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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Valdo
2.Perekonnanimi Kuusemets
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikool
Põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut
4.Ametikoht Professor
5.Sünniaeg 17.09.1962 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1999 - Tartu Ülikool, filosoofiadoktori kraad maastikuökoloogia ja keskkonnakaitse erialal
1986 - Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, loodusgeograafi diplom
7.Teenistuskäik Alates 2005 Eesti Põllumajandusülikooli keskkonnakaitse professor
1999-2005 Tartu Ülikool, vanemteadur
1995-1999 Tartu Ülikool, doktorant
1992-1997 Tartu Ökoinsenerikeskus, tegevdirektor
1988-1992 Keskkonna Uurimise ja Projekteerimise Ettevõte “ELVI-Aqua”, insener
1986-1988 Veemajandusinspektsioon, veekaitse inspektor
8.Teaduskraad PhD
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1999
10.Tunnustused Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia 2001
ja –administratiivne
Rahvusvaheline Maastikuökoloogia Assotsiatsioon (IALE), liige
Rahvusvaheline Ökoinsneri Selts (IEES), liige
Rahvusvaheline Vee Assotsiatsioon (IWA), liige
Eesti Geograafia Selts, liige
Eesti Veeühing, liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad maastikuökoloogia
14.Jooksvad grandid Eesti Teadusfond nr 5794

Ecological engineering, 24 (5), 2005. Riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Special Issue, edited by Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Hayakawa, Y.: 421-569

Kimmel, K., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Preconditions of and perspectives for integrating wetland conservation and sustainable use into river basin management in Estonia. Eds: Brebbia C.A. and J.S. Antunes Do Carmo, Water Resources Management III, Ecology and the Environment, 83: 87-96

Kull, A., Kull, A., Uuemaa, E., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Modelling of excess nitrogen in small rural catchments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 108 (1): 45-56

Kuusemets, V. and Lõhmus, K. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and biomass production by Scirpus sylvaticus and Phragmites australis in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health – Part A, 40 (6-7): 1167-1175

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Hayakawa, Y. 2005. Purification processes, ecological functions, planning and design of riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Ecological Engineering 24 (5): 421-432

Meier, K., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Socio-economic and land-use changes in the Pedja River catchment area, Estonia. Eds: Brebbia C.A. and Antunes Do Carmo J.S., Water Resources Management III, Ecology and the Environment, 83: 585-592

Meier, K., Kuusemets, V., Luig., J. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Riparian buffer zones as elements of ecological networks: Case study on Parnassius mnemosyne distribution in Estonia. Ecological Engineering 24 (5): 531-537

Vohla, C., Põldvere, E., Noorvee, A., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. The long-term phosphorus retention capacity of a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health – Part A, 40 (6-7): 1251-1264

Kuusemets, V., Meier, K. ja Luig, J. 2004. Jõgede kaldavööndite elupaiakde ja nende kasutuse seosed taimede ja putukate mitmekesisusega. Mander, Ü. Ja Kurs, O. (toimetajad). Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 89: 357-365

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Teiter, S. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen and methane emission in a subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology 48 (5): 135-142

Mander, Ü., Teiter, S., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Öövel, M., Nurk, K. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in a subsurface flow wastewater treatment wetland. Ed: Brebbia C.A.,Water Resources Management II, Ecology and the Environment, 61: 135-148

Järvet, A., Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2002. Nutrient runoff change in a rural catchment in south Estonia. Large Rivers, 13(3-4), Archiv für Hydrobiology, Suppl. 141/3-4: 305-319

Lõhmus, K., Kuusemets, V., Ivask, M., Teiter, S., Augustin, J. and Mander, Ü. 2002. Budgets of nitrogen fluxes in riparian grey alder forests. Large Rivers, 13(3-4), Archiv für Hydrobiology, Suppl. 141/3-4: 321-332

Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2001. Nutrient flows and management of a small watershed. Landscape Ecology 17, Suppl 1: 59-68

Kuusemets, V., Heinsoo, K., Sild, E. and Koppel, A. 2001. Short rotation willow plantation for wastewater purification: case study at Aarike, Estonia. Eds.: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J.L., Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 10: 61-68

Kuusemets, V., Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K. and Ivask, M. 2001. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Variation in Shallow Groundwater and Assimilation in Plants in Complex Riparian Buffer Zones. Water Science and Technology 44 (11-12): 615-622

