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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Toomas
2.Perekonnanimi Tiivel
3.Töökoht Stockholmi Spordikõrgkool
4.Ametikoht külalisteadur
5.Sünniaeg 10.08.1971 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, TTÜ, 1994, orgaaniliste ainete tehnoloogia insener
7.Teenistuskäik 1988-1994 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, tehnik
1994-1996 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, insener
1996-2002 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, teadur
2002-2003 Keemilise ja Bioloogilise Füüsika Instituut, vanemteadur
2003-2005 Tartu Ülikool, järeldoktor, erakorraline teadur
2005- Stockholmi Spordikõrgkool, külalisteadur
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Joseph Fourier Ülikool, Grenoble 1, Prantsusmaa ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikool, 2002
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Lihasraku bioenergeetika ja biokeemia
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 6142 Kompartmentaliseeritud energia transpordi võrgud kardiomüotsüütides ja eelkohastumise mehhanismid
ETF 5515 Mitokondrite ja ATPaaside funktsionaalsed kompleksid kui energeetilise metabolismi põhiüksused oksüdatiivsetes lihasrakkudes

Anmann T, Eimre M, Kuznetsov AV, Andrienko T, Kaambre T, Sikk P, Seppet E, Tiivel T, Vendelin M, Seppet E, Saks VA. Calcium-induced contraction of sarcomeres changes the regulation of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized cardiac cells. FEBS J. 2005 Jun;272(12):3145-61.

Andrienko T, Kuznetsov AV, Kaambre T, Usson Y, Orosco A, Appaix F, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Vendelin M, Margreiter R, Saks VA. Metabolic consequences of functional complexes of mitochondria, myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. J Exp Biol. 2003 Jun;206(Pt 12):2059-72. Review.

Walsh B, Tiivel T, Tonkonogi M, Sahlin K. Increased concentrations of P(i) and lactic acid reduce creatine-stimulated respiration in muscle fibers. J Appl Physiol. 2002 Jun;92(6):2273-6.

Seppet EK, Kaambre T, Sikk P, Tiivel T, Vija H, Tonkonogi M, Sahlin K, Kay L, Appaix F, Braun U, Eimre M, Saks VA. Functional complexes of mitochondria with Ca,MgATPases of myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2001 Apr 2;1504(2-3):379-95.

Saks, VA; Tiivel, T; Sikk, P; Kaambre, T; Kay, L; Tonkonogi, M; Seppet, E; Sahlin, K Metabolic channelling in cardiac cells: Dependence of kinetics of respiration regulation on source of ADP. Biophysical Journal 2000 Jan 2; 78 (1): 1161

Tiivel T, Kadaya L, Kuznetsov A, Kaambre T, Peet N, Sikk P, Braun U, Ventura-Clapier R, Saks V, Seppet EK. Developmental changes in regulation of mitochondrial respiration by ADP and creatine in rat heart in vivo. Mol Cell Biochem. 2000 May;208(1-2):119-28.

Tonkonogi M, Walsh B, Tiivel T, Saks V, Sahlin K. Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle is not impaired by high intensity exercise. Pflugers Arch. 1999 Mar;437(4):562-8.

Saks VA, Veksler VI, Kuznetsov AV, Kay L, Sikk P, Tiivel T, Tranqui L, Olivares J, Winkler K, Wiedemann F, Kunz WS. Permeabilized cell and skinned fiber techniques in studies of mitochondrial function in vivo. Mol Cell Biochem. 1998 Jul;184(1-2):81-100.

Kay L, Li Z, Mericskay M, Olivares J, Tranqui L, Fontaine E, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Kaambre T, Samuel JL, Rappaport L, Usson Y, Leverve X, Paulin D, Saks VA. Study of regulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo. An analysis of influence of ADP diffusion and possible role of cytoskeleton. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1997 Nov 10;1322(1):41-59.

Kuznetsov AV, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Kaambre T, Kay L, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Kadaja L, Peet N, Seppet E, Saks VA. Striking differences between the kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles in vivo. Eur J Biochem. 1996 Nov 1;241(3):909-15.

Saks VA, Tiivel T, Kay L, Novel-Chate V, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Fontaine E, Keriel C, Leverve X, Ventura-Clapier R, Anflous K, Samuel JL, Rappaport L. On the regulation of cellular energetics in health and disease. Mol Cell Biochem. 1996 Jul-Aug;160-161:195-208. Review.

Saks VA, Kuznetsov AV, Khuchua ZA, Vasilyeva EV, Belikova JO, Kesvatera T, Tiivel T. Control of cellular respiration in vivo by mitochondrial outer membrane and by creatine kinase. A new speculative hypothesis: possible involvement of mitochondrial-cytoskeleton interactions. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1995 Jan;27(1):625-45.

