[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Küllike
2.Perekonnanimi Realo
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut (TÜ FI)
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 14.06.1942 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgem, diplom (keemia), Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1965
Rahvusvahelised keskkonna radioaktiivsuse ja kiirguskaitse alased täienduskursused: 1993 (Saksamaa ja Austria), 1998 (Rootsi), 2000 (Läti), 2001 (Jaapan), 2002 (Saksamaa), 2002 (Taani), 2003 (Soome)
7.Teenistuskäik 1966-1971 TRÜ elektroluminestsentsi ja pooljuhtide labor, vanemlaborant, insener ja 1984-1987 samas vanemteadur
1971-1984 TÜ Füüsika Instituut (end. ENSV TA FI ja Eesti TA FI) insener ja vaneminsener, alates 1987 samas teadur
8.Teaduskraad Keemiakandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Riiklik Ülikool, 1983
ja –administratiivne
Põhjamaade Kiirguskaitse Ühingu (NSFS/IRPA) liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Radioökoloogia, keskkonnaobjektide suure eraldusvõimega gammaspektroskoopia
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF Grant # 6535 "Uute analüüsimeetodite arendamine keskkonnakiirguse rakendustes", 2005-2008, põhitäitja

E. Realo and K. Realo. Natural Radionuclides in Radium-Rich Soils in North-East Estonia. In J.P.McLaughlin, S.E. Simopoulos, F.Steinhäusler (Eds.). The Natural Radiation Environment VII. Seventh International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (NRE-VII), 20-24 May 2002, Rhodes, Greece. Book Series "Radioactivity in the Environment", vol. 7, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005, pp. 140-149.

K.Realo, R.Koch, M.Lust, A.Uljas and E.Realo. Lead-210 in Air and Surface Soil in NE Estonia. In Full Papers of IRPA-11 Widening the Radiation Protection World, 11th Int. Congress of International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Spanish RPC, Madrid, 2004. CD-ROM, ISBN:84-87078-05-2, Paper 6a56, p. 1-8 ja http://www.irpa11.com.

E. Realo and K. Realo. Natural radionuclides in surface soils in Ra-rich areas, NE Estonia. In S.C.Srivastava (Ed.). Abstracts 226th ACS National Meeting, Symposium Environmental radioactivity and low-background radioactivity monitoring in service to the society, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003, DNCT, p.24-25.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Supported and Unsupported 210Pb Fractions in U/Ra-Rich Soils of NE Estonia. In S.C.Srivastava (Ed.). Abstracts 226th ACS National Meeting, Symposium Environmental radioactivity and low-background radioactivity monitoring in service to the society, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003, DNCT, p.23.

K.Realo and E.Realo. 210Pb in Estonian Soil. - In Radiation Protection in Central Europe: Radiation Protection and Health. Proceedings of the IRPA Regional Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 20-25, 2001. Eds. B.Obelić, M.Ranogajec-Komor, S.Miljanić, I.Krajcar Bronić. IRPA/ Croatian Radiation Protection Association, Zagreb, 2002, ISBN 953-96133-3-7 (CD-ROM), No 5p-23, pp. 1-6.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Low-background low-energy HPGe -spectrometry of 210Pb and 234Th in environmental samples. Proc. Baltic-Danish Seminar on Sampling Techniques, Radiochemical Methods, Detectors and Measurements. Baltic-Danish Co-operation on Radiation Protection, Risoe, Denmark, 4-8 November 2002, Risoe National Laboratory, 2002, p.143-146.

K. Realo, E. Realo and R.Koch. 210Pb in Air and Soil: Ra-Rich Areas in NE Estonia. In W.Paile (Ed.). Radiation Protection in 2000’s – Theory and Practice. Proc. NSFS XIII Ordinary Meeting, Turku, 25-29 August 2002, STUK-A195, STUK, Helsinki, 2002, 101-3.

M.Lust, E.Realo and K.Realo. Radiocaesium in NE Estonian Soil. In W.Paile (Ed.). Radiation Protection in 2000’s – Theory and Practice. Proc. NSFS XIII Ordinary Meeting, Turku, 25-29 August 2002, STUK-A195, STUK, Helsinki, 2002, 484-7.

M.Lust, K.Realo, E.Realo. Cs137 in soil profiles in NE Estonia.- In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic seminar on radioecology, 25-28 Februar 2001, Rovaniemi, Finland Ed. E.Ilus, NKS-70, Roskilde, 2002, ISBN 87-7893-126-6, pp. 221-225.

E.Realo, H.Putnik and K.Realo. Closed nuclear facilities in Estonia: developments and problems. - Radiation Protection in Australasia (2000), 17, No 2, 81-88.

