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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Argaadi
2.Perekonnanimi Parol
3.Töökoht Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut, rohumaaviljeluse osakond
4.Ametikoht Dotsent
5.Sünniaeg 20.08.1951 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem, Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia, 1977.a.
7.Teenistuskäik 1991- tänaseni dotsent, põllumajandus- ja keskkonnainstituut, EPMÜ
1986-1991 rohumaaviljeluse ja botaanika kateederi vanemõpetaja, EPA
1980-1986 rohumaaviljeluse ja botaanika kateederi assistent, EPA
1980-1983 rohumaaviljeluse ja botaanika kateederi aspirant, EPA
1977-1980 rohumaaviljeluse ja botaanika kateederi teaduslik töötaja, EPA
8.Teaduskraad Põllumajandusteaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti Põllumajanduse Akadeemia, 1986
ja –administratiivne
Eesti Rohumaade Ühing 15.04.1993.a.
Agronoomiateaduskonna nõukogu liige (2001-2004)
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Erinevate kultuurkarjamaatüüpide agronoomiline ja zootehniline produktiivsus ja mõju loomade tervisele.
Karjamaa liigilise koosseisu ja taimiku tiheduse dünaamika, rohukamarate eluiga Liblikõieliste heintaimede püsivus ja mõju karjamaa saagile intensiiv- ja maherohumaal
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF grant nr. 5751. „Rohumaa aineringete seosed fütoproduktiivsusega olenevalt taimiku koosseisust, kasutusviisist ja väetamisest”
Kestus: 2004-2007.a., põhitäitja 2004-2007.a.

Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Punase ristiku saagivõime sõltuvalt külvisenormist ja saagiaastast. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, Tartu, 2005, 141-143 (with English Abstracts)/The yield ability of red clover depending on year of productivity and seed rate. – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 141-143 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Parol, A., Geherman, V. The tetraploid red clover has potential for pasture and grazing by cows. - Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity. Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, 29-31 August, Tartu, Estonia. Tartu, 2005, 589-592 (AGRIS, CAB, ISI Proceedings, ISI BIOSIS Previews)

Parol, A., Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Tootsman, K. Karjatamise ja väetamise mõju söödistunud rohumaade botaanilisele koosseisule ja tihedusele. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, tartu, 2005, 138-140 (with English Abstracts). /The impact of grazing and fertilization on the botanical composition and sward density of fallow grasslands – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 138-140 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Viiralt, R., Kabanen, N., Parol, A., Selge, A., Kade, L. Seemnesegu koosseisu mõju segukülvide saagile. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, Tartu, 2005, 129-135 (with English Abstracts)./The effect of seed mixture composition on the yield of mixed sowings. – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 129-131 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Geherman, V., Parol, A. Karjamaakoosluste saagikuse ja söödavuse võrdlus sõltuvalt seemnesegust ja erinevast väetamisest. – EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 219, Tartu, 2004, lk. 124-126 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI). Comparison of pasture ability and intake by cows on the seed mixtures and different fertilization levels. – Agronomy 2004. Transactions of the EAU, 219, 124-126

Geherman V., Parol A., Linke A. Comparison of grassland seed mixtures grazed by dairy cows under different levels of fertilisation. – Land use systems in grassland dominated regions. Grassland Science in Europe, 9. Luzern, Switzerland, June, 2004 pp. 507-509 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Geherman, V., Parol, A. Väetamise mõjust erinevate karjamaakoosluste saagikusele ning rohu söödavusele ja kvaliteedile. – Agraarteadus, 2004, 2, 67-73 / The influence of fertilization on yielding ability of different pasture communities, grass quality and edibility by cows. Journal of Agricultural Science/ (CAB, AGRIS).

Parol, A., Geherman, V. Punane ristik lühiajalise karjamaa koosluses. – EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 219, Tartu, 2004, lk. 127-129 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI). The red clover in the temporary pasture community. – Agronomy 2004. Transactions of the EAU, 219, 127-129.

Geherman, V., Parol, A., Viiralt, R., Ellermäe, O. The comparison of pasture communities in different fertilization conditions - Research for rural development 2003. International scientific conference proceedings. Jelgava, 2003, pp. 15-18 (AGRIS).

