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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Liina
2.Perekonnanimi Talgre
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikool
4.Ametikoht Teadur
5.Sünniaeg 05.09.1968 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Agronoomiateaduskond, agronoom
7.Teenistuskäik 2001- EPMÜ, teadur
1999 - 2001 EPMÜ, AGT, teadur, agronoom
1997-1999 EPMÜ, agronoom
1987-1993 Rõngu sovhoos, oskustööline
8.Teaduskraad Pm. magister maaviljeluse erialal
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, 2000
ja –administratiivne
APS-i liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Kadri Rand, MSc, 2005, juh. Enn Lauringson, Liina Talgre. Herbitsiidide ja nende kulunormide mõju odra umbrohtumusele ja saagile. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Viljavahelduse ja agrotehnika mõju mulla füüsikalistele ja bioloogilistele omadustele, umbrohtumisele ja põllukultuuride saagile. Umbrohutõrjesüsteemi praktiliste abinõude ja teoreetiliste aluste täiustamine. Huumusseisundi parandamisvõimaluste uurimine tava- ja maheviljeluses.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Lauk, E., Lauk, R. 2005. Weediness of mixed crops depending on weather conditions and sowing rate of leguminous. Agronomijas vestis nr. 8. 243-248

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L. 2004. The effect of farming techniques on soil humus content. Scientific Journal “Vagos”. Volume 64 (No. 17) 44-50

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Roostalu, H., Vipper, H. 2004. The effect of tillage and crop rotation on the content of avaible nitrogen, phosphorusus and potassium. Agronomy Research, Vol. 2,1, 57–70.

Lauringson, E., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. Agrotehniliste võtete mõju mulla füüsikalistele omadustele. 2004. Agraarteadus XV, 2. 107-117

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Koppel, M., Nurmekivi, H., Uusna, S. 2004. Weed control in spring barley by lower doses of herbicide in Estonia. Latvian Journal of Agronomy „Agronomijas Vestis“ Nr. 7, 171–175.

Koppel, M., Runno, E., Sooväli, P., Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Nurmekivi, H. 2003. Control of spring wheat diseases in meteorologically different conditions. Proceedings of the crop protection conference for the Baltic Sea Region. Poznan. p. 142-148

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L. 2003. Problems of abandoned fields. Agronomy Research, Vol. 1,1, 63–68.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T. 2002. Cirsium arvense – a problematic weed in organic farming. Scientific Aspects of Organic Farming" . Jelgava, 186–190.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T., Vipper, H. 2001. The influence of stubble cultivator loosening on soil properties, weediness and yield. Conservation Agriculture. I World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Volume II: Offered Contributions. Madrid, 223–226.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Hirsnik. L. 2001. The effect of the minimisation of autumn tillage on soil properties and yield. Proceedings of the International Conference. Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States. Tartu, 104–112.

Lauringson, E., Vipper, H., Kuill, T., Talgre, L., Hirsnik. L. 2001. The effect of the minimisation of autumn tillage on weediness and yield. 1st international conference of BSB of ISTRO. Modern ways of soil tillage and assessment of soil compaction and seedbed quality. Tartu, 81–91.

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Kuill, T. 2001. Vegetation changes in abandoned fields. The BCPC Converence Weeds 2001. Conference proceedings Volume 2. Brighton, 715–720.

Lauringson. E., Kuill. T., Talgre. L., Vipper. H. 2000. The effect of agrotechnical methods on weed seedbank. Development of environmentally friendly plant protection in the Baltic region. Proceedings of the international conference Tartu. lk. 100–102.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. 2000. Mahajäetud põllud biosüsteemis. Agraarteadus. XI. 3, 232–248.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. 2000. The effect of crop rotation, autumnal soil cultivation and chemical herbicides on the productivity and weediness of crops. Proceedings of the International Conference. The results of long-term field experiments in Baltic States. Jelgava, 71–80.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Talgre, L., Hirsnik, L., Vette, M. (1999) Effect of agrotechnology on the number of earthworms. Agroecological optimization of husbandry technologies, Jelgava, 57…65

viimati muudetud: 26.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Liina
2.Surname Talgre
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University
4.Position Researcher
5.Date of birth 05.09.1968 (day.month.year)
6.Education Graduated from the Estonian Agricultural University as a agronomist
7.Research and
professional experience
2001- EAU, researcher
1999 - 2001 EAU,agronomist, researcher
1997-1999 EAU, agronomist
1987-1993 Rõngu gardening farm, qualified worker
8.Academic degree M.Sc
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Estonian Agricultural University, 2000
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, member
12.Supervised dissertations

