[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Aarne |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Maaroos |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut, Ioonkristallide Füüsika Laboratoorium |
4. | Ametikoht | Ioonkristallide Füüsika Laboratooriumi vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 20.02.1939 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | Lõpetasin 1962.a. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli keemia osakonna keemik-analüütikuna |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1962, 5 kuud vaneminsener Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituudis;1962-67, nooremteadur Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituudi Ioonkristallide Füüsika Laboratooriumis;1967-70,aspirant Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituudis;1970-73, nooremteadur Füüsika ja Astronoomia Instituudi Ioonkristallide Füüsika Sektoris;1973-83, nooremteadur Füüsika Instituudi Ioonkristallide Füüsika Sektoris; 1983-- vanemteadur TÜ Füüsika Instituudi Ioonkristallide Füüsika Laboratooriumis; 1986, vanemteaduri kutse (eriala No.1.6) |
8. | Teaduskraad | keemia kand. |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Tartu Ülikool 1972.a. |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Osavõtt Baltimaade füüsika-alaste semineride organiseerimisest; töö instituudi elektri-ja keemia-ohutuse ning väärismetallide kontrollimise komisjonides |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Olga Nikiforova, PhD, 1989, juh. Aarne Maaroos ja Ch Lushchik. Preparation of high purity and perfection KCl, RbCl, KBr crystals and investigation of divacances. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Kristallide sünteesimetoodikete väljatöötamine, ioonkristallide ja teiste süsteemide füskokeemilised analüüsid |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
S.Dolgov, E.Feldbach, A.Kärkkänen, T.Kärner, P.Liblik, A.Maaroos “Low-temperature (4-295 K) thermoluminescence of pure and Ca-doped MgO single crystals” Phys. stat. sol. (c), pp. 422-425,2005 V.Issahanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Spin relaxation processes in the defect hole centres of Be doped MgO single crystals” Phys. stat. sol. (c), pp. 426-429, 2005 A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Kotlov, I.Kudryavtseva, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Spectral transformers of VUV radiation on the basis of wide-gap oxides,” Radiat. Meas., 38, pp. 747-752, 2004 S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, P.Liblik, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Luminescence of the [Be]+ centre in MgO:Be,” Radiat. Meas., 38, pp. 699-702, 2004 19. T.Kärner, S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhhanyan, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Paramagnetic centres in Be-doped MgO single crystals,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 158, pp. 163-166, 2003. A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, P.Liblik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, G.Zimmerer, “Intrinsic and impurity luminescence and multiplication of excitations in complex oxides,” J. Lumin., 102-103C, pp. 38-43, 2003 Ch.Lushchik, E.Vasil’chenko, I.Kudrjavtseva, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, “Photon multiplication in wide-gap materials under VUV irradiation (7-22 eV),” In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (Tomsk, Russia, September 23-27, 2003) pp. 330-335. E.Vasil’chenko, I.Kudrjavtseva, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, E.Feldbach, “Interaction of excitons with spatially correlated Mg2+ and Ti4+ ions in a-Al2O3:Mg,Ti,” In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (Tomsk, Russia, September 23-27, 2003) pp. 180-185. S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi. “Electron paramagnetic resonance of the [Be]+ centre in MgO:Be,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15, pp. 6871-6878 S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi." VOH-Be- a new unusual member in the family of V centres", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, pp. 8881-8888, 2002 . S.Dolgov, T.Kärner, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, N.Mironova-Ulmane, S.Nakonechnyi. “Thermoluminescence centres created selectively in MgO crystals by fast neutrons,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 100, pp. 127-130, R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, A.Maaroos, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, “Spectroscopy of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in CsBr:Pb crystals,” J.Lumin., 93, pp. 27-41, . 10. T.Kärner, S.Dolgov, M.Kirm, P.Liblik, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Electronic excitations and luminescence in MgO:Ge single crystals,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 166-167, pp. 232-237, S.Kück, L.Fornasiero, E.Heumann, E.Mix, G.Huber, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, “Investigation of Cr-doped MgO and Sc2O3 as potential laser sources for the near infrared spectral range,” Laser Physics, 10, pp. 411-416, S.Kück, E.Heumann, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, “Continuos wave room temperature laser oscillation of Cr3+:MgO,” Optics Letters, 24, pp. 966-968, 1999. R.Aceves, MB.Flores, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, RP:Salas,T.Tsuboi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, "RES structure of Bi3 centres in KCl:Bi,S and CaO:Bi crystals", Phys.Status Solidi B, 194(2),619-631, 1996 E.Feldbach, R.Kink, M.Kirm, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Lohmus, A.Maaroos, I.Martinson, "Electronic excitation and UV luminescence in SrO cristals at 8 K", Chem. Physics Letters,241(5-6), 597-602, 1995 Ch.Lushchik, E.Feldbach,A.Frorip, M.Kirm, A.Lushchik,A.Maaroos, I.Martinson, "Multiplication of elrktronic excitations in CaO and YAlO3 crystals with free and self-trapped excitons", Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter,6(50),11177-11187, 1994 K.Realo, A.Maaroos, A.Haav, I.Jaek, "Growth and some properties of calcium sulfide single crystals" Journal of Crystal Growwth, 56(3), 639-641, 1982 |
