[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Helgi |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Silm |
3. | Töökoht | TÜ Arstiteaduskond Nahahaiguste kliinik |
4. | Ametikoht | korraline professor, kliiniku juhataja |
5. | Sünniaeg | 29.12.1941 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | TRÜ Astiteaduskond 1960 - 1966 TRÜ Aspirantuur 1966 - 1971 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1966-1971 TRÜ statsionaarne aspirant. 1970-1971 TRÜ Arstiteaduskonna Nahahaiguste kliiniku vanem laborant, 1971-1982 sama kateedri assistent, 1982-1992 dotsent. Alates 1992 kuni käesoleva ajani Tü Arstiteaduskonna Nahahaiguste kliiniku korraline professor ja kliiniku juhataja. Alates 1993 SA TÜ Kliinikumi Nahahaiguste kliiniku juhataja. 1984-1994 kaasa arvatud – TÜ Arstiteaduskonna õppeprodekaan |
8. | Teaduskraad | Meditsiini kandidaat |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
TRÜ, 16. detsember 1971. a., diplom väljastati Moskvas Üleliidulise Atestatsioonikomitee poolt 1972. |
10. | Tunnustused | laseri uurimustöö innovatsioonipreemia – 1998. a., parima posterettekande I auhind – 9. Euroopa Dermatoveneroloogide Kongress, Genf, 2000. a. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Naha- ja Suguhaiguste Arstide Seltsi president, Balti Dermatoveneroloogide Assotsiatsiooni asepresident, Euroopa Dermatovenereoloogide Assotsiatsiooni (EADV) liige, Maailma STD/HIV Teadusliku Seltsi liige, Kesk ja Ida Euroopa Dermatoveneroloogide Assotsiatsiooni liige, Meditsiinitöötajate Euroopa Ühingu (UEMS) liige, Euroopa Dermatoveneroloogide Foorumi (EDF) liige Sugulisel Teel Levivate Haiguste Eesti Ühingu liige, Eest Vabariigi Sotsiaalministeeriumi Dermatoveneroloogia Erialakomisjoni liige, Eesti Dermatoveneroloogide Atestatsioonikomisjoni esimees, TÜ Arstiteaduskonna Nõukogu liige, Soome Dermatoveneroloogide Seltsi auliige. Itaalia dermatoloogide ja esteetilise kirurgide seltsi auliige Erialaseltsi presidendina olen korraldanud igal aastal neli (4) eralast Balti Dermatoveneroloogide Assotsiatsiooni asepresidendina organiseerin Balti Dermatoveneroloogide kongresse |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Külli kingo, PhD, 2005, juh. Helgi Silm, Sulev Kõks. Interleukiin-10 perekonna tsütokiinide geenide polümorfismide seosed naastulise psoriaasiga. Tartu Maigi Eisen, PhD, 2002, juh. Helgi Silm, Mihkel Zilmer, Sirje Kaur. Nahapõletikust tingitud oksüdatiivne stress. Tartu Anneli Uusküla, PhD, 2001, juh. Helgi Silm. Seksuaalsel teel levivate haiguste epidemioloogia Eesti aastatel 1990–2000. Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Peamiseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on sagedamini esinevate ja raskemini kulgevate dermatooside ning sugulisel teel levivate infektsioonide epidemioloogia, patogeneesi, kliiniliste iseärasuste, ravimeetodide ning preventatsiooni uurimine. Selle temaatika raames valmis ka 1971. a. väitekiri meditsiinikandidaadi kraadi taotlemiseks.Viimastel aastatelolen tegelenud naha- ja suguhaiguste patogeneesi molekulaarsete mehhanismide ja epidemioloogiliste aspektide uurimisega Eestis |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 1 Sihtfinantseritav grant TARNH-2128 “ Naha-ja suguhaiguste patogeneesi molekulaarsed mehhanismid ja epidemioloogilised aspektid eestis”, 2002 – 2006. 2. ETF grant 5299 “Lämmastik oksüüdi osa atoopilise dermatiidi patogeneesis”, 2002 – 2004. 3.ETF grant 5712 “ Interleukiin 10 perekonna tsüptokiinide geenide polümorfismi seosed psoriaasiga”, 2004 – 2007. |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Influence of genetic polymorphisms on interleukin-10 mRNA expression and psoriasis susceptibility. Journal of Dermatological Science (2005) 37, 111-113. Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. The potential functional influence of polymorphisms of IL-20 gene in plaque psoriasis. JEADV 2005; accepted 18.07.2005. Kõks S, Kingo K, Vabrit K, Rätsep R, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Possible relations between the polymorphisms of the cytokines IL-19, IL-20 and IL-24 and plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2005) 6, 407-415. Mossner R, Kingo K, Kleensang A, Krüger U, König IR, Silm H, Westphal GA, Reich K. Association of TNF -238 and -308 Promoter Polymorphisms with Psoriasis Vulgaris and Psoriatic Arthritis but not with Pustulosis Palmoplantaris. J Invest Dermatol. (2005) 124, 282-284. S. Kõks, K. Kingo, E. Vasar, H. Silm “Interleukin-19 subfamily of cytokines”, peatükk raamatus “Cytokine gene polymorphisms in multifactorial conditions”. CRC Press, ilmub 2006. S. Kõks, K. Kingo, E. Vasar, H. Silm “Psoriasis and cytokine polymorphisms”, peatükk raamatus “Cytokine gene polymorphisms in multifactorial conditions”. CRC Press, ilmub 2006. Järv h.,Naaber P., Kaur S., Eisen M., Silm. Screeningof toenail onychomycosis in Estonia. Mycoses (2004) 47: 57-61 Kingo K, Kõks S, Nikopensius T, Silm H, Vasar E. Polymorphisms in the interleukin-20 gene: relationships to plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2004) 5, 117-121. Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Genetic influence on IL-10 expression of patients with plaque type psoriasis. JEADV 2004; 18(Sppl 2): 337. Kukk T., Raudsepp H., Tampere M., Skalkina A., Aluoja A., Kirsimägi Ü., Silm H. Raske akne ravi süsteemse retioidiga (isotretioinum). Emotsionaalse enesetunde muutumine ravi käigus. - Eesti Arst (2004)83, 659-665 Kõks S, Kingo K, Rätsep R, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Combined haplotype analysis of the interleukin-19 and -20 genes: relationship to plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2004) 5, 662–667. Karelson M, Kürsa V., Kingo K, Silm H Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology- Bologne, M.N.L. Scientific Publishing & Communication. 2003; 93-95. Kingo K, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Promoter polymorphism at position-592 of the interleukin-10 is not associated with early- and late-onset psoriasis. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology- Bologne, M.N.L. Scientific Publishing & Communication. 2003; 303-306. Kingo K, Kõks S, Silm H, Vasar E. IL-10 promoter polymorphisms influence disease severity and course in psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2003) 4, 455-457. Kingo K, Kõks S, Silm H, Vasar E. Polymorphism in the promoter region of the interleukin-20 gene - relationship to psoriasis vulgaris. JEADV 2003; 17: 378. Silm H, Karelson M, Kingo K, Järv H, Naaber P. Küüneseenhaigusesse haigestumise sagedus Eestis. Eesti Arst 2003; 5:375-378. Silm H, Kingo K. Esimesed kogemused psoriaasi ravimisel Daivobet salviga. Hippokrates 2003; 45:431-434. Volke A., Silm H. Atoopiline dermatiit on enam kui lihtsalt allergia. Eesti Arst,2003, 82, 416-422 Karelson M, Kürsa V, Kingo K, Silm H. Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. JEADV 2002; 16: 198. Kingo K, Kõks S, M Karelson M M, Silm H, Vasar H. Promoter polymorphism at position -592 of the interleukin-10 is not associated with early and late-onset psoriasis. JEADV 2002; 16: 291. Silm H, Abram K, Kerner K. Psychogenic Panniculitis in 15 Year-old Girl with Mental Retardation – Monduzzi Editore ,2002 ,205 – 208,Vol ISBN 88-323-1410 X Silm H, Karelson M. Terbinafine Efficacy and Tolerability in Young Children with Tinea Capitis due to Microsporum Canis. – Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV) 2002,16,228 – 230. Silm H, Kingo K, Paasik K, Kink R. The efficacy of copper vapour laser equipment for treatment of patients with rosacea. