[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Ants |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Lõhmus |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | Laborijuhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 26.03.1944 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Tallinna Polütehniline Instituut, Keemiateaduskond, elektroonikainsener, elektroonika erimaterjalide tehnoloogia eriala 1969 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | TÜ FI, insener (1969-1972), vaneminsener (1972-1980), juhtiv insener (1980-1986), vanemteadur (1986-2004), laborijuhataja (2004- ). Stažeerinud Jyväskylä Ülikoolis (1984), Moskva Aatomienergia Instituudis (1978-1989), Lundi Ülikoolis (1989- käesoleva ajani 2-5 korda aastas ) ja Göteborgi Chalmeri Tehnikaülikoolis (1993- käesoleva ajani 2-5 korda aastas). |
8. | Teaduskraad | füüs.-matem.kand. (Ph.D.) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
ENSV TA Füüsika Instituut, 1980 |
10. | Tunnustused | TÜ Innovatsioonipreemia (150 000 EEK) 1999 Eesti Füüsika Seltsi aastapreemia 2000 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia 2005 tehnikateaduste alal |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
TKN teadusekspert Soome Akadeemia teadusekspert Euroopa Teadusfondi ekspert Tartu Leiutajate Ühingu teadusnõunik Eesti Füüsika Seltsi liige Eesti Materjalitehnika Ühingu liige |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Valter Reedo, MSc, 2004, juh. Ants Lõhmus, Tanel Tätte, Uno Mäeorg. Madaladimensionaalsete optiliste materjalide valmistamine sool-geel meetodil. Tartu Ülikool Kristjan Saal, MSc, 2002, juh. Ants Lõhmus, Ago Rinken,Väino Sammelselg. Immobiliseeritud glükoosi oksidaasi visualiseerimine aatomjõumikroskoobi abil. Tartu Ülikool Tanel Tätte, MSc, 2002, juh. Ants Lõhmus ,Uno Mäeorg, Tea Avarmaa. Antimoniga legeeritud tina(IV)oksiidist läbipaistvate ja elektrit juhtivate skaneeriva teravikmikroskoobi sensorite valmistamine sool-geel meetodil. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | nanotehnoloogia, teravikmikroskoopia tehnika, madalate temperatuuride tehnika. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ETF 6660 Aineosakestevaheliste vastasmõjude selgitamine multifunktsionaalsete (tööstus-)materjalide väljatöötamiseks ETF 6537 Nanomeetriliste pinnastruktuuride formeerimise meetodid ja struktuuride mõned omadused-põhitäitja Euroopa Teadusfondi programm Nanotriboloogia-juhtkomitee liige CORDIS programm MOLSIMU- korraldava komitee liige |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Jacobsen V, Tatte T, Branscheid R, Maeorg U, Saal K, Kink I, Lohmus A, Kreiter, MElectrically conductive and optically transparent Sb-doped SnO2STM-probe for local excitation of electroluminescence,ULTRAMICROSCOPY 104 (1): 39-45 AUG 2005 Pokropivny AV, Erts D, Pokropivny VV, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Olin H, Study of nanoscale contacts with the help of combined TEM-AFM technique and theoretical MD-TM calculations: In situ transformations of gold nanowires, PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 1-2: 83-90 2004 Erts D, Polyakov B, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Olin H, Morris MA, Holmes, Metallic and semiconducting nanowires studied by TEM-SPM,PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 65-73 2003 Kink, Ilmar; Lohmus, R.; Adamovich, M.; Jaaniso, R.; Saal, K.; Lobjakas, M.; Lohmus A.,Three-dimensional subsurface imaging with laser ablation/AFM A.Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2003), 5123(Advanced Optical Devices, Technologies, and Medical Applications), 266-269 Magnelind PE, Ivanov Z, Tzalenchuk AY, Tarte EJ, Lohmus A, A high-T-C SQUID based magnetophysiology system, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 13 (2): 368-370 Part 1, JUN 2003 Tatte T, Saal K, Kink I, Kurg A, Lohmus R, Maeorg U, Rahi M, Rinken A, Lohmus A, Preparation of smooth siloxane surfaces for AFM visualization of immobilized biomolecules SURFACE SCIENCE 532: 1085-1091 JUN 10 2003 D.Erts, A.Lõhmus, R.Lõhmus, H.Olin, A.V.Pokropivny, L.Ryen, K.Svensson, Force interactions and adhesion of gold contacts using a combined atomic force microscope and transmission electron microscope, Applied Surface Science188 2002, pp. 460-466. E.J.Tarte, P.E.Magnelind, A.Ya,Tzalenchuk, A.Lõhmus, D.A.Ansell, M.G.Blamire, Z.G.Ivanov, R.E.Dyball, High Tc SQUID systems for magnetophysiology, Physica C 368, 2002, pp. 50-54. M.Tarasov, E.Stepantsov, T.Lindström, A.Lõhmus, Z.Ivanov, Submillimeter-wave quasioptical integrated tester based on bicrystal Josephson junctions, Physica C372-376, 2002, pp. 347-350. Saal K, Sammelselg V, Lohmus A, Kuusk E, Raidaru G, Rinken T, Rinken, ACharacterization of glucose oxidase immobilization onto mica carrier by atomic force microscopy and kinetic studies, BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING 19 (2-6): 195-199 Sp. Iss. SI, AUG 2002 T.Tätte, T.Avarmaa, R.Lõhmus, U.Mäeorg, M.-E.Pistol, R.Raid, I.Sildos, A.Lõhmus, Transparent and conductive Sb-doped tin oxide SPM tips prepared by sol-gel method, Materials Science and Engineering C19, 2002, pp. 100-104. T.TätteV.Reedo, M.Adamovich, T.Avarmaa, R.Lõhmus, U.Mäeorg, M.-E.Pistol, J.Subbi, A.Lõhmus, Metal Oxide Based SPM Tips Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, Phys. Low-Dim. Struct., 5/6, 2002, 31-38. Lohmus R, Erts D, Lohmus A, Svensson K, Jompol Y, Olin H, STM and AFM instrumentation combined with transmission electron microscope PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 81-89 2001 Raamat R, Lohmus R, Lohmus A, Liblik P, Lobjakas M, Montelius L, Lindahl J, Erts D, Olin H, Piezoresonance driver for positioning scanning probe microscopes in a wide temperature range, FERROELECTRICS 258 (1-4): 339-344 2001 Saal K, Sammelselg V, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Kuusk E, Raidaru G, Rinken T, Rinken A, AFM characterization of enzyme immobilisation onto glass and mica - Problems and perspectives, PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 151-157 2001 Hizhnyakov V, Kink M, Kink R, Lohmus A, Maksimov J, Selg M, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in atomic cryocrystals, PHYSICA B 284: 1129-1130 Part 2, JUL 2000 Lohmus A, Tzalenchuk A, Korrovits V, Ivanov Z, Lohmus R, Lobjakas M, Heinloo A, Pehrson S, Claesson T, Non-magnetic heating for temperature control in scanning SQUID microscope, PHYSICA B 284: 2113-2114 Part 2, JUL 2000 Tzalenchuk AY, Ivanov ZG, Pehrson S, Claeson T, Lohmus A, A variable temperature scanning SQUID microscope, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 9 (2): 4115-4118 Part 3, JUN 1999 Kink R, Avarmaa T, Kisand V, Lohmus A, Kink I, Martinson I, Luminescence of cation excitons in PbCl2 and PbBr2 crystals in a wide excitation VUV region, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 10 (3): 693-700 JAN 26 1998 Article Lohmus A, Laisaar A, Freiberg A, Ellervee A, Korrovits V, Lohmus R, Tars M, An immersion cryostat for mounting a high-pressure optical cell surrounded by nonboiling liquid nitrogen, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 46: 2775-2776 Suppl. 5, 1996 Lohmus R, Lindahl J, Lohmus A, Korrovits V, Quiet cryoliquids achieved by diffusion through porous material,CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 46: 2777-2778 Suppl. 