Tougu V, Tiivel T, Talts P, Siksnis V, Poyarkova S, Kesvatera T, Aaviksaar A. Electrostatic effects in trypsin reactions. Influence of salts. Eur J Biochem. 1994 Jun 1;222(2):475-81.

viimati muudetud: 13.01.2007

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Toomas
2.Surname Tiivel
3.Institution The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences
4.Position visiting scientist
5.Date of birth 10.08.1971 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher, Tallinn Technical University, 1994, engineer of technology of organic compounds
7.Research and
professional experience
1988-1994 National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, techncian
1994-1996 National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, engineer
1996-2002 National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, research scientist
2002-2003 National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, senior research scientist
2003-2005 University of Tartu, post-doctoral studies, research scientist
2005- The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, visiting scientist
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble 1, France and Tallinn Technical University, 2002
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Bioenergetics and biochemistry of muscle cell
14.Current grant funding ESF grant 6142, Compartmentalized energy transfer in cardiomyocytes and mechanisms of preconditioning
ESF grant 5515, Functional complexes of mitochondria with ATPases as
the principal units of energetic metabolism in oxidative muscle cells
15.List of most important publications

Anmann T, Eimre M, Kuznetsov AV, Andrienko T, Kaambre T, Sikk P, Seppet E, Tiivel T, Vendelin M, Seppet E, Saks VA. Calcium-induced contraction of sarcomeres changes the regulation of mitochondrial respiration in permeabilized cardiac cells. FEBS J. 2005 Jun;272(12):3145-61.

Andrienko T, Kuznetsov AV, Kaambre T, Usson Y, Orosco A, Appaix F, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Vendelin M, Margreiter R, Saks VA. Metabolic consequences of functional complexes of mitochondria, myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. J Exp Biol. 2003 Jun;206(Pt 12):2059-72. Review.

Walsh B, Tiivel T, Tonkonogi M, Sahlin K. Increased concentrations of P(i) and lactic acid reduce creatine-stimulated respiration in muscle fibers. J Appl Physiol. 2002 Jun;92(6):2273-6.

Seppet EK, Kaambre T, Sikk P, Tiivel T, Vija H, Tonkonogi M, Sahlin K, Kay L, Appaix F, Braun U, Eimre M, Saks VA. Functional complexes of mitochondria with Ca,MgATPases of myofibrils and sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2001 Apr 2;1504(2-3):379-95.

Saks, VA; Tiivel, T; Sikk, P; Kaambre, T; Kay, L; Tonkonogi, M; Seppet, E; Sahlin, K Metabolic channelling in cardiac cells: Dependence of kinetics of respiration regulation on source of ADP. Biophysical Journal 2000 Jan 2; 78 (1): 1161

Tiivel T, Kadaya L, Kuznetsov A, Kaambre T, Peet N, Sikk P, Braun U, Ventura-Clapier R, Saks V, Seppet EK. Developmental changes in regulation of mitochondrial respiration by ADP and creatine in rat heart in vivo. Mol Cell Biochem. 2000 May;208(1-2):119-28.

Tonkonogi M, Walsh B, Tiivel T, Saks V, Sahlin K. Mitochondrial function in human skeletal muscle is not impaired by high intensity exercise. Pflugers Arch. 1999 Mar;437(4):562-8.

Saks VA, Veksler VI, Kuznetsov AV, Kay L, Sikk P, Tiivel T, Tranqui L, Olivares J, Winkler K, Wiedemann F, Kunz WS. Permeabilized cell and skinned fiber techniques in studies of mitochondrial function in vivo. Mol Cell Biochem. 1998 Jul;184(1-2):81-100.

Kay L, Li Z, Mericskay M, Olivares J, Tranqui L, Fontaine E, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Kaambre T, Samuel JL, Rappaport L, Usson Y, Leverve X, Paulin D, Saks VA. Study of regulation of mitochondrial respiration in vivo. An analysis of influence of ADP diffusion and possible role of cytoskeleton. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1997 Nov 10;1322(1):41-59.

Kuznetsov AV, Tiivel T, Sikk P, Kaambre T, Kay L, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Kadaja L, Peet N, Seppet E, Saks VA. Striking differences between the kinetics of regulation of respiration by ADP in slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscles in vivo. Eur J Biochem. 1996 Nov 1;241(3):909-15.

Saks VA, Tiivel T, Kay L, Novel-Chate V, Daneshrad Z, Rossi A, Fontaine E, Keriel C, Leverve X, Ventura-Clapier R, Anflous K, Samuel JL, Rappaport L. On the regulation of cellular energetics in health and disease. Mol Cell Biochem. 1996 Jul-Aug;160-161:195-208. Review.

Saks VA, Kuznetsov AV, Khuchua ZA, Vasilyeva EV, Belikova JO, Kesvatera T, Tiivel T. Control of cellular respiration in vivo by mitochondrial outer membrane and by creatine kinase. A new speculative hypothesis: possible involvement of mitochondrial-cytoskeleton interactions. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1995 Jan;27(1):625-45.

Tougu V, Tiivel T, Talts P, Siksnis V, Poyarkova S, Kesvatera T, Aaviksaar A. Electrostatic effects in trypsin reactions. Influence of salts. Eur J Biochem. 1994 Jun 1;222(2):475-81.

last updated: 13.01.2007

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