Kadri Rand, MSc, 2005, superv. Enn Lauringson, Liina Talgre. Herbitsiidide ja nende kulunormide mõju odra umbrohtumusele ja saagile. Eesti Põllumajandusülikool

13.Current research program Effect of crop rotation and agrotechnical techniques on soil property, weediness and yield.
Elaboration of the practical means and the theoretical basis of weed control. Possibility increase soil humus content in conventional and organic farming.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Lauk, E., Lauk, R. 2005. Weediness of mixed crops depending on weather conditions and sowing rate of leguminous. Agronomijas vestis nr. 8. 243-248

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L. 2004. The effect of farming techniques on soil humus content. Scientific Journal “Vagos”. Volume 64 (No. 17) 44-50

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Roostalu, H., Vipper, H. 2004. The effect of tillage and crop rotation on the content of avaible nitrogen, phosphorusus and potassium. Agronomy Research, Vol. 2,1, 57–70.

Lauringson, E., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. Agrotehniliste võtete mõju mulla füüsikalistele omadustele. 2004. Agraarteadus XV, 2. 107-117

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Koppel, M., Nurmekivi, H., Uusna, S. 2004. Weed control in spring barley by lower doses of herbicide in Estonia. Latvian Journal of Agronomy „Agronomijas Vestis“ Nr. 7, 171–175.

Koppel, M., Runno, E., Sooväli, P., Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Nurmekivi, H. 2003. Control of spring wheat diseases in meteorologically different conditions. Proceedings of the crop protection conference for the Baltic Sea Region. Poznan. p. 142-148

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L. 2003. Problems of abandoned fields. Agronomy Research, Vol. 1,1, 63–68.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T. 2002. Cirsium arvense – a problematic weed in organic farming. Scientific Aspects of Organic Farming" . Jelgava, 186–190.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T., Vipper, H. 2001. The influence of stubble cultivator loosening on soil properties, weediness and yield. Conservation Agriculture. I World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Volume II: Offered Contributions. Madrid, 223–226.

Lauringson, E., Talgre, L., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Hirsnik. L. 2001. The effect of the minimisation of autumn tillage on soil properties and yield. Proceedings of the International Conference. Conference on Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States. Tartu, 104–112.

Lauringson, E., Vipper, H., Kuill, T., Talgre, L., Hirsnik. L. 2001. The effect of the minimisation of autumn tillage on weediness and yield. 1st international conference of BSB of ISTRO. Modern ways of soil tillage and assessment of soil compaction and seedbed quality. Tartu, 81–91.

Talgre, L., Lauringson, E., Kuill, T. 2001. Vegetation changes in abandoned fields. The BCPC Converence Weeds 2001. Conference proceedings Volume 2. Brighton, 715–720.

Lauringson. E., Kuill. T., Talgre. L., Vipper. H. 2000. The effect of agrotechnical methods on weed seedbank. Development of environmentally friendly plant protection in the Baltic region. Proceedings of the international conference Tartu. lk. 100–102.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. 2000. Mahajäetud põllud biosüsteemis. Agraarteadus. XI. 3, 232–248.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Vipper, H., Talgre, L. 2000. The effect of crop rotation, autumnal soil cultivation and chemical herbicides on the productivity and weediness of crops. Proceedings of the International Conference. The results of long-term field experiments in Baltic States. Jelgava, 71–80.

Lauringson, E., Kuill, T., Talgre, L., Hirsnik, L., Vette, M. (1999) Effect of agrotechnology on the number of earthworms. Agroecological optimization of husbandry technologies, Jelgava, 57…65

last updated: 26.09.2005

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