.A., Voronkov Yu.I. Diagnostic significance of serum creatine kinase activity in myocardial infarction. Therepeutic Archives 6, 32-38, 1974.

viimati muudetud: 27.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Valdur
2.Surname Saks
3.Institution National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
4.Position Head of the laboratory
5.Date of birth 03.09.1943 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher, Moscow University
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences of Estonia, junior research scientist 1970-1971
Moscow University, department of Chemistry, junior research scientist 1971-1972
Moscow Cardiocenter, senior research scientist 1972-1981
Moscow Cardiocenter, head of the laboratory of Bioenergetics 1981-1993
National Institute of Chemical Physis and Biophysics, head of the laboratory of Bioenergetics 1993 until today
Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, Professor of the laboratory of Physiology of the Heart Cell 1994 until today
Work in cooperation:
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, 1975-1978
John Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, 1978-1981
Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay, France repeatedly in years 1981-1993
8.Academic degree Candidate in chemistry
Doctor in biology
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1971 Moscow University
1981 Moscow Cardiocenter
10.Honours/awards State Award of the USSR 1978
International Award of the UN and UNICEF for "Research for Development" 1988
Member of the Academy of Sciences of Estonia 1993
International Society for Heart Research, member of the executive committee
American Heart Association, Basic Science Council
International Federation of Cardiological Societies
Biochemical Society of Russia
American Physiological Society
American Biophysical Society
Participation in editorial board:
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, USA
Il Cuore, Italy
Cardioscience, Italy
Journal of Physiology, Poland
12.Supervised dissertations

K. Guerrero, PhD, 2005, superv. Valdur Saks. Rakusiseste energeetiliste üksuste struktuurne ja funktsionaalne organisatsioon südamerakkudes. Grenoblei Ülikool

T. Käämbre, PhD, 2004, superv. Valdur Saks, Enn Seppet. Rakusisesed energeetilised üksused: struktuursed ja funktsionaalsed aspektid. Tartu Ülikool

F.Appaix, PhD, 2003, superv. Valdur Saks. Struktuursed ja funktsionaalsed seosed mitokondrite ja tsütoskeleti vahel kardiomüotsüütides. Grenoblei Ülikool

T. Andrienko, PhD, 2003, superv. Valdur Saks. Rakusisese struktuuri osa mitokondriaalse hingamise regulatsioonis. Grenoblei Ülikool

T.Tiivel, PhD, 2002, superv. Valdur Saks, Raivo Vilu. Mitokondri välismembraani roll hingamise regulatsioonis in vivo normaalsetes südame ja skeletilihaste rakkudes. Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool

Z. Daneshard, PhD, 1998, superv. Valdur Saks. Mitokondriaalse hingamise uurimine. Grenoblei Ülikool

Y. Voronkov, PhD, 1995, superv. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaasi reaktsiooni võrdlev analüüs südames ja skeletilihastes. Moskva Ülikool

E. Vasilyeva, cand, 1993, superv. Valdur Saks. Oksüdatiivse fosforüleerimise regulatsioon südamerakkudes in vivo.. Moskva Ülikool

I. Dzaliashvili, cand, 1992, superv. Valdur Saks. Fosfokreatiini kartioprotektiivsete mehhanismide uuringud.. Moskva Ülikool

Th. Branishte, cand, 1992, superv. Valdur Saks. Skineeritud lihaskidude kasutusmeetodid südame biopsia uuringutes. Moskva Ülikool

U. Kamilova, cand, 1991, superv. Valdur Saks. Neotooni kasutusmeetodid neuromuskulaarsete haiguste ravis. Moskva Ülikool

M. Samarenko, cand, 1989, superv. Valdur Saks. Neooton kui infraktivastane effektiivne ravim. Moskva Ülikool

G Elizarova, cand, 1988, superv. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaasi reaktsioon lihasrakkude müofibrillides. Moskva Ülikool

Z. Khuchua, cand, 1988, superv. Valdur Saks. Mitokondriaalne kreatiinkinaas südames: funktsionaalne konjugeeritus ANT-ga. Moskva Ülikool

S. Dzhavadov, cand, 1987, superv. Valdur Saks. Kardioprotektsiooni rakumehhanismide uuringud. Moskva Ülikool

A. Preobrazhenski, cand, 1986, superv. Valdur Saks. Kaltsiumi metabolism südamelihastes. Moskva Ülikool

V. Severin, cand, 1985, superv. Valdur Saks. Kardiomüopaatia mehhanismid eksperimentaaluuringutes. Moskva Ülikool

I Shepeleva, cand, 1981, superv. Valdur Saks. Kreatiinkinaas vereseerumis kui südame kahjustuse indikaator. Moskva Ülikool

N. Lipina, cand, 1980, superv. Valdur Saks. Fosfokreatiini süntees südame mitokondrites.. Moskva Ülikool

E. Seppet, cand, 1979, superv. Valdur Saks. Glükoluutiliste reaktsioonidega ja mitokondriaalse oksüdatiivse fosforüleerimisega seotud PCr sünteeri mehhanismi uuringud.. Moskva Ülikool

13.Current research program Raku bioenergeetika, biokeemia, biofüüsika
14.Current grant funding ESF no. 6142 "Compartmentalized energy transfer in cardiomyocytes and mechanisms of preconditioning" (holder)
ESF no. 5515 "Functional complexes of mitochondria with ATPases as the principal units of energetical metabolism in oxidative muscle cells"
15.List of most important publications

Anmann T., Eimre M, Kuznetsov A.V., Andrienko T., Kaambre T., Sikk P., Seppet E., Tiivel T., Vendelin M., Seppet E. and Saks V.A. Calcium-induced contraction of sarcomeres changes regulation of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized cardiac cells. FEBS Journal 272, 3145-3161, 2005.

Eimre M., Puhke R., Alev K., Seppet. E., Sikkut A., Peet N., Lenzer A., Haviko T., Seene T., Saks V., Seppet E. Altered mitochondrial apparent affinity for ADP and impaired function of mitochondrial creatine kinase in gluteus medius of patients with hip osteoarthritis. Am. J. Physiol. Submitted 2005.

Guerrero K., Wuyam B., Mezin P., Vivodtzev I., Vendelin M., Borel J.-Ch., Hacini R., Chavanon O., Imbeaud S., Saks V. and Pison Ch. Functional coupling of adenine nucleotide translocase and mitochondrial creatine kinase is enhanced after exercise training in lung transplant skeletal muscle, Am. J. Physiol., DOI, 10.1152/ajpregu.00229.2005.

Marko Vendelin, Nathalie Beraud, Karen Guerrero, Tatiana Andrienko, Andrey V Kuznetsov, Jose Olivares, Laurence Kay, and Valdur A Saks. Mitochondrial regular arrangement in muscle cells: a "crystal-like" pattern Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 288: C757-C767, 2005.

Peltier S, Burelle Y, Novel-Chate V, Demaison L, Verdys M, Saks V, Keriel C, Leverve XM. Effect of exogenous adenosine and monensin on glycolytic flux in isolated perfused normoxic rat hearts: Role of pyruvate kinase. Mol Cell Biochem. 2005 Sep;277(1-2):55-61.

Saks V.A., Vendelin M., Aliev M.K. Kekelidze T. and Engelbrecht J. Mechanisms and modeling of energy transfer between and among intracellular compartments. In: Handbook of Neurochemistry and Molecular Neurobiology, 3edition, volume 5, Neural Energy Utilization, Dienel G. and Gibson G., the Editors, Springer Science + Business Media, New York-Boston, 2005, in press.

Saks V.A., Wallimann T. and Schlattner U. Calcium and energy transfer. J. Physiol. 565, p.703, 2005.

Saks V, Guerrero, K., Vendelin M., Engelbrecht J. and Seppet E. The creatine kinase isoenzymes in organized metabolic networks and regulation of cellular respiration: a new role for Maxwell’s demon. In: Creatine Kinase (Vial C., Ed.) in series: Molecular Anatomy and Physiology of Proteins (Uversky V.N., series Ed.), NovaScience Publishers, New York, 2005, in press.

