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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Viktor
2.Perekonnanimi Seeman
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, eksperimentaalfüüsika ja tehnoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 05.01.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikooli diplom füüsika erialal 1971. a.
7.Teenistuskäik 1971- 1979 Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika kateedri nooremteadur,
1979- 1990 Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika kateedri vanemteadur,
1990- 1993 Tartu Ülikooli elektroluminestsentsi ja pooljuhtide laboratooriumi vanemteadur,
1993- kuni käesoleva ajani Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika ja tehnoloogia instituudi vanemteadur
8.Teaduskraad Füüs.-mat.teaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1985
10.Tunnustused 1987.a. ENSV riiklik teadus-, tehnika- ja tootmisalane preemia (koos teiste autoritega)
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Paramagneetiliste radiatsioonidefektide struktuur, füüsikalised omadused, moodustumise ja hävimise mehhanismid ioonsetes kristallides
14.Jooksvad grandid Põhitäitja ETF grantide 5198 (2002- 2005) "Uute infrapunase kiirguse (IPK)toimel ergastatavate ja IPK- tundlike luminestsentsmaterjalide valmistamine", 5779 (2004-2007) "Luminestsentsnähtused korrastatud mittehomogeensetes tahketes lahustes" ja grandi IF KKM 04032 (2003- 2006) "Uute infrapunasekiirguse toimel ergastuvate luminofooride valmistamine" juures

Danilkin M.I., Kerikmäe M.P., Klimonsky S.O., Kuznetsov V.D., Makarov E.F., Permyakov Ju.V., Primenko A.E., Seeman V.O. Energy transfer and storage mechanisms in infrared- sensitive storage phosphor SrS:Eu,Sm. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 2005, Vol. 537, pp. 89- 92.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E., EPR of [Li]º, [Na]º, and [K]º centres in SrS and CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2004, Vol. 241, nr. 1, pp. 170- 174.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pung L. V centres in plastically deformed SrS. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2003, Vol. 238, nr.1, pp. 102- 109.

Danilkin M., Klimonski S., Kokcharov J., Kuznetsov V., Must M., Nikiforov V., Primenko A., Solovjova N., Seeman V. Unusual magnetic properties of solid solutions Ca Eu S and Sr Eu S. Izvestija vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij, Fizika, 2000, nr. 8, pp.64-68.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Pärnoja E., Pung L., Ots A., Lorentz A. V ¯- centres and cation vacancies in neutron irradiated CaS. Solid State Communications, 2000, Vol. 113, nr.3, pp. 171- 174.

Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (publication of American Institute of Physics), 1998, Vol. 86, nr. 5, pp. 924- 929.

Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Zhurnal exp. i teoret. fiziki, 1998, Vol. 113, nr. 5, pp. 1698-1707.

Seeman, V., Danilkin, M., Ots, A., Pedak, E., Pung, L. F¯c centres in plastically deformed CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 1998, Vol. 208, nr.2, pp. 367-378.

Jaek I., Hütt G., Vasilchenko I., Nagirnyi V., Zazubovich S. and Seeman V. Luminescence and microstructure of Ga, In and Tl centres in laboratory-doped natural feldspars. Journal of Luminescence, 1997, No. 72-74, pp. 681-683.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E. EPR of V-centres in Plastically Deformed CaS. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1996, Vol. 57, nr. 9, pp. 1329-1335.

viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Viktor
2.Surname Seeman
3.Institution Tartu University, Institute of Experimental Physics and Technology
4.Position Senior Scientist
5.Date of birth 05.01.1949 (day.month.year)
6.Education Diploma in Physics- University of Tartu, 1971
7.Research and
professional experience
1971- 1979 Junior Scientist, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Tartu
1979- 1990 Senior Scientist, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Tartu
1990- 1993 Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Electroluminescence and Semiconductors, University of Tartu
1993- up to now Senior Scientist, Institute of Experimental Physics and Technology, University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Cand.Phys.- Math. Sci.
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tartu University, 1985
10.Honours/awards State honor of Estonia, 1987
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Structure, physical properties, mechanisms of formation and decay of paramagnetic radiation defects in ionic crystals
14.Current grant funding Senior personnel of ESF grants 5198 (2002- 2005) "Development of new IR- excitable and IR- sensitive luminescent materials", 5779 (2004- 2007) "Luminescent phenomena in odered nonhomogeneous solid solutions" and Enterprise Estonia grant 04032 (2003- 2006) "Development of new IR- excitable luminophors"
15.List of most important publications

Danilkin M.I., Kerikmäe M.P., Klimonsky S.O., Kuznetsov V.D., Makarov E.F., Permyakov Ju.V., Primenko A.E., Seeman V.O. Energy transfer and storage mechanisms in infrared- sensitive storage phosphor SrS:Eu,Sm. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 2005, Vol. 537, pp. 89- 92.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E., EPR of [Li]º, [Na]º, and [K]º centres in SrS and CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2004, Vol. 241, nr. 1, pp. 170- 174.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pung L. V centres in plastically deformed SrS. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2003, Vol. 238, nr.1, pp. 102- 109.

Danilkin M., Klimonski S., Kokcharov J., Kuznetsov V., Must M., Nikiforov V., Primenko A., Solovjova N., Seeman V. Unusual magnetic properties of solid solutions Ca Eu S and Sr Eu S. Izvestija vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij, Fizika, 2000, nr. 8, pp.64-68.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Pärnoja E., Pung L., Ots A., Lorentz A. V ¯- centres and cation vacancies in neutron irradiated CaS. Solid State Communications, 2000, Vol. 113, nr.3, pp. 171- 174.

Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (publication of American Institute of Physics), 1998, Vol. 86, nr. 5, pp. 924- 929.

Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Zhurnal exp. i teoret. fiziki, 1998, Vol. 113, nr. 5, pp. 1698-1707.

Seeman, V., Danilkin, M., Ots, A., Pedak, E., Pung, L. F¯c centres in plastically deformed CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 1998, Vol. 208, nr.2, pp. 367-378.

Jaek I., Hütt G., Vasilchenko I., Nagirnyi V., Zazubovich S. and Seeman V. Luminescence and microstructure of Ga, In and Tl centres in laboratory-doped natural feldspars. Journal of Luminescence, 1997, No. 72-74, pp. 681-683.

Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E. EPR of V-centres in Plastically Deformed CaS. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1996, Vol. 57, nr. 9, pp. 1329-1335.

last updated: 03.10.2005

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