[ sulge aken ]

Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Kõu
2.Perekonnanimi Timpmann
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 28.05.1952 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Kõrgharidus - lõpetanud Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli Füüsika-Keemia Teaduskonna Füüsika Osakonna füüsik-teoreetikuna cum laude 1975.a.
7.Teenistuskäik Füüsika Instituudi nooremteadur 1975-1986
Füüsika Instituudi teadur 1986-1987
Füüsika Instituudi vanemteadur 1987-1990
1993-käesolev aeg
8.Teaduskraad Füüsika-matemaatika teaduste kandidaat
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
ENSV TA Füüsika Instituut, 1986
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Biofüüsika; energia relaksatsiooni, ülekande ja transformeerumise uurimine fotosünteesivates kompleksides statsionaarse ja aeglahutava laserspektroskoopia meetoditega madalatel temperatuuridel ja ülikõrgetel rõhkudel.
14.Jooksvad grandid 1. Autolokaliseerunud eksitonid ja eksimerid fotosünteesis: Füüsikalised mehhanismid ja praktilised rakendused ETF5543
2. Valgu struktuurimuutuste kineetika ja termodünaamika ETF5546

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Pin Qian, Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2005). Excitons in core LH1 antenna complexes of photosynthetic bacteria: Evidence for strong resonant coupling and off-diagonal disorder. Chemical Physics Letters, 414, 359-363.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., & Trinkunas, G. (2004). Dual fluorescence of single LH2 antenna nanorings. Journal of Luminescence, 108(1-4), 107-110.

Timpmann, K., Rätsep, M., Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2004). Emitting excitonic polaron states in core LH1 and peripheral LH2 bacterial light-harvesting complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(29), 10581-10588.

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Olsen, J. D., Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2004). Bandwidth of excitons in LH2 bacterial antenna chromoproteins. Chemical Physics Letters, 398(4-6), 384-388.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, R., Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G. (2003). Essential differences between the core and peripheral antenna excitons in photosynthetic purple bacteria revealed by high-pressure spectroscopy. In: “High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology”, Springer Verlag 2003, 25 - 28.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., & Trinkunas, G. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Circular Cacteriochlorophyll Antenna Complexes. Journal of Luminescence, 102, 363-368.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., & Woodbury, N. W. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Lh2 Antenna Complexes Between 5 K and Ambient Temperature. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107(41), 11510-11519.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Kuznetsov, A., Laisaar, A., Trinkunas, G., & Freiberg, A. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Lh2 Bacteriochlorophyll-Protein Complexes Under High Pressure. Journal of Luminescence, 102, 220-225.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Pullerits, T., Ruus, R., Sundstrom, V., & Freiberg, A. (2001). Short-Range Exciton Couplings in Lh2 Photosynthetic Antenna Proteins Studied by High Hydrostatic Pressure Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105(35), 8436-8444.

Timpmann, K., Katiliene, Z., Woodbury, N. W., & Freiberg, A. (2001). Exciton Self Trapping in One-Dimensional Photosynthetic Antennas. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105(49), 12223-12225.

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Katiliene, Z., Woodbury, N.W., Freiberg, A. (2001) Exciton self-trapping in bacterial antennas promotes light harvesting efficiency. Proc. of XIIth Intern. Congress on Photosynthesis, Brisbane, Australia, 2001, 1-4.

Timpmann, K., Woodbury, N. W., & Freiberg, A. (2000). Unraveling Exciton Relaxation and Energy Transfer in Lh2 Photosynthetic Antennas. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104(42), 9769-9771

Ellervee, A., Timpmann, K., Gall, A., Sturgis, J.N., Robert, B., Freiberg, A. (1999). Spectroscopic studies of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes at high pressure, Internet Journal of High Pressure School, 1 - 5.

Freiberg, A., Ruus, R., Timpmann, K. (1999). Exciton lineshapes of LH2 photosynthetic antenna proteins. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (Ed. By J. Greve, G. J. Puppels, C. Otto) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 115 - 118.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Jackson, J.A., Lin, S., Woodbury, N.W. (1999). Exciton relaxation and and transfer in the antenna network of photosynthetic bacteria. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, (Ed. G.Garab), Kluwer, Dordrecht, I, pp. 21 - 24.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Ruus, R., & Woodbury, N. W. (1999). Disordered Exciton Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Absorption Spectra of Antenna Bacteriochlorophyll Aggregates: Lh2-Only Mutant Chromatophores of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides at 8 K Under Spectrally Selective Excitation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103(45), 10032-10041.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Ruus, R., Woodbury, N.W. (1999). Excitons in light harvesting, J. Biosciences Indian Academy of Sciences, 24, 159.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Jones, M.R., Freiberg, A. (1999). High pressure studies of primary electron transfer in bacterial reaction centers. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, (Ed.G.Garab), Kluwer, Dordrecht, II, pp. 771 - 774.