Seppet E, Eimre M, Peet N, Paju K, Orlova E, Ress M, Kovask S, Piirsoo A, Saks VA, Gellerich FN, Zierz S, Seppet EK. Compartmentation of energy metabolism in atrial myocardium of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Mol Cell Biochem. 270(1-2):49-61, 2005.

Seppet E. K., Margus Eimre, Tiia Anmann, Evelin Seppet, Nadezhda Peet, Tuuli Käämbre, Kalju Paju, Andres Piirsoo, Andrei V. Kuznetsov, Marko Vendelin, Frank N. Gellerich, Stephan Zierz, Valdur A. Saks, Intracellular energetic units in healthy and diseased hearts, Exp.Clin.Cardiol. 10, 173-183, 2005.

Sophie Pelloux, Julie Robillard, René Ferrera, André Bilbaut, Carlos Ojeda, Valdur Saks, Michel Ovize and Yves Tourneur. Non beating HL-1 cells for confocal microscopy. Application to mitochondrial functions during cardiac preconditioning. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol. 2005 Sep 1; [Epub ahead of print]

Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Saks, V. In situ monitoring of kinetics of metabolic conversion of ATP to ADP catalyzed by MgATPases of muscle Gastrocnemius skinned fibers using micellar electrokinetic chromatography. Electrophoresis. 17: 2996-3002, 2004.

Kuznetsov, A. V., Schneeberger, S., Renz, O., Meusburger, H., Saks, V., Usson, Y., Margreiter, R. Functional heterogeneity of mitochondria after cardiac cold ischemia and reperfusion revealed by confocal imaging. Transplantation. 77: 754-6,2004.

Kuznetsov, A. V., Schneeberger, S., Seiler, R., Brandacher, G., Mark, W., Steurer, W., Saks, V., Usson, Y., Margreiter, R., Gnaiger, E. Mitochondrial defects and heterogeneous cytochrome c release after cardiac cold ischemia and reperfusion. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 286: H1633-41,2004.

Ojeda, C., Joseph, P., Saks, V. A., Piriou, V., Tourneur, Y. Subcellular heterogeneity in mitochondrial red-ox responses to KATP channel agonists in freshly isolated rabbit cardiomyocytes. Mol. Cell. Biochem.256-257: 367-77, 2004.

Ovadi, J., Saks, V. On the origin of intracellular compartmentation and organized metabolic systems. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256-257: 5-12, 2004.

Saks, V. A.., Kuznetsov, A. V., Vendelin, M., Guerrero, K., Kay, L., Seppet E.K. Functional coupling as a basic mechanism of feedback regulation of cardiac energy metabolism. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 265:185-199, 2004.

Seppet, E. K., Eimre, M., Andrienko, T., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Kuznetsov, A. V., Saks, V. Studies of mitochondrial respiration in muscle cells in situ: Use and misuse of experimental evidence in mathematical modeling Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256: 219–227, 2004.

Vendelin, M., Eimre, M., Seppet, E., Peet, N., Andrienko, T., Lemba, M., Engelbrecht, J., Seppet, E. K., Saks, V. A. Intracellular diffusion of adenosine phosphates is locally restricted in cardiac muscle Mol. Cell. Biochem. 256-257: 229-41,2004.

Vendelin, M., Lemba, M., Saks, V. A. Analysis of functional coupling: mitochondrial creatine kinase and adenine nucleotide translocase. Biophys. J. 87: 696-713, 2004.

Andrienko, T. Kuznetsov, A., V., Kaambre, T., Usson, Y., Orosco, A., Appaix, F., Tiivel, T., Sikk, P., Vendelin, M., Margreiter, R., Saks, V. A. Metabolic consequences of functional complexes of mitochondria, myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2059-72, 2003.

Appaix, F., Kuznetsov, A. V., Usson, Y., Kay, L., Andrienko, T., Olivares, J., Kaambre,T., Sikk, P., Margreiter, R., Saks, V. Possible role of cytoskeleton in intracellular arrangement and regulation of mitochondria. Exp. Physiol. 88: 175-90, 2003.

Kuznetsov, A.V., Kunz, W. S., Saks, V., Usson., Y, Mazat, J. P., Letellier, T., Gellerich, F. N., Margreiter, R. Cryopreservation of mitochondria and mitochondrial function in cardiac and skeletal muscle fibers. Anal. Biochem. 319: 296-303, 2003.

Saks, V., Kuznetsov, A., Andrienko, T., Usson, Y., Appaix, F., Guerrero, K., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Lemba, M., Vendelin, M. Heterogeneity of ADP diffusion and regulation of respiration in cardiac cells. Biophys. J. 84: 3436-56, 2003.

Aliev MK, Dos Santos P, Hoerter JA, Soboll S, Tikhonov AN, Saks VA. Water content and its intracellular distribution in intact and saline perfused rat hearts revisited. Cardiovasc. Res. 53: 48-58, 2002.

Appaix, F., Guerrero, K., Rampal, D., Izikki, M., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Brdiczka, D., Riva-Lavieille, C., Olivares, J., Longuet, M., Antonsson, B., Saks VA. Bax and heart mitochondria: uncoupling and inhibition of respiration without permeability transition. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.; 1556, 155-67, 2002.

Boudina, S., Laclau, M. N., Tariosse, L., Daret, D., Gouverneur, G., Bonoron-Adele, S., Saks, V. A., Dos Santos, P. . Alteration of mitochondrial function in a model of chronic ischemia in vivo in rat heart. Am. J. Physiol. Heart. Circ. Physiol. 282: H821-31, 2002.

Seppet, E. K., Kadaja, L., Braun, U., Kisand, K., Metskula, K., Uibo, R., Kaambre, T., Saks, V. A. Intracellular energetic units in cardiac cells: Targets in primary biliary cirrhosis, J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 34: A57, 2002.

Vendelin, M., Bovendeerd, P. H., Saks, V., Engelbrecht, J. Cardiac mechanoenergetics in silico. Neuro Endocrinol. Lett. 23: 13-20,2002.

Laclau, M. N., Boudina, S., Thambo, J. B., Tariosse, L., Gouverneur, G., Bonoron-Adele, S., Saks, V.A., Garlid, K. D., Dos Santos, P. Cardioprotection by ischemic preconditioning preserves mitochondrial function and functional coupling between adenine nucleotide translocase and creatine kinase. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 33: 947-56, 2001.

Menin, L., Panchichkina, M., Keriel, C., Olivares, J., Braun, U., Seppet, E. K., Saks, V. A. Macrocompartmentation of total creatine in cardiomyocytes revisited. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 220: 149-59, 2001.

Riva, C., Chevrier, C., Pasqual, N., Saks, V., Rossi, A. Bcl-2/Bax protein expression in heart, slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles in young rats growing under chronic hypoxia conditions. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 226: 9-16, 2001.

Saks, V. A., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Eimre, M., Orlova, E., Paju, K., Piirsoo, A., Appaix, F., Kay, L., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., Fleck, E., Seppet, E. Intracellular energetic units in red muscle cells. Biochem. J. 356: 643-657, 2001.

Seppet, E. K., Kaambre, T., Sikk, P., Tiivel, T., Vija, H., Tonkonogi, M., Sahlin, K., Kay, L., Appaix, F., Braun, U., Eimre, M., Saks, V. A. Functional complexes of mitochondria with Ca,MgATPases of myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta; 1504: 379-95, 2001.

Walsh, B., Tonkonogi, M., Soderlund, K., Hultman, E., Saks, V., Sahlin, K. The role of phosphorylcreatine and creatine in the regulation of mitochondrial respiration in human skeletal muscle. J. Physiol. 537: 971–978, 2001.

Dos Santos,P., Aliev, M. K., Diolez, P., Duclos, F., Besse, P., Bonoron-Adele, S., Sikk, P., Canioni, P., Saks, V. .A. Metabolic control of contractile performance in isolated perfused rat heart. Analysis of experimental data by reaction:diffusion mathematical model. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 32: 1703-34, 2000.