Linke, A., Parol, A., Lillak, R., Geherman, V. The impact of fertilization and management system on productivity and persistence of grasses. In: XXX CIOSTA-CIGR V Congress: Management and Technology Applications to Empower Agriculture and Agro-food Systems, Vol. 2, Turin, Italia, September 22-24, 2003, pp. 607-614 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Intensiivselt kasutatavate ja maherohumaade võrdlus saagipotentsiaali ja toodetava rohusööda kvaliteedi põhjal. - Efektiivne keskkonda säästev põllumajandus. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 212, Tartu, 2001, 65-68 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS). Intensively used and organic grasslands: comparison on the basis of the yield potential and forage quality. - Transactions of the EAU, 212, Tartu, 2001.

Viiralt, R., Parol, A., Kabanen, N. Production potential and persistency of perennial forage legumes in low-input grassland. - Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, June 28-30, 2001. Tartu, 2001, 229-233 (BIOSIS, AGRIS, ISI Proceedings)

Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Production potential and nitrogen contribution of perennial forage legumes in low-input grassland. - In: Organic Grassland Farming. Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), Witzenhausen, Germany, 10-12 July 2001. Edited by J. Isselstein, G. Spatz and M. Hoffman. EGF Publications: Grassland Science in Europe, Volume 6. Duderstadt, 2001, 44-47 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Parol, A., Raave, H., Selge, A. The herbage palatability and pasture grass intake by dairy cows. – Proceedings of the International scientific conference “The results of longterm field experiments in Baltic States”, 23-24 November, Jelgava, Latvia. Jelgava, 2000, 114-125 (AGRIS).

Parol, A. The productivity and persistency of new forage legume species and cultivars. - Conventional and ecological grassland management: comparative research and development. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Tartu, July 4-6, 2000. Tartu, 2000, 167-171 (CAB, AGRIS).

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Argaadi
2.Surname Parol
3.Institution Estonian Agricultural University (EAU), Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Department of Grassland Management
4.Position Ass. Professor
5.Date of birth 20.08.1951 (day.month.year)
6.Education Higher education, Estonian Agricultural Academy (EAA), 1977
7.Research and
professional experience
Assistant professor (since 1989), Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, EAU
Lecturer (1988-1989), Department of Grassland Science and Botany, EAA
Teaching assistant (1986-1988), Department of Grassland Science and Botany, EAA
Doctoral student at grassland department (1983-1986), Department of Grassland Science and Botany, EAA
Senior researcher (1981-1983), Department of Grassland Science and Botany, EAA
Field experiments agronomist (1977-1980), Department of Grassland Science and Botany, EAA
8.Academic degree PhD of agricultural sciences
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1986, Estonian Agricultural Academy
Member of the Council of the Faculty of Agronomy (2001-2004)
Member of the auditing commission of the Estonian Grassland Society since 15.04.1993
Coordinator - senior researcher (from Estonia) in the project "Grazing Research in the Nordic Countries", since 1996.
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Productivity and persistence of forage grasses/legumes species and cultivars in pasture stands
The influence of different grass swards on the milk yield and health of dairy cows at grazing and alternating utilization of grassland (grazing/cutting system).
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation (ESF) grant No. 5751 “The relationships between nutrient cycling and grassland phytoproductivity depending on stand composition, defoliation frequency and fertilizer application”.
Duration: 2004-2007, senior researcher 2004-2007.
15.List of most important publications

Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Punase ristiku saagivõime sõltuvalt külvisenormist ja saagiaastast. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, Tartu, 2005, 141-143 (with English Abstracts)/The yield ability of red clover depending on year of productivity and seed rate. – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 141-143 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Parol, A., Geherman, V. The tetraploid red clover has potential for pasture and grazing by cows. - Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity. Proceedings of the 13th International Occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, 29-31 August, Tartu, Estonia. Tartu, 2005, 589-592 (AGRIS, CAB, ISI Proceedings, ISI BIOSIS Previews)

Parol, A., Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Tootsman, K. Karjatamise ja väetamise mõju söödistunud rohumaade botaanilisele koosseisule ja tihedusele. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, tartu, 2005, 138-140 (with English Abstracts). /The impact of grazing and fertilization on the botanical composition and sward density of fallow grasslands – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 138-140 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Viiralt, R., Kabanen, N., Parol, A., Selge, A., Kade, L. Seemnesegu koosseisu mõju segukülvide saagile. – Agronoomia 2005. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 220, Tartu, 2005, 129-135 (with English Abstracts)./The effect of seed mixture composition on the yield of mixed sowings. – Agronomy 2005. Transactions of the EAU, Tartu, 2005, 129-131 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI).

