[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Tõnu
2.Perekonnanimi Meidla
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, bioloogia-geograafiateaduskond, geoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht Paleontoloogia ja stratigraafia korraline professor, bioloogia-geograafiateaduskonna dekaan
5.Sünniaeg 13.04.1959 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool (geoloogiainsener (1982)
Tartu 5. Keskkool
7.Teenistuskäik Tartu Ülikool:
alates 1.09.2000 paleontoloogia ja stratigraafia korraline professor;
alates 01.06.2003 bioloogia-geograafiateaduskonna dekaan;
29.04.1996 kuni 31.05.2003 geoloogia instituudi juhataja;
01.04.1996 kuni 31.08.2000 dotsent, geoloogia instituut;
01.09.1992. kuni 31.03.1996 lektor Tartu Ülikooli ja Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituudi paleontoloogia ja stratigraafia ühisõppetooli koosseisus;
01.11.1991 kuni 31.08.1992 lektor, geoloogia kateeder (0,5).

Geoloogia Instituut, Tallinn (varasem Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Geoloogia Instituut):
vanemteadur/lektor (1990-1996),
teadur (1989-1990),
nooremteadur (1984-1989),
insener (1982-1984).
8.Teaduskraad geoloogia-mineraloogiakandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti TA Geoloogia Instituut, 1989
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi geo- ja bioteaduste preemia, 1997
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvahelise Geoloogiateaduste Liidu (International Union of Geological Sciences -- IUGS) Ordoviitsiumi stratigraafia alamkomisjoni kirjavahetajaliige alates 1991;
Eesti Teadusfondi bio- ja geoteaduste ekspertkomisjoni ekspert 1997-2000;
Eesti Geoloogia Seltsi juhatuse liige alates 1998;
Eesti Rahvusliku Geoloogiakomitee liige alates 1999;
‘Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde’ (Saksamaa) välisliige
Eesti Loodusuurijate Seltsi liige
Ajakirja Geologija (Vilnius) toimetuskolleegiumi liige alates 2002
Tartu Ülikooli nõukogu liige alates 2003
Tartu Ülikooli valitsuse liige alates 2003
Tartu Ülikooli bioloogia-geograafiateaduskonna nõukogu liige alates 1996, esimees alates 1993
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Mari-Ann Mõtus, PhD, 2005, juh. Tõnu Meidla. Silurian (Llandovery-Wenlock) tabulate corals of Baltoscandia: taxonomy, palaeoecology, distribution.. Tartu Ülikool

Helje Pärnaste, PhD, 2004, juh. Tõnu Meidla. Early ordovician trilobites of suborder Cheirurina in Estonia and NW Russia: systematics, evolution and distribution.. Tartu Ülikool

Kadri Sohar, MSc, 2004, juh. Tõnu Meidla. Ida-Eesti järvede areng Pleistotseenis ja Vara-Holotseenis ostrakoodiandmestiku põhjal. Tartu Ülikool

Oive Tinn, PhD, 2002, juh. Tõnu Meidla. Early ostracode evolution and palaeoenvironmental application in the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Tartu Ülikool

Leho Ainsaar, PhD, 2001, juh. Tõnu Meidla. The Middle Caradoc facies and faunal turnover in the late Ordovician Baltoscandian Palaeobasin: sedimentological and carbon isotope aspects.. Tartu Ülikool

Reet Nemliher, MSc, 2001, juh. Leho Ainsaar, Tõnu Meidla. Settekeskkond Volhovi eal Eesti ja Loode-Venemaa piirkonnas.. Tartu

Eve Niinemets, MSc, 1999, juh. Tõnu Meidla, Rein Vaikmäe. Lake Peipsi: palaeoecologic and palaeoclimatic interpretations on ostracod data. Tartu Ülikool

Jolita Romaškevičiute, MSc, 1999, juh. Tõnu Meidla, Petras Musteikis. Atlas of Beyrichiacea (Ostracoda, Palaeocopa, Beyrichiomorpha) from the Pridoli of Lithuania. Vilniuse Ülikool, Leedu

Olle Hints, MSc, 1998, juh. Tõnu Meidla. Harjuan (Late Ordovician) eunicid polychaetes of Estonia. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ordoviitsiumi stratigraafia
Paleosoiliste ostrakoodide paleontoloogia
Baltoskandia Ordoviitsiumi paleobasseini paleogeograafia ja Ordoviitsiumi paleoökoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid Sihtfinantseeritav teadusteema Paleosoikumi mere keskkonnaindikaatorid, koosluste paleoökoloogia ja tafonoomia, (HTM, nr 0182531s03, 2003-2007).
ETF grant 6460. Faunaassotsiatsioonide leviku ja järjendstratigraafiliste üksuste seosed Eesti ja naaberalade Ordoviitsiumis ja Siluris (2005-2008).

Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T. ja Martma, T. 2004. The Middle Caradoc facies and faunal turnover in the Late Ordovician Baltoscandian palaeobasin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 210, 119-133.

Meidla, T. and Ainsaar, L., 2004. On the Ordovician System in Estonia. In: Hints, O. and Ainsaar, L. (eds). WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Materials. Tartu University Press, Tartu, p. 107-111.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2004. Phylogenetical relationships of the Early/Middle Ordovician ostracods of Baltoscandia. Palaeontology, 47 (2), 199-221.

Brenchley, P.J., G.A. Carden, L. Hints, D. Kaljo, J.D. Marshall, T. Martma, T. Meidla, J. Nõlvak, 2003. High resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician sequences: Constraints on the timing of bioevents and environmental changes associated with mass extinction and glaciation. Geological Society of America Bulletin: Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 89–104.

Dronov A.V., Koren T.N., Tolmacheva T.Ju., Holmer L. and Meidla T. 2003. “Volkhovian” as a name for the third global stage of the Ordovician System. In: Albanesi G.L., Beresi M.S. and Peralta S.H. (eds.). Ordovician from the Andes. INSUGEO, Serie Correlacion Geologica, 17: 59-65.

Hints, O., Hints, L.,Meidla, T. & Sohar, K, 2003. On the biotic effects of the Ordoviacian Kinnekulle ash-fall in Northern Estonia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 50, 115-123.

Meidla, T. 2003. Distribution of Ordovician ostracods. In: Põldvere, A (comp.). Estonian Geological Sections, Bulletin 5. Ruhnu (500) Drill Core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn, 25-28.

Shields, G. A., Carden, G. A. F., Veizer, J., Meidla, T., Rong, J.-Y. and Li, R.-Y, 2003. Sr, C and O isotope chemistry of Ordovician brachiopods: a major isotopic event around the Middle-Late Ordovician transition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (11), 2005-2025.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2003. Ontogeny and thanatocoenoses of early Middle Ordovician palaeocope ostracode species Brezelina palmata (Krause, 1889) and Ogmoopsis bocki (Sarv, 1959). Journal of Palaeontology, 77, 1, 64-72.

Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T., Tinn, O. & Holmer, L., 2003. Faunal composition and dynamics in the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Geological Magazine, 140 (1), 31-44.

Meidla, T., Nestor, H., Raukas, A., 2002. Stratigraafiaterminoloogiast spetsialisti pilgu läbi. Keel ja Kirjandus, 45 (11), 727-733.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2002, in press. An enigmatic ?palaeocope ostracod species from the Arenig of NW Russia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (4), 685-690.

Ainsaar, L. & Meidla, T. 2001. Facies and stratigraphy of the middle Caradoc mixed siliciclastic carbonate sediments in eastern Baltoscandia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences., Geology, 50 , 1, 5–23.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2001: Middle Ordovician ostracods from the Lanna and Holen Limestones, south central Sweden. GFF, Vol. 123 (Pt. 3, September), pp. 129 136.

Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T. & Holmer, L., 2001: Spatial variations in faunal composition, Middle Ordovician, Volkhov Stage, East Baltic. GFF, Vol. 123 (Pt. 2, June), pp. 65 72

Dronov, A., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. and Tinn, O. 2000. Detailed correlation of the Arenigian glauconite limestone along the Baltic-Ladoga Cliff and Volkhovian lithofacies zonation. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia, 49 (1), 3-16.

Ainsaar, L., Martma, T., Meidla, T., Rubel, M. ja Sidaraviciene, N. 1999. Quantitative stratigraphy of sedimentary sequences: a case study of the Middle Ordovician event. Rmt.: Harff, J., Lemke, W. and Stattegger, K. (eds.) Computerized Modeling of Sedimentary Systems. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 275-287.

Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T. and Martma, T. 1999. Evidence for carbon isotopic event associated with late middle Ordovician sedimentological and faunal changes in Estonia. Geological Magazine, 136 (1), 49-62.

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Hints, L., Hints, O., Martma, T., and Nõlvak, J. 1999. The mid-Caradocian biotic and isotopic event in the Ordovician of the East Baltic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 43, 1/2, 503-506.

Tinn, O. and Meidla, T. 1999. Ordovician ostracodes from the Komstad Limestone. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 46, 53-58.

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. and Tinn, O. 1998. Volkhov Stage in North Estonia and sea-level changes. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geology, 3, pp. 141-157.

Põldvere, A., Meidla, T., Bauert, H., Bauert, G. and Stouge, S. 1998. Ordovician. In: M nnik, P. (ed.). Tartu (453) drillcore. Estonian geological sections, 1. Geol. Surv. Estonia, Tallinn, 11-17.

Marshall, J. D., Brenchley, P. J., Mason, P., Wolff, G. A., Astini, R. A., Hints, L. & Meidla, T. 1997. Global carbon isotopic events associated with mass extinction and glaciation in Late Ordovician. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 132, 1-4, pp. 195-210.

Ainsaar, L., Kirsimäe, K. and Meidla, T. 1996. Regression in Caradoc: evidences from south-western Estonia (Ristik la core). In: Stouge, S. (ed.). WOGOGOB 94 Symposium.Working Group of Ordovician Geology of Baltoscandia, Bornholm 94. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Report 98, 1996, pp. 5-12.

Meidla, T. 1996. Latest Ordovician ostracodes of Baltoscandia. In: Stouge, S. (ed.). WOGOGOB 94 Symposium.Working Group of Ordovician Geology of Baltoscandia, Bornholm 94. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Report 98, 1996, pp. 65-71.

Meidla, T. Late Ordovician ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica, 2. Tartu, 1996, pp. 1-224, pls. 1-32.

Hints, L., Meidla, T. and Nõlvak, J. 1995. Ordovician sequences of the East European Platform. Geologija, 1994, 17, pp. 58-63. Vilnius.

Meidla, T. 1995. On Baltocyamus primarius gen. et sp. nov. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells, 22, 1, 1-4.

Nõlvak, J., Meidla, T. and Uutela, A. 1995. Microfossils in the Ordovician erratic boulders from the south-western Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, No. 67, 2, pp. 3-20. Helsinki.

Brenchley, P. J., Marshall, J. D., Carden, G. A. F., Robertson, D. B. R., Long, D. G. F., Meidla, T., Hints, L., Anderson, T. F. 1994. Bathymetric and isotopic evidence for a short-lived Late Ordovician glaciation in a greenhouse period. - Geology, 22, 295-298. April 1994.

Männil, R., Meidla, T. 1994. The Ordovician System on the East European Platform (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, parts of Russia, the Ukraine and Moldova). - In: Webby, B. D., Williams, S. H., (eds.). The Ordovician System of the East European Platform and Tuva (Southeastern Russia). IUGS Publication No. 28, A, 1-52.

Hints, L., Meidla, T., Gailite, L.-I., Sarv, L. 1993. Catalogue of Ordovician stratigraphical units and stratotypes of Estonia and Latvia. Tallinn, 62 p.

Meidla, T. 1993. The ostracode genus Longiscula in the Ordovician of the East Baltic. - Neues Jahrbuch geol. pal ont. Abh., 188 (3), 289-303. Stuttgart.

Nestor, H., Klaamann, E., Meidla, T., Männik, P., Männil, R., Nestor, V., Nõlvak, J., Rubel, M., Sarv, L., Hints, L. 1991. Dinamika fauny v Baltijskom bassejne na granice ordovika i silura (Faunal dynamics in the Baltic Basin at the Ordovician-Silurian Boundary). - V kn.: Vanejie biotieskie sobytija v istorij Zemli. Trudy XXXII sessij VPO. Tallinn, 79-86 (in Russian).

Hints, L., Meidla, T., Nõlvak, J. and Sarv, L. 1989. Some specific features of the late Ordovician evolution in the Baltic Basin. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Geology, 38, 2, pp. 83-87.