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Öövel, M., Mauring, T., Ihme, R. and Pieterse, A. 2001. Wastewater purification efficiency in experimental treatment wetlands in Estonia. Ed.: Vymazal, J., Transformations of Nutrients in Natural and Constructed Wetlands: 201-224

Mauring, T., Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Öövel, M. 2001. Efficiency of wastewater treatment wetlands in Estonia. Eds.: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J.L., Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 10: 479-491

Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2000. Nutrient flows and land use change in a rural catchment: A modelling approach. Landscape Ecology, 15 (3): 187-199

Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Kuusemets V. and Tamm, T. 2000. Nutrient run-off dynamics in a rural catchment: Influence of land-use changes, climatic fluctuations and ecotechnological measures. Ecological Engineering, 14 (4): 405-417

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Öövel, M., Ihme, R., Sevola, P. and Pieterse, A. 2000. Experimentally constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Estonia. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A 35 (8): 1389-1401

Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 1999. Ecotechnological measures to control nutrient losses from catchments. Water Science and Technology 40 (10): 195-202

Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 1998. Land use change and nutrient flows in a rural catchment. Eds.: Dover, J.W. and Bunce, R.G.H., Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology: 103-109

Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Tamm, V., Kuusemets, V. and Karjus, R. 1998. Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on runoff and nutrient losses in rural landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 41 (3-4): 229-238

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. and Mauring, T. 1997. Efficiency and dimensioning of riparian buffer zones in agricultural catchments. Ecological Engineering 8 (4): 299-324

Mander, Ü., Koppel, A., Kuusemets, V. and Mauring, T. 1996. Energy forest use in wastewater treatment in Estonia. Eds.: Staudemann, J., Schonborn, A. and Etnier, C., Recycling the Resource – Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Research Forum, 5-6: 189-196

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Ivask, M. 1995. Nutrient dynamics of riparian ecotones: a case study from the Porijõgi River catchment, Estonia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 31 (1-3): 333-348

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Treier, K. 1994. Variation in groundwater quality in South Estonian rural areas. Eds.: Kovar, K. and Soveri, J., Groundwater Quality Management, IAHS Publications (220): 81-93

viimati muudetud: 12.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Valdo
2.Surname Kuusemets
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University
Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
4.Position Professor
5.Date of birth 17.09.1962 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1999 - University of Tartu, PhD in landscape ecology and environmental protection
1986 - University of Tartu bachelor in physical geography
7.Research and
professional experience
Since 2005 Professor of Environmental Protection, Estonian Agricultural University
1999-2005 University of Tartu, senior researcher
1995-1999 University of Tartu, PhD student
1992-1997 Centre for Ecological Engineering Tartu, executive director
1988-1992 Environmental Research and Engineering Co "ELVI-Aqua", an engineer
1986-1988 Water Protection Agency, an inspector
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1999
10.Honours/awards Scientific Award of Republic of Estonia, 2001
International Ecological Engineering Society, member
International Association for Landscape Ecology, member
International Water Association, member
Estonian Geographical Society, member
Estonian Water Association, member
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program landscape ecology
ecological engineering
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation grnt No 5794
15.List of most important publications

Ecological engineering, 24 (5), 2005. Riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Special Issue, edited by Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Hayakawa, Y.: 421-569

Kimmel, K., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Preconditions of and perspectives for integrating wetland conservation and sustainable use into river basin management in Estonia. Eds: Brebbia C.A. and J.S. Antunes Do Carmo, Water Resources Management III, Ecology and the Environment, 83: 87-96

Kull, A., Kull, A., Uuemaa, E., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Modelling of excess nitrogen in small rural catchments. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 108 (1): 45-56

Kuusemets, V. and Lõhmus, K. 2005. Nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and biomass production by Scirpus sylvaticus and Phragmites australis in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health – Part A, 40 (6-7): 1167-1175

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Hayakawa, Y. 2005. Purification processes, ecological functions, planning and design of riparian buffer zones in agricultural watersheds. Ecological Engineering 24 (5): 421-432

Meier, K., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Socio-economic and land-use changes in the Pedja River catchment area, Estonia. Eds: Brebbia C.A. and Antunes Do Carmo J.S., Water Resources Management III, Ecology and the Environment, 83: 585-592

Meier, K., Kuusemets, V., Luig., J. and Mander, Ü. 2005. Riparian buffer zones as elements of ecological networks: Case study on Parnassius mnemosyne distribution in Estonia. Ecological Engineering 24 (5): 531-537

Vohla, C., Põldvere, E., Noorvee, A., Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2005. The long-term phosphorus retention capacity of a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Science and Health – Part A, 40 (6-7): 1251-1264

