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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Sander
2.Perekonnanimi Hannus
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, rakendusmatemaatika instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 23.12.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1) Tallinna Spordiinternaatkool, 1977
2) TÜ rakendusmatemaatika, 1982
7.Teenistuskäik 1) 1982-1988 insener TÜ-s
2) 1988-1992 nooremteadur TÜ-s
3) 1992-1994 lektor-teadur TÜ-s
4) 1994-2003 lektor TÜ-s
5) 2004-2007 dotsent TÜ-s
8.Teaduskraad filosoofiadoktor(PhD)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
TÜ, 1995
ja –administratiivne
ERASMUS- programmi koordinaator TÜ MIT-s
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1) Konstruktsioonide pinge-deformatsiooniseisundi analüüs ja kandevõime optimiseerimine
2) Konstruktsioonide optimiseerimine suurte läbipainete korral
3) Mehaanikaülesannete lahendamine LEM-i kasutades
14.Jooksvad grandid

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Optimal design of plastic cylindrical shells of von Mises material. Struct. Optimiz., 2005, 30(3), 227-232.

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Nonlinear analysis and design of axisymmetric shells using computer algebra systems method. Book of Abstracts of 5-th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Thessaloniki, August, 17-22, 2003, p.142.

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Orientational design of anisotropic materials using the Hill and Tsai-Wu strength criteria. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2003, 39(6), 509-520.

Hannus, S. Optimal location of an additional support for rigid plastic cylindrical shells. Tenth Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 1997, 126-128.

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimization of plastic cylindrical shells with stepwise varying thickness in the case of von Mises material. Struct. Optimiz., 1995, 10, 122-127.

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimal locations of rigid stiffeners for a geometrically nonlinear plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1992, 939, 70-78 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S.: Optimal design of rigid plastic cylindrical shells with piecewise constant thickness. TÜ toimetised, 1989, 853, 59-67 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimization of the location of additional supports for a plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1988, 799, 21-26.

Hannus, S. & Optimal location of an additional support for a rigid plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1987, 772, 134-138 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Large deflections of rigid plastic cylindrical shells. Prikl. Mekh., 1987, 5, 30-36 (in Russian).

Hannus, S. Calculation of plastic cylindrical shells in the case of large deflections. TÜ toimetised, 1985, 721, 39-42 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Large deflections of closed rigid plastic cylindrical shells. TÜ toimetised, 1983, 659, 59-65 (in Russian).

viimati muudetud: 21.08.2007

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Sander
2.Surname Hannus
3.Institution University of Tartu (UT), Institute of Applied Mathematics
4.Position Associated Professor
5.Date of birth 23.12.1958 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1) Tallinn Sports Boarding School, 1977
2) University of Tartu, Applied Mathematics, 1982
7.Research and
professional experience
1) 1982-1988 engineer in UT
2) 1988-1992 young research worker in UT
3) 1992-1994 lecturer-researcher in UT
4) 1994-2003 lecturer in UT
5) 2004-2007 Associated Professor in UT
8.Academic degree doctor of philosophy (PdD)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
UT, 1995
Cordinator of ERASMUS-program of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program 1) Analysis of Stress-Strain State and Optimizing Load Carrying Capacity of the Structures
2) Optimizing the Structures in the Case of Large Deflections
3) Solving problems of the mechanics using FEM
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Optimal design of plastic cylindrical shells of von Mises material. Struct. Optimiz., 2005, 30(3), 227-232.

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Nonlinear analysis and design of axisymmetric shells using computer algebra systems method. Book of Abstracts of 5-th Euromech Solid Mechanics Conference, Thessaloniki, August, 17-22, 2003, p.142.

Majak, J. & Hannus, S. Orientational design of anisotropic materials using the Hill and Tsai-Wu strength criteria. Mechanics of Composite Materials, 2003, 39(6), 509-520.

Hannus, S. Optimal location of an additional support for rigid plastic cylindrical shells. Tenth Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 1997, 126-128.

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimization of plastic cylindrical shells with stepwise varying thickness in the case of von Mises material. Struct. Optimiz., 1995, 10, 122-127.

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimal locations of rigid stiffeners for a geometrically nonlinear plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1992, 939, 70-78 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S.: Optimal design of rigid plastic cylindrical shells with piecewise constant thickness. TÜ toimetised, 1989, 853, 59-67 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Optimization of the location of additional supports for a plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1988, 799, 21-26.

Hannus, S. & Optimal location of an additional support for a rigid plastic cylindrical shell. TÜ toimetised, 1987, 772, 134-138 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Large deflections of rigid plastic cylindrical shells. Prikl. Mekh., 1987, 5, 30-36 (in Russian).

Hannus, S. Calculation of plastic cylindrical shells in the case of large deflections. TÜ toimetised, 1985, 721, 39-42 (in Russian).

Lellep, J. & Hannus, S. Large deflections of closed rigid plastic cylindrical shells. TÜ toimetised, 1983, 659, 59-65 (in Russian).

last updated: 21.08.2007

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