Nõlvak, J., Meidla, T. and Hints, L. 1989. The Taucionys Formation (Holorhynchus Beds) in the Iljinskoje boring (Pskov District). Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Geology, 38, 2, pp. 88-93.

Meidla, T. 1986. Novye ostrakody iz ordovika Pribaltiki (New Ordovician ostracodes of the East Baltic). Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Geology, 35, 1, pp. 10-19 (in Russian).

Meidla, T. 1983. Ostrakody pogranichnyh sloev vormsiskogo i pirguskogo gorizontov v Zapadnoj Estonii (Ostracodes of the boundary beds of the Vormsi and Pirgu stages in West Estonia). Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonian SSR. Geology, 32, 2, pp. 53-59 (in Russian).

viimati muudetud: 04.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Tõnu
2.Surname Meidla
3.Institution University of Tartu, Faculty of Biology and Geography, Institute of Geology
4.Position Professor of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy,
Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Geography
5.Date of birth 13.04.1959 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu (geologist-engineer, 1982)
Tartu 5th Secondary School
7.Research and
professional experience
University of Tartu:
since 1.09.2000 Professor of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy;
since 01.06.2003 Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Geography;
29.04.1996 to 31.05.2003 Head of the Institute of Geology;
01.04.1996 to 31.08.2000 Docent, institute of Geology;
01.09.1992. to 31.03.1996 Lecturer at a joint chair of the University of Tartu and the Institute of Geology, Estonian Acad., Sci.
01.11.1991 to 31.08.1992 lecturer(0,5), Institute of Geology.

Institute of Geology, Tallinn (former Institute of Geology of Estonian Acad. Sci.:
senoir reseearch fellow/lecturer (1990-1996),
research fellow (1989-1990),
jubnior research fellow (1984-1989),
engineer (1982-1984).
8.Academic degree PhD (candidate of geology and mineralogy)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Institute of Geology, Estonian Acad. Sci., 1989
10.Honours/awards Estonian National Science Award in geo- and biosciences, 1997
Corresponding member of the subcommission on Ordovician stratigraphy at the Commission of Stratigraphy of the IUGS, since 1991.
Expert of bio- and geosciences at the Estonian Science Foundation (1997-2000).
Board Member of the Geological Society of Estonia since 1998
Member of the Estonian National Geological Committee since 1999
Member of the ‘Gesellschaft für Geschiebekunde’
Member of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society
Member of the editorial board of Geologija (Vilnius) since 2002.
University of Tartu Council, member since 2003
University of Tartu Government, member since 2003
Faculty of Biology and Geography, University of Tartu, member of the board (since 1996), chairman (since 2003)
12.Supervised dissertations

Mari-Ann Mõtus, PhD, 2005, superv. Tõnu Meidla. Silurian (Llandovery-Wenlock) tabulate corals of Baltoscandia: taxonomy, palaeoecology, distribution.. Tartu Ülikool

Helje Pärnaste, PhD, 2004, superv. Tõnu Meidla. Early ordovician trilobites of suborder Cheirurina in Estonia and NW Russia: systematics, evolution and distribution.. Tartu Ülikool

Kadri Sohar, MSc, 2004, superv. Tõnu Meidla. Ida-Eesti järvede areng Pleistotseenis ja Vara-Holotseenis ostrakoodiandmestiku põhjal. Tartu Ülikool

Oive Tinn, PhD, 2002, superv. Tõnu Meidla. Early ostracode evolution and palaeoenvironmental application in the Ordovician of Baltoscandia. Tartu Ülikool

Leho Ainsaar, PhD, 2001, superv. Tõnu Meidla. The Middle Caradoc facies and faunal turnover in the late Ordovician Baltoscandian Palaeobasin: sedimentological and carbon isotope aspects.. Tartu Ülikool

Reet Nemliher, MSc, 2001, superv. Leho Ainsaar, Tõnu Meidla. Settekeskkond Volhovi eal Eesti ja Loode-Venemaa piirkonnas.. Tartu

Eve Niinemets, MSc, 1999, superv. Tõnu Meidla, Rein Vaikmäe. Lake Peipsi: palaeoecologic and palaeoclimatic interpretations on ostracod data. Tartu Ülikool