Geherman, V., Parol, A. Karjamaakoosluste saagikuse ja söödavuse võrdlus sõltuvalt seemnesegust ja erinevast väetamisest. – EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 219, Tartu, 2004, lk. 124-126 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI). Comparison of pasture ability and intake by cows on the seed mixtures and different fertilization levels. – Agronomy 2004. Transactions of the EAU, 219, 124-126

Geherman V., Parol A., Linke A. Comparison of grassland seed mixtures grazed by dairy cows under different levels of fertilisation. – Land use systems in grassland dominated regions. Grassland Science in Europe, 9. Luzern, Switzerland, June, 2004 pp. 507-509 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Geherman, V., Parol, A. Väetamise mõjust erinevate karjamaakoosluste saagikusele ning rohu söödavusele ja kvaliteedile. – Agraarteadus, 2004, 2, 67-73 / The influence of fertilization on yielding ability of different pasture communities, grass quality and edibility by cows. Journal of Agricultural Science/ (CAB, AGRIS).

Parol, A., Geherman, V. Punane ristik lühiajalise karjamaa koosluses. – EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 219, Tartu, 2004, lk. 127-129 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS, VINITI). The red clover in the temporary pasture community. – Agronomy 2004. Transactions of the EAU, 219, 127-129.

Geherman, V., Parol, A., Viiralt, R., Ellermäe, O. The comparison of pasture communities in different fertilization conditions - Research for rural development 2003. International scientific conference proceedings. Jelgava, 2003, pp. 15-18 (AGRIS).

Linke, A., Parol, A., Lillak, R., Geherman, V. The impact of fertilization and management system on productivity and persistence of grasses. In: XXX CIOSTA-CIGR V Congress: Management and Technology Applications to Empower Agriculture and Agro-food Systems, Vol. 2, Turin, Italia, September 22-24, 2003, pp. 607-614 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Geherman, V., Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Intensiivselt kasutatavate ja maherohumaade võrdlus saagipotentsiaali ja toodetava rohusööda kvaliteedi põhjal. - Efektiivne keskkonda säästev põllumajandus. EPMÜ teadustööde kogumik 212, Tartu, 2001, 65-68 (BIOSIS, CAB, AGRIS). Intensively used and organic grasslands: comparison on the basis of the yield potential and forage quality. - Transactions of the EAU, 212, Tartu, 2001.

Viiralt, R., Parol, A., Kabanen, N. Production potential and persistency of perennial forage legumes in low-input grassland. - Sustainable Agriculture in Baltic States. Proceedings of the International Conference, Tartu, June 28-30, 2001. Tartu, 2001, 229-233 (BIOSIS, AGRIS, ISI Proceedings)

Viiralt, R., Parol, A. Production potential and nitrogen contribution of perennial forage legumes in low-input grassland. - In: Organic Grassland Farming. Proceedings of the European Grassland Federation (EGF), Witzenhausen, Germany, 10-12 July 2001. Edited by J. Isselstein, G. Spatz and M. Hoffman. EGF Publications: Grassland Science in Europe, Volume 6. Duderstadt, 2001, 44-47 (CAB, AGRIS, BIOSIS).

Parol, A., Raave, H., Selge, A. The herbage palatability and pasture grass intake by dairy cows. – Proceedings of the International scientific conference “The results of longterm field experiments in Baltic States”, 23-24 November, Jelgava, Latvia. Jelgava, 2000, 114-125 (AGRIS).

Parol, A. The productivity and persistency of new forage legume species and cultivars. - Conventional and ecological grassland management: comparative research and development. Proceedings of the International Symposium, Tartu, July 4-6, 2000. Tartu, 2000, 167-171 (CAB, AGRIS).

last updated: 06.10.2005

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