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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ando
2.Perekonnanimi Pehme
3.Töökoht TÜ, KK, spordipedagoogika ja treeninguõpetuse instituut
4.Ametikoht lektor
5.Sünniaeg 04.05.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus kõrgem, TÜ kehakultuuriteaduskond, 1980
7.Teenistuskäik 1980-1981 VSÜ “Kalev” TRÜ Spordiklubi treener;
1981-1991 TRÜ Lihastalitluse hormonaalregulatsiooni labor, nooremteadur; 1991-1992 TÜ Kinesioloogia labori nooremteadur;
1992 - TÜ Kinesiloogia labori teadur.1992.a. sept - TÜ Spordibioloogia instituudi doktorant;
1999 - käesoleva ajani TÜ, KK, Spordipedagoogika ja treeninguõpetuse instituut, raskejõustiku lektor
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TÜ, 2004
10.Tunnustused 1993 - Rahvusvahelise Olümpiakomitee diplom teadusettekande eest; 1994 - diplom ja auhind ettekande eest rahvusvahelisel kongressil "Applied Research in Sport", Rahvusvahelise Olümpiakomitee dimlom teadusettekande eest, 1997 VII Balt-LASA Konverentsil II preemia stendettekande eest eest
ja –administratiivne
Euroopa Füsioloogia Sletsi liige,
Eesti Olümpiaakadeemia liige,
Eesti Sporditeadlaste Seltsi liige;
Eesti Judoliidu treenerite nõukogu liige,
KK nõukogu liige aastast 2001,
õppekava kehaline kasvatus ja sport - projektijuht
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad skeletilihase füsioloogia ja mikromorfoloogia, katseloomade teadus, treeninguõpetus
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant "Mehhaanilise koormuse mõju sarkopeeniale, müosiini isovormide jaotumisele skeletilihases ja ekstratsellulaarse maatriksi komponentidele vananedes ja liikumisvaeguse puhul" täitja aastal 2005, granti hoidja prof T. Seene

Seene T., K. Alev, P. Kaasik, A. Pehme, and A.-M. Parring Endurance training: volume dependent adaptational changes in myosin. Int J. Sports Medicine, 2005, 26: 1-7

Pehme A., K. Alev, P. Kaasik, A. Julkunen, T. Seene The effect of mechanical loading on the MyHC synthesis rate and composition in rat plantaris muscle. Int J of Sports Medicine. 2004, 25: 326-331.

Pehme Ando, Karin Alev, Priit Kaasik and Teet Seene Age related changes in skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain composition: effect of mechanical loading. Journal of Ageing and Physical Activity, 2004, 11, 29-44.

Seene T., P. Kaasik, K. Alev, A. Pehme, E.M. Riso Composition and turnover of contractile proteins in volume – overtrained skeletal muscle. Int J of Sports Medicine. 2004, 25, 433-437.

Seene Teet, Priit Kaasik, Ando Pehme, Karin Alev, Eva-Maria Riso The effect of glucocorticoids on the myosin heavy chain isoforms’ turnover in skeletal muscle. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2003, 86, 2, 201-206.

K. Reisberg, K. Alev, A. Pehme, P. Kaasik Lihasraku plastilisus – adaptatsioon funktsionaalsele ülekoormusele. Kehakultuuriteaduskonna teadus- ja õppemetoodiliste tööde kogumik, Tartu 2002, X, 142-151.

Umnova MM, Seene TP, Pehme A. I. Ultrastructure of type 2A extrafusal muscle fibers and intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle (m. quadriceps femoris) from the adult rat after long-term swimming. Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. Nov-Dec; 2000, (6): 658-71 (in Russian)

Umnova M., Seene T., Krasnov I., Pehme A. A study of ultrastructural characteristics of rat neuromuscular junctions under physical loads. Cytology, 2000, 42, 10, 983-992. (vene keeles).

