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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Igor
2.Perekonnanimi Tuuling
3.Töökoht TÜ Geoloogia Instituut
4.Ametikoht dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 01.12.1957 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tallinna Spordiinternaatkool 1975, TÜ Geoloogia 1980
7.Teenistuskäik 9. 1980-1982 ENSV TA Geol. Inst. Insener, 1982-1984 samas nooremteadur, 1984-1988 samas aspirant, 1989-1990 Eesti TA Geol. Inst. nooremteadur, 1991-1992 Eesti TA Geoloogia Instituut vanemteadur, 1993-1998 Stockholmi Ülikool doktorantuur, 1999 jaan-1999 märts Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi vanemteadur, 1999 juuni - 1999 november Tartu Ülikooli Geoloogia Instituudi erakorraline teadur, alates 1999 novembrist samas korraline teadur ja alates 01.11.2002 dotsent.
8.Teaduskraad geol.-miner. kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Minsk 1990,
Stockholmi Ülikool 1998
10.Tunnustused Geoloogia Instituudi parim teadusartikkel 1988
ja –administratiivne
Üleliidulise sümpoosiumi «Present movements and geodynamics of the lithosphere” Tallinn 1982 – orgkomitee liige
Rahvusvahelise sümpoosiumi “Present movements of the Earth crust” Tallinn 1986 orgkomitee liige
Üleliidulise sümpoosiumi “Phosphorites, problems of their geology” Tallinn 1988 orgkomitee liige
Baltikumi ja Valgevene paleotektoonika 11 sümpoosiumi Tallinn, 1989 – orgkomitee esimees
Eesti Rootsi ühise mereekspeditsiooni 1991 mai – orgkomitee esimees ja ekspeditsiooni juht
Rahvusvaheliste Eesti Rootsi ühiste meregeoloogiliste ekspeditsioonide organiseerimine Eesti territoriaalvetes - 1993 Saaremaa läänerannik; 1995 Liivi Laht; 1996, 2001 Neugrundi meteoriidikraater
Rahvusvahelise kursuse “Füüsikaline meregeoloogia" Stockholm Askö 1994 organiseerimine ja koordineerimine
Konverentsi “Marine geology in Estonia” Tartu 2001, organisaator
IODP projektis “Läänemere Süvapuurimine” sessiooni korralduskomitee liige Tartus 28 Veebruar 1 Märts
Konverentsi “The Eighth Marine Geological Conference `The Baltic` 23-28 September Tartu, korraldustoimkonna esimees
Meregeoloogiliste geofüüsikaliste uurimistööde organiseerimine ja konsulteerimine Suure Väina püsiühenduse rajamiseks 2000 mai
Baltimaa ja Valgevene ühiste paleotektooniliste uurimisgrupi Eesti poole sekretär 1987-1990
Eesti Teadlaste Liidu liige
Eesti Loodusuurijate Seltsi liige
Eesti Looduskaitse Seltsi liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Peamised uurimisvaldkonnad - Eesti paleosoilise settekompleksi struktuurigeoloogia ja tektoonika. Läänemere aluse Kambro-Siluri settekompleksi geoloogia – seismostratigraafia struktuurigeoloogia ja tektoonika. Ülem-Ordoviitsiumi ja Siluri rifid ja mudakuhjatised, nende morfoloogia, levik ja fatsiaalne roll Paleobalti basseinis.
14.Jooksvad grandid Sihtfinantseerimise teema “Kontinentaalse maakoore ülaosa struktuurid, koostis ja evolutsioon.” Töögrupi juht. Prof. Kalle Kirsimäe, üks projekti täitjatest

ETF grant 5851.Väikse- kuni keskmisemõõduliste komplekskraatrite teke ja areng (132 000 EEK). Grandihoidja Argo Jõeleht

Tuuling I. 2004. The Eight Marine Geological Conference “The Baltic – 8th” (23-28 September 2004). Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geol., 2004, 53, 4, 289-290 (Current Content, Georef)

Tuuling I. 2004. – The Silurian Klint and Panga Pank (Cliff). In. The Eighth Marine Geological Conference The Baltic, September 23 – 28 2004. Tartu, Estonia. Abstracts and Excursion Guide. 129-132.