Jolita Romaškevičiute, MSc, 1999, superv. Tõnu Meidla, Petras Musteikis. Atlas of Beyrichiacea (Ostracoda, Palaeocopa, Beyrichiomorpha) from the Pridoli of Lithuania. Vilniuse Ülikool, Leedu

Olle Hints, MSc, 1998, superv. Tõnu Meidla. Harjuan (Late Ordovician) eunicid polychaetes of Estonia. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Ordovician stratigraphy
Palaeontology of the Palaeozoic ostracods
Palaeogeography of the Baltoscandian Ordovician Palaeobasin and Ordovician palaeoecology
14.Current grant funding Target financed project Environmental indicators, palaeoecology of communities and taphonopmy in the Palaeozoic seas (Ministry of Education and Research No 0182531s03, 2003-2007).
Estonian Science Foundation grant No 6460. Relationships between the distribution of faunal assemblages and sequence stratigraphic units in the Ordovician and Silurian of Estonia and adjacent areas (2005-2008).
15.List of most important publications

Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T. ja Martma, T. 2004. The Middle Caradoc facies and faunal turnover in the Late Ordovician Baltoscandian palaeobasin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 210, 119-133.

Meidla, T. and Ainsaar, L., 2004. On the Ordovician System in Estonia. In: Hints, O. and Ainsaar, L. (eds). WOGOGOB-2004 Conference Materials. Tartu University Press, Tartu, p. 107-111.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2004. Phylogenetical relationships of the Early/Middle Ordovician ostracods of Baltoscandia. Palaeontology, 47 (2), 199-221.

Brenchley, P.J., G.A. Carden, L. Hints, D. Kaljo, J.D. Marshall, T. Martma, T. Meidla, J. Nõlvak, 2003. High resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician sequences: Constraints on the timing of bioevents and environmental changes associated with mass extinction and glaciation. Geological Society of America Bulletin: Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 89–104.

Dronov A.V., Koren T.N., Tolmacheva T.Ju., Holmer L. and Meidla T. 2003. “Volkhovian” as a name for the third global stage of the Ordovician System. In: Albanesi G.L., Beresi M.S. and Peralta S.H. (eds.). Ordovician from the Andes. INSUGEO, Serie Correlacion Geologica, 17: 59-65.

Hints, O., Hints, L.,Meidla, T. & Sohar, K, 2003. On the biotic effects of the Ordoviacian Kinnekulle ash-fall in Northern Estonia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 50, 115-123.

Meidla, T. 2003. Distribution of Ordovician ostracods. In: Põldvere, A (comp.). Estonian Geological Sections, Bulletin 5. Ruhnu (500) Drill Core. Geological Survey of Estonia, Tallinn, 25-28.

Shields, G. A., Carden, G. A. F., Veizer, J., Meidla, T., Rong, J.-Y. and Li, R.-Y, 2003. Sr, C and O isotope chemistry of Ordovician brachiopods: a major isotopic event around the Middle-Late Ordovician transition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (11), 2005-2025.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2003. Ontogeny and thanatocoenoses of early Middle Ordovician palaeocope ostracode species Brezelina palmata (Krause, 1889) and Ogmoopsis bocki (Sarv, 1959). Journal of Palaeontology, 77, 1, 64-72.

Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T., Tinn, O. & Holmer, L., 2003. Faunal composition and dynamics in the Middle Ordovician of the East Baltic. Geological Magazine, 140 (1), 31-44.

Meidla, T., Nestor, H., Raukas, A., 2002. Stratigraafiaterminoloogiast spetsialisti pilgu läbi. Keel ja Kirjandus, 45 (11), 727-733.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2002, in press. An enigmatic ?palaeocope ostracod species from the Arenig of NW Russia. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 47 (4), 685-690.

Ainsaar, L. & Meidla, T. 2001. Facies and stratigraphy of the middle Caradoc mixed siliciclastic carbonate sediments in eastern Baltoscandia. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences., Geology, 50 , 1, 5–23.

Tinn, O. & Meidla, T., 2001: Middle Ordovician ostracods from the Lanna and Holen Limestones, south central Sweden. GFF, Vol. 123 (Pt. 3, September), pp. 129 136.

