[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Gudrun
2.Perekonnanimi Veldre
3.Töökoht TÜ kardioloogiakliinik
4.Ametikoht erakorraline vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 28.02.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1980 lõpetanud Tartu 10. Keskkooli.
1985 lõpetanud Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli bioloogina (zooloog-ökoloogina), bioloogia-keemia õpetaja kvalifikatsiooniga
(Diplomitöö teemal "3-4-aastaste Tartu laste füüsilise arengu näitajatest").
1996 MSc. (zooloogilise süstemaatika erialal), magistritöö:"8-9-
aastaste Tartu linna kooliõpilaste somaatiline staatus"
2003 PhD (arengubioloogia alal), doktoritöö: “Somatic status of 12-15-year-old Tartu schoolchildren”
7.Teenistuskäik Tartu Ülikool, zooloogia kateedri laborant alates 1.07.1984 kuni lõpetamiseni 1985.a., edaspidi samas, praeguses TÜ Zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituudis vanem-laborant kuni 1996 (v.a. 1987-1989).
TÜ arengubioloogia õppetooli doktorant 1996-2003.
TÜ Zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituudi mittekoosseisuline õppejõud.
Alates 1. novembrist 2004 TÜ kardioloogiakliiniku erakorraline vanemteadur (0,5 kohta).
8.Teaduskraad PhD (arengubioloogia alal),
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 2003
ja –administratiivne
Olnud alates 1985. aastast kõikide Eestis toimunud, ka rahvusvaheliste antropoloogia konverentside org. komitees ning osalenud igaaastastel nn. Auli päevade korraldamisel.
2002 Tartus toimunud 23rd ICPAFR Rahvusvahelise Sporditeaduste sümpoosiumi “The measurement and testing in physical fitness, physical activity and health: new perspectives” org. komitees.
ELUS antropoloogiasektsiooni liige alates 1985 ja esimees alates 2004;
TÜ Antropoloogia Keskuse liige alates selle asutamisest 1993;
Euroopa Antropoloogia Assotsiatsiooni liige alates 1994;
Eesti Toitumisteaduste seltsi liige
Eesti Statistikaseltsi liige alates 2002;
Eesti Südameliidu Nõukogu liige 2004.
Alustanud antropoloogialoengute lugemist bioloogidele alates 1991. aasta sügisest fakultatiivse kursusena, alates 1994. aastast keskastme kohustusliku kursusena.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Jana Limbo, MSc, 2003, juh. Gudrun Veldre. “Pada kalme (XII-XIII saj.) odontoloogiline iseloomustus”. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad ·antropomeetriliste andmete tõhusamad süstematiseerimise ja analüüsi võimalused (s.h. sihiga rakenduslikeks uuringuteks meditsiinis);
·laste ja noorte kasv ja füüsiline areng,
·sooline areng ning erineva soolise arenguga indiviidide kehaehituse erinevused;
·somatotüübid ja erinevate somatotüüpide esindajate erinevused;
·keha koostis;
·toitumise iseärasused;
·füüsiline aktiivsus.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Blood pressure of 12- to 15-year-old Estonian adolescents of different height-weight categories. – Papers on anthropology XIV, 2005, 371-383.

Veldre, G. Somatotypes and blood pressure in 12- to 15-year-old Estonian adolescents. - Материалы X Международной научно-практической конференции "Генетические и морфологические маркеры в антропологии, криминалистике и медицине". Минск, 2005 г. (in press)

Veldre, G. Heath-Carter somatotype categories and their sexual maturation differences in 12-15-year-old Estonian boys and girls. –Papers on anthropology XIII, 2004, 269-285.

Veldre, G., Jürimäe, T. Anthropometric parameters and sexual maturation in 12 to 15-year-old Estonian boys. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 62(2), 2004,203-215.

Stamm, R., Veldre, G., Stamm, M., Thomson, K., Kaarma, H., Loko, J. , Koskel, S. Dependence of young female volleyballers’ performance on their body build, physical abilities, and psycho-physical properties. J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness 2003, Vol. 43, 1-9.

Veldre, G. Estimation of segmental body volumes from anthropometrical measurements of Tartu schoolchildren. - Horizons of Anthropology. Transactions of International Scientific Conference in Memory of Academician V. P. Alexeev. Moscow, Saltykovka, September 20th-22nd, 1994. Moscow, Nauka, 2003, 560-563.

Veldre, G., Jürimäe, T. Factor analysis on anthropometrical variables, somatotype components and sexual maturation signs of 12-15 year-old children. - Papers on anthropology XII, 2003, 257-270.

