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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Alo
2.Perekonnanimi Tänavots
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Veterinaarmeditsiini ja Loomakasvatuse instituut, Kreutzwaldi 1, 51014 Tartu, 731 3402, vl@eau.ee
4.Ametikoht Lektor
5.Sünniaeg 17.03.1972 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, 2005, põllumajandusteaduse doktor, Sealiha kvaliteedi hindamine ja emiste viljakust mõjutavaid tegureid.
Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, 1997, põllumajandusteaduse magister, Eesti suurt valget tõugu sigade viljakus ja piimakus.
Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, 1994, loomakasvatus.
Luunja Keskkool, 1990.
7.Teenistuskäik 01.09.94-31.08.96 EPMÜ LKI aretusosakonna laborant
01.02-31.08.97 EPMÜ LKI aretusosakonna laborant
01.09-30.09.97 EPMÜ LKI aretusosakonna vanemlaborant
01.10.97-31.08.98 EPMÜ LKI vanemlaborant juhtkonna arvutispetsialisti kohustused
01.01.98-31.08.04 EPMÜ LKI aretusosakonna teadur
01.09.98-31.08.04 EPMÜ LKI juhtkonna arvutiinsener
01.01-31.12.02 EPMÜ LKI aretusosakonna vanemlaborant
01.09.04… EPMÜ VLI aretusõpetuse lektor
8.Teaduskraad Põllumajandusteaduse doktor
Põllumajandusteaduse magister
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
EPMÜ, 2005
EPMÜ, 1997
10.Tunnustused Justus von Liebig uurimisstipendium, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., Hamburg, Saksamaa, 2002
ja –administratiivne
Akadeemiline Põllumajanduse Selts, liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Aretus, sigade aretus, sealiha kvaliteet
14.Jooksvad grandid

Tänavots, A. 2004. Factors affecting performance of gilts. Animal Breeding in Baltics. Tartu. lk 150…155.

Tänavots, A. 2004. Factors affecting performance of gilts. – Animal Breeding in the Baltics, Tartu, 150-155.

Tänavots, A., O. Saveli. 2003. Optimum slaughter weight of Estonian pig breeds. Proceedings of 9th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference the. Sigulda, Latvia 29-30 May, lk 87-91.

Tänavots, A., T. Kaart, O. Saveli 2002. Artificial Insemination in Pig Breeding in Estonia. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika. T. 19 (41) tomas. Kaunas, lk 109-111.

Tänavots, A., T. Kaart, O. Saveli. 2002. Heritability and Correlation of Meat and Fertility Traits in Pigs in Estonia. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika. T. 19 (41) tomas. Kaunas. lk 106-108.

Somelar E., A. Tänavots, O. Saveli. 2001. Meat Quality Research of Pure- and Crossbred Pigs in Estonia. 7th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference,Tartu, Estonia, lk 138-143.

Tänavots, A., E.Somelar, H.Viinalass, S.Värv, T.Kaart, O.Saveli, K.Eilart, A.Põldvere. 2001. Pork Quality and Porcine Stress Syndrome in Estonia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 55, No. 5/6 (616/617), lk 242...246.

Tänavots, A., O.Saveli, T.Kaart. 2001. Factors Affecting Meat Traits and Fertility of Pigs in Estonia. 7th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Tartu, Estonia, lk 144-148.

Tänavots, A., O.Saveli, T.Kaart. 2001. Sigade tõukombinatsioonide mõju lihaomadustele ja viljakusele Eestis. Akadeemilise Põllumajandusseltsi Toimetised. lk 117-118.

Somelar, E., A. Tänavots, O. Saveli, K. Eilart, A. Põldvere, T. Kaart. 2000. Prediction of Meat Traits of Different Pig Breed Combinations in Estonia. 6th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference. Jelgava, Latvia, lk 116-121.

Tänavots, A., E. Somelar, O. Saveli, A. Põldvere, T. Kaart. 1999. Comparison of Ultrasonic Equipments in Pig Production. Lithuanian Institute of Animal Science Collection of Scientific Works, Animal Husbandry, 35, Baisogala, Lithuania. lk 157-160.

Tänavots, A. 1998. Crossbreeding influence on fertility traits of Estonian Large White sows. 4th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, lk 120-123.

Tänavots, A. 1997. Effect of environmental factors and crossbreeding on litter size and litter weights of Estonian Large White sows. 3rd Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Riga, Latvia, lk. 97-99.