Flodén, T, Bjerkéus, M., Tuuling, I. & Eriksson, M., 2001: A reefal succession in the Gotland area, Baltic Sea. GFF, 123, 137-152. (Current Contents)

Tuuling, I. & Flodén, T., 2001: Structure and relief of the bedrock sequence of the northern Baltic Proper. GFF, 123, 35-49. (Current Contents)

Tuuling, I. & Flodén, T., 2000: Late Ordovician carbonate buildups and erosional features north-east of Gotland, northern Baltic Sea. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 122, 237-249. (Current Contents)

FlodénT., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Eriksson, M., 1999: The Klinteberg Hemse reef barrier succession (Ludlow) in the Baltic Sea east of Gotland. GFF 121 (1) 78. (Current Contents)

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1999: Pre-Devonian landscape of the Baltic Oil Shale Basin, NW of the Russian Platform. In: Smith, B.J., Whalley, W.B. & Warke, P.A. (eds) Uplift, Erosion and Stability: Perspectives on long-term landscape development`. Geological Society, London, Special publications, 162, 75-83. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Tuuling, I., 1998: Shipborne geophysical study of an Ordovician-Silurian carbonate platform, Fårö-Hiiumaa area, north-eastern Baltic Sea. Meddelanden från Stockholms Universitets Institution för Geologi och Geokemi, 301

Flodén, T., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Wahlberg, M., 1995: The Hemse reef -reconstruction of a Silurian barrier reef in the Baltic. Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 37-43. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Flodén, T., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Wahlberg, M., 1995: The Hemse reef -reconstruction of a Silurian barrier reef in the Baltic. Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 37-43. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Tuuling, I., Flodén, T., Puura, V. & Söderberg, P., 1995: Cambro-Silurian structures of the northern Baltic Proper - preliminary interpretation from high resolution seismic data Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 26-34. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Flodén, T., Puura, V., Söderberg, P. Tuuling, I. & Suuroja, K., 1994: The Ordovician-Silurian transition beds in the seafloor between Gotland and Hiiumaa islands, Baltic Proper. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 43(1), 1-17. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Shogenova, A. & Tuuling, I., 1990: Physical properties of carbonate rocks in the fracture and dolomitization zone. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 39, 41-50. (in Russian)

Puura, V. & Tuuling, I., 1988: Geology of the Early Ordovician clastic dikes of Osmussaar. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37(1), 1-9. (in Russian)

Tuuling, I., 1988: Pre-Devonian and Pre-Quaternary relief in the eastern part of the Baltic Phosphorite - Oil Shale Basin (Luuga Narva Lowland). Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37 (4), 145-152. (in Russian)

Tuuling, I.,1988: The structure of the eastern part of he Baltic Oil Shale and Phosphorite Basin. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37(2), 56-59. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1987: Tectonic. In: Geology and mineral resources of the Rakvere Phosphorite Bearing Area, 90-104. Tallinn. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1986: Tectonic. In: Geology of Kukersite Bearing Beds of the Baltic Oil Shale Basin, 55-62. Tallinn. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Raudsepp, R., Tuuling, I. & Rass, V., 1983: Fault zones and dolomitization in the north-eastern part of the Rakvere phosphorite bearing area. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 32, 101-109. (in Russian)

Vaher, R., Kala, E. & Tuuling, I., 1980: History of the local geological structures in North-East Estonia. In: Paleotectonc of the Baltic countries and Belorussia, 15-18. Tallinn. (in Russian)

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Igor
2.Surname Tuuling
3.Institution Institute of Geology Tartu University
4.Position Docent
5.Date of birth 01.12.1957 (day.month.year)
6.Education Geology at University of Tartu 1980
7.Research and
professional experience
July 1982 - November 1990: junior researcher at the Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences;
November 1990 - December 1991: Researcher at the Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences;
December 1991 - November 1992: senior researcher at the Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences;
November 1992 – December 1998: PhD student at the University of Stockholm
December 1998 – March 1999: senior researcher at the Institute of Geology of the Estonian Academy of Sciences;
June 1999 – November 2000 Researcher at the Institute of Geology University of Tartu.
Since November 2002: elected as a docent at the Institute of Geology University of Tartu
8.Academic degree Candidate of geology and mineralogy
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Minsk 1990
Stockholm University 1998
10.Honours/awards the best scientific paper of the year in 1988 at the Inst. of Geol. Est. Acad. of Sci.
All Union symposium «Present movements and geodynamics of the lithosphere” Tallinn 1982 –member of organizing committee
International symposium “Present movements of the Earth crust” Tallinn 1986 member of organizing committee
All Union symposium “Phosphorites, problems of their geology” Tallinn 1988 member of organizing committee
11th symposium on palaeotectonics of the Baltic countries and Belorussia, Tallinn, 1989 – head of organizing committee
Estonian-Swedish mutual marine geological expedition 1991 May – head of organizing committee, chief of expedition
Organizing the international marine geological expeditions in the Estonian waters - 1993 west coast of Saaremaa; 1995 Riga Bay; 1996, 2001 impact structure of Neugrund.
International courses “Marine Physical Geology” Stockholm Askö 1994 organizing and coordination
Conference “Marine geology in Estonia” Tartu 2001, organizer.
Referee to publications in the Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences; expert evaluation on a research project (2001);
Organizing and consulting of the marine seismic investigations in the Suur Strait to evaluate the geological structure for the foundation of the permanent connection (bridge or tunnel) between Saaremaa and mainland
Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Eighth Marine Geological Conference
Member of the professional societies: Estonian Society of Nature Protection Estonian Society of Nature Explorers
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program seismostratigraphy and structure of the Palaeozoic stratal sequence in the central and northern Baltic – trans Baltic correlation of the Cambro-Silurian stratal sequences between Estonia and Sweden, structure and tectonic, seismic investigation of the Ordovician and Silurian reef structures and major erosional events.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Tuuling I. 2004. The Eight Marine Geological Conference “The Baltic – 8th” (23-28 September 2004). Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Geol., 2004, 53, 4, 289-290 (Current Content, Georef)

