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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Aleksandr
2.Perekonnanimi Ellervee
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 24.08.1948 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Tartu Ülikool, füüsika, optika ja spektroskoopia
Eesti TA aspirantuur, 1972-1975
7.Teenistuskäik Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Füüsika Instituut, vanemlaborant, 1971-1972
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia aspirant, 1972-1975
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Füüsika Instituut, nooremteadur, 1975-1986
Eesti TA FI, (hiljem) Tartu Ülikool Füüsika Instituut , teadur, 1986-
8.Teaduskraad füüs.-mat. kandidaat (PhD)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Füüsika Instituut 1979.a.
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad fotosünteetiliste süsteemide spektroskoopilised uuringud kõrgetel rõhkudel: elektronseisundid, energia ja elektroni ülekanne, elektron-foononinteraktsioon
14.Jooksvad grandid 1. SF0382147s02 'Biofüüsikalised elementaarprotsessid ja nende dünaamika' 2002 - 2006
2. ETF5543 Autolokaliseerunud eksitonid ja eksimerid fotosünteesis: Füüsikalised mehanismid ja praktilised rakendused

A. Gall, A. Ellervee, B. Robert, A. Freiberg, ‘The effect of internal voids in membrane protein: High-pressure study of two photochemical reaction centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides.’, FEBS Lett. 560, pp. 221-225, 2004.

Aleksandr Ellervee, Juha Linnanto and Arvi Freiberg ‘Spectroscopic and quantum chemical study of pressure effects on solvated chlorophyll’ Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 394, No 1-3, (2004), pp. 80-84

A. Freiberg, A. Ellervee, A. Lõhmus, R. Lõhmus, K. Timpmann, G. Trinkunas, ‘Essential differences between the core and peripheral antenna excitons in photosynthetic purple bacteria revealed by high-pressure spectroscopy’, in: “High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology”, Springer Verlag (2003).

A. Gall, A. Ellervee, J.N. Sturgis, N.J. Fraser, R.J. Cogdell, A. Freiberg, B. Robert, ‘Membrane protein stability: High pressure effects on the structure and chromophore-binding properties of the light-harvesting complex LH2.’, Biochemistry, 42, pp. 13019-13026, 2003.

K. Timpmann, A. Ellervee, A. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, G. Trinkunas, A. Freiberg, ‘Self-trapped excitons in LH2 bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes under high pressure’, J. Luminescence, 102-103, pp. 220-225, 2003.

A. Ellervee, A. Freiberg. “Pressure solvation of photosynthetic pigments”, High Pressure Effects in Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 208-2, pp 135-138 (2002), in Deffect and Diffusion Forum, UNTERMUHLEWEG 11, CH-8707 UETIKON-ZUERICH, SWITZERLAND.

A.Gall, A.Ellervee, M.-C.Bellissent-Funel, B.Robert, A.Freiberg, “The effect of high pressure on the photochemical reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26.1,” Biophys. J. 80, pp. 1487-1497, 2001.

K.Timpmann, A.Ellervee, T.Pullerits, R.Ruus, V.Sundström, A.Freiberg, “Short-range exciton couplings in LH2 photosynthetic antenna proteins studied by high hydrostatic pressure absorption spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. B105, pp. 8436-8444, 2001.

J. Kikas, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, An. Kuznetsov, A. Ellervee, “High-pressure low-temperature phase transition in a doped para-terphenyl crystal: A spectral-hole-burning study”, Phys. Rev. B, 57, No. 1, pp. 14-17, 1998.

J.N.Sturgis, A.Gall, A.Ellervee, A.Freiberg, B.Robert, “The effect of pressure on the bacteriochlorophyll a binding sites of the core antenna complex from Rhodospirillum rubrum,” Biochemistry 37, No. 42, pp. 14875-14880, 1998.