Tolmacheva, T., Egerquist, E., Meidla, T. & Holmer, L., 2001: Spatial variations in faunal composition, Middle Ordovician, Volkhov Stage, East Baltic. GFF, Vol. 123 (Pt. 2, June), pp. 65 72

Dronov, A., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. and Tinn, O. 2000. Detailed correlation of the Arenigian glauconite limestone along the Baltic-Ladoga Cliff and Volkhovian lithofacies zonation. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia, 49 (1), 3-16.

Ainsaar, L., Martma, T., Meidla, T., Rubel, M. ja Sidaraviciene, N. 1999. Quantitative stratigraphy of sedimentary sequences: a case study of the Middle Ordovician event. Rmt.: Harff, J., Lemke, W. and Stattegger, K. (eds.) Computerized Modeling of Sedimentary Systems. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 275-287.

Ainsaar, L., Meidla, T. and Martma, T. 1999. Evidence for carbon isotopic event associated with late middle Ordovician sedimentological and faunal changes in Estonia. Geological Magazine, 136 (1), 49-62.

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Hints, L., Hints, O., Martma, T., and Nõlvak, J. 1999. The mid-Caradocian biotic and isotopic event in the Ordovician of the East Baltic. Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 43, 1/2, 503-506.

Tinn, O. and Meidla, T. 1999. Ordovician ostracodes from the Komstad Limestone. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark, 46, 53-58.

Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L. and Tinn, O. 1998. Volkhov Stage in North Estonia and sea-level changes. Proc. Acad. Sci. Estonia. Geology, 3, pp. 141-157.

Põldvere, A., Meidla, T., Bauert, H., Bauert, G. and Stouge, S. 1998. Ordovician. In: M nnik, P. (ed.). Tartu (453) drillcore. Estonian geological sections, 1. Geol. Surv. Estonia, Tallinn, 11-17.

Marshall, J. D., Brenchley, P. J., Mason, P., Wolff, G. A., Astini, R. A., Hints, L. & Meidla, T. 1997. Global carbon isotopic events associated with mass extinction and glaciation in Late Ordovician. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 132, 1-4, pp. 195-210.

Ainsaar, L., Kirsimäe, K. and Meidla, T. 1996. Regression in Caradoc: evidences from south-western Estonia (Ristik la core). In: Stouge, S. (ed.). WOGOGOB 94 Symposium.Working Group of Ordovician Geology of Baltoscandia, Bornholm 94. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Report 98, 1996, pp. 5-12.

Meidla, T. 1996. Latest Ordovician ostracodes of Baltoscandia. In: Stouge, S. (ed.). WOGOGOB 94 Symposium.Working Group of Ordovician Geology of Baltoscandia, Bornholm 94. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Report 98, 1996, pp. 65-71.

Meidla, T. Late Ordovician ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica, 2. Tartu, 1996, pp. 1-224, pls. 1-32.

Hints, L., Meidla, T. and Nõlvak, J. 1995. Ordovician sequences of the East European Platform. Geologija, 1994, 17, pp. 58-63. Vilnius.

Meidla, T. 1995. On Baltocyamus primarius gen. et sp. nov. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells, 22, 1, 1-4.

Nõlvak, J., Meidla, T. and Uutela, A. 1995. Microfossils in the Ordovician erratic boulders from the south-western Finland. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, No. 67, 2, pp. 3-20. Helsinki.

Brenchley, P. J., Marshall, J. D., Carden, G. A. F., Robertson, D. B. R., Long, D. G. F., Meidla, T., Hints, L., Anderson, T. F. 1994. Bathymetric and isotopic evidence for a short-lived Late Ordovician glaciation in a greenhouse period. - Geology, 22, 295-298. April 1994.

Männil, R., Meidla, T. 1994. The Ordovician System on the East European Platform (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Byelorussia, parts of Russia, the Ukraine and Moldova). - In: Webby, B. D., Williams, S. H., (eds.). The Ordovician System of the East European Platform and Tuva (Southeastern Russia). IUGS Publication No. 28, A, 1-52.

Hints, L., Meidla, T., Gailite, L.-I., Sarv, L. 1993. Catalogue of Ordovician stratigraphical units and stratotypes of Estonia and Latvia. Tallinn, 62 p.

Meidla, T. 1993. The ostracode genus Longiscula in the Ordovician of the East Baltic. - Neues Jahrbuch geol. pal ont. Abh., 188 (3), 289-303. Stuttgart.

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last updated: 04.10.2005

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