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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Madis
2.Perekonnanimi Rubel
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli geoloogia instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur (emeriitprofessor)
5.Sünniaeg 02.07.1935 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, geoloogia
7.Teenistuskäik Eesti (NSV) TA Geoloogia Instituut, mehaanik, noorem- ja vanemteadur, sektorijuhataja, peateadur 1958-1992; Tartu Ülikooli professor 1992 kuni emeriteerumiseni 2000
8.Teaduskraad geol.-min. kandidaat

9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti NSV Tead. Akad., 1964

Moskva Riiklik Ülikool, 1986
10.Tunnustused 1972 Eesi NSV ja 1992 Eesti teaduspreemia (kollektiivis)
ja –administratiivne
Eesti LUS, Eesti Geoloogia Selts, Londoni Paleontoloogia Seltsi liigeq
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Olev Vinn, DSc, 2001, juh. Madis Rubel. Morphogenesis and phylogenetic relationships of clitambonitidines, Ordovician brachiopods. Tartu Ülikool

Jüri Nemliher, DSc, 1999, juh. Madis Rubel. Mineralogy of Phanerozoic skeletal and sedimentary apatites: an XRD study. Tartu Ülikool

Helje Pärnaste, MSc, 1998, juh. Madis Rubel. Systematics of the Lower Ordovician trilobite Krattaspis viridatus Öpik, 1937. Tartu Ülikool

Oive Tinn, MSc, 1997, juh. Madis Rubel. The Ordovician brachiopod genus Vellamo Öpik. Tartu Ülikool

Mari-Ann Mõtus, MSc, 1995, juh. Madis Rubel ja H. Nestor. Wenlock favositid corals from Gotland, Sweden. Tartu Ülikool

Olev Vinn, MSc, 1995, juh. Madis Rubel ja Dimitri Kaljo. The Arenig graptolite zonation in the Baltic and Moscow syneclises. Tartu Ülikool

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Ordoviitsiumi ja Siluri brahhiopoodide paleontoloogia, kvantitatiivne stratigraafia
14.Jooksvad grandid

Harris, M.T. , Sheehan, P.M., Ainsaar, L., Hints, L., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J., Rubel, M. 2004 . Upper Ordovician sequences of western Estonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 210: 135-148.

. Modzalevskaya, T. Rubel, M. 2000. Revision of the Silurian brachiopod Pentamerus samojedicus Keyserling, 1846 from the Timan Ridge, Russia. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences.Geology, 49, 147-156.

Rubel, M., Wright, A.D. 2000. Suborder Clitambonitidina. In: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part H. Revised. Brachiopoda, vol. 2 and 3, 692-707.

Vinn, O., Rubel, M. 2000. The spondylium and related structures in the clitambonitidine brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology, 74, 439-443.

viimati muudetud: 04.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Madis
2.Surname Rubel
3.Institution Institute of geology, Tartu Unversity
4.Position research professor emeritus)
5.Date of birth 02.07.1935 (day.month.year)
6.Education Tartu University, geology
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences: engineer,
junior and senior researcher, head of departm., maine researcher in 1958-1992; Tartu University, institute of geology: professor in 1992-2000, since 2000 emeritus
8.Academic degree candidate

doctor of science
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Acad. Scie. of Estonian SSR, 1986
10.Honours/awards Estonian scientific awards in 1972 and 1992
Estonian Society of Natural History and Geology, Palaeontological Association of London
12.Supervised dissertations

Olev Vinn, DSc, 2001, superv. Madis Rubel. Morphogenesis and phylogenetic relationships of clitambonitidines, Ordovician brachiopods. Tartu Ülikool

Jüri Nemliher, DSc, 1999, superv. Madis Rubel. Mineralogy of Phanerozoic skeletal and sedimentary apatites: an XRD study. Tartu Ülikool

Helje Pärnaste, MSc, 1998, superv. Madis Rubel. Systematics of the Lower Ordovician trilobite Krattaspis viridatus Öpik, 1937. Tartu Ülikool

Oive Tinn, MSc, 1997, superv. Madis Rubel. The Ordovician brachiopod genus Vellamo Öpik. Tartu Ülikool

Mari-Ann Mõtus, MSc, 1995, superv. Madis Rubel ja H. Nestor. Wenlock favositid corals from Gotland, Sweden. Tartu Ülikool

Olev Vinn, MSc, 1995, superv. Madis Rubel ja Dimitri Kaljo. The Arenig graptolite zonation in the Baltic and Moscow syneclises. Tartu Ülikool

13.Current research program Palaeontology of Ordovician and Silurian brachiopods, quantitative stratigrtaphy
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Harris, M.T. , Sheehan, P.M., Ainsaar, L., Hints, L., Männik, P., Nõlvak, J., Rubel, M. 2004 . Upper Ordovician sequences of western Estonia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 210: 135-148.

. Modzalevskaya, T. Rubel, M. 2000. Revision of the Silurian brachiopod Pentamerus samojedicus Keyserling, 1846 from the Timan Ridge, Russia. Proceedings of Estonian Academy of Sciences.Geology, 49, 147-156.

Rubel, M., Wright, A.D. 2000. Suborder Clitambonitidina. In: Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Part H. Revised. Brachiopoda, vol. 2 and 3, 692-707.

Vinn, O., Rubel, M. 2000. The spondylium and related structures in the clitambonitidine brachiopods. Journal of Paleontology, 74, 439-443.

last updated: 04.10.2005

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