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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Angelika
2.Perekonnanimi Portsmuth
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool
Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituut
Taimefüsioloogia õppetool
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 18.12.1977 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 2002- taimefüsioloogia doktorant, Tartu Ülikool
2000-2002 MSc geoökoloogias, Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool
1996-2000 BSc geoökoloogias, Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool
1996 Tallinna Prantsuse Lütseum
7.Teenistuskäik 07.2003 - Tartu Ülikool, teadur
11.2002 - 06.2003 Tartu Ülikool, erakorraline teadur
07.2000 - 09.2000 Ökoloogia Instituut, Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, laborant - tehnik
08.1999 - 09.1999 Ökoloogia Instituut, Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, laborant - tehnik
8.Teaduskraad MSc
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, 2002
Tallinna Pedagoogikaülikool, 2000
10.Tunnustused Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Üliõpilaste Riiklikul Teadustööde konkursil põllumajanduses, I koht bakalaureusetöö ``Biomassi jaotumine ja kasvukiirus aru- ja sookasel toitainete ja valguse gradientides`` eest
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Taimede kasvu ja biomassi jaotumise füsioloogilised mehhanismid. Puittaimede lehe morfoloogia, kasvukiirus ja varjutolerantsus valguse ja toitainete gradientides.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Angelika Portsmuth, Ülo Niinemets. 2005. Interacting controls by light availability and nutrient supply on biomass alloation and growth of Betula pendula and B. pubescens seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management. (In press)

Angelika Portsmuth, Ülo Niinemets, Laimi Truus, and Margus Pensa. 2005. Biomass allocation and growth rates in Pinus sylvestris are interactively modified by nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities, and by tree size and age. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(10): 2346-2359

Niinemets, Ü., Portsmuth, A., Truus, L. 2002. Determination of foliar structure, area and photosynthetic characteristics by site nutrient availability and tree size in three Betula species. Annals of Botany 89 (2):191-204.

viimati muudetud: 07.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Angelika
2.Surname Portsmuth
3.Institution University of Tartu
Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Department of Plant physiology
4.Position scientist
5.Date of birth 18.12.1977 (day.month.year)
6.Education 2002- PhD student in plant physiology, University of Tartu
2000-2002 - MSc in geoecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University
1996-2000 - BSc in geoecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University
1996 Tallinn French Lycee
7.Research and
professional experience
07.2003 - University of Tartu, scientist
11.2002 - 06.2003 University of Tartu, special scientist
07.2000 – 09. 2000 Institute of Ecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University, lab assistant
08.1999 – 09. 1999 Institute of Ecology, Tallinn Pedagogical University, lab assistant
8.Academic degree MSc
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tallinn Pedagogical University, 2002
Tallinn Pedagogical University, 2000
10.Honours/awards BSc thesis ``Biomass allocation and growth of Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescence Ehrh. In relation to nutrients and light `` was awarded by the Estonian Academy of Sciencis with First award in Student Scientific Works Contest of 2000.
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Physiological mechanisms of plant growth and biomass distributioning. Leaf morphology, growth rate, and shade tolerance of woody plants in light and nutrient gradients.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Angelika Portsmuth, Ülo Niinemets. 2005. Interacting controls by light availability and nutrient supply on biomass alloation and growth of Betula pendula and B. pubescens seedlings. Forest Ecology and Management. (In press)

Angelika Portsmuth, Ülo Niinemets, Laimi Truus, and Margus Pensa. 2005. Biomass allocation and growth rates in Pinus sylvestris are interactively modified by nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities, and by tree size and age. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 35(10): 2346-2359

Niinemets, Ü., Portsmuth, A., Truus, L. 2002. Determination of foliar structure, area and photosynthetic characteristics by site nutrient availability and tree size in three Betula species. Annals of Botany 89 (2):191-204.

last updated: 07.10.2005

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