M.Tars, A.Ellervee, M.R.Wasielewski, A.Freiberg, “Biomolecular electron transfer under hydrostatic pressure,” Spectrochim. Acta A 54, No. 9, pp. 1177-1189, 1998.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, K.Timpmann, A.Laisaar “Electron transfer and electronic energy relaxation under high hydrostatic pressure” Biophys. Chem., Vol. 68, pp. 189-205, (1997).

B.Gall, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, H.Scheer and A.Freiberg. "Pressure effects on absorption spectra of the isolated reaction center of Photosystem II." Photosynth. Res., Vol.52, (1997), p.225-231.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, MR.Wasielewski, “Electron transfer and energy relaxation in biomolecules under high hydrostatic pressures” PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 65: SE202-SE202 Suppl. 1 (1996), PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND OX5 1GB, Meeting Abstract, (1996).

A.Lohmus, A.Laisaar, A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, V.Korrovits, R.Lohmus, M.Tars. An immersion cryostat for mouting a high-pressure optical cell surrounded by nonboiling liquid nitrogen. Czech. J. Phys., Vol.46, Suppl. S5, (1996), p.2775-2776.

16.A.Ellervee, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar and A.Suisalu. Pressure and temperature dependences of optical dephasing of the S1  S0 transition of chlorin in polycrystalline n-octane probed by spectral hole burning. J. Lumin., Vol.56, (1993),No1-6, p.151 - 156.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, P.Kukk, A.Laisaar, M.Tars, K.Timpmann. Pressure effects on spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes. Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.214, No.1, (1993), p10 - 16.

A.Ellervee, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar, V.Shcherbakov, and A.Suisalu. Hydrostatic pressure effects on spectral hole burning in a Shpol’skii system. J. Opt. Sos. Am. B, Vol.9, No.6, (1992), p.972 - 977.

A.Ellervee, V.V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar and A.Suisalu. High pressure effects on low temperature relaxation in solids. J. Lumin., Vol.53, No.1-6, (1992), p.223 - 226.

A.Ellervee, R.Jaaniso, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar, A.Suisalu and V.Shcherbakov. Spectral hole burning at high hydrostatic pressure. Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.176, No.5, (1991), p. 472 - 476.

A. I. Laisaar, S. O. Cholakh, V. A. Pustovarov, A. I. Niilisk, A. F. Ellervee, A. N. Polienko, V. S. Shcherbakov. Comparison of the Isotope, Pressure, and Temperature Shifts in the Excitonic Spectra of LIH AND LID Crystals. Jetp Lett., 42, pp. 489-492 , (1985).

А. И. Лайсаар, С. О. Чолах, В. А. Пустоваров, А. И. Нийлиск, А. Ф. Эллервеэ‚ А. Н. Полиенко, В. С. Щербаков. Сравнение изотопических, барических и температурных сдвигов в экситонных спектрах кристаллов LiH и LiD. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 42, стр. 397-399, (1985).

A. F. Ellervee, A. I. Laisaar, A-M. A. Oper. Hyperfine Interaction as a Reason for Removing the Forbiddenness of a Phononless Transition in an Impurity Center. Jetp Lett. 33, pp. 21-24, (1981).

А. Ф. Эллервеэ‚ А. И. Лайсаар, А.-М. А. Опер. Сверхтонкое взаимодействие как причина снятия запрета с бесфононного перехода в примесном центре. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 33, стр. 24-27, (1981).

G. S. Zavt, A. F. Ellervee. Pb2+ and Bi3+ Impurity Centers in Alkali-Earth Oxides: Vibronic Spectra, Lattice-Dynamics, and Electron-Phonon Interaction. phys. stat. sol. (b). 94 , pp. 757-768 (1979).