Fetisova, Z.G., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1988). Long-range molecular order as an efficient strategy for light harvesting in photosynthesis. Nature, 334(6183), 633-634.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Lin, S., & Woodbury, N. W. (1998). Exciton Relaxation and Transfer in the Lh2 Antenna Network of Photosynthetic Bacteria. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102(52), 10974-10982.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Jones, M.R., Freiberg, A. (1998). High pressure induced acceleration of primary photochemistry in membrane-bound and mutant bacterial reaction centers. In: Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, (Eds. R.Kaarli, A.Freiberg and P.Saari), Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, 236 - 247.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Miller, M., Tars, M., Timpmann, K. (1997). Conformational high pressure effects in FMO protein trimers. In: High Pressure Research in Biosciences and Biotehnology (Ed. K.Heremans), Leeuven University Press, Leeuven, 159 - 162.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Tars, M., Timpmann, K., & Laisaar, A. (1997). Electron Transfer and Electronic Energy Relaxation Under High Hydrostatic Pressure. Biophysical Chemistry, 68(1-3), 189-205.

Freiberg, A., Lin, S., Timpmann, K., & Blankenship, R. E. (1997). Exciton Dynamics in Fmo Bacteriochlorophyll Protein at Low Temperatures. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101(37), 7211-7220.

Timpmann, K.E., Taisova, A.S., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Fetisova, Z.G. (1997). Oligomerization of light-harvesting pigments as a structural factor optimizing the photosynthetic antenna function. IV. Functional model of an oligomeric antenna of green bacteria. Molecular Biology, 31 (5), 729-733.

Timpmann, K., Taisova, A. S., Novoderezhkin, V. I., & Fetisova, Z. G. (1997). Functioning of Oligomeric-Type Light-Harvesting Antenna. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 42(1), 21-27.

Fetisova, Z., Freiberg, A., Mauring, K., Novoderezhkin, V., Taisova, A., Timpmann, K. (1996). Excitation energy transfer in chlorosomes of green bacteria: Theoretical and experimental studies. Biophysical Journal, 71 (2), 995 -1010.

Fetisova, Z., Freiberg, A., Novoderezhkin, V., Taisova, A., Timpmann, K. (1996). Antenna size dependent exciton dynamics in the chlorosomal antenna of the green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus , FEBS Letters, 383, 233-236.

Fetisova, Z.G., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Taisova, A.s., Mauring, K., Timpmann, K. (1996). Structure and function of superantenna of green sulfur bacteria. In: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (Ed. M.Schreiber), Dresden University Press, Dresden, 271-274.

Fetisova, Z.G., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Taisova, A.S., Uzbekov, R.E., Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1995). Dynamics of a cylindrical exciton in chlorosomes of green bacteria. In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere (Ed. P. Mathis), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. I, 17-22.

Hess, S., Chachisvilis, M., Timpmann, K., Jones, M.R., Fowler, G.J.S., Hunter, C.N., Sundstrom, V., (1995). Temporally and spectrally resolved subpicosecond energy transfer within the peripheral antenna complex (LH2) and from LH2 to the core antenna complex in photosynthetic purple bacteria. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(26), 12333 - 12337.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Sundström, V. (1995). Energy trapping and detrapping in photosynthetic bacteria Rhodopseudomonas viridis: transfer-to-trap-limited dynamics. Chemical Physics, 194(2-3), 275-283.

Freiberg, A.,Timpmann, K., Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1994). Pico-nanosecond fluorescence kinetics of photosystem II reaction centre and its complex with CP47 antenna. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1184(1), 45-53.

Pullerits, T., Visscher, K.J., Hess, S., Sundström, V., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., van Grondelle, R. (1994). Energy transfer in the inhomogeneously broadened core antenna of purple bacteria: A simultaneous fit of low-intensity picosecond absorption and fluorescence kinetics. Biophysical Journal, 66(1), 236-248.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Kukk, P., Laisaar, A., Tars, M., Timpmann, K. (1993). Pressure effects on spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes. Chemical Physics Letters, 214(1), 10-16.