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2002, 129: 1S615. Silm H, Paasik K, Kingo K, Kink K. Vaskaurude laser nahahaiguste ravis. Eesti Arst 2002; 81(7): 406-410. Eisen M, Kaur S, Silm H. Roll bõtovõhh allergenov v razvitii kontaktnogo dermatita. – Vestnik Dermatologii i Venereologii, Moskva, 2001, 1, 33-36 Konno P, Silm H. Waadernberg syndrome. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2001) 15, 330-333 Silm H, Karelson M, Kingo K. Mentax 1% Cream in Treatment of Tinea Pedum and Inguinalis. Skin and Environment – Perception and Protection. 10th EADV Congress, Munich, 2001. Monduzzi Editore, 2001; 281-284. Silm H, Kingo K, Väli M, Karelson M. Alopecia Areata in Assocation withThyroid Diseases. Pediatrtc Dermatology 2001; 18: 96. Silm H. Professor Aleksandr Paldrock - eesti dermatoveneroloogia koolkonna rajaja. – Eesti Arst, lisa 2, 2001, 27–29 Karelson M, Silm H. Mentax 1% kreem (butenafiin-hüdrokloriid) jalapöidade ja kubeme seenhaiguste ravis. – Eesti Arst, 2000, 8, 460–465 Kingo. K, Abram. K, Silm. H. Pemphigus herpetiformis - the new pemphigus variant. JEADV 2000; 14: 195. Uusküla A, Silm H. Genitaalsed mükoplasma infektsioonid. – Eesti Arst, 2000, 5, 282–286 |
viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Helgi |
2. | Surname | Silm |
3. | Institution | Department of Dermatology, Tartu University |
4. | Position | professor, Head of the Department of the Dermatology |
5. | Date of birth | 29.12.1941 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | The Medical Faculty of Tartu University – 1966, Postgraduate student at Tartu University 1966-1971 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
postgraduate student at Tartu University – 1996-1971, senior lab. assistant of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Tartu University (1970-1971), lecturer (assistant) of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Tartu University (1971-1982), docent (associate professor) of the above-mentioned department (1982-1992), from 1992 up to the present day – Head of the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, professor, at same time vice dean of Medical Faculty of Tartu University (1984-1994), from 1993 up to the present day Head of the Dermatology Clinic of the Clinics of Tartu University. |
8. | Academic degree | Cand. Med. Sci. (Ph.D.) – |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1971 Tartu University, diploma obtained from Moscow 1972. |
10. | Honours/awards | innovation award 1998, the first price for the best poster presentation on the 9th EADV Congress, 2000 Geneva. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Vice Dean of the Medical Faculty of the Tartu University (1984-1994), Head of the Dermatology Clinic of the Clinics of Tartu University, member of the Council of the Medical Faculty of the Tartu University, President of the Society For Estonian Dermatologists and Venereologists, Vice President of the Baltic Association of the Dermatologists and Venereologists, member of the European Academy of Dermatology, member of International World Society of STD/HIV Infections, member of the Central and East European Dermatovenereologists Association, member of the European Union of Medical Specialists(UEMS) member of European Dermatology Forum(EDF) member of the Estonian Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections, member of the Commission of Dermatologists and Venereologists of Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs, Chairman of the Estonian Commission of Certification of Dermatologists and Venereologists, Honorary member of the Finish Society of Dermatologists and Venereologists. Honorary member of the Italian Society of Dermatologists, venereologists As the President of the Estonian Society for Dermatologists and Venereologists my assignment is to organize