Veldre, G. , Jürimäe, T. Relation between body size, somatotype and sexual maturation in Estonian adolescents. - Papers on anthropology XII, 2003, 271-285.

Veldre, G. Somatic status of 12-15-year-old Tartu schoolchildren.- Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 85. 2003. 199 pp.

Veldre, G. 12-15-aastaste Tartu laste somatotüübid Heath-Carter järgi. Eesti Antropomeetriaregistri Aastaraamat 2002, 251-265.

Veldre G., Jürimäe T. and Kaarma H. Body Build Peculiarities of 12-15-Old Boys and Girls in Tartu, Estonia. Collegium Antropologicum 26, 2002, Supplement, p.226-227.

Veldre, G., Stamm, R., Koskel, S. A possibility of systematisation of anthropometrical data of girls aged 12-15” Anthropologischer Anzeiger 60(4), 2002, 369-382.

Велдре, Г. Изменчивость антропометрических характеристик подростков г. Тарту во времени // Антропология на рубеже веков: Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции "Экология человека в постчернобыльский период". Минск, 25-28 сентября 2001 г. Мн., 2002. С. 58-65.

Härmoja, K., Ratassepp, E., Veldre, G. Eesti ja vene V klasside õpilaste antropomeetrilised näitajad, kehaline aktiivsus ja välimusega rahulolu - Kehakultuuriteaduskonna teadus- ja õppemetoodiliste tööde kogumik 2000, 2001, 8, 48-56.

Kaarma H., Kasmel, J. Peterson J., Veldre G. Application of Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women's Anthropometric Data in Medicine. The Mankind Quarterly 2001, Vol XLII, Number 2, 169-180.

Kaarma H.T., Veldre G.V., Stamm R.A., Lintsi M.E., Kasmel J.J., Maiste E.A., Koskel S.K. Features of body structure of Estonian young girls and boys. Morfologiia 2001, 120(6), 80-82 (Article in Russian).

Stamm, R., Veldre, G., Stamm, M., Kaarma, H. & Koskel, S. Relevance of the Anthropometric Factor in the performance of young female volleyballers. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis. - Proceedings of the Sport Kinetics, 2001, 6, 254-257.

Veldre G. Comparison of anthropometric variables of 12-15-year-old pre-and post-oigarcheal boys from Tartu. - Papers on anthropology X. Tartu, 2001, 313-326.

Veldre G., Jürimäe T., Kaarma H. Relationships between anthropometric parameters and sexual matruation in 12-15 year old Estonian girls. In: Jürimäe T., Hills AP (eds): Body Composition Assesment in Children and Adolosents. Medicine and Sport Science. Basel, Karger, 2001, vol. 44, 71-84.

Ilves Annunziata A.-R., Veldre G., Saluste L., Pitsi T., Süvalep I., Viin L., Vainu J. Ülevaade Eesti väikelaste tervise ja toitumise uuringu tulemustest II Väikelaste tervisenäitajad ja kehaline areng. - Eesti Arst 7, 2000, 389-399.

Ilves Annunziata A.-R., Veldre G., Saluste L., Pitsi T., Süvalep I., Viin L., Vainu J. Ülevaade Eesti väikelaste tervise ja toitumise uuringu tulemustest: I väikelaste toitumine ja perede sotsiaal-majanduslik olukord. - Eesti Arst 3, 2000, 142-146.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Stamm, R., Lintsi, M., Kasmel, J., Veldre, G., Maiste, E. Application of anthropometric data in medicine, health promotion and physical education - Russian Morphological Newsletter, 2000, 8, 296-297.

Kaarma H., Stamm R., Veldre G., Kasmel J. Possibilities for classification of anthropometric data of 16-18-year-old Tartu schoolgirls considering their age and constitutional peculiarities. Papers on anthropology IX. Tartu, 2000, 64-81.

Laurits, M., Veldre, G. Palamuse valla 11-16 aastastel õpilaste toitumistavad. -Kümme aastat Kääriku toitumiskursusi. Tartu, 1999, 28-32.

Matsin T., Veldre G., Pungits S. Comparison of Physical Activity and Motor Abilities of 11,5-12,5-year old Inhabitants of Estonia. – Acta Academiae Olympiquae Estoniae. Vol. 7. Tartu, 1999, 120-124.