Umnova M., Seene T., Pehme A. Ultrastructure of type 2A extrafusal muscle fibers and muscle spindle intrafusal fibers of adult rats after prolonged swimming. Biol. Bulletin, 2000, 27, 6: 553-564.

viimati muudetud: 29.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ando
2.Surname Pehme
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of Sport Pedagogy and Coaching
4.Position lecturer
5.Date of birth 04.05.1958 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, Faculty of Exercise and Sport Sciences, 1980
7.Research and
professional experience
1980-1981 "Kalev" Sports Club trainer;
1981-1991 University of Tartu, Lab of Hormonal Regulation, junior research fellow;
1991- 1992 University of Tartu, Lab of Kinesiology, junior research fellow;
1992- at the same place research fellow, since 1992 - PhD student at the Institute of Exercise Biology;
1999- to present time at Univ of Tartu, Institute of Sport Pedagogy and Coaching, lecturer
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 2004
10.Honours/awards 1993 - International Olympic Comitee diploma for scientific discourse, 1994 - diploma in conference "Applied Research in Sport" for scientific discourse,International Olympic Comitee diploma for scientific discourse, VII Balt-LASA Conference "Animal Models" II price.
member of the Federation of European Physiological Societie,
member of Estonian Olympic Academy,
member of Estonian Society of Sport Scientist,
member of Estonian Association of Judotrainers council,
member of Exercise and Sport Sciences faculty council since 2001,
curriculum manager of Exercise and Sport
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program physiology of skeletal muscle, micromorphology, laboratory animal science, coaching
14.Current grant funding ESF grant 2005 Impact of mechanical loading on skeletal muscle sarcopenia, myosin isoform’s distribution and on components of extracellular matrix in ageing and unloading
15.List of most important publications

Seene T., K. Alev, P. Kaasik, A. Pehme, and A.-M. Parring Endurance training: volume dependent adaptational changes in myosin. Int J. Sports Medicine, 2005, 26: 1-7

Pehme A., K. Alev, P. Kaasik, A. Julkunen, T. Seene The effect of mechanical loading on the MyHC synthesis rate and composition in rat plantaris muscle. Int J of Sports Medicine. 2004, 25: 326-331.

Pehme Ando, Karin Alev, Priit Kaasik and Teet Seene Age related changes in skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain composition: effect of mechanical loading. Journal of Ageing and Physical Activity, 2004, 11, 29-44.

Seene T., P. Kaasik, K. Alev, A. Pehme, E.M. Riso Composition and turnover of contractile proteins in volume – overtrained skeletal muscle. Int J of Sports Medicine. 2004, 25, 433-437.

Seene Teet, Priit Kaasik, Ando Pehme, Karin Alev, Eva-Maria Riso The effect of glucocorticoids on the myosin heavy chain isoforms’ turnover in skeletal muscle. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 2003, 86, 2, 201-206.

K. Reisberg, K. Alev, A. Pehme, P. Kaasik Lihasraku plastilisus – adaptatsioon funktsionaalsele ülekoormusele. Kehakultuuriteaduskonna teadus- ja õppemetoodiliste tööde kogumik, Tartu 2002, X, 142-151.

Umnova MM, Seene TP, Pehme A. I. Ultrastructure of type 2A extrafusal muscle fibers and intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle (m. quadriceps femoris) from the adult rat after long-term swimming. Izv Akad Nauk Ser Biol. Nov-Dec; 2000, (6): 658-71 (in Russian)

Umnova M., Seene T., Krasnov I., Pehme A. A study of ultrastructural characteristics of rat neuromuscular junctions under physical loads. Cytology, 2000, 42, 10, 983-992. (vene keeles).

Umnova M., Seene T., Pehme A. Ultrastructure of type 2A extrafusal muscle fibers and muscle spindle intrafusal fibers of adult rats after prolonged swimming. Biol. Bulletin, 2000, 27, 6: 553-564.

last updated: 29.09.2005

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