5, 1996 FELDBACH E, KINK R, KIRM M, LUSHCHIK A, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MAAROOS A, MARTINSON I, ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS AND UV LUMINESCENCE IN SRO CRYSTALS AT 8 K, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 241 (5-6): 597-602 AUG 4 1995 FELDBACH E, KINK R, KIRM M, LUSHCHIK A, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MAAROOS A, MARTINSON I, ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS AND UV LUMINESCENCE IN SRO CRYSTALS AT 8 K (VOL 241, PG 597, 1995) CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 244 (3-4): 338-338 OCT 6 1995 KIRM M, MARTINSON I, LUSHCHIK A, KALDER K, KINK R, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MULTIPLICATION OF ANION AND CATION ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS IN WIDE-GAP KCL AND CSCL CRYSTALS, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 90 (11): 741-744 JUN 1994 LOHMUS A, KORROVITS V, OBTAINING OF BUBBLE-FREE LIQUID-HELIUM IN OPTICAL CRYOSTATS AT 4.2-K BY MEANS OF A COOLING CELL, CRYOGENICS 34: 263-265 Suppl. ICEC, 1994 KINK R, LOHMUS A, NIEDRAIS H, VAINO P, SORENSEN SL, HULDT S, MARTINSON I, VUV SPECTROSCOPY OF SOLIDS AT LOW-TEMPERATURE USING SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 43 (5): 517-520 MAY 1991 KUKK P, LOHMUS A, KORPPITOMMOLA J, TEMPERATURE-DEPENDENCE OF THE RESONANT AND NONRESONANT CARS SIGNALS, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 44 (8): 1381-1385 SEP-OCT 1990 KINK R, KALDER K, LOHMUS A, NIEDRAIS H, EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON THE LUMINESCENCE OF TRAPPED EXCITONS IN XE CRYSTALS, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 139 (1): 321-327 JAN 1987 KINK R, MIHKELSOO V, ERME E, LEPASAAR T, LOHMUS A, SOOVIK T, VAINO P, STANKEVICH VG, ZABELIN AV, ODINTSOV DG, POSTNOV AG, PASTUKHOV AI, KOLMAKOV AA,A VUV SPECTROMETER BASED ON THE SYNCHROTRON RADIATION SOURCE SIBERIA-1 FOR INVESTIGATING WIDE-BAND-GAP DIELECTRICS, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 261 (1-2): 82-84 NOV 1 1987 KINK R, LOHMUS A, SELG M, SELF-TRAPPING AND HOT LUMINESCENCE OF EXCITONS IN RARE-GAS SOLIDS, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 107 (2): 479-490 1981 KINK R, LOHMUS A, SELG M, EMISSION OF FREE AND SELF-TRAPPED EXCITONS IN CRYSTALLINE XENON, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 61 (JAN): 309-312 1980 |
viimati muudetud: 30.09.2006
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Ants |
2. | Surname | Lõhmus |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Head of laboratory |
5. | Date of birth | 26.03.1944 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Tallinn Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of Chemistry, special materials of electronics, engineer 1969 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
IP UT, engineer 1969-1972, senior engineer 1972-1980, leading engineer 1980-1986, senior scientist 1986-2004, head of laboratory 2004- up to date. Stay in University of Jyväskylä (Finland) 1984, Institute of Atomic Energy (Moscow) 1978-1989, University of Lund (Sweden) 1989- up do date (2-5 times per year), Chalmer University of Technology 1993- up to date (2-5 times per year). |
8. | Academic degree | Ph.D. |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
Institute of Physics, Est. Acad. Sci., 1980 |
10. | Honours/awards | Innovation Award of Tartu University 1999 Annual award of the Estonian Physics Society 2000 Estonian Research Award in Engineering Sciences 2005 |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Scientific expert of Estonian Science Competence Councel Scientific expert of Academy of Finland Scientific expert of European Science Foundation Scientific Councellor of Tartu Inventors Society Member of Estonian Fhysics Society Member of Estonian Material Techniques Society |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Valter Reedo, MSc, 2004, superv. Ants Lõhmus, Tanel Tätte, Uno Mäeorg. Madaladimensionaalsete optiliste materjalide valmistamine sool-geel meetodil. Tartu Ülikool Kristjan Saal, MSc, 2002, superv. Ants Lõhmus, Ago Rinken,Väino Sammelselg. Immobiliseeritud glükoosi oksidaasi visualiseerimine aatomjõumikroskoobi abil. Tartu Ülikool Tanel Tätte, MSc, 2002, superv. Ants Lõhmus ,Uno Mäeorg, Tea Avarmaa. Antimoniga legeeritud tina(IV)oksiidist läbipaistvate ja elektrit juhtivate skaneeriva teravikmikroskoobi sensorite valmistamine sool-geel meetodil. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | nanotechnology, scanning probe microscopy, low temperature techniques. |