K.Realo and E.Realo. 210Pb and 238U in Estonian Fuel Products and Ashes. - In Proceedings of the 12th ordinary meeting, 23-27 August 1999, Skagen, Denmark. Nordic Society for Radiation Protection/ IRPA. Eds J. Søgaard-Hansen, A. Damkjær, 229-232.

K.Realo, E.Realo und M.Lust. Eine Bewertung der Radiologishen Wirkung von Ölschifferflugasche in Estland. In Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt, Band II. Eds. M.Winter, K.Henrichs, H.Doerfel. IRPA/Fachverband für Strahlenschutz, Lindau, 1998, 867-872.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Radionuclides in Estonian oil-shales and oil-shale ashes.-In Proceedings of the IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries of Central Europe, Ed. J. Sabol, Prague, 1997.161-164.

E.Realo, K.Realo and J.Jõgi. Releases of Natural Radionuclides from Oil-shale-fired Power Plants in Estonia. - J. Environ. Radioactivity (1996) 33, 77 - 89.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Radiocaesium in Estonian Soils. Atmospheric Physics (1995) 17 No 1, 61-66.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Studies on Radiocaesium in Estonian Soils. J. Environ. Radioactivity (1995) 29, No 2,111-119.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Areal and Depth Distribution of Radiocaesium in Estonian Natural Soils. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Ecol. (1994) 4, 45-55.

M.Lippmaa, E.Realo, K.Realo. Quadrupole interaction at the Eu site in the EuBa Cu O superconductor. - Phys.Lett. (1989) A139, No 7, 353-355.

K.Realo, A.Maaroos, A.Haav, I.Jaek. Growth and some properties of calcium sulphide single crystals.-J.Crystal Growth (1982) 56, No3, 639-641.

Zh.Egemberdiev, S.Zazubovich, Ü.Haldre, T.Lehto, K.Realo, S.Reifman, V.Seeman. Polarized Luminescence and EPR Study of Sn3+ Centres in KCl:SnCl2 Crystals.-phys. stat. solidi (B), (1979) 96, No 2, 867-875.

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Küllike
2.Surname Realo
3.Institution Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
4.Position scientist
5.Date of birth 14.06.1942 (day.month.year)
6.Education Diploma (Chemistry), Tartu State University, 1965
International training courses on environmental radioactivity and radiation protection: 1993 (Germany and Austria), 1998 (Sweden), 2000 (Latvia), 2001 (Japan), 2002 (Germany), 2002 (Denmark), 2003 (Finland)
7.Research and
professional experience
1966-1971 Laboratory of Electroluminescence and Semiconductors, Tartu State University, sen. laboratory technician, engineer; 1984-1987 - senior scientist
1971-1984 Institute of Physics, UT (formerly IoP of Estonian Acad. of Sci., etc.) engineer, sen. engineer. Since 1987 - scientist
8.Academic degree Candidate of Chemistry (PhD)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Tartu State University, 1983
Member of Nordic Society for Radiation Protection (NSFS/IRPA)
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Radioecology, high resolution gammaspectrometry of environmental samples
14.Current grant funding ETF Grant # 6535 " Development of New Analysis Methods in Environmental Radiation Applications" 2005-2008, principal participant
15.List of most important publications

E. Realo and K. Realo. Natural Radionuclides in Radium-Rich Soils in North-East Estonia. In J.P.McLaughlin, S.E. Simopoulos, F.Steinhäusler (Eds.). The Natural Radiation Environment VII. Seventh International Symposium on the Natural Radiation Environment (NRE-VII), 20-24 May 2002, Rhodes, Greece. Book Series "Radioactivity in the Environment", vol. 7, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2005, pp. 140-149.

K.Realo, R.Koch, M.Lust, A.Uljas and E.Realo. Lead-210 in Air and Surface Soil in NE Estonia. In Full Papers of IRPA-11 Widening the Radiation Protection World, 11th Int. Congress of International Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 May 2004, Spanish RPC, Madrid, 2004. CD-ROM, ISBN:84-87078-05-2, Paper 6a56, p. 1-8 ja http://www.irpa11.com.

E. Realo and K. Realo. Natural radionuclides in surface soils in Ra-rich areas, NE Estonia. In S.C.Srivastava (Ed.). Abstracts 226th ACS National Meeting, Symposium Environmental radioactivity and low-background radioactivity monitoring in service to the society, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003, DNCT, p.24-25.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Supported and Unsupported 210Pb Fractions in U/Ra-Rich Soils of NE Estonia. In S.C.Srivastava (Ed.). Abstracts 226th ACS National Meeting, Symposium Environmental radioactivity and low-background radioactivity monitoring in service to the society, New York, NY, September 7-11, 2003, DNCT, p.23.