Veldre G. Comparison of anthropometric variables of 12-15-year-old pre-and post-menarcheal girls from Tartu. - Papers on anthropology VIII. Tartu, 1999, 225-236.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Kasmel, J., Saluvere, K., Veldre, G., Saluste, L., Loolaid, K. Naise kehastruktuuri seaduspärasused ja nende kasutamise võimalused terviseedenduses ja ravis. - Eesti Arst, 1998, 5, 420-422.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Kasmel, J., Veldre, G., Saluvere, K. , Saluste, L. TÜ füüsilise antropoloogia keskuse viieaastase töö kogemused ja edasised plaanid. - Eesti Antropomeetriaregistri Aastaraamat, 1998, 23-25.

Kaarma, H., Saluste, L., Thetloff, M., Peterson, J., Riive, M., Salundi, U., Veldre, G., Raud, J. Body structure of nonpregnant and pregnant women and newborns. Study Aid. Tartu, 1998, 67 pp.

Veldre, G., Laurits, M. Palamuse valla 11-16-aastaste laste peamised füüsilise arengu näitajad ja toitumise iseärasused. - Eesti Antropoloogiaregistri Aastaraamat 1998. Tartu, 1998, 152-160.

Kaarma, H., Saluvere, K., Peterson, J., Veldre, G., Saluste, L., Koskel, S. Multivariate anthropometrical classification for secondary school girls. Journal of Medica Baltica, 1997, 1, 33-35.

Veldre, G. Eesti antropoloogia käekäigust. Juhan Aul 100.- Eesti Loodus 8/9.1997, 332-334.

Veldre, G. Skeletal dimensions and proportions of 8 to 9-year-old Estonian schoolchildren in Tartu. - Papers on anthropology VII. Proceedings of the 8th Tartu International Anthropological Conference 12-16 October. Tartu, 1997, 366-37

Kaarma, H., Tapfer, H., Veldre, G., Thetloff, M., Saluste, L., Peterson, J. Some principles to be considered when using young women’s anthropometric data. - Biol. Sport, Vol. 13 N°2, 1996, p.127-135.

Veldre, G. Body composition and somatotypes of Tartu schoolchildren. - Papers on anthropology VI. Tartu, 1995, p. 232-235

Veldre, G. Intersexual differences of some selected anthropometrical variables for age 8 and 9 schoolchildren in Tartu. - International conference ”Somatotypes of children II”. Tartu, 1994, 61-66.

Veldre, G. Measurement of 9-year-old Tartu schoolchildren. - Papers of anthropology V. Tartu Ülikooli toimetised No 951. Tartu, 1992, p. 125-135.

Veldre, G. Primenenie faktornogo analiza dlja kompleksnoi otsenki fizicheskogo razvitija detei (in Russian). - Chelovek, ekologija, simmetria. Materjaly Mezdunarodnogo simposiuma. Minsk, 1991, s.76-78 /How to use factor analysis for compex assessment of physical development of children/

viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Gudrun
2.Surname Veldre
3.Institution Department of Cardiology, University of Tartu
4.Position extraordinary senior research fellow
5.Date of birth 28.02.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1980 Tartu X Secondary School
1985 Tartu State University, Faculty of Biology and Geography, biology
(Diploma paper “Physical development of 3–4 year old Children in Tartu”)
1996 MSc Thesis “The somatic status of 8–9 year old Tartu schoolchildren”
7.Research and
professional experience
Labassistent in the Department of Zoology from 1.07.1984 until the graduation in 1985 and continued working there until 1996 (except 1987-1989)as a senior labassistent when Department was reorganized as the Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology. Since autumn 1996 untill 2003 PhD candidate. Not on the regular staff lector of Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology. From November 2004 extraordinary senior research fellow (half-time) in the Department of Cardiology of Tartu University.
8.Academic degree PhD (developmental biology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2003
Have been a member of the organizing committees of Tartu International Conferences since 1985. Participated in the organizing of so-called Aul's days. In 2002 in the organizing committee of International Symposium “The measurement and testing in physical fitness, physical activity and health: new perspectives”.
Since 1985 member of Anthropology Section of Estonian Naturalist' Society, since 2004 head of it.
Member of Centre of Physical Anthrology since it's beginning 1993;
Member of European Anthropological Association since 1994.
Have been one of the editors of collection "Papers on anthropology"
Since the autumn of 1991 have conducted the lectures of anthropology for the students of biology.
12.Supervised dissertations

Jana Limbo, MSc, 2003, superv. Gudrun Veldre. “Pada kalme (XII-XIII saj.) odontoloogiline iseloomustus”. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program anthropometry, physical development of children and youth, body build peculiarities, somatotypes, body composition, nutrition peculiarities, physical activity
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Blood pressure of 12- to 15-year-old Estonian adolescents of different height-weight categories. – Papers on anthropology XIV, 2005, 371-383.