Tuuling I. 2004. – The Silurian Klint and Panga Pank (Cliff). In. The Eighth Marine Geological Conference The Baltic, September 23 – 28 2004. Tartu, Estonia. Abstracts and Excursion Guide. 129-132.

Flodén, T, Bjerkéus, M., Tuuling, I. & Eriksson, M., 2001: A reefal succession in the Gotland area, Baltic Sea. GFF, 123, 137-152. (Current Contents)

Tuuling, I. & Flodén, T., 2001: Structure and relief of the bedrock sequence of the northern Baltic Proper. GFF, 123, 35-49. (Current Contents)

Tuuling, I. & Flodén, T., 2000: Late Ordovician carbonate buildups and erosional features north-east of Gotland, northern Baltic Sea. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 122, 237-249. (Current Contents)

FlodénT., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Eriksson, M., 1999: The Klinteberg Hemse reef barrier succession (Ludlow) in the Baltic Sea east of Gotland. GFF 121 (1) 78. (Current Contents)

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1999: Pre-Devonian landscape of the Baltic Oil Shale Basin, NW of the Russian Platform. In: Smith, B.J., Whalley, W.B. & Warke, P.A. (eds) Uplift, Erosion and Stability: Perspectives on long-term landscape development`. Geological Society, London, Special publications, 162, 75-83. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Tuuling, I., 1998: Shipborne geophysical study of an Ordovician-Silurian carbonate platform, Fårö-Hiiumaa area, north-eastern Baltic Sea. Meddelanden från Stockholms Universitets Institution för Geologi och Geokemi, 301

Flodén, T., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Wahlberg, M., 1995: The Hemse reef -reconstruction of a Silurian barrier reef in the Baltic. Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 37-43. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Flodén, T., Söderberg, P., Tuuling, I. & Wahlberg, M., 1995: The Hemse reef -reconstruction of a Silurian barrier reef in the Baltic. Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 37-43. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Tuuling, I., Flodén, T., Puura, V. & Söderberg, P., 1995: Cambro-Silurian structures of the northern Baltic Proper - preliminary interpretation from high resolution seismic data Proceedings of the third Marine Geological Conference, `The Baltic`, 26-34. Prace Panstwowego Instytutu Geologicznego 149. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Flodén, T., Puura, V., Söderberg, P. Tuuling, I. & Suuroja, K., 1994: The Ordovician-Silurian transition beds in the seafloor between Gotland and Hiiumaa islands, Baltic Proper. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 43(1), 1-17. (Geological Abstracts, GEOBASE database)

Shogenova, A. & Tuuling, I., 1990: Physical properties of carbonate rocks in the fracture and dolomitization zone. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 39, 41-50. (in Russian)

Puura, V. & Tuuling, I., 1988: Geology of the Early Ordovician clastic dikes of Osmussaar. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37(1), 1-9. (in Russian)

Tuuling, I., 1988: Pre-Devonian and Pre-Quaternary relief in the eastern part of the Baltic Phosphorite - Oil Shale Basin (Luuga Narva Lowland). Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37 (4), 145-152. (in Russian)

Tuuling, I.,1988: The structure of the eastern part of he Baltic Oil Shale and Phosphorite Basin. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 37(2), 56-59. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1987: Tectonic. In: Geology and mineral resources of the Rakvere Phosphorite Bearing Area, 90-104. Tallinn. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Vaher, R. & Tuuling, I., 1986: Tectonic. In: Geology of Kukersite Bearing Beds of the Baltic Oil Shale Basin, 55-62. Tallinn. (in Russian).

Puura, V., Raudsepp, R., Tuuling, I. & Rass, V., 1983: Fault zones and dolomitization in the north-eastern part of the Rakvere phosphorite bearing area. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the Estonian SSR, 32, 101-109. (in Russian)

Vaher, R., Kala, E. & Tuuling, I., 1980: History of the local geological structures in North-East Estonia. In: Paleotectonc of the Baltic countries and Belorussia, 15-18. Tallinn. (in Russian)

last updated: 06.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]