A. F. Ellervee. Luminescence of Pb2+ and Bi3+ Centers in Alkali-Earth Sulfides and Oxides. phys. stat. sol. (b) 82 , pp. 91-98 (1977).

viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Aleksandr
2.Surname Ellervee
3.Institution Institute of Physics University of Tartu
4.Position research fellow
5.Date of birth 24.08.1948 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, optics and spectroscopy
Estonian Academy of Sciences, postgraduate student, 1972-1975
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Physics Estonian Academy of Sciences, senior assistant, 1971-1972
Estonian Academy of Sciences, postgraduate student, 1972-1975
Institute of Physics Estonian Academy of Sciences, junior research fellow, 1975-1968
Institute of Physics Estonian Academy of Sciences(now Institute of Physics University of Tartu), research fellow, 1986-
8.Academic degree candidate of phys.-math.sci.(PhD), solid state physics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Estonian Academy of Sciences Institute of Physics, 1979
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Spectroscopic study of photosynthetic systems under high pressure: electronic levels, energy and electron transforms, electron-phonon coupling.
14.Current grant funding 1. SF0382147s02 'Biophysical elementary processes and their dynamics' 2002 - 2006
2. ETF5543 'Autolocalised excitons and excimers in photosynthesis: Physical mechanisms and applications' 2003 - 2006
15.List of most important publications

A. Gall, A. Ellervee, B. Robert, A. Freiberg, ‘The effect of internal voids in membrane protein: High-pressure study of two photochemical reaction centres from Rhodobacter sphaeroides.’, FEBS Lett. 560, pp. 221-225, 2004.

Aleksandr Ellervee, Juha Linnanto and Arvi Freiberg ‘Spectroscopic and quantum chemical study of pressure effects on solvated chlorophyll’ Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 394, No 1-3, (2004), pp. 80-84

A. Freiberg, A. Ellervee, A. Lõhmus, R. Lõhmus, K. Timpmann, G. Trinkunas, ‘Essential differences between the core and peripheral antenna excitons in photosynthetic purple bacteria revealed by high-pressure spectroscopy’, in: “High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology”, Springer Verlag (2003).

A. Gall, A. Ellervee, J.N. Sturgis, N.J. Fraser, R.J. Cogdell, A. Freiberg, B. Robert, ‘Membrane protein stability: High pressure effects on the structure and chromophore-binding properties of the light-harvesting complex LH2.’, Biochemistry, 42, pp. 13019-13026, 2003.

K. Timpmann, A. Ellervee, A. Kuznetsov, A. Laisaar, G. Trinkunas, A. Freiberg, ‘Self-trapped excitons in LH2 bacteriochlorophyll-protein complexes under high pressure’, J. Luminescence, 102-103, pp. 220-225, 2003.

A. Ellervee, A. Freiberg. “Pressure solvation of photosynthetic pigments”, High Pressure Effects in Chemistry, Biology and Materials Science, 208-2, pp 135-138 (2002), in Deffect and Diffusion Forum, UNTERMUHLEWEG 11, CH-8707 UETIKON-ZUERICH, SWITZERLAND.

A.Gall, A.Ellervee, M.-C.Bellissent-Funel, B.Robert, A.Freiberg, “The effect of high pressure on the photochemical reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides R26.1,” Biophys. J. 80, pp. 1487-1497, 2001.

K.Timpmann, A.Ellervee, T.Pullerits, R.Ruus, V.Sundström, A.Freiberg, “Short-range exciton couplings in LH2 photosynthetic antenna proteins studied by high hydrostatic pressure absorption spectroscopy,” J. Phys. Chem. B105, pp. 8436-8444, 2001.

J. Kikas, A. Laisaar, A. Suisalu, An. Kuznetsov, A. Ellervee, “High-pressure low-temperature phase transition in a doped para-terphenyl crystal: A spectral-hole-burning study”, Phys. Rev. B, 57, No. 1, pp. 14-17, 1998.

J.N.Sturgis, A.Gall, A.Ellervee, A.Freiberg, B.Robert, “The effect of pressure on the bacteriochlorophyll a binding sites of the core antenna complex from Rhodospirillum rubrum,” Biochemistry 37, No. 42, pp. 14875-14880, 1998.

M.Tars, A.Ellervee, M.R.Wasielewski, A.Freiberg, “Biomolecular electron transfer under hydrostatic pressure,” Spectrochim. Acta A 54, No. 9, pp. 1177-1189, 1998.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, K.Timpmann, A.Laisaar “Electron transfer and electronic energy relaxation under high hydrostatic pressure” Biophys. Chem., Vol. 68, pp. 189-205, (1997).