Kay, L., Nicolay, K., Wieringa, B., Saks, V., Wallimann, T. Direct evidence for the control of mitochondrial respiration by mitochondrial creatine kinase in oxidative muscle cells in situ. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 6937-4, 2000.

Marko Vendelin, Olav Kongas, Valdur Saks. Regulation of mitochondrial respiration in heart cells analyzed by reaction –diffusion model of energy transfer. Am. J. Physiol. , 278, C747 – C764, 2000.

Saks, V. A., Kongas, O., Vendelin, M., Kay, L., Role of the creatine/phosphocreatine system in the regulation of mitochondrial respiration. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica 168: 635–641, 2000.

Saks V.A., Vendelin M., Kongas O. and Kay L. Creatine – phosphocreatine pathway in the intracellular networks of energy transfer and signal transduction in muscle cells. In: “ Creatine: from basic science to clinical research”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht – Boston, 2000, pp. 1 – 10.

Tiivel, T., Kadaya, L., Kuznetsov, A., Kaambre, T., Peet, N., Sikk, P., Braun, U., Ventura-Clapier, R., Saks, V., Seppet, E. K. Developmental changes in regulation of mitochondrial respiration by ADP and creatine in rat heart in vivo. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 208: 119-28, 2000.

Vendelin, M., Kongas, O., Saks, V. Regulation of mitochondrial respiration in heart cells analyzed by reaction-diffusion model of energy transfer. Am. J. Physiol. Cell. Physiol. 278: C747-C764,2000.

Tonkonogi M., Walsh B., T. Tiivel, V. Saks, K. Sahlin. Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle is not impared by high tensity exercise. Pflugers Arch – Eur. J. Physiol. 437, 562 – 568, 1999.

Aliev M.K., van Dorsten F.A., Nederhoff M.G., van Echteld C.J.A., Veksler V., Nicolay K., Saks V.A. Mathematical model of compartmentalized energy transfer: its use for analysis and interpretation of 31P - NMR studies of isolated heart of creatine kinase deficient mice. Mol. Cell. Biochem., 184, 209 – 229, 1998

Khuchua Z. AL., Qin W., Boero J., Cheng J., Payne M., Saks V.A. and Strauss A.W. Octamer formation by cardiac sarcomeric mitochondrial creatine kinase is mediated by charged N – terminal residues. J. Biol. Chem. 273, 22990 – 22996, 1998.

Novel – Chaté V., Mateo P., Saks V.A, Hoerter J.A. and A. Rossi. Chronic exposure to hypoxic environment alters the mechanism of energy transfer in myocardium. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 30, 1295 – 1303, 1998.

Rossi, A., Kay L., Saks V.A., Early ischemia-induced alterations of the outer mitochondrial membrane and the intermembrane space: a potential cause for altered energy transfer in cardiac muscle? Mol. Cell. Biochem., 184, 209 – 229, 1998

Saks V.A. , Aliev M., DosSantos P., Vendelin M. and Kongas O. Mathematical model of energy transfer in hearts with inhibited or albated creatine kinase system. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 6, 124 – 125, 1998

Saks V.A., Dos Santos P., Gellerich F.N., Diolez P. Quantitative studies of enzyme - substrate compartmentation, functional coupling and metabolic channelling in muscle cells. Mol. Cell Biochem., 184, 291 - 307, 1998.

Saks V.A., Veksler V.I., Kuznetsov A.V., Kay L., Sikk P., Tiivel T., Tranqui L., Olivares J., Winkler K., Wiedemann F., Kunz W.S. Permeabilized cell and skinned fiber techniques in studies of mitochondrial function in vivo. Mol.Cell. Biochem. 184, 81 – 100, 1998.

Saks V.A.., Ventura – Clapier R., Leverve X., Rossi A., Rigoulet M. What do we not know of cellular bioenergetics? – a general view on the state of the art. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 184, 3 – 9, 1998.

Voloschuk S.G., Belikova Yu.O., Klushnik T.P., Benivalensky D.S., Saks V.A. Comparative study of the kinetics of respiration and protein content of skinned fibers from different muscle types. Biokhimiya 63, (2) 190 – 193, 1998.

Aliev M.K., Saks V.A. Compartmentalised energy transfer in cardiomyocytes. Use of mathematical modelling for analysis of in vivo regulation of respiration. Biophys. J., 73, 428 - 445,1997

K. Anflous, V. Saks, P. Mateo, F. Samson, V. Veksler, R. Ventura-Clapier. Mitochondrial creatine kinase isoform expression does not correlate with its mode of action. Biochim J, 322, 73 -78, 1997

Kay L., Daneshrad Z., Saks V.A., Rossi, A. Alteration in the control of mitochondrial respiration by outer mitochondrial membrane and creatine during heart preservation. Cardiovascular Research, 34, 547 - 556, 1997.

Kay, L., Li, Z., Mericskay, M., Olivares, J., Tranqui, L., Fontaine, E., Tiivel, T., Sikk, P., Kaambre, T., Samuel, J. L., Rappaport, L., Usson, Y., Leverve, X., Paulin, D., Saks, V. A. Study of regulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo. An analysis of influence of ADP diffusion and possible role of cytoskeleton. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 1322: 41-59, 1997.

Kay L., Rossi A., Saks V.A.. Detection of early ischemic damage by analysis of mitochondrial function in skinned fibers. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 174, 79 - 85, 1997

Kay L., Saks V.A., Rossi A. Early alteration of the control of mitochondrial function in myocardial ischemia. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol. 29, 3399 – 3411, 1997.

Kay L., Saks V.A., Rossi A. Early alteration of the control of mitochondrial function in myocardial ischemia. J. Moll. Cell. Cardiol. 29, 3399 – 3411, 1997.

Kuznetsov A.V., Tiivel T., Sikk P., Käämbre T., Kay L., Daneshrad Z., Rossi A., Kadaja L., Peet N., Seppet E., Saks V. Striking difference between slow and fast twitch muscles in the kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in the cells in vivo. Eur J Biochem, 241, 909-915,1996.

Nascimben L., Ingwall J., Pauletto P., Friedrich J., Gwathmey J.K., Saks V.A., Pessina A.C., Allen P.D. Creatine kinase system in failing and nonfailing human myocardium. Circulation 94, 1894-1901, 1996

Saks V.A. Cardiac Energetics: compartmentation of creatine kinase and regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. In: M. Conway, J.F. Clark (Eds.) Creatine and creatine phosphate: scientific and clinical perspectives. Academic Press. San Diego-London-New York, pp. 65-78, 1996.

Saks V.A., Stepanov V.A., Jaliashvili I.V., Konorev E.A., Kryzanovsky S., Ettore Strumia. Molecular and cellular mechanisms of action for the cardioprotective and therapeutic role of creatine phosphate. In: M. Conway, J.F.Clark (Eds.) Creatine and Creatine phosphate: scientific and clinical perspectives. Academic Press. San Diego- London - New York, pp. 91-114, 1996.

Saks VA., Tiivel T, Kay L, Novel-Chate V, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Fontaine E, Keriel C, Leverve X, Ventura-Clapier R, Anflous K, Samuel J-L & Rappaport L. On the regulation of cellular energetics in health and disease. Mol Cell Biochem 160/161, 195-208,1996

V.A.Saks & M.K.Aliev. Is there the creatine kinase equilibrium in working heart cells? Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm, 227, 360-367, 1996

V.A. Saks, R. Ventura-Clapier, M. Aliev. Metabolic control and metabolic capacity: two aspects of creatine kinase functioning in the cells. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1274, p.81-88,1996

V. Pelouch, F. Kolar, Z. Khuchua, G. Elizarova, M. Milerova, B. Oštadal, V. Saks. Cardiac phosphocreatine deficiency induced by GPA during postnatal development in rat. Mol Cell Biochem 163/164, 67-76,1996.

Fontaine, E.M., Keriel, C., Lantuejoul, S., Rigoulet, M., Leverve, X.M. & Saks,Cytoplasmic cellular structures control permeability of outer mitochondrial membrane for ADP and oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 213, 138-146 (1995)

Novel-Chate, V., Aussedat, J., Saks, V.A. & Rossi, A. Adaptation to chronic hypoxia alters cardiac metabolic response to  stimulation: novel face of phosphocreatine overshoot phenomenon. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27, 1679-16 (1995).