Veldre, G. Somatotypes and blood pressure in 12- to 15-year-old Estonian adolescents. - Материалы X Международной научно-практической конференции "Генетические и морфологические маркеры в антропологии, криминалистике и медицине". Минск, 2005 г. (in press)

Veldre, G. Heath-Carter somatotype categories and their sexual maturation differences in 12-15-year-old Estonian boys and girls. –Papers on anthropology XIII, 2004, 269-285.

Veldre, G., Jürimäe, T. Anthropometric parameters and sexual maturation in 12 to 15-year-old Estonian boys. Anthropologischer Anzeiger 62(2), 2004,203-215.

Stamm, R., Veldre, G., Stamm, M., Thomson, K., Kaarma, H., Loko, J. , Koskel, S. Dependence of young female volleyballers’ performance on their body build, physical abilities, and psycho-physical properties. J. Sports Med. Phys. Fitness 2003, Vol. 43, 1-9.

Veldre, G. Estimation of segmental body volumes from anthropometrical measurements of Tartu schoolchildren. - Horizons of Anthropology. Transactions of International Scientific Conference in Memory of Academician V. P. Alexeev. Moscow, Saltykovka, September 20th-22nd, 1994. Moscow, Nauka, 2003, 560-563.

Veldre, G., Jürimäe, T. Factor analysis on anthropometrical variables, somatotype components and sexual maturation signs of 12-15 year-old children. - Papers on anthropology XII, 2003, 257-270.

Veldre, G. , Jürimäe, T. Relation between body size, somatotype and sexual maturation in Estonian adolescents. - Papers on anthropology XII, 2003, 271-285.

Veldre, G. Somatic status of 12-15-year-old Tartu schoolchildren.- Dissertationes Biologicae Universitatis Tartuensis 85. 2003. 199 pp.

Veldre, G. 12-15-aastaste Tartu laste somatotüübid Heath-Carter järgi. Eesti Antropomeetriaregistri Aastaraamat 2002, 251-265.

Veldre G., Jürimäe T. and Kaarma H. Body Build Peculiarities of 12-15-Old Boys and Girls in Tartu, Estonia. Collegium Antropologicum 26, 2002, Supplement, p.226-227.

Veldre, G., Stamm, R., Koskel, S. A possibility of systematisation of anthropometrical data of girls aged 12-15” Anthropologischer Anzeiger 60(4), 2002, 369-382.

Велдре, Г. Изменчивость антропометрических характеристик подростков г. Тарту во времени // Антропология на рубеже веков: Материалы IX Международной научно-практической конференции "Экология человека в постчернобыльский период". Минск, 25-28 сентября 2001 г. Мн., 2002. С. 58-65.

Härmoja, K., Ratassepp, E., Veldre, G. Eesti ja vene V klasside õpilaste antropomeetrilised näitajad, kehaline aktiivsus ja välimusega rahulolu - Kehakultuuriteaduskonna teadus- ja õppemetoodiliste tööde kogumik 2000, 2001, 8, 48-56.

Kaarma H., Kasmel, J. Peterson J., Veldre G. Application of Nonpregnant and Pregnant Women's Anthropometric Data in Medicine. The Mankind Quarterly 2001, Vol XLII, Number 2, 169-180.

Kaarma H.T., Veldre G.V., Stamm R.A., Lintsi M.E., Kasmel J.J., Maiste E.A., Koskel S.K. Features of body structure of Estonian young girls and boys. Morfologiia 2001, 120(6), 80-82 (Article in Russian).

Stamm, R., Veldre, G., Stamm, M., Kaarma, H. & Koskel, S. Relevance of the Anthropometric Factor in the performance of young female volleyballers. Acta Kinesiologiae Universitatis Tartuensis. - Proceedings of the Sport Kinetics, 2001, 6, 254-257.

Veldre G. Comparison of anthropometric variables of 12-15-year-old pre-and post-oigarcheal boys from Tartu. - Papers on anthropology X. Tartu, 2001, 313-326.

Veldre G., Jürimäe T., Kaarma H. Relationships between anthropometric parameters and sexual matruation in 12-15 year old Estonian girls. In: Jürimäe T., Hills AP (eds): Body Composition Assesment in Children and Adolosents. Medicine and Sport Science. Basel, Karger, 2001, vol. 44, 71-84.