Godik, V., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Moskalenko, A.A. (1993). Picosecond dynamics of excitations in light-harvesting complex B800-850 from Chromatium minutissimum studied using fluorescence spectrochronography, FEBS Letters, 327(1), 68-70.

Timpmann, K., Zhang, F.G., Freiberg, A., Sundström, V. (1993). Detrapping of excitation energy from the reaction centre in the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodospirillium rubrum, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1183(1), 185-193.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1992). Picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy of light-harvesting antenna complexes from Rhodospirillum rubrum in the 300-4 K temperature range. Comparison with the data on chromatophores. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 15(1-2), 151-158.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Moskalenko, A.A. (1992). Energy transfer in photosystem II core complexes. Comparison with bacterial systems. Proceedings of SPIE, 1921, 75-85.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K, Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1992). Pico-nanosecond fluorescence kinetics of photosystem II reaction centre and its complex with CP47 antenna. In: Research in Photosynthesis (Ed. N.Murata), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.2, 65-68.

Moskalenko, A.A., Toropygina, O, Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1992). Investigation of spatial relationships and energy transfer between complexes B800-850 and B890-RC from Chromatium minutissimum reconstituted into liposomes, FEBS Letters, 308(2), 133-136.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1992). Picosecond fluorescence of photosystem II D1/D2/cyt b559 and D1/D2/cyt b559/CP47 pigment-ptotein complexes. In: Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Institute of Physics Conf. Series, (126), 613-616.

Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Fetisova, Z.G. (1991). Investigation of the orientation of Qy-transition moments of light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll-c in intact-cells of the green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Picosecond polarized fluorescence spectroscopic study. Biofizika, 36(1), 65-69.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I. (1991). Picosecond kinetics of light excitations in photosynthetic purple bacteria in the temperature range of 300-4 K. Chemical Physics Letters, 182(6), 617-622.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1990). Excitation transport and quenching in photosynthetic bacteria at normal and cryogenic temperatures, In: Current Research in Photosynthesis (Ed. M.Baltscheffsky), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.2, 157-160.

Freiberg, A., Pullerits, T, Timpmann, K. (1990). Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of photosynthetic membranes. Experiment and model simulations, Proceedings of SPIE, 1204, 727-735.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1989). Picosecond dynamics of directed excitation transfer in spectrally heterogeneous light-harvesting antenna of purple bacteria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 973(1), 93-104.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1989). Annihilation of excitations in the photosynthetic light harvesting antenna under quasicontinuous low-intensity light excitation. In: Proceedings of 6th Internernational Conference on Energy and Electron Transfer. Prague, 30.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1988). Directed picosecond excitation transport in purple photosynthetic bacteria, Chemical Physics, 128(1), 227-237.

Freiberg, A., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1988). Picosecond excitation transport in photosynthesis: Factors for optimization of light harvesting. In: Ultrafast Phenomena VI (Eds. T.Yajima et al.), Springer-Verlag, 593-595.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Fetisova, Z.G. (1988). Excitation energy transfer in living cells of the green bacterium Chlorobium limicola, studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Green Photosynthetic Bacteria (Eds. J.M.Olson et al.), Plenum Press, New York, 81-90.

Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1988). Spectral inhomogeneity of the bacteriochlorophyll absorption band of Rhodospirillum rubrum as studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 298(6), 1469-1473.

Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Fetisova, Z.G. (1988). Orientational ordering of Qy transition moments of the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll in intact cells of green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium limicola. Investigations with picosecond polarized fluorescence spectroscopy. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 302(4), 976-979.

Fetisova, Z.G., Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1987). Investigations by picosecond polarized fluorescence spectrochronography of structural aspects of energy transfer in living cells of the green bacterium Chlorobium limicola. FEBS Letters, 223(1), 161-164.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K. (1987). Spectral dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Evidence for inhomogeneity of B880 absorption band. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. J.Biggins), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, vol.1, 45-48.

Godik, V.I., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1987). Picosecond excitation energy transfer between different light-harvesting complexes and reaction centres in purple bacteria. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. J.Biggins), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, vol.1, 41-44.

Freiberg, A., Aaviksoo, J., Timpmann, K. (1986). Picosecond specrtrochronography. A new method for the studying of ultrafast dynamics of excitations in molecules and solids. Journal of Molecular Structure, 142, 563-566.

Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1986). Excitation energy transfer between different pigment-protein complexes and reaction centres in intact membranes of purple bacterium Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 289(3), 714-717.

Aaviksoo, J., Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1985). On noise and fluctuations in a synchronously mode-locked CW laser system, Applied Physics B, 37(4), 213-217.

Borisov, A.Y., Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Rebane, K., Timpmann, K. (1985). Kinetics of picosecond bacteriochlorophyll luminescence in vivo as a function of the reaction center state. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 807(3), 221-229.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V., Harchenko, S., Timpmann, K. (1985). Excitation energy transformations in bacterial photosynthesis studied by fluorescence of intact cells and isolated reaction centers. In: Proceedings of 5th International Seminar on Energy Transfer, Prague, Tcheco-Slovakkia, 211 - 212.

Freiberg, A.M., Godik, V.I., Kharchenko, S.G., Timpmann, K.E., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1985). Picosecond fluorescence of reaction centers from Rhodospirillum rubrum. FEBS Letters, 189(2), 341-344.

Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1985). Picosecond kinetics of Thiocapsa roseopersicina fluorescence decay at different reaction center states. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 284(2), 491-494.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K. (1984). Excitation energy transfer in bacterial photosynthesis studied by picosecond laser spectrochronography. In: Advances in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. C.Sybesma), Martinus Nijhoff/dr. W.Junk Publishers, Hague, vol.I, 45-48.

Godik, V.I., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1984). Picosecond spectrochronography study of light energy utilization by photosynthetic bacteria. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 33, 211-219.

Tamm, T.B., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1984). Kinetics of picosecond vibrational relaxation in the excited states of anthracene molecules in the Shpolski matrix. In: Modern Aspects of Fine-Structure Spectroscopy (On the occasion of 30 years of Shpolski effect), V.I.Lenin MGPI, Moscow, 17-22.

Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1983). Direct observation of picosecond relaxation of higher electronic states of some dyes in solution. JETP Letters, 37(5), 247-250.

Freiberg, A., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1983). Picosecond-duaration vibrational relaxation kinetics in the excited S1 state of perylene and anthracene molecules. Laser Chemistry, 3, 249-261.

Freiberg, A., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1983). Picosecond-duration vibrational relaxation kinetics in the excited S1 state of perylene and anthracene molecules. In: Photochemistry and Photobiology (Ed. A. Zewail), Harwood Academic Publishers, Cheer, Switzerland, 633-645.

Rebane, A., Kaarli, R., Saari, P., Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K. (1983). Photochemical time-domain holograpy of weak picosecond pulse. Optics Communications, 47(3), 173-176.

Aaviksoo, J., Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Lepik, M., Saari, P., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1982). Direct picosecond resolving of hot luminescence spectrum. In: Picosecond Phenomena III, (Eds. K.B.Eisental et al.), Springer, 192-195.

Anijalg, A.O., Berik, E.B., Vill, A.A., Kukk, P.L., Mihkelsoo, V.T., Saari, P.M., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1982). Laser spectrometers with nano- and picosecond time resolution. In: Proceedings of 2nd Soviet-France Symposium on Building of Optical Instruments, Moscow, USSR, 15-25.

Anijalg, A.O., Saari, P.M., Tamm, T.B., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1982). Spectrochronography of hot luminescence as a method for studying picosecond relaxation in molecular systems. Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9(12), 2449-2454.

Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1982). A real-time spectrochronograph with the time resolution better than 10 ps. Techical Physics Letters, 8, 628-629.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Tamkivi, R., Avarmaa, R. (1982). The study of emission kinetics of chloroplast fragments by using a synchronously-pumped dye laser and a spectrochronograph. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 31, 200-207.

Aaviksoo, J., Saari, P., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1981). Elimination of excess pulse broadening at high spectral resolution of picosecond light pulses. In: Proceedings of International Conference "Lasers 81", New Orleans, USA, 997 - 1002.

Saari, P., Aaviksoo, J., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1981). Elimination of excess pulse broadening at high spectral resolution of picosecond duration light emission. Optics Communications, 39(1-2), 94-98.

Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Kaarli, R., Kukk, P., Saari, P., Timpmann, K. (1980). Investigation of ultrafast processes with the help of a continuously-operating streak camera. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium "Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, DDR, 95