Saks, V.A., Kay, L., Rossi, A., Toompuu, M., Utno, L., Rätsep, I., Sulling, T. A novel method for evaluation of efficiency of heart preservation and intraoperational protection by analysis of the respiration of skinned cardiac fibers. In: Luigi C. D’Alessandro (ed.) Heart Surgery 1995. 6th International Symposium on Cardiac Surgery. Rome (Italy), May 29-June 1st, pp 197-212, 1995.

Saks, V.A., Kuznetsov, A.V., Khuchua, Z.A., Vasilyeva, E.V., Belikova, J.O., Kesvatera, T., Tiivel, T. Control of cellular respiration in vivo by mitochondrial outer membrane and by creatine kinase. A new speculative hypothesis: possible involvement of mitochondrial-cytoskeleton interactions. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 27, 625-645, 1995.

Saks, V., Belikova, Y., Vasilyeva, E., Kuznetsov, A., Fontaine, E., Keriel, C. & Leverve, X. Correlation between degree of rupture of outer mitochondrial membrane and changes of kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in permeabilized heart and liver cells. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 208, 919-926, 1995.

Aliev M. K., Saks V. A. Mathematical modelling of intracellular transport processes and the creatine kinase systems: a probability approach. In : Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 333-346, 1994.

Aliev M. K., Saks V. A. Mathematical modelling of intracellular transport processes and the creatine kinase systems: a probability approach. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 333-346, 1994

Clark J. F., Khuchua Z., Kuznetsov A. V., Vassileva E., Boehm E., Radda G. K., Saks V. A. Actions of the creatine analogue beta-guanidinopropionic acid on rat heart mitochondria. Biochemical Journal, 300, 211-216, 1994.

Joseph F. Clark, Andrey V. Kuznetsov, Zaza Khuchua, Vladimir Veksler, Renée Ventura - Clapier, Valdur Saks. Creatine kinase function in mitochondria isolated from gravid and non-gravid guinea - pig uteri. FEBS Letters, 347, 147-151, 1994

Kapelko V. I., Popovich M. I., Veksler V. I., Ventura-Clapier R., Khuchua Z.A., Saks V. A. Subcellular basis for increased diastolic stiffness in experimental cardiomyopathies. In: Nagano M., Takeda N., Dhalla N. S. (Eds.). The Cardiomyopathic Heart, Raven Press, New York, p. 185-195, 1994.

Panchenko E., Dobrovolsky A., Rogoza A., Sorokin E., Ageeva N., Markova L., Titaeva E., Anuchin V., Karpov Y., Saks V. The effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on maximal walking distance, blood rheology, platelet aggregation, and fibrinolysis in patients with intermittent claudication. Intern. Angiology, vol. 13, No.1, 59-64, 1994

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Belikova Y. O., Kuznetsov A. Metabolic compartmentation and substrate channelling in muscle cells. Role of coupled creatine kinases in in vivo regulation of cellular respiration. A Synthesis. In: Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp. 155-192, 1994.

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Belikova Y. O., Kuznetsov A. Metabolic compartmentation and substrate channelling in muscle cells. Role of coupled creatine kinases in in vivo regulation of cellular respiration. A Synthesis. J. Molec. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 155-192, 1994.

Saks V. A., Vasilyeva E. V., Khuchua Z. A., Belikova Y. O., Aliev M. K., Kesvatera T., Tiivel T., Anflous K., Ventura-Clapier R., Keriel Ch., Fontaine E., Leverve X. ADP diffusion gradients and metabolic oscillatory signals to mitochondria in the heart and liver cells. In: Gnaiger E., Gellerich F., Wyss M., Steinlechner R., Azzone G. F. "What is controlling life. Modern trends in Biothermokinetics." Vol. 3 Innsbruck University Press, 1994, p.178-180

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role ocoupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston, p. 1-348, 1994

Seppet E. K., Saks V. A. Thyroid hormones and the creatine kinase system in cardiac cells. In: Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., (Editors) Cellular Bioenergetics. Role of coupled creatine kinase. Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht-Boston-London, pp;299-312, 1994.

Seppet E. K., Saks V. A. Thyroid hormones and the creatine kinase system in cardiac cells. Mol. Cell. Biochem. 133/134, 299-312, 1994

138. G.S.Galyautdinov, V.A.Saks, Ya.I.Kots, L.G.Vdovenko, Clinical application of phosphocreatine (Neoton) in congestive heart failure. I. Evaluation of general clinical efficiency. Il Cuore, X, 2, 185-193, 1993

M.K.Aliev, V.A.Saks, Quantitative analysis of the "phosphocreatine shuttle": I. A probability approach to the description of phosphocreatine production in the coupled creatine kinase - ATP/ADP translocase - oxidative phosphorylation reactions in heart mitochondria. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1143, 291-300, 1993.

T.L.Nemirovskaia, B.S.Shenkman, A.N.Nekrasov, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.A.Saks, Effect of training on the structural-metabolic indicators in athletes skeletal muscles. Biokhimiya, 58, 3, 471-479, 1993.

V.A.Saks, E.Strumia, Phosphocreatine: Molecular and cellular aspects of the mechanism of cardioprotective action. Current Therapeutical Research, 53, 5, 565-598, 1993.

V.A.Saks, E.V.Vassilyeva, Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, A.Lyapina, L.Petrova, N.A.Perov, Retarded diffusion of ADP in cardiomyocytes: Possible role of outer mitochondrial membrane and creatine kinase in cellular regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1144, 134-148, 1993.

A.A.Moibenko, G.I.Marchenko, V.N.Kotsuruba, L.F.Popovich, V.K.Zarzhevskaya, V.A.Saks. Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on endothelium endothelium-dependent vascular reactions in immune cardiac injury, Current Therapeutical Research, 52, 6, 791-801, 1992

A.V.Kuznetsov, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, S.A.Dzhavadov, V.A.Saks, Quantitative relatioship between ischemic heart disease and parameters of energy metabolism. Vestn. Ross. Akad. Med. Nauk 3, 21-26, 1992

I.V.Dzhaliashvili, E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, V.L.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks, The role of calcium ions in the molecular mechanism of the protective mechanism of exogenous phosphocreatine. Biokhimiya, 57, 2, 300-311, 1992.

Korchazkina O. V., Lakomkin V. L., Veksler V. I., Elizarova G. V., Saks V. A., Kapelko V. I., Kupriyanov V. V. Metabolic and functional consequances of complete inhibition of creatine kinase by iodoacetamide in the perfused heart. Biokhimiya, 57, 2, 203-213, 1992.

S.A.Dzhavadov, T.Z.Dzokharidze, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, E.S.Gel'fgat, V.A.Saks, G.Pogacha, Energy metabolism and contractile function of the heart in diabetic cardiomyopathy: effect of ischemia and reperfusion. Biokhimiya, 57, 12, 1917-1929, 1992.

Saks V. A., Dzhaliashvili I. V., Konorev E. A., Strumia E. Molecular and cellular aspects of the cardioprotective mechanism of phosphocreatine. Biokhimiya, 57, 12, 1763-1784, 1992.

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., Biochemical organization of energy metabolism in muscle. J. Biochem. Organization 1, 9-30, 1992.

Z.A.Khuchua, A.V.Kuznetsov, E.V.Vassilyeva, R.Ventura-Clapier, J.Clark, A.Ya.Steinschneider, O.V.Korchazhkina, V.L.Lakomkin, Th.Branishte, E.K.Ruuge, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, The creatine kinase system and cardiomyopathy. Am. J. Cardiovascular Pathology, 4 (3), 223-234, 1992

Z.A.Khuchua, A.V.Kuznetsov, E.V.Vassilyeva, R.Ventura-Clapier, J.Clark, A.Ya.Steinschneider, O.V.Korchazhkina, V.L.Lakomkin, Th.Branishte, E.K.Ruuge, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, The creatine kinase system and cardiomyopathy. Am. J. Cardiovascular Pathology, 4 (3), 223-234, 1992

T.A.Branishte, A.V.Kuznetsov, Z.A.Khuchua, A.N.Samko, V.G.Naumov, M.L.Semenovsky, Iu.N.Belenkov, V.A.Saks, Cellular mechanisms of impaired cardiac energetics in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy: decrease in mitochondrial respiration and creatine kinase expression. Kardiologiya, 32, 5, 13-16, 1992.