scientific conferences of Estonian dermatovenereologists (4 per year). As Vice President of the Baltic Association of Dermatologists and venereologists I was the member of the organizing committee of 3rd Baltic Congress of Dermatologists and Venereologists. My responsibility was to organize Baltic Congresses of Dermatovenereologists As the member of the Commission of Dermatologist and Venereologist of Estonian Ministry of Social Affairs my task is to work out new guidelines for our speciality up to the year 2015 and requirements for applying for licence to practise medicine in the field of dermatology and venereology in Estonia. Five residents have been completed their studies in Clinic of Dermatology and Venerology under my supervision at the end of the last 5 years. Two of them graduated in 2001. I was the general supervisor of the residentship in the dermatology till the end of 2000. |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Külli kingo, PhD, 2005, superv. Helgi Silm, Sulev Kõks. Interleukiin-10 perekonna tsütokiinide geenide polümorfismide seosed naastulise psoriaasiga. Tartu Maigi Eisen, PhD, 2002, superv. Helgi Silm, Mihkel Zilmer, Sirje Kaur. Nahapõletikust tingitud oksüdatiivne stress. Tartu Anneli Uusküla, PhD, 2001, superv. Helgi Silm. Seksuaalsel teel levivate haiguste epidemioloogia Eesti aastatel 1990–2000. Tartu |
13. | Current research program | The main fields of the investigation are epidemiology, pathology, clinical peculiarities, new methods of the treatment and prevention of the chronical dermatoses and STD infections in Estonia. During the last five-year period much attention has been paid to the problems conserning the epidemiology and the treatment of infectious skin and sexually transmitted diseases. |
14. | Current grant funding | 1.Estonian Scientific Foundation grant Nr. 5299 “The role of nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis (2002 – 2005) 2.Estonian Scientific Foundation grant Nr.5712 “The interleukin-10 family cytokines gene polymorphisms in psoriasis”(2004 – 2007) 3.The targeted finance research project ”Cutaneous and sexually transmitted diseases: pathogenetic mechanisms and epidemiology in Estonia(2002 - 2006) |
15. | List of most important publications |
Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Influence of genetic polymorphisms on interleukin-10 mRNA expression and psoriasis susceptibility. Journal of Dermatological Science (2005) 37, 111-113. Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. The potential functional influence of polymorphisms of IL-20 gene in plaque psoriasis. JEADV 2005; accepted 18.07.2005. Kõks S, Kingo K, Vabrit K, Rätsep R, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Possible relations between the polymorphisms of the cytokines IL-19, IL-20 and IL-24 and plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2005) 6, 407-415. Mossner R, Kingo K, Kleensang A, Krüger U, König IR, Silm H, Westphal GA, Reich K. Association of TNF -238 and -308 Promoter Polymorphisms with Psoriasis Vulgaris and Psoriatic Arthritis but not with Pustulosis Palmoplantaris. J Invest Dermatol. (2005) 124, 282-284. S. Kõks, K. Kingo, E. Vasar, H. Silm “Interleukin-19 subfamily of cytokines”, peatükk raamatus “Cytokine gene polymorphisms in multifactorial conditions”. CRC Press, ilmub 2006. S. Kõks, K. Kingo, E. Vasar, H. Silm “Psoriasis and cytokine polymorphisms”, peatükk raamatus “Cytokine gene polymorphisms in multifactorial conditions”. CRC Press, ilmub 2006. Järv h.,Naaber P., Kaur S., Eisen M., Silm. Screeningof toenail onychomycosis in Estonia. Mycoses (2004) 47: 57-61 Kingo K, Kõks S, Nikopensius T, Silm H, Vasar E. Polymorphisms in the interleukin-20 gene: relationships to plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2004) 5, 117-121. Kingo