viimati muudetud: 05.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Aarne |
2. | Surname | Maaroos |
3. | Institution | Institute of Physics,University of Tartu |
4. | Position | Senior research associate,Laboratory of Physics of Ionic Crystals |
5. | Date of birth | 20.02.1939 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | State University of Tartu 1962, chemist- analytical chemistry |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1962, 5 months chief engeneer,Inst. of Physics and Astronomy Academy of Sciences (AS) ESSR; 1962-67, research associate, the same institute;1967-70, postgraduate, the same inst.;1970-73, research associate, the same inst.;1973-83, research associate,Inst. of Physics AS ESSR,1983-96, senior research associate, Inst. of Pysics;1996--senior associate Institute of Physics University of Tartu; 1986, profession - senior research associate (speciality No.1.6) |
8. | Academic degree | Candidate of Sciences (Ph.D.) in physical chemistry (1.6) |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu 1972. |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Participated in the organizatory works of the Baltic Conferences on Physics |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Olga Nikiforova, PhD, 1989, superv. Aarne Maaroos ja Ch Lushchik. Preparation of high purity and perfection KCl, RbCl, KBr crystals and investigation of divacances. Tartu Ülikool |
13. | Current research program | Elaboration of methods for synthesizing ionic crystals, physicochemical analysis |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
S.Dolgov, E.Feldbach, A.Kärkkänen, T.Kärner, P.Liblik, A.Maaroos “Low-temperature (4-295 K) thermoluminescence of pure and Ca-doped MgO single crystals” Phys. stat. sol. (c), pp. 422-425,2005 V.Issahanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Spin relaxation processes in the defect hole centres of Be doped MgO single crystals” Phys. stat. sol. (c), pp. 426-429, 2005 A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Kotlov, I.Kudryavtseva, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, E.Vasil’chenko, “Spectral transformers of VUV radiation on the basis of wide-gap oxides,” Radiat. Meas., 38, pp. 747-752, 2004 S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, P.Liblik, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Luminescence of the [Be]+ centre in MgO:Be,” Radiat. Meas., 38, pp. 699-702, 2004 19. T.Kärner, S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhhanyan, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Paramagnetic centres in Be-doped MgO single crystals,” Radiat. Eff. Defects Solids, 158, pp. 163-166, 2003. A.Lushchik, M.Kirm, A.Kotlov, P.Liblik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, G.Zimmerer, “Intrinsic and impurity luminescence and multiplication of excitations in complex oxides,” J. Lumin., 102-103C, pp. 38-43, 2003 Ch.Lushchik, E.Vasil’chenko, I.Kudrjavtseva, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, “Photon multiplication in wide-gap materials under VUV irradiation (7-22 eV),” In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (Tomsk, Russia, September 23-27, 2003) pp. 330-335. E.Vasil’chenko, I.Kudrjavtseva, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, E.Feldbach, “Interaction of excitons with spatially correlated Mg2+ and Ti4+ ions in a-Al2O3:Mg,Ti,” In: Proc. 12th International Conference on Radiation Physics and Chemistry of Inorganic Materials (Tomsk, Russia, September 23-27, 2003) pp. 180-185. S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi. “Electron paramagnetic resonance of the [Be]+ centre in MgO:Be,” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 15, pp. 6871-6878 S.A.Dolgov, V.Isakhanyan, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi." VOH-Be- a new unusual member in the family of V centres", J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 14, pp. 8881-8888, 2002 . S.Dolgov, T.Kärner, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, N.Mironova-Ulmane, S.Nakonechnyi. “Thermoluminescence centres created selectively in MgO crystals by fast neutrons,” Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 100, pp. 127-130, R.Aceves, V.Babin, M.Barboza Flores, P.Fabeni, A.Maaroos, M.Nikl, K.Nitsch, G.P.Pazzi, R.Perez Salas, I.Sildos, N.Zazubovich, S.Zazubovich, “Spectroscopy of CsPbBr3 quantum dots in CsBr:Pb crystals,” J.Lumin., 93, pp. 27-41, . 10. T.Kärner, S.Dolgov, M.Kirm, P.Liblik, A.Lushchik, A.Maaroos, S.Nakonechnyi, “Electronic excitations and luminescence in MgO:Ge single crystals,” Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 166-167, pp. 232-237, S.Kück, L.Fornasiero, E.Heumann, E.Mix, G.Huber, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, “Investigation of Cr-doped MgO and Sc2O3 as potential laser sources for the near infrared spectral range,” Laser Physics, 10, pp. 411-416, S.Kück, E.Heumann, T.Kärner, A.Maaroos, “Continuos wave room temperature laser oscillation of Cr3+:MgO,” Optics Letters, 24, pp. 966-968, 1999. R.Aceves, MB.Flores, A.Maaroos, V.Nagirnyi, RP:Salas,T.Tsuboi, S.Zazubovich, V.Zepelin, "RES structure of Bi3 centres in KCl:Bi,S and CaO:Bi crystals", Phys.Status Solidi B, 194(2),619-631, 1996 E.Feldbach, R.Kink, M.Kirm, A.Lushchik, Ch.Lushchik, A.Lohmus, A.Maaroos, I.Martinson, "Electronic excitation and UV luminescence in SrO cristals at 8 K", Chem. Physics Letters,241(5-6), 597-602, 1995 Ch.Lushchik, E.Feldbach,A.Frorip, M.Kirm, A.Lushchik,A.Maaroos, I.Martinson, "Multiplication of elrktronic excitations in CaO and YAlO3 crystals with free and self-trapped excitons", Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter,6(50),11177-11187, 1994 K.Realo, A.Maaroos, A.Haav, I.Jaek, "Growth and some properties of calcium sulfide single crystals" Journal of Crystal Growwth, 56(3), 639-641, 1982 |
last updated: 05.10.2005
[ sulge aken ]