V.A.Saks, E.A.Konorev, R.A.Grigoriants, Iu.N.Belenkov, Biochemistry of normal and ischemic cardiomyocytes: current state of studies. Kardiologiya, 32,3, 82-91, 1992.

V.A.Saks, V.I.Kapelko, M.Y.Ruda, M.L.Semenovsky, E.Strumia, Phosphocreatine as effective drug in clinical cardiology, Guanidino Compounds in Biology and Medicine, eds. by P.P.De Deyn, B.Marsecau, V.Stalon and I.A.Qureshi, John Libbey & Company Ltd., 239-248, 1992

V.I.Kapelko,V.V.Kupriyanov,N.A.Novikova,V.L.Lakomkin, O.V.Korchazhkina, E.K.Ruuge, V.A.Saks, Functional significance of 2 pathways of energy transport in cardiomyocytes. Kardiologiya, 32, 4, 71-74, 1992.

121. E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, V.L.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks, Participation of calcium ions in the molecular mechanism of cardioprotective action of exogenous phosphocreatine. Basic Res. Cardiol., 86, 327-339, 1991

E.A.Konorev, N.V.Medvedeva, I.V.Dzhaliashvili, V.A.Stepanov, V.A.Saks, Effects of phosphocreatine and its structural analogues on membranes. Biokhimiya, 56, 9, 1701-1709, 1991.

E.A.Konorev, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, Improvement in contractile recovery of isolated rat heart after cardiologic ischemic arrest with endogenous phosphocreatine: Involvement of antiperoxidative effect? Cardiovascular Research, 25, N 2, 164-171, 1991

T.P.Klushnik, A.Ya.Spunde, A.G.Yakovlev, Z.A.Khuchua, V.A.Saks, M.E.Vartanyan, Intracellular alterations of the creatine kinase isoforms in brains of schizophrenic patients. Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology, 15, 271-278, 1991.

V.A.Saks, Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, In vivo regulation of mitochondrial respiration in cardiomyocytes: Specific restrictions for intracellular diffusion of ADP. Biochimica and Biophysica Acta, 1074, 302-311, 1991.

E.A.Konorev, V.A.Saks, V.G.Sharov, L.A.Makhotina, Oxidative myocardial damage: Protective action of exogenous phosphocreatine. Byulleten Eksperimentalnoi Biologii I Meditsiny, 109, 3, 224-226, 1990

E.K.Seppet, A.I.Kadaya, A.P.Kallikorm, V.A.Saks, Synthesis of phosphocreatine in myocardial mitochondria of hyperthyroid rats. Biokhimiya, 55, 6, 1081-1087, 1990.

Yu.O.Belikova, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.A.Saks, Specific restriction for intracellular diffusion of ADP in cardiomyocytes. Biokhimiya, 55, 11, 1944-1957, 1990

A.V.Kuznetsov, Z.A.Khuchua, E.V.Vassilyeva, N.V.Medvedeva, V.A.Saks, Heart mitochondrial creatine kinase revisited: The outer mitochondrial membrane is not important for coupling of phosphocreatine production to oxidative phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 268, 176-190, 1989.

A.V.Kuznetsov, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, V.I.Kapelko, V.A.Saks, Regulation of respiration of the skinned cardiac fibers - a method which can assess functional parameters of mitochondria without their isolation from the tissue. Bull. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2, 233-266, 1989.

E.A.Konorev, V.A.Saks, V.G.Sharov, R.P.Yevstigneeva. Improvement of contraction and metabolism of rat isolated heart in postischemic reperfusion with phosphocreatine and tocopheryl phosphate and their combinations. Vestnik Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, 12, 55-63, 1989.

M.L.Semenovsky, G.M.Mogilevsky, V.I.Shumakov, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, Metabolic protection of myocardium during surgery: Blood cardioplegia in combination with exogenous phosphocreatine. Sov. Med. Rev. A. Cardiol., 2, 233-266, 1989.

N.I.Afonskaya, M.B.Samarenko, A.M.Vikhert, N.M.Cherpachenko, V.G.Sharov, V.A.Saks, M.Ya.Ruda, Phosphocreatine in the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction. Sov. Med. Rev. A. Cardiol., 2, 267-294, 1989.

Z.A.Khuchua, Renee Ventura-Clapier, A.V.Kuznetsov, M.N.Grishin, V.A.Saks, Alteration in the creatine kinase in the myocardium of the cardiomyopathic hamsters. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 165, 2, 748-757, 1989.

V.A.Saks, V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, A.V.Kuznetsov, V.L.Lakomkin, V.I.Veksler, V.G.Sharov, S.A.Javadov, E.K.Seppet, S.Kairane, Quantitative evaluation of relationship between cardiac energy metabolism and post-ischemic recovery of contractile function. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 21 (Suppl.1) 67-78, 1989.

V.G.Sharov, N.N.Beskrovnova, S.A.Kryzhanovsky, J.G.Bobkov, V.A.Saks, N.V.Kaverina, Ultrastructure of Purkinje cells in the subendocardium and false tendons in early experimental myocardial infarction complicated by fibrillation in the dog. Virchows Archiv B. Cell. Pathol., 57, 131-139, 1989.

E.K.Seppet, M.A.Eimre, A.P.Kallikorm, V.A.Saks, Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on heart muscle contractility modulated by hyperthyroidism and extracellular calcium concentration. Journal of Applied Cardiology, 3, 369-380, 1988.

M.Ya.Ruda, M.B.Samarenko, N.I.Afonskaya, V.A.Saks, Reduction of ventricular arrythmias by phosphocreatine (Neoton) in patients with acute myocardial infarction. American Heart J., II6(20), 393-397, 1988

Seppet E. K., Eimre M. A., Kallikorm A. P., Saks V. A. Effect of exogenous phosphocreatine on hear muscle contrctily modulated by hyperthyroidism and extracellular calcium concentration. J. of Applied Cardiology, V. 3, pp. 369-380, 1988.

V.A.Saks, L.A.Machotina, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, V.I.Kapelko, A.N.Preobrazhansky, N.V.Medvedeva, M.B.Vititnova, V.P.Kacharava, S.A.Kryzhanovsky, E.A.Konorev, V.V.Pitchugin, V.G.Sharov, N.V.Kaverina. High specificity of the molecular mechanism of protective action of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. Bull. Cardiology Research Centre USSR, 2, 42-50, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Severina, V.I.Veksler, V.A.Saks, The cardiac contractile failure induced by chronic creatine and phosphocreatine deficiency. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., V.20, 465-479, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Zueva, V.A.Saks, Mechanisms of the cardiac contractile function and energy metabolism adaptation to conditions of chronic depletion of phosphocreatine. J. Physiology, 34, 1, 3-11, 1988.

V.I.Kapelko, V.V.Kupriyanov, N.A.Novikova, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider. The role of ATP and phosphocreatine in regulation of contraction and defence of ischemic heart. Sechenov Physiological Journal of the USSR, 2, 217-223, 1988.

V.V.Kupriyanov, V.L.Lakomkin, A.Ya.Steinschneider, M.Yu.Severina, V.I.Kapelko, E.K.Ruuge, V.A.Saks, Relationships between pre-ischemic ATP and glycogen content and post-ischemic recovery of rat heart. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., V.20, 1151-1162, 1988.

E.K.Seppet, A.P.Kallikorm, S.A.Javadov, A.N.Preobrazhensky, V.A.Lakomkin, V.A.Saks. Energu dependence of heart contractility impairment in conditions of calcium overload. Cardiologiya v. XXVII(7), p. 72-76, 1987.