14. | Current grant funding | Etf 6660 Interaction between matrial particles for engeneering new multifunctional (industrial) materials. ETF 6537 Methods of forming surface structures and some properties of structures-main researcher Europian Science Foundation Program Nanotribology- member of Steering Committee CORDIS Program MOLSIMU-member of management committee |
15. | List of most important publications |
Jacobsen V, Tatte T, Branscheid R, Maeorg U, Saal K, Kink I, Lohmus A, Kreiter, MElectrically conductive and optically transparent Sb-doped SnO2STM-probe for local excitation of electroluminescence,ULTRAMICROSCOPY 104 (1): 39-45 AUG 2005 Pokropivny AV, Erts D, Pokropivny VV, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Olin H, Study of nanoscale contacts with the help of combined TEM-AFM technique and theoretical MD-TM calculations: In situ transformations of gold nanowires, PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 1-2: 83-90 2004 Erts D, Polyakov B, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Olin H, Morris MA, Holmes, Metallic and semiconducting nanowires studied by TEM-SPM,PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 65-73 2003 Kink, Ilmar; Lohmus, R.; Adamovich, M.; Jaaniso, R.; Saal, K.; Lobjakas, M.; Lohmus A.,Three-dimensional subsurface imaging with laser ablation/AFM A.Proceedings of SPIE-The International Society for Optical Engineering (2003), 5123(Advanced Optical Devices, Technologies, and Medical Applications), 266-269 Magnelind PE, Ivanov Z, Tzalenchuk AY, Tarte EJ, Lohmus A, A high-T-C SQUID based magnetophysiology system, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 13 (2): 368-370 Part 1, JUN 2003 Tatte T, Saal K, Kink I, Kurg A, Lohmus R, Maeorg U, Rahi M, Rinken A, Lohmus A, Preparation of smooth siloxane surfaces for AFM visualization of immobilized biomolecules SURFACE SCIENCE 532: 1085-1091 JUN 10 2003 D.Erts, A.Lõhmus, R.Lõhmus, H.Olin, A.V.Pokropivny, L.Ryen, K.Svensson, Force interactions and adhesion of gold contacts using a combined atomic force microscope and transmission electron microscope, Applied Surface Science188 2002, pp. 460-466. E.J.Tarte, P.E.Magnelind, A.Ya,Tzalenchuk, A.Lõhmus, D.A.Ansell, M.G.Blamire, Z.G.Ivanov, R.E.Dyball, High Tc SQUID systems for magnetophysiology, Physica C 368, 2002, pp. 50-54. M.Tarasov, E.Stepantsov, T.Lindström, A.Lõhmus, Z.Ivanov, Submillimeter-wave quasioptical integrated tester based on bicrystal Josephson junctions, Physica C372-376, 2002, pp. 347-350. Saal K, Sammelselg V, Lohmus A, Kuusk E, Raidaru G, Rinken T, Rinken, ACharacterization of glucose oxidase immobilization onto mica carrier by atomic force microscopy and kinetic studies, BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING 19 (2-6): 195-199 Sp. Iss. SI, AUG 2002 T.Tätte, T.Avarmaa, R.Lõhmus, U.Mäeorg, M.-E.Pistol, R.Raid, I.Sildos, A.Lõhmus, Transparent and conductive Sb-doped tin oxide SPM tips prepared by sol-gel method, Materials Science and Engineering C19, 2002, pp. 100-104. T.TätteV.Reedo, M.Adamovich, T.Avarmaa, R.Lõhmus, U.Mäeorg, M.-E.Pistol, J.Subbi, A.Lõhmus, Metal Oxide Based SPM Tips Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, Phys. Low-Dim. Struct., 5/6, 2002, 31-38. Lohmus R, Erts D, Lohmus A, Svensson K, Jompol Y, Olin H, STM and AFM instrumentation combined with transmission electron microscope PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 81-89 2001 Raamat R, Lohmus R, Lohmus A, Liblik P, Lobjakas M, Montelius L, Lindahl J, Erts D, Olin H, Piezoresonance driver for positioning scanning probe microscopes in a wide temperature range, FERROELECTRICS 258 (1-4): 339-344 2001 Saal K, Sammelselg V, Lohmus A, Lohmus R, Kuusk E, Raidaru G, Rinken T, Rinken