K, Rätsep R, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Genetic influence on IL-10 expression of patients with plaque type psoriasis. JEADV 2004; 18(Sppl 2): 337. Kukk T., Raudsepp H., Tampere M., Skalkina A., Aluoja A., Kirsimägi Ü., Silm H. Raske akne ravi süsteemse retioidiga (isotretioinum). Emotsionaalse enesetunde muutumine ravi käigus. - Eesti Arst (2004)83, 659-665 Kõks S, Kingo K, Rätsep R, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Combined haplotype analysis of the interleukin-19 and -20 genes: relationship to plaque-type psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2004) 5, 662–667. Karelson M, Kürsa V., Kingo K, Silm H Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology- Bologne, M.N.L. Scientific Publishing & Communication. 2003; 93-95. Kingo K, Kõks S, Karelson M, Silm H, Vasar E. Promoter polymorphism at position-592 of the interleukin-10 is not associated with early- and late-onset psoriasis. Proceedings of the 11th Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology- Bologne, M.N.L. Scientific Publishing & Communication. 2003; 303-306. Kingo K, Kõks S, Silm H, Vasar E. IL-10 promoter polymorphisms influence disease severity and course in psoriasis. Genes and Immunity (2003) 4, 455-457. Kingo K, Kõks S, Silm H, Vasar E. Polymorphism in the promoter region of the interleukin-20 gene - relationship to psoriasis vulgaris. JEADV 2003; 17: 378. Silm H, Karelson M, Kingo K, Järv H, Naaber P. Küüneseenhaigusesse haigestumise sagedus Eestis. Eesti Arst 2003; 5:375-378. Silm H, Kingo K. Esimesed kogemused psoriaasi ravimisel Daivobet salviga. Hippokrates 2003; 45:431-434. Volke A., Silm H. Atoopiline dermatiit on enam kui lihtsalt allergia. Eesti Arst,2003, 82, 416-422 Karelson M, Kürsa V, Kingo K, Silm H. Teleangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans. JEADV 2002; 16: 198. Kingo K, Kõks S, M Karelson M M, Silm H, Vasar H. Promoter polymorphism at position -592 of the interleukin-10 is not associated with early and late-onset psoriasis. JEADV 2002; 16: 291. Silm H, Abram K, Kerner K. Psychogenic Panniculitis in 15 Year-old Girl with Mental Retardation – Monduzzi Editore ,2002 ,205 – 208,Vol ISBN 88-323-1410 X Silm H, Karelson M. Terbinafine Efficacy and Tolerability in Young Children with Tinea Capitis due to Microsporum Canis. – Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (JEADV) 2002,16,228 – 230. Silm H, Kingo K, Paasik K, Kink R. The efficacy of copper vapour laser equipment for treatment of patients with rosacea. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2002, 129: 1S615. Silm H, Paasik K, Kingo K, Kink K. Vaskaurude laser nahahaiguste ravis. Eesti Arst 2002; 81(7): 406-410. Eisen M, Kaur S, Silm H. Roll bõtovõhh allergenov v razvitii kontaktnogo dermatita. – Vestnik Dermatologii i Venereologii, Moskva, 2001, 1, 33-36 Konno P, Silm H. Waadernberg syndrome. Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (2001) 15, 330-333 Silm H, Karelson M, Kingo K. Mentax 1% Cream in Treatment of Tinea Pedum and Inguinalis. Skin and Environment – Perception and Protection. 10th EADV Congress, Munich, 2001. Monduzzi Editore, 2001; 281-284. Silm H, Kingo K, Väli M, Karelson M. Alopecia Areata in Assocation withThyroid Diseases. Pediatrtc Dermatology 2001; 18: 96. Silm H. Professor Aleksandr Paldrock - eesti dermatoveneroloogia koolkonna rajaja. – Eesti Arst, lisa 2, 2001, 27–29 Karelson M, Silm H. Mentax 1% kreem (butenafiin-hüdrokloriid) jalapöidade ja kubeme seenhaiguste ravis. – Eesti Arst, 2000, 8, 460–465 Kingo. K, Abram. K, Silm. H. Pemphigus herpetiformis - the new pemphigus variant. JEADV 2000; 14: 195. Uusküla A, Silm H. Genitaalsed mükoplasma infektsioonid. – Eesti Arst, 2000, 5, 282–286 |
last updated: 06.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]