Elizarova G. V., Sykhanov A. A., Saks V. A. Myofibrillar creatine kinase reversible binding to contractile proteins, stoichiometric ratio to myosin and functional significance. Biokhimia 52 (4), 667-675, 1987

Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A., Novikova N. A., Golikov M. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Popovoch M. I. Adaptation of cardiac contractile function to conditions of chronic energy. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 19, Suppl IV, 61, 1987.

Kuhchua Z.A., Kuznetsov A.V., Chernousova G.B., Lyulina N.V., Saks V.A. Immunochemical study on the structural basis of functional coupling between creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase in heart mitochondria. Biological Membranes 4, p. 415-425, 1987.

Kupriyanov V. V., Balaban R. S., Steinschneider A. Ya., Lakomkin V. L ., Ruuge E. K., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. 31p-NMR study of creatine kinase reaction mechanism in vitro and in vivo. - In: Myocardial metabolism Cardiology reviews, suppl. 2 (Eds. Smirnov V. N ., Katz A .), London, Harwood Academic Publ. GmbH, 1987, p. 120-130.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Kapelko V. I., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Saks V. A. Dissociation of adenosine triphosphate levels and contractile function in isovolumic hearts perfused with 2-deoxyglucose. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol., 1987, v. 19, p. 729-744.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Novikova N. A., Severina M. Yu., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. The role of phosphocreatine and ATP in contraction of normal and ischemic heart. Biomed. Biochem. Acta, 1987, v. 46, N 8/9, pp. 493-498.

Kupriyanov V.V., Steinschneider A.Ya., Lakomkin V.L., Zueva M.Yu., Kapelko V.I., Saks V.A. Metabolism of exogenous phosphocreatine and 3-phosphono-2-imino-1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolodine in perfused rat heart during ischemia. Biokhimia 52, p. 437-444, 1987

Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Novikova N. A., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. Phosphocreatine, ATP in energy supply for cardiac contraction. Metabolism and Development of Nervous System, 1987, Chichester, J. Wiley and Prague, Academia, pp. 276-281.

Saks V. A., Bobkov I. G., Strumia E. (editors) Creatine phosphate: biochemistry, pharmacology and clinical efficiency. Edizoni Minerva Medica. Torino, 1987.

Saks V. A., Javadov S. A., Pozin E., Preobrazhensky A. N. Biochemical basis of the protective action of phosphocreatine on the ischemic myocardium. In: Heart surgery-87 Ed. L. D` Alessandro Case Editrice Scietifica Internationale, Roma 1987, 155-170.

Saks V. A., Kapelko V. I., Kupriyanov V. V., Khuchua Z. A., Lakomkin V. L., Novikova N. A., Ruuge E. K., Sharov V. G., Steinschneider A. Ya., Zueva M. Yu. Control of energy transport in cardiac muscle. Dissociation of ATP levels from contractile function: cardiac failure due to phosphocreatine dediciency. - In: Heart function & Metabolism (Eds. Dhalla N. S., Pierce G. N., Beamish R. E.), Boston, Nijhoff Publ., 1987, p. 377-395.

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Kuznetsov A. V. Specific inhibition of ATP-ADP translocase in cardiac mitoplasts by antibodies against mitochondrial creatine kinase Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 891: 138-144, 1987.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Javadov S. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Sharov V. G., Veksler V. I., Kapelko V. I. Contents of high energy phosphates and rates of mitochondrial oxidative reactions: significance for cardiac contractile function. J. Mole. Cell. Cardiol. 19, Suppl. IV, 60, 1987

Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Kupriyanov V. V., Krizhanovsky S. A., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Preobrazhensky A. N., Javadov S. A., Anyukhovsky E. P., Beskrovnova N. A., Rosenschtraukh L. V., Kaverina N. V. Phosphocreatine and related compounds: protective action on the ischemic myocardium. - In: "Myocardial metabolism. Cardiology reviews", suppl. 2, (Eds. Smirnov V. N., Katz A.), London, Harwood Acad. Publ. GmbH, 1987, p. 189-200.

Semenovsky M. L., Shumakov V. I., Sharov V. G., Mogilevsky G. M., Asmolovsky A. V., Makhotina L. A., Saks V. A. Protection of ischemic mytocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine. II. Clinical, ultrastructural and biochemical evaluations. The J. of Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, St. Louis, 94 (5), 762-769, 1987.

Sharov V. G., Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Lakomkin V. L., Kapelko V. I., Steinschneider A. Ya., Javadov S. A. Protection of ischemic myocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton): I. Morphological and 31p-NMR studies. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg., 1987, v. 94, No. 5, pp. 749-761

Steinschneider A.Ya., Kupriyanov V.V., Ruuge E.K., Saks V.A. 3-Phosphono-2-imino-1-methyl-4-oxoimidazolidine is a competitive substrate of AMP-dephosphorylating enzymes in rat heart cytosol. Biokhimia 52, p.577-583, 1987.

Veksler V. I., Kuznetsov A. V., Sharov V. G., Kapelko V. I., Saks V. A. Mitochondrial respiratory parameters in cardiac tissue a novel method of assessment by using saponin-skinned fibers. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 892 (2): 191-196, 1987

Ventura-Clapier R., Saks V. A., Vassort Guy, Lauer Claudine, Elizarova G. V. Reversible MM-creatine kinase binding to cardiac myofibrils. Am. J. Physiol. 253 (Cell Physiol. 22): 444-455, 1987.

Ventura-Clapier R., Veksler V. I., Elizarova G. V., Mekfi H., Levitskaya E. L., Saks V. A. Contractile properties and creatine kinase activity of myofilaments following ischemia and reperfusion of the rat heart. Biochem. Med. and Metabol. Biol. 38: 300-310, 1987.

Aninkhovsky E. P., Javadov S. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Beloshapko G. G., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A. Effect f phosphocreatine and related compounds on the phospholipid metabolism of ischemic heart. Biochem. Med. Biol. 35 (3): 327-334, 1986.

Belenkov Yu. N., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Y., Samarenko M. B. Phosphocreatine action on ischemic myocardium experimental research and clinical trial. In: Progress in Molecular Genetics and Frontiere della Cardiologia Mason Ztacia Editori, Milano - 1986, 111-133.

Chazov E.I., Semenovsky M.L., Smirnov V.N., Shumakov V.I., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G., Mogilevsky G.M., Severin V.V., Asmolovsky A.V., Makhotina L.A. Morphological and biochemical criteria of the efficiency of clinical application of phosphocreatine (Neoton) for intraoperational protection of myocardium. Physiological J., 32, 3-13, 1986.

Javadov S. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Effect of phosphocreatine on the lysophosphoglyceride level during total ischemia of rat myocardium. Biokhimia 51 (4), 668-674, 1986.

Kupriyanov V. V., Lyulina N. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Zueva M. Yu., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase - catelyzed ATP-phosphocreatine exchange. Comparison of 31p-NMR saturation transfer technique and radioisotope tracer methods. FEBS letters. 208: 89-93, 1986

Kuznetsov A. V., Saks V. A. Affinity modification of creatine kinase and ATP-ADP translocase in heart mitochondria determination of their molar stoichiometry. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 134 (1): 359-366, 1986.

Preobrazhensky A.N., Javadov S.A., Saks V.A. Study on the hypothetical mechanism of protective effect of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. Biokhimia 51(4), p. 675-683, 1986

Saks V. A., Khuchua Z. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Veksler V. I., Sharov V. G., Heart mitochondria in physiological salt solution not ionic strength but salt composition is important for association of creatine kinase with the inner membrane surface. Biochem. and Biophys. Res. Comm. 13 (3): 1262-1271, 1986.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Khuchua Z., Kupriyanov V. V. Compartmentation of adenine nucleotides and phosphocreatine shuttle in cardiac cells some new evidence. - In: Advances in experimental medicine and biology (ed. Brautbar N.), New York, Plenum Press, 1986, v. 194, p. 103-116.

Saks V.A., Vassort G., Ventura-Clapier R. Reversible MM-creatine kinase binding to Triton-treated isolated rat papillary muscles. J. Physiol. (London) 377: 117, 1986.

