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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Viktor |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Seeman |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool, eksperimentaalfüüsika ja tehnoloogia instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 05.01.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tartu Ülikooli diplom füüsika erialal 1971. a. |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1971- 1979 Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika kateedri nooremteadur, 1979- 1990 Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika kateedri vanemteadur, 1990- 1993 Tartu Ülikooli elektroluminestsentsi ja pooljuhtide laboratooriumi vanemteadur, 1993- kuni käesoleva ajani Tartu Ülikooli eksperimentaalfüüsika ja tehnoloogia instituudi vanemteadur |
8. | Teaduskraad | Füüs.-mat.teaduste kandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool, 1985 |
10. | Tunnustused | 1987.a. ENSV riiklik teadus-, tehnika- ja tootmisalane preemia (koos teiste autoritega) |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Paramagneetiliste radiatsioonidefektide struktuur, füüsikalised omadused, moodustumise ja hävimise mehhanismid ioonsetes kristallides |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | Põhitäitja ETF grantide 5198 (2002- 2005) "Uute infrapunase kiirguse (IPK)toimel ergastatavate ja IPK- tundlike luminestsentsmaterjalide valmistamine", 5779 (2004-2007) "Luminestsentsnähtused korrastatud mittehomogeensetes tahketes lahustes" ja grandi IF KKM 04032 (2003- 2006) "Uute infrapunasekiirguse toimel ergastuvate luminofooride valmistamine" juures |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Danilkin M.I., Kerikmäe M.P., Klimonsky S.O., Kuznetsov V.D., Makarov E.F., Permyakov Ju.V., Primenko A.E., Seeman V.O. Energy transfer and storage mechanisms in infrared- sensitive storage phosphor SrS:Eu,Sm. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 2005, Vol. 537, pp. 89- 92. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E., EPR of [Li]º, [Na]º, and [K]º centres in SrS and CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2004, Vol. 241, nr. 1, pp. 170- 174. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pung L. V centres in plastically deformed SrS. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2003, Vol. 238, nr.1, pp. 102- 109. Danilkin M., Klimonski S., Kokcharov J., Kuznetsov V., Must M., Nikiforov V., Primenko A., Solovjova N., Seeman V. Unusual magnetic properties of solid solutions Ca Eu S and Sr Eu S. Izvestija vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij, Fizika, 2000, nr. 8, pp.64-68. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Pärnoja E., Pung L., Ots A., Lorentz A. V ¯- centres and cation vacancies in neutron irradiated CaS. Solid State Communications, 2000, Vol. 113, nr.3, pp. 171- 174. Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (publication of American Institute of Physics), 1998, Vol. 86, nr. 5, pp. 924- 929. Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Zhurnal exp. i teoret. fiziki, 1998, Vol. 113, nr. 5, pp. 1698-1707. Seeman, V., Danilkin, M., Ots, A., Pedak, E., Pung, L. F¯c centres in plastically deformed CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 1998, Vol. 208, nr.2, pp. 367-378. Jaek I., Hütt G., Vasilchenko I., Nagirnyi V., Zazubovich S. and Seeman V. Luminescence and microstructure of Ga, In and Tl centres in laboratory-doped natural feldspars. Journal of Luminescence, 1997, No. 72-74, pp. 681-683. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E. EPR of V-centres in Plastically Deformed CaS. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1996, Vol. 57, nr. 9, pp. 1329-1335. |
viimati muudetud: 03.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Viktor |
2. | Surname | Seeman |
3. | Institution | Tartu University, Institute of Experimental Physics and Technology |
4. | Position | Senior Scientist |
5. | Date of birth | 05.01.1949 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Diploma in Physics- University of Tartu, 1971 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1971- 1979 Junior Scientist, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Tartu 1979- 1990 Senior Scientist, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Tartu 1990- 1993 Senior Scientist, Laboratory of Electroluminescence and Semiconductors, University of Tartu 1993- up to now Senior Scientist, Institute of Experimental Physics and Technology, University of Tartu |
8. | Academic degree | Cand.Phys.- Math. Sci. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Tartu University, 1985 |
10. | Honours/awards | State honor of Estonia, 1987 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Structure, physical properties, mechanisms of formation and decay of paramagnetic radiation defects in ionic crystals |
14. | Current grant funding | Senior personnel of ESF grants 5198 (2002- 2005) "Development of new IR- excitable and IR- sensitive luminescent materials", 5779 (2004- 2007) "Luminescent phenomena in odered nonhomogeneous solid solutions" and Enterprise Estonia grant 04032 (2003- 2006) "Development of new IR- excitable luminophors" |
15. | List of most important publications |
Danilkin M.I., Kerikmäe M.P., Klimonsky S.O., Kuznetsov V.D., Makarov E.F., Permyakov Ju.V., Primenko A.E., Seeman V.O. Energy transfer and storage mechanisms in infrared- sensitive storage phosphor SrS:Eu,Sm. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A, 2005, Vol. 537, pp. 89- 92. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E., EPR of [Li]º, [Na]º, and [K]º centres in SrS and CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2004, Vol. 241, nr. 1, pp. 170- 174. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pung L. V centres in plastically deformed SrS. Physica Status Solidi (b), 2003, Vol. 238, nr.1, pp. 102- 109. Danilkin M., Klimonski S., Kokcharov J., Kuznetsov V., Must M., Nikiforov V., Primenko A., Solovjova N., Seeman V. Unusual magnetic properties of solid solutions Ca Eu S and Sr Eu S. Izvestija vyschih uchebnyh zavedenij, Fizika, 2000, nr. 8, pp.64-68. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Pärnoja E., Pung L., Ots A., Lorentz A. V ¯- centres and cation vacancies in neutron irradiated CaS. Solid State Communications, 2000, Vol. 113, nr.3, pp. 171- 174. Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics (publication of American Institute of Physics), 1998, Vol. 86, nr. 5, pp. 924- 929. Klimonski, S.O., Primenko, A.E., Kuznetsov, V.D., Danilkin, M.I., Seeman, V.O. Magnetic properties and energy transfer in the luminophors CaS:Eu, Cl. Zhurnal exp. i teoret. fiziki, 1998, Vol. 113, nr. 5, pp. 1698-1707. Seeman, V., Danilkin, M., Ots, A., Pedak, E., Pung, L. F¯c centres in plastically deformed CaS polycrystals. Physica Status Solidi (b), 1998, Vol. 208, nr.2, pp. 367-378. Jaek I., Hütt G., Vasilchenko I., Nagirnyi V., Zazubovich S. and Seeman V. Luminescence and microstructure of Ga, In and Tl centres in laboratory-doped natural feldspars. Journal of Luminescence, 1997, No. 72-74, pp. 681-683. Seeman V., Danilkin M., Must M., Ots A., Pedak E., Pung L., Pärnoja E. EPR of V-centres in Plastically Deformed CaS. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1996, Vol. 57, nr. 9, pp. 1329-1335. |
last updated: 03.10.2005
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