Tänavots, A., Saveli,O., Mölder,R. 1996. Effect of the breed of the boar on fertility and milk yield of Estonian Large White and Estonian Landrace sows. 2nd Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Lithuania, lk 76…79.

viimati muudetud: 30.09.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Alo
2.Surname Tänavots
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University, Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kreutzwaldi 1, 51014 Tartu, Estonia, 372 731 3402, vl@eau.ee
4.Position Lecturer
5.Date of birth 17.03.1972 (day.month.year)
6.Education Estonian Agricultural University, 2005, Dr.Agr.Sci
Pork Quality Estimation and on Factors Affecting Fertility of Sows.
Estonian Agricultural University, 1997, Fertility and Lactation Yield of Estonina Large White Sows.
Estonian Agricultural University, 1994, Animal Husbandry.
Luunja Secondary School, 1990.
7.Research and
professional experience
01.09.94-31.08.96 EAU IAS Dep. of Animal Breeding, laboratorian.
01.02-31.08.97 EAU IAS Dep. of Animal Breeding, laboratorian.
01.09-30.09.97 EAU IAS Dep. of Animal Breeding, senior laboratorian.
01.10.97-31.08.98 EAU IAS, senior laboratorian in committment of administration IT specialist.
01.01.98-31.08.04 EAU IAS Dep. of Animal Breeding, researcher.
01.09.98-31.08.04 EAU IAS, administration IT engineer.
01.01-31.12.02 EAU IAS Dep. of Animal Breeding, senior laboratorian.
01.09.04… EAU IVMAS Dep. of Animal Genetics and Breeding., lecturer.
8.Academic degree Doctor of Agricultural Science
Master of Agricultural Science
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
EAU, 2005
EAU, 1997
10.Honours/awards Justus von Liebig Research Scholarship, Alfred Toepfer Stiftung F.V.S., Hamburg, Germany, 2002
Estonian Academic Agricultural Society, member
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Breeding, pig breeding, pork quality
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Tänavots, A. 2004. Factors affecting performance of gilts. Animal Breeding in Baltics. Tartu. lk 150…155.

Tänavots, A. 2004. Factors affecting performance of gilts. – Animal Breeding in the Baltics, Tartu, 150-155.

Tänavots, A., O. Saveli. 2003. Optimum slaughter weight of Estonian pig breeds. Proceedings of 9th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference the. Sigulda, Latvia 29-30 May, lk 87-91.

Tänavots, A., T. Kaart, O. Saveli 2002. Artificial Insemination in Pig Breeding in Estonia. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika. T. 19 (41) tomas. Kaunas, lk 109-111.

Tänavots, A., T. Kaart, O. Saveli. 2002. Heritability and Correlation of Meat and Fertility Traits in Pigs in Estonia. Veterinarija ir Zootechnika. T. 19 (41) tomas. Kaunas. lk 106-108.

Somelar E., A. Tänavots, O. Saveli. 2001. Meat Quality Research of Pure- and Crossbred Pigs in Estonia. 7th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference,Tartu, Estonia, lk 138-143.

Tänavots, A., E.Somelar, H.Viinalass, S.Värv, T.Kaart, O.Saveli, K.Eilart, A.Põldvere. 2001. Pork Quality and Porcine Stress Syndrome in Estonia. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Section B, Vol. 55, No. 5/6 (616/617), lk 242...246.

Tänavots, A., O.Saveli, T.Kaart. 2001. Factors Affecting Meat Traits and Fertility of Pigs in Estonia. 7th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Tartu, Estonia, lk 144-148.

Tänavots, A., O.Saveli, T.Kaart. 2001. Sigade tõukombinatsioonide mõju lihaomadustele ja viljakusele Eestis. Akadeemilise Põllumajandusseltsi Toimetised. lk 117-118.

Somelar, E., A. Tänavots, O. Saveli, K. Eilart, A. Põldvere, T. Kaart. 2000. Prediction of Meat Traits of Different Pig Breed Combinations in Estonia. 6th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference. Jelgava, Latvia, lk 116-121.

Tänavots, A., E. Somelar, O. Saveli, A. Põldvere, T. Kaart. 1999. Comparison of Ultrasonic Equipments in Pig Production. Lithuanian Institute of Animal Science Collection of Scientific Works, Animal Husbandry, 35, Baisogala, Lithuania. lk 157-160.

Tänavots, A. 1998. Crossbreeding influence on fertility traits of Estonian Large White sows. 4th Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, lk 120-123.

Tänavots, A. 1997. Effect of environmental factors and crossbreeding on litter size and litter weights of Estonian Large White sows. 3rd Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Riga, Latvia, lk. 97-99.

Tänavots, A., Saveli,O., Mölder,R. 1996. Effect of the breed of the boar on fertility and milk yield of Estonian Large White and Estonian Landrace sows. 2nd Baltic Animal Breeding Conference, Lithuania, lk 76…79.

last updated: 30.09.2005

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