Sharov V. G., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Y., Cherpachenko N. M., Posin G. Ya., Markosyan R. A., Shepeleva I. I., Samarenko M. B., Saks V. A. Protection of ischemic myocardium by exogenous phosphocreatine (Neoton): Pharmacokinatics of phosphocreatine, reduction of infarct size, stabilization of sarcolemma of ischemic cardiomyocytes and antithrombotic action. Biochem. Med. and Metabolic Biology 35: 101-114, 1986.

Kupriyanov V.V., Steinschneider A.Ya., Lakomkin V.L., Ruuge E.K., Kapelko V.I., Saks V.A. 31P-NMR study of protective effect of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium under cardioplegia. Bull. Cardiology Research Centre USSR, 1, 14-19, 1985.

Mogilevsky G.M., Sharov V.G., Saks V.A., Semenovsky M.L. Structural-biochemical characterization of the efficiency of the intraoperational myocardium protection. Pathology Archive, 47 (6), 24-29, 1985.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Anyukovsky E. P., Beloshapko G. G., Yushmanova A. V. The antiarrhythmic action of phosphocreatine in acute myocardial ischemia. Biochemical Medicine, 34, 120-128, 1985.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Ventura-Clapier R. Mechanism of energy supply for contraction: biochemical and NMR studies - In: Proceedings of the 16th FEBS Congress, part A, VNU Science press, 1985, p. 281-290.

Saks V. A., Kuznetsov A. V., Kupriyanov V. V., Miceli M. V., Jacobus W. J. Creatine kinase of rat heart mitochondria. The demostration of functional coupling to oxidative phosphorylation in an inner membrane-matrix preparation. J. Biol. Chem. 260 (12): 7757-7764, 1985.

Saks V. A., Sharov . G., Kupriyanov V. V., Semenovsky M. L., Mogilevsky G. M., Lakomkin V. L., Steinschneider A. Ya., Afonskaya N. I., Ruda M. Ya., Samarenko M. B. Phosphocreatine and myocardial protection: biochemical, pharmacological and clinical aspects. - in: Conoscere e curare il cuore 85, Rome, Schiaparelli Farmaceutici, 1985, p. 348-373.

Seppet E. K., Adojaan A. Y., Kallinorm A. R., Chernousova G. B., Lyulina N. V., Sharov V. G., Severin V. V., Popovich M. I., Saks V. A. Hormone Regulation of Cardiacenergy metabolism. I Creatine transport across Cell Menbranes of euthyroid rat heart. Biochem. Med. 34: 267-297, 1985.

Kupriyanov V. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Kapelko V. I., Zueva M. Ya., Lakomkin V. L., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. Regulation of energy flux through the creatine kinase reaction in vitro and in perfused rat heart. 31p-NMR Studies Biochim. Biophys. Acta 805: 319-331, 1984

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Lyulina N. V., Khuchua Z. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Ventura-Clapier R. Role of multienzyme complexes in intracellular compartmentation of adenine nucleotides and in regulation of cardiac energy metabolism. In: Cellular and molecular aspects of the regulation of the heart. Academic-Verlag, Berlin, 1984, 41-48.

Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Kupriyanov V. V., Smirnov V. N., Semenovsky M. L. Protective action of phosphocreatine on ischemic myocardium. J. Molec. Cell. Cardiol. 16, Suppl. 2, 113, 1984.

Saks V. A., Ventura-Clapier R., Khuchua Z. A., Preobrazhensky A. N., Emelin I. V. Creatine kinase in regulation of heart function and metabolism. I Further evidence for compartmentation of adenine nucleotides in cardiac myofibrillar and sarcolemmal coupled ATPase-creatine kinase systems. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 803: 254-264, 1984.

Seppet E. K., Adoyaan A. Y., Kallinorm A. P., Chernousova G. V., Lyulina N. V., Severin V. V., Popovich M. I., Saks V. A. Hyperthyroid cardiomyopathy: abnormalities in creatine transport and hypersensitivity to ischemic injury. Vestnik of Academy of Medical Sciences of USSR, 10, 48-56, 1984

Gellerich F. N., Schlame M., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase of heart mitochondria: no changes in its kinetic properties after inhibition of the adenine nucleotide translocator. Biomed. Biochem. Acta, 42 (10), 1335-1337, 1983.

Kupriyanov V. V., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Mechanism of passive Ca2+ permeability of vesicular sarcolemmal preparations from rat hearts. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 728, 239-253, 1983.

Kupriyanov V. V., Steinschneider A. Ya., Ruuge E. K., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A. 31p-NMR SPECTRUM of phosphocreatine: ducterium-induced splitting of the signal. Biochem.Biophys.Res.Comm. 114, 3, 1117-1125, 1983.

Frank Gellerich, Saks V. A. Control of heart mitochondrial oxygen consumption by creatine kinase: the importance of enzyme localization. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 105 (4), 1473-1481, 1982.

Jacobus W. E., Saks V. A. Creatine kinase of heart mitochondria: changes in its kinetic properties induced by coupling to oxidative phosphorylation. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 219, (1), 167-178, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Grosse R., Spitzer E. Effect of cardenolids and sodium ion gradient on ATP - dependent Ca2+ accumulation in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles. Biokhimia 47 (I), 126-136, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Grosse R., Spitzer E. Effect of cardenolids and sodium ion gradient on ATP - dependent Ca2+ accumulation in cardiac sarcolemmal vesicles. Biokhimia 47 (I), 126-136, 1982.

Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. The cardiac sarcolemmal protein kinase reaction. Kinetic characteristics and sensitivity to cyclic AMP. Advances in Myocardiology, v.3, p. 273-288, 1982. Plenum Press, 4, Eds. Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Dhalla N. S.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V. Intracellular energy transport and control of cardiac contraction. Advances in Myocardiology 3, 475-497, 1982. Plenum Press, 4, Eds. Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Dhalla N. S.

Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Saks V. A. Determination of molar content of creatine kinase in cardiac mitochondria by SH - reagents. Biokhimia 46 (5), 930-941, 1981.

Kupriyanov V. V., Preobrazhensky A. N., Saks V. A. Study of passive Ca2+ permeability of ventricular sarcolemmal preparations from myocardium. Biokhimia 46 (10), 1863-1879, 1981.

Preobrazhensky A.N., Saks V.A. Some properties of the reaction catalyzed by protein kinase bound to cardiac sarcolemma. Biokhimia 46 (9), 1681-1693, 1981

35. Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Seppet E. K., Jacobus W. E. Regulation of phosphorylcreatine synthesis in myocardial cells: the coupling of transphosphorylation to glycosis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation and the significance of creatine kinase compartmentation. In: Energy transport, protein synthesis and hormonal control of heart metabolism US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH Publication N 80 - 2017, Betheda, 89-112, 1980

Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Lipina N. V., Levitsky D. O. Energy metabolism and ion fluxes across cardiac membranes.In: Advances in myocardiology, v. I (Eds. M. Tajuddin, P. K. Das, M. Tariq, N. S. Dhalla) University Park Press, Baltimore, 1980.

Grosse R., Spitzer E., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Repke K. K. H. Coordinate interplay between (n+, K+ ) antiport across the membrane of resieles forward from the plasme membrane of cardiac muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 603, I, 142-156, 1980.

Grosse R., Spitzer E., Kupriyanov V. V., Saks V. A., Repke K. K. H. Coordinate interplay between (n+, K+ ) antiport across the membrane of resieles forward from the plasme membrane of cardiac muscle cells. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 603, I, 142-156, 1980.

Kupriyanov V.V., Panasenko N.A., Saks V.A. The kinetics of the interaction of analogs of guanidine substrates with muscle creatine kinase. Bioorganic Chemistry, 6, 116-137, 1980.