K.Realo and E.Realo. 210Pb in Estonian Soil. - In Radiation Protection in Central Europe: Radiation Protection and Health. Proceedings of the IRPA Regional Congress, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 20-25, 2001. Eds. B.Obelić, M.Ranogajec-Komor, S.Miljanić, I.Krajcar Bronić. IRPA/ Croatian Radiation Protection Association, Zagreb, 2002, ISBN 953-96133-3-7 (CD-ROM), No 5p-23, pp. 1-6.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Low-background low-energy HPGe -spectrometry of 210Pb and 234Th in environmental samples. Proc. Baltic-Danish Seminar on Sampling Techniques, Radiochemical Methods, Detectors and Measurements. Baltic-Danish Co-operation on Radiation Protection, Risoe, Denmark, 4-8 November 2002, Risoe National Laboratory, 2002, p.143-146.

K. Realo, E. Realo and R.Koch. 210Pb in Air and Soil: Ra-Rich Areas in NE Estonia. In W.Paile (Ed.). Radiation Protection in 2000’s – Theory and Practice. Proc. NSFS XIII Ordinary Meeting, Turku, 25-29 August 2002, STUK-A195, STUK, Helsinki, 2002, 101-3.

M.Lust, E.Realo and K.Realo. Radiocaesium in NE Estonian Soil. In W.Paile (Ed.). Radiation Protection in 2000’s – Theory and Practice. Proc. NSFS XIII Ordinary Meeting, Turku, 25-29 August 2002, STUK-A195, STUK, Helsinki, 2002, 484-7.

M.Lust, K.Realo, E.Realo. Cs137 in soil profiles in NE Estonia.- In Proceedings of the 8th Nordic seminar on radioecology, 25-28 Februar 2001, Rovaniemi, Finland Ed. E.Ilus, NKS-70, Roskilde, 2002, ISBN 87-7893-126-6, pp. 221-225.

E.Realo, H.Putnik and K.Realo. Closed nuclear facilities in Estonia: developments and problems. - Radiation Protection in Australasia (2000), 17, No 2, 81-88.

K.Realo and E.Realo. 210Pb and 238U in Estonian Fuel Products and Ashes. - In Proceedings of the 12th ordinary meeting, 23-27 August 1999, Skagen, Denmark. Nordic Society for Radiation Protection/ IRPA. Eds J. Søgaard-Hansen, A. Damkjær, 229-232.

K.Realo, E.Realo und M.Lust. Eine Bewertung der Radiologishen Wirkung von Ölschifferflugasche in Estland. In Radioaktivität in Mensch und Umwelt, Band II. Eds. M.Winter, K.Henrichs, H.Doerfel. IRPA/Fachverband für Strahlenschutz, Lindau, 1998, 867-872.

K.Realo and E.Realo. Radionuclides in Estonian oil-shales and oil-shale ashes.-In Proceedings of the IRPA Regional Symposium on Radiation Protection in Neighbouring Countries of Central Europe, Ed. J. Sabol, Prague, 1997.161-164.

E.Realo, K.Realo and J.Jõgi. Releases of Natural Radionuclides from Oil-shale-fired Power Plants in Estonia. - J. Environ. Radioactivity (1996) 33, 77 - 89.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Radiocaesium in Estonian Soils. Atmospheric Physics (1995) 17 No 1, 61-66.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Studies on Radiocaesium in Estonian Soils. J. Environ. Radioactivity (1995) 29, No 2,111-119.

E.Realo, J.Jõgi, R.Koch and K.Realo. Areal and Depth Distribution of Radiocaesium in Estonian Natural Soils. - Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Ecol. (1994) 4, 45-55.

M.Lippmaa, E.Realo, K.Realo. Quadrupole interaction at the Eu site in the EuBa Cu O superconductor. - Phys.Lett. (1989) A139, No 7, 353-355.

K.Realo, A.Maaroos, A.Haav, I.Jaek. Growth and some properties of calcium sulphide single crystals.-J.Crystal Growth (1982) 56, No3, 639-641.

Zh.Egemberdiev, S.Zazubovich, Ü.Haldre, T.Lehto, K.Realo, S.Reifman, V.Seeman. Polarized Luminescence and EPR Study of Sn3+ Centres in KCl:SnCl2 Crystals.-phys. stat. solidi (B), (1979) 96, No 2, 867-875.

last updated: 06.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]