Ilves Annunziata A.-R., Veldre G., Saluste L., Pitsi T., Süvalep I., Viin L., Vainu J. Ülevaade Eesti väikelaste tervise ja toitumise uuringu tulemustest II Väikelaste tervisenäitajad ja kehaline areng. - Eesti Arst 7, 2000, 389-399.

Ilves Annunziata A.-R., Veldre G., Saluste L., Pitsi T., Süvalep I., Viin L., Vainu J. Ülevaade Eesti väikelaste tervise ja toitumise uuringu tulemustest: I väikelaste toitumine ja perede sotsiaal-majanduslik olukord. - Eesti Arst 3, 2000, 142-146.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Stamm, R., Lintsi, M., Kasmel, J., Veldre, G., Maiste, E. Application of anthropometric data in medicine, health promotion and physical education - Russian Morphological Newsletter, 2000, 8, 296-297.

Kaarma H., Stamm R., Veldre G., Kasmel J. Possibilities for classification of anthropometric data of 16-18-year-old Tartu schoolgirls considering their age and constitutional peculiarities. Papers on anthropology IX. Tartu, 2000, 64-81.

Laurits, M., Veldre, G. Palamuse valla 11-16 aastastel õpilaste toitumistavad. -Kümme aastat Kääriku toitumiskursusi. Tartu, 1999, 28-32.

Matsin T., Veldre G., Pungits S. Comparison of Physical Activity and Motor Abilities of 11,5-12,5-year old Inhabitants of Estonia. – Acta Academiae Olympiquae Estoniae. Vol. 7. Tartu, 1999, 120-124.

Veldre G. Comparison of anthropometric variables of 12-15-year-old pre-and post-menarcheal girls from Tartu. - Papers on anthropology VIII. Tartu, 1999, 225-236.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Kasmel, J., Saluvere, K., Veldre, G., Saluste, L., Loolaid, K. Naise kehastruktuuri seaduspärasused ja nende kasutamise võimalused terviseedenduses ja ravis. - Eesti Arst, 1998, 5, 420-422.

Kaarma, H., Peterson, J., Kasmel, J., Veldre, G., Saluvere, K. , Saluste, L. TÜ füüsilise antropoloogia keskuse viieaastase töö kogemused ja edasised plaanid. - Eesti Antropomeetriaregistri Aastaraamat, 1998, 23-25.

Kaarma, H., Saluste, L., Thetloff, M., Peterson, J., Riive, M., Salundi, U., Veldre, G., Raud, J. Body structure of nonpregnant and pregnant women and newborns. Study Aid. Tartu, 1998, 67 pp.

Veldre, G., Laurits, M. Palamuse valla 11-16-aastaste laste peamised füüsilise arengu näitajad ja toitumise iseärasused. - Eesti Antropoloogiaregistri Aastaraamat 1998. Tartu, 1998, 152-160.

Kaarma, H., Saluvere, K., Peterson, J., Veldre, G., Saluste, L., Koskel, S. Multivariate anthropometrical classification for secondary school girls. Journal of Medica Baltica, 1997, 1, 33-35.

Veldre, G. Eesti antropoloogia käekäigust. Juhan Aul 100.- Eesti Loodus 8/9.1997, 332-334.

Veldre, G. Skeletal dimensions and proportions of 8 to 9-year-old Estonian schoolchildren in Tartu. - Papers on anthropology VII. Proceedings of the 8th Tartu International Anthropological Conference 12-16 October. Tartu, 1997, 366-37

Kaarma, H., Tapfer, H., Veldre, G., Thetloff, M., Saluste, L., Peterson, J. Some principles to be considered when using young women’s anthropometric data. - Biol. Sport, Vol. 13 N°2, 1996, p.127-135.

Veldre, G. Body composition and somatotypes of Tartu schoolchildren. - Papers on anthropology VI. Tartu, 1995, p. 232-235

Veldre, G. Intersexual differences of some selected anthropometrical variables for age 8 and 9 schoolchildren in Tartu. - International conference ”Somatotypes of children II”. Tartu, 1994, 61-66.

Veldre, G. Measurement of 9-year-old Tartu schoolchildren. - Papers of anthropology V. Tartu Ülikooli toimetised No 951. Tartu, 1992, p. 125-135.

Veldre, G. Primenenie faktornogo analiza dlja kompleksnoi otsenki fizicheskogo razvitija detei (in Russian). - Chelovek, ekologija, simmetria. Materjaly Mezdunarodnogo simposiuma. Minsk, 1991, s.76-78 /How to use factor analysis for compex assessment of physical development of children/

last updated: 03.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]