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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Aavo |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Rätsep |
3. | Töökoht | Tallinna Ülikooli Ökoloogia Instituut, Kirde-Eesti osakond |
4. | Ametikoht | Teadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 10.12.1933 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Kõrgem, Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut (TPI), 1957. a, eriala - insener-keemik |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1991 - kuni käesoleva ajani: Ökoloogia Instituudi KEO, vanemteadur; alates 01.04.2001 - teadur; 1963-1990: vanemteadur, laboratooriumi juhataja ja keskkonnakaitse osakonna juhataja Põlevkivi Teadusliku uurimise Instituudis Kohtla-Järvel; 1961-1963: statasionnarne aspirantuur TPI-s; 1957-1960: vahetusinsener ja insener-tehnoloog Kohtla-Järve Põlevkivitöötlemise Kombinaadis |
8. | Teaduskraad | Tehnikakandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
TPI, 1965. a |
10. | Tunnustused | 1995. a Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia bio-, geo- ning põllumajandusteaduste alal (monograafia "The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the development of landscapes" kaasautor) |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Riina Vaht, MSc, 2005, juh. Aavo Rätsep, Jaan-Mati Punning. Pühajõe veereziimi muutused ja veebilansi koostamine. Tallinna Ülikool, geoökoloogia õppetool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Õhu ja veesaaste geokeemia Kirde-Eestis, muutused ökosüsteemides, valgalade hüdrogeoloogilised uuringud |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (2004) Impact of oil shale mining and mine closures on hydrological conditions of north-east Estonian rivers. Oil Shale, 21(2), 137-148. Liblik, V., Pensa, M., Rätsep, A. (2003) Air pollution zones and harmful pollution levels of alkaline dust for plants. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 3 (5-6), 193-203. Rätsep, A., Rull, E., Liblik, V. (2002) Impact of oil shale mining water discharges on phytiplankton community of Purtse catchment rivers. Oil Shale, 19 (3), 297-306. Liblik, V., Pensa, M., Rätsep, A. (2001) Air pollution zones and harmful pollution levels of alkaline dust for plants. - In S. Topcu, M.F. Yardim, S. Incecik (eds) Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (Proceedings of 2-nd Symposium, Sept 25-28, Istanbul). Istanbul, 170-177. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (2001) The influence of polluted water flows on hydrological and hydrochemical conditions of Purtse catchment rivers, NE Estonia. - Nordic Hydrology, 32 (3), 215-226. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V (2000) Technogenic waterflows generated by oil shale mining: impact on conditions of Purtse catchment rivers. Oil Shale, 17(S), 95-112. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V.(2000) The influence of technogenic waterflows on hydrologycal and hydrochemical conditions of Purtse cachment rivers, Estonia. - In: T. Nilsson (Ed) Nordic Hydrological Conference 2000 (June 26-30, Uppsala, Swerden). Swedish Hydrolocical Council, Uppsala, 178-184. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (1998) Changes in physico-chemical composition of mine water in closed Kiviõli mine. Oil Shale, 15 (4), 341-352. |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Aavo |
2. | Surname | Rätsep |
3. | Institution | Tallinn University, Institute of Ecology, North-East Estonian Department |
4. | Position | Research assoc. |
5. | Date of birth | 10.12.1933 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Higher education, Tallinn Polytechnic Institute (TPI) in 1957, diploma - engineer-chemist |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1991 - at the present - as a senior research assoc.; since 01.04.2001 - research assoc.; 1963-1990 - senior research assoc., head of laboratory and department at the Oil Shale Research Institute in Kohtla-Järve; 1961-1963 - a postgraduate course at the TPI; 1957-1960 - an engineer-technologist at the Oil Shale Processing Integrated Plant in Kohtla-Järve |
8. | Academic degree | Cand. of Tech. Sci. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
In 1965 at TPI |
10. | Honours/awards | Joint author of monograph "The influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the development of landscapes" - the state premium in 1995 of Estonian Republic in the field of bio-, geo- and agricultural scienses |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Riina Vaht, MSc, 2005, superv. Aavo Rätsep, Jaan-Mati Punning. Pühajõe veereziimi muutused ja veebilansi koostamine. Tallinna Ülikool, geoökoloogia õppetool |
13. | Current research program | Gechemistry of air and water pollution in NE Estonia and changes in ecosystems of region, hydrological investigations of catchment rivers |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (2004) Impact of oil shale mining and mine closures on hydrological conditions of north-east Estonian rivers. Oil Shale, 21(2), 137-148. Liblik, V., Pensa, M., Rätsep, A. (2003) Air pollution zones and harmful pollution levels of alkaline dust for plants. Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 3 (5-6), 193-203. Rätsep, A., Rull, E., Liblik, V. (2002) Impact of oil shale mining water discharges on phytiplankton community of Purtse catchment rivers. Oil Shale, 19 (3), 297-306. Liblik, V., Pensa, M., Rätsep, A. (2001) Air pollution zones and harmful pollution levels of alkaline dust for plants. - In S. Topcu, M.F. Yardim, S. Incecik (eds) Air Quality Management at Urban, Regional and Global Scales (Proceedings of 2-nd Symposium, Sept 25-28, Istanbul). Istanbul, 170-177. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (2001) The influence of polluted water flows on hydrological and hydrochemical conditions of Purtse catchment rivers, NE Estonia. - Nordic Hydrology, 32 (3), 215-226. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V (2000) Technogenic waterflows generated by oil shale mining: impact on conditions of Purtse catchment rivers. Oil Shale, 17(S), 95-112. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V.(2000) The influence of technogenic waterflows on hydrologycal and hydrochemical conditions of Purtse cachment rivers, Estonia. - In: T. Nilsson (Ed) Nordic Hydrological Conference 2000 (June 26-30, Uppsala, Swerden). Swedish Hydrolocical Council, Uppsala, 178-184. Rätsep, A., Liblik, V. (1998) Changes in physico-chemical composition of mine water in closed Kiviõli mine. Oil Shale, 15 (4), 341-352. |
last updated: 05.10.2005
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