A, AFM characterization of enzyme immobilisation onto glass and mica - Problems and perspectives, PHYSICS OF LOW-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES 3-4: 151-157 2001 Hizhnyakov V, Kink M, Kink R, Lohmus A, Maksimov J, Selg M, Hot luminescence of self-trapped excitons in atomic cryocrystals, PHYSICA B 284: 1129-1130 Part 2, JUL 2000 Lohmus A, Tzalenchuk A, Korrovits V, Ivanov Z, Lohmus R, Lobjakas M, Heinloo A, Pehrson S, Claesson T, Non-magnetic heating for temperature control in scanning SQUID microscope, PHYSICA B 284: 2113-2114 Part 2, JUL 2000 Tzalenchuk AY, Ivanov ZG, Pehrson S, Claeson T, Lohmus A, A variable temperature scanning SQUID microscope, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON APPLIED SUPERCONDUCTIVITY 9 (2): 4115-4118 Part 3, JUN 1999 Kink R, Avarmaa T, Kisand V, Lohmus A, Kink I, Martinson I, Luminescence of cation excitons in PbCl2 and PbBr2 crystals in a wide excitation VUV region, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER 10 (3): 693-700 JAN 26 1998 Article Lohmus A, Laisaar A, Freiberg A, Ellervee A, Korrovits V, Lohmus R, Tars M, An immersion cryostat for mounting a high-pressure optical cell surrounded by nonboiling liquid nitrogen, CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 46: 2775-2776 Suppl. 5, 1996 Lohmus R, Lindahl J, Lohmus A, Korrovits V, Quiet cryoliquids achieved by diffusion through porous material,CZECHOSLOVAK JOURNAL OF PHYSICS 46: 2777-2778 Suppl. 5, 1996 FELDBACH E, KINK R, KIRM M, LUSHCHIK A, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MAAROOS A, MARTINSON I, ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS AND UV LUMINESCENCE IN SRO CRYSTALS AT 8 K, CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 241 (5-6): 597-602 AUG 4 1995 FELDBACH E, KINK R, KIRM M, LUSHCHIK A, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MAAROOS A, MARTINSON I, ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS AND UV LUMINESCENCE IN SRO CRYSTALS AT 8 K (VOL 241, PG 597, 1995) CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS 244 (3-4): 338-338 OCT 6 1995 KIRM M, MARTINSON I, LUSHCHIK A, KALDER K, KINK R, LUSHCHIK C, LOHMUS A, MULTIPLICATION OF ANION AND CATION ELECTRONIC EXCITATIONS IN WIDE-GAP KCL AND CSCL CRYSTALS, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS 90 (11): 741-744 JUN 1994 LOHMUS A, KORROVITS V, OBTAINING OF BUBBLE-FREE LIQUID-HELIUM IN OPTICAL CRYOSTATS AT 4.2-K BY MEANS OF A COOLING CELL, CRYOGENICS 34: 263-265 Suppl. ICEC, 1994 KINK R, LOHMUS A, NIEDRAIS H, VAINO P, SORENSEN SL, HULDT S, MARTINSON I, VUV SPECTROSCOPY OF SOLIDS AT LOW-TEMPERATURE USING SYNCHROTRON RADIATION, PHYSICA SCRIPTA 43 (5): 517-520 MAY 1991 KUKK P, LOHMUS A, KORPPITOMMOLA J, TEMPERATURE-DEPENDENCE OF THE RESONANT AND NONRESONANT CARS SIGNALS, APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 44 (8): 1381-1385 SEP-OCT 1990 KINK R, KALDER K, LOHMUS A, NIEDRAIS H, EFFECT OF PRESSURE ON THE LUMINESCENCE OF TRAPPED EXCITONS IN XE CRYSTALS, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 139 (1): 321-327 JAN 1987 KINK R, MIHKELSOO V, ERME E, LEPASAAR T, LOHMUS A, SOOVIK T, VAINO P, STANKEVICH VG, ZABELIN AV, ODINTSOV DG, POSTNOV AG, PASTUKHOV AI, KOLMAKOV AA,A VUV SPECTROMETER BASED ON THE SYNCHROTRON RADIATION SOURCE SIBERIA-1 FOR INVESTIGATING WIDE-BAND-GAP DIELECTRICS, NUCLEAR INSTRUMENTS & METHODS IN PHYSICS RESEARCH SECTION A-ACCELERATORS SPECTROMETERS DETECTORS AND ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT 261 (1-2): 82-84 NOV 1 1987 KINK R, LOHMUS A, SELG M, SELF-TRAPPING AND HOT LUMINESCENCE OF EXCITONS IN RARE-GAS SOLIDS, PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC RESEARCH 107 (2): 479-490 1981 KINK R, LOHMUS A, SELG M, EMISSION OF FREE AND SELF-TRAPPED EXCITONS IN CRYSTALLINE XENON, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE 61 (JAN): 309-312 1980 |
last updated: 30.09.2006
[ sulge aken ]