Kuusemets, V., Meier, K. ja Luig, J. 2004. Jõgede kaldavööndite elupaiakde ja nende kasutuse seosed taimede ja putukate mitmekesisusega. Mander, Ü. Ja Kurs, O. (toimetajad). Publicationes Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis 89: 357-365

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Mauring, T., Teiter, S. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrous oxide, dinitrogen and methane emission in a subsurface flow constructed wetland. Water Science and Technology 48 (5): 135-142

Mander, Ü., Teiter, S., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K., Öövel, M., Nurk, K. and Augustin, J. 2003. Nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in a subsurface flow wastewater treatment wetland. Ed: Brebbia C.A.,Water Resources Management II, Ecology and the Environment, 61: 135-148

Järvet, A., Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2002. Nutrient runoff change in a rural catchment in south Estonia. Large Rivers, 13(3-4), Archiv für Hydrobiology, Suppl. 141/3-4: 305-319

Lõhmus, K., Kuusemets, V., Ivask, M., Teiter, S., Augustin, J. and Mander, Ü. 2002. Budgets of nitrogen fluxes in riparian grey alder forests. Large Rivers, 13(3-4), Archiv für Hydrobiology, Suppl. 141/3-4: 321-332

Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 2001. Nutrient flows and management of a small watershed. Landscape Ecology 17, Suppl 1: 59-68

Kuusemets, V., Heinsoo, K., Sild, E. and Koppel, A. 2001. Short rotation willow plantation for wastewater purification: case study at Aarike, Estonia. Eds.: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J.L., Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 10: 61-68

Kuusemets, V., Mander, Ü., Lõhmus, K. and Ivask, M. 2001. Nitrogen and Phosphorus Variation in Shallow Groundwater and Assimilation in Plants in Complex Riparian Buffer Zones. Water Science and Technology 44 (11-12): 615-622

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Öövel, M., Mauring, T., Ihme, R. and Pieterse, A. 2001. Wastewater purification efficiency in experimental treatment wetlands in Estonia. Ed.: Vymazal, J., Transformations of Nutrients in Natural and Constructed Wetlands: 201-224

Mauring, T., Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Öövel, M. 2001. Efficiency of wastewater treatment wetlands in Estonia. Eds.: Villacampa, Y., Brebbia, C.A. and Uso, J.L., Ecosystems and Sustainable Development III, Advances in Ecological Sciences, 10: 479-491

Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 2000. Nutrient flows and land use change in a rural catchment: A modelling approach. Landscape Ecology, 15 (3): 187-199

Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Kuusemets V. and Tamm, T. 2000. Nutrient run-off dynamics in a rural catchment: Influence of land-use changes, climatic fluctuations and ecotechnological measures. Ecological Engineering, 14 (4): 405-417

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Öövel, M., Ihme, R., Sevola, P. and Pieterse, A. 2000. Experimentally constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment in Estonia. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. A 35 (8): 1389-1401

Kuusemets, V. and Mander, Ü. 1999. Ecotechnological measures to control nutrient losses from catchments. Water Science and Technology 40 (10): 195-202

Mander, Ü., Kull, A. and Kuusemets, V. 1998. Land use change and nutrient flows in a rural catchment. Eds.: Dover, J.W. and Bunce, R.G.H., Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology: 103-109

Mander, Ü., Kull, A., Tamm, V., Kuusemets, V. and Karjus, R. 1998. Impact of climatic fluctuations and land use change on runoff and nutrient losses in rural landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning 41 (3-4): 229-238

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V., Lõhmus, K. and Mauring, T. 1997. Efficiency and dimensioning of riparian buffer zones in agricultural catchments. Ecological Engineering 8 (4): 299-324

Mander, Ü., Koppel, A., Kuusemets, V. and Mauring, T. 1996. Energy forest use in wastewater treatment in Estonia. Eds.: Staudemann, J., Schonborn, A. and Etnier, C., Recycling the Resource – Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ecological Engineering for Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Research Forum, 5-6: 189-196

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Ivask, M. 1995. Nutrient dynamics of riparian ecotones: a case study from the Porijõgi River catchment, Estonia. Landscape and Urban Planning, 31 (1-3): 333-348

Mander, Ü., Kuusemets, V. and Treier, K. 1994. Variation in groundwater quality in South Estonian rural areas. Eds.: Kovar, K. and Soveri, J., Groundwater Quality Management, IAHS Publications (220): 81-93

last updated: 12.10.2005

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