B.Gall, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, H.Scheer and A.Freiberg. "Pressure effects on absorption spectra of the isolated reaction center of Photosystem II." Photosynth. Res., Vol.52, (1997), p.225-231.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, M.Tars, MR.Wasielewski, “Electron transfer and energy relaxation in biomolecules under high hydrostatic pressures” PROGRESS IN BIOPHYSICS & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, 65: SE202-SE202 Suppl. 1 (1996), PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, THE BOULEVARD, LANGFORD LANE, KIDLINGTON, OXFORD, ENGLAND OX5 1GB, Meeting Abstract, (1996).

A.Lohmus, A.Laisaar, A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, V.Korrovits, R.Lohmus, M.Tars. An immersion cryostat for mouting a high-pressure optical cell surrounded by nonboiling liquid nitrogen. Czech. J. Phys., Vol.46, Suppl. S5, (1996), p.2775-2776.

16.A.Ellervee, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar and A.Suisalu. Pressure and temperature dependences of optical dephasing of the S1  S0 transition of chlorin in polycrystalline n-octane probed by spectral hole burning. J. Lumin., Vol.56, (1993),No1-6, p.151 - 156.

A.Freiberg, A.Ellervee, P.Kukk, A.Laisaar, M.Tars, K.Timpmann. Pressure effects on spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes. Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.214, No.1, (1993), p10 - 16.

A.Ellervee, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar, V.Shcherbakov, and A.Suisalu. Hydrostatic pressure effects on spectral hole burning in a Shpol’skii system. J. Opt. Sos. Am. B, Vol.9, No.6, (1992), p.972 - 977.

A.Ellervee, V.V.Hizhnyakov, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar and A.Suisalu. High pressure effects on low temperature relaxation in solids. J. Lumin., Vol.53, No.1-6, (1992), p.223 - 226.

A.Ellervee, R.Jaaniso, J.Kikas, A.Laisaar, A.Suisalu and V.Shcherbakov. Spectral hole burning at high hydrostatic pressure. Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol.176, No.5, (1991), p. 472 - 476.

A. I. Laisaar, S. O. Cholakh, V. A. Pustovarov, A. I. Niilisk, A. F. Ellervee, A. N. Polienko, V. S. Shcherbakov. Comparison of the Isotope, Pressure, and Temperature Shifts in the Excitonic Spectra of LIH AND LID Crystals. Jetp Lett., 42, pp. 489-492 , (1985).

А. И. Лайсаар, С. О. Чолах, В. А. Пустоваров, А. И. Нийлиск, А. Ф. Эллервеэ‚ А. Н. Полиенко, В. С. Щербаков. Сравнение изотопических, барических и температурных сдвигов в экситонных спектрах кристаллов LiH и LiD. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 42, стр. 397-399, (1985).

A. F. Ellervee, A. I. Laisaar, A-M. A. Oper. Hyperfine Interaction as a Reason for Removing the Forbiddenness of a Phononless Transition in an Impurity Center. Jetp Lett. 33, pp. 21-24, (1981).

А. Ф. Эллервеэ‚ А. И. Лайсаар, А.-М. А. Опер. Сверхтонкое взаимодействие как причина снятия запрета с бесфононного перехода в примесном центре. Письма в ЖЭТФ, 33, стр. 24-27, (1981).

G. S. Zavt, A. F. Ellervee. Pb2+ and Bi3+ Impurity Centers in Alkali-Earth Oxides: Vibronic Spectra, Lattice-Dynamics, and Electron-Phonon Interaction. phys. stat. sol. (b). 94 , pp. 757-768 (1979).

A. F. Ellervee. Luminescence of Pb2+ and Bi3+ Centers in Alkali-Earth Sulfides and Oxides. phys. stat. sol. (b) 82 , pp. 91-98 (1977).

last updated: 10.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]