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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Sirje
2.Perekonnanimi Timmusk
3.Töökoht Rootsi Pôllumajandusülikool;
Tallinna Tehnika Ülikool
4.Ametikoht teadlane;
5.Sünniaeg 12.04.1958 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, bioloogia, 1981
7.Teenistuskäik 1981-1996 Eesti TA Mereinstituut, teadur
1996-2002 Uppsala Ülikool, ICM, doktorand
2002-2004 SLU Molekulaarsete Bioteaduste osakond, Immunoloogia tööruühm, doktorantuuri järelôpe
2002-2004 SLU Molekulaarsete Bioteaduste osakond, Immunoloogia tööruhm, teadlane
2003-2005 TTÜ, GTI, 1/4 dotsent
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Uppsala Ülikool, 2002
10.Tunnustused -
ja –administratiivne
Projekti juht
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad molekulaarimmunoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid 2004-2005 SLU Programme for Biology of infection
2004-2006 Formas, EU (Project FOOD-CT-2004-513928)

Hasslung F, Meehan B, Timmusk, S, Berg M, Fuxler L, Magnusson M, Allan G, McNeilly F, Fossum C. Structure dependent inhibitory effect of a PCV2 ODN sequence on IFN-alpha production by porcine PBMCs (submitted in Virology, Sept 2005)

Hasslung F, Wallgren P, Ladekjaer-Hansen AS, Botner A, Nielsen J, Wattrang E, Allan GM, McNeilly F, Ellis J, Timmusk S, Belak K, Segall T, Melin L, Berg M, Fossum C. Experimental reproduction of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in pigs in Sweden and Denmark with a Swedish isolate of porcine circovirus type 2. Vet Microbiol. 2005 Mar 20;106(1-2):49-60

Jansson, E., Hongslo, T., Johannisson, A., Pilström, L., Timmusk, S. & Norrgren, L. (2003). Bacterial kidney disease as a model for studies of cell mediated immunity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 14, 347-362

Timmusk, S (2003) Evolution of the immune system. Review. Estonian Nature 9, 412-416

Timmusk, S., Jansson, E., and Pilström, L. The generation of monoclonal antibodies by genetic immunization: antibodies against trout TCR__and IgL isotypes, Fish & Shellfish, 2003, 14: 187-206.

Timmusk, S., Strömberg, S., and Pilström, L. Light chain promoter regions in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: function of a classical and atypical Ig promoter, Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2002, 26: 785-796

Timmusk S, Partula S, Pilström L (2000) Different genomic organization and expression of immunoglobulin light-chain isotypes in the rainbow trout, Immunogenetics 51: 905-914

Partula, S., Schwager, J., Timmusk, S., Pilström, L., Charlemagne J (1996) A second immunoglobulin light chain isotype in the rainbow trout, Immunogenetics 45: 44-51,

Kadakas, V., Naarits, M., Timmusk, S. & Oun, A. (1985). The results of the estimation of efficiency of the vaccine against vibriosis of rainbow trout. (In Russian). Astrachan 85, 59 - 61

viimati muudetud: 29.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Sirje
2.Surname Timmusk
3.Institution Svedish Agriculture University;
Technical University of Tallinn
4.Position scientist;
5.Date of birth 12.04.1958 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu State University, biology, 1981
7.Research and
professional experience
1981-1996 Estonian Marine Institute, scientist
1996-2002 Uppsala Universiy, PhD student
2002-2004 SLU Department of Molecular Biosciences, Section for Immunology, postdoc
2004-2006 SLU Department of Molecular Biosciences, Section for Immunology, scientist
2003-2005 TTU, GTI, 1/4 docent
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Uppsala Universiy, 2002
10.Honours/awards -
Project leader
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program molecular immunology
molecular diagnostics
14.Current grant funding 2004-2005 SLU Programme for Biology of infection
2004-2006 Formas, EU (Project FOOD-CT-2004-513928)
15.List of most important publications

Hasslung F, Meehan B, Timmusk, S, Berg M, Fuxler L, Magnusson M, Allan G, McNeilly F, Fossum C. Structure dependent inhibitory effect of a PCV2 ODN sequence on IFN-alpha production by porcine PBMCs (submitted in Virology, Sept 2005)

Hasslung F, Wallgren P, Ladekjaer-Hansen AS, Botner A, Nielsen J, Wattrang E, Allan GM, McNeilly F, Ellis J, Timmusk S, Belak K, Segall T, Melin L, Berg M, Fossum C. Experimental reproduction of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in pigs in Sweden and Denmark with a Swedish isolate of porcine circovirus type 2. Vet Microbiol. 2005 Mar 20;106(1-2):49-60

Jansson, E., Hongslo, T., Johannisson, A., Pilström, L., Timmusk, S. & Norrgren, L. (2003). Bacterial kidney disease as a model for studies of cell mediated immunity in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Fish & Shellfish Immunology 14, 347-362

Timmusk, S (2003) Evolution of the immune system. Review. Estonian Nature 9, 412-416

Timmusk, S., Jansson, E., and Pilström, L. The generation of monoclonal antibodies by genetic immunization: antibodies against trout TCR__and IgL isotypes, Fish & Shellfish, 2003, 14: 187-206.

Timmusk, S., Strömberg, S., and Pilström, L. Light chain promoter regions in rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss: function of a classical and atypical Ig promoter, Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2002, 26: 785-796

Timmusk S, Partula S, Pilström L (2000) Different genomic organization and expression of immunoglobulin light-chain isotypes in the rainbow trout, Immunogenetics 51: 905-914

Partula, S., Schwager, J., Timmusk, S., Pilström, L., Charlemagne J (1996) A second immunoglobulin light chain isotype in the rainbow trout, Immunogenetics 45: 44-51,

Kadakas, V., Naarits, M., Timmusk, S. & Oun, A. (1985). The results of the estimation of efficiency of the vaccine against vibriosis of rainbow trout. (In Russian). Astrachan 85, 59 - 61

last updated: 29.09.2005

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