Kupriyanov V. V., Seppet E. K., Emelin I. V., Saks V. A. Phosphocreatine production coupled to the glycolytic reaction in the cytosol of cardiac cells. Biochem Biophys. Acta, 592, 197-210, 1980.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Yuryavichyus I. A., Chazov E. I., Regulation of mechanical and electrical activity of the hypodynamic myocardium by creatine phosphate. In: Energy transport, protein synthesis and hormonal control of heart metabolism. US Department of Health and Human Services. NIH Publication N 80-2017, Betheda, 89-112, 1980

Saks V. A. Creatine kinase isoenzymes and control of cardiac contraction. In: Jacobus J. W., Ingwall J., Editors Heart creatine kinase: the integration of isoenzymes for energy distribution, p. 109-124. Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 1980.

Saks V. A., Kupriyanov V. V., Elizarova G. V., Jacobus W. E. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The importance of creatine kinase localization for the coupling of mitochondrial phosphorylcreatine production to oxidative phosphorylation. J. Biol. Chem. 255, 2, 755-763, 1980.

Saks V.A., Smirnov V.N. Molecular mechanisms of changes in myocardial energy metabolism in pathological conditions. Cardiologiya, 20 (5), 10-12, 1980.

Erashova N.S., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G. and Lyzlova S.N. Creatine kinase from muscle cell nuclei. Biokhimia, 44, 372-378, 1979.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Emelin I.V. and Saks V.A. Steady state kinetics of pyruvate kinase from muscle. Biokhimia, 44, 104-115, 1979.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Yuriavichus I. A., Nesterenko N. V., Undrovinas A. I. and Smirnov V. N. Effect of creatine phosphate on the slow inward calcium current, action potential, and the contractile force of frog atrium and ventricle. Physiol. J. of USSR, 65, 405-413, 1979.

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Yuriavichus I. A., Nesterenko N. V., Undrovinas A. I., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Effect of creatine phosphate on the slow inward calcium current, action potential and the contractile force of frog attrium and ventricle. Biochem. Med., 21, 1-15, 1979

Saks V.A., Kats V.M., Vetter R., Lylina V.N. and Shell W. The effect of calcium ions on the creatine kinase systems of myocardial cells. Biokhimia, 44, 1600-1611, 1979.

Saks V. A., Seppet E. K., Smirnov V. N. does oxidative phosphorylation increase the rate of creatine phosphate synthesis in heart mitochondria or not. J. Molecular Cellular Cardiol. II, 1265-1273, 1979.

Sharov V.G., Shepeleva I.I., Saks V.A. Electron microscopic investigation of permeability of the sarcolemma of rat cardiac myocytes during acute anoxia of the myocardium. Bull. Exp. Biol.Med. 8, 214-217, 1979.

Shepeleva I.I., Saprygin D.B., Saks V.A., Kramer A.A., Kashtelyan L.S. Experimental substantiation of myocardial affection visualization by means of pyrophosphate-99m Tc. Medical Radiology, 3, 16-22, 1979

Erashova N. S., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Lyzlova S. N. Creatine kinase bound to cardiac cells nuclei. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 82, 4, 1217-1222, 1978.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Saks V.A. Creatine phosphate synthesis coupled to the glycolytic reactions in heart cells cytosol. Biokhimia, 43, 1468-1476, 1978.

Levitsky D. O., Levchenko T. S., Saks V. A., Sharov V. G., Smirnov V. N. The role of creatine phosphokinase in supplyng energy for the calcium pump system of heart sarcoplasmic reticulum. Membrane Biochemistry, V. 2, NI, 81-96, 1978

Rosenshtraukh L. V., Saks V. A., Undrovinas A. I., Chazov E. I., Smirnov V. N., Sharov V. G. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The effect of creatine phosphate on the frog ventricular contractile force and action potential duration. Biochemical Medicine, 19, 148-164, 1978.

Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Role of creatine phosphokinase in cellular function and metabolism. Can. J. Physiol. Pharmacol. 56, 691-706, 1978.

Seppet E.K., Kupriyanov V.V., Saks V.A. Adenylate kinase from heart. II. Steady-state kinetics of the reverse reaction (ADP formation). Bioorganic Chemistry, 4, 95-108, 1978.

Sharov V.G., Orlova Z.R., Saks V.A. Ultrastructural bases of acute cardiac insufficiency not associated with rhythm disorders. Pathology Archive, 10, 3-14, 1978.

Kupriyanov V.V., Seppet E.K., Saks V.A. Adenylate kinase from heart. I. Kinetics of the forward reaction. Bioorganic Chemistry, 3, 1682-1695, 1977.

Levitsky D.O., Levchenko T.S., Saks V.A., Sharov V.G. and Smirnov V.N. The functional coupling between Ca2+ -ATPase and creatine phosphokinase in heart muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum. Biokhimia, 42 1766-1773, 1977.

Rosenshtraukh, L.V., Saks V.A., Undrovinas A.I., Yuryavichus A.I., Yushmanova A.V., Sharov V.G., Seppet E.K, Smirnov V.N. and Chazov E.I. The role of creatine phosphokinase systems in regulation of the force of contraction of frog heart muscle. Physiol. J. of USSR, 63, 681-688, 1977.

Saks V. A., Lipina N. V., Sharov V. G., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I., Grosse Richard. The localization of the MM isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase on the surface membrane of myocardial vells and its functional coupling to analain-inhibited (Na+, K+ ) ATPase. Biochem. Biophys. Acta, 465, 550-558, 1977.

Saks V.A., Seppet E.K. and Lyulina N.V. A comparative study of the role of creatine phosphokinase isoenzymes in energy metabolism of skeletal and heart muscle. Biokhimia, 42, 579-588, 1977.

Sharov V. G., Saks V. A., Smirnov V. N., and Chazov E. I. An electron microscopic histochemical investigation of creatine phosphokinase in heart cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 468, 495-501, 1977.

Rosenshtraukh, L.V., Saks V.A., Undrovinas A.I., Yushmanova A.V., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. A study of the dependence of the frog heart muscle contractile force àn intracellular energy transport processes. Physiol. J. of USSR, 62, 1199- 1210, 1976

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Vetter R., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Kinetic propenties and the functional role of particulate MM-isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase bound to heart muscle myofibrilis. FEBS Letters, 62, 2, 293-296, 1976.

Saks V.A., Lipina N.V., Chernousova G.B., Sharov V.G., Smirnov V.N., Grosse R. Functional coupling of MM isoenzyme of creatine kinase with MgATPase of myofibrils and Na,K-ATPase of plasmatic membrane of heart cells. Biochimia 41, 2099-2109, 1976.

Saks V. A., Lipina N.V., Lyulina, Chernousova G.B., Vetter R., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. Functional characteristics of creatine kinase reactions in heart mitochondria and myofibrils. Biochimia 41, 1460-1470, 1976.

Saks V. A., Lipina N. V., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. The functional coupling between mitochondrial creatine phosphokinase and ATP-ADP translocase: kinetic evidence. Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 173, 34-41, 1976.

Saks V. A., Rosenshtraukh L. V., Undrovinas A. I., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Studies of energy transport in heart cells. Intracellular creatine content as a regulatory factor of frog heart energetics and fonce of contraction. Biochemical Medicine, 16, 21-36, 1976.

Saks V. A., Chernousova G., B., Gukovsky D. E., Smirnov V. N., Chazov E. I. Studies of Energy Transport in heart cells. Mitochondrial isoenzyme of creatine phosphokinase: kinetic properties and regulatort action of Mg 2+ ions. Eu. J. Biochem., 57, 273-290, 1975.

Saks V.A., Lyulina N.V., Chernousova G.B., Voronkov Yu.I., Smirnov V.N., Chazov E.I. Study of the role of mitochondrial creatine kinase in the process of energy transport in the heart cells. Cardiologiya 9, 103-110, 1975.

Saks V. A., Chernousova G. B., Voronkov U. I., Smirnov V. N. and Chazov E. I. Study of energy transport mechanism in myocardial cells. Circulation Research, v. 34 and 35, Suppl. III, 138-149, 1974.

Saks V.A., Voronkov Yu.I. Diagnostic significance of serum creatine kinase activity in myocardial infarction. Therepeutic Archives 6, 32-38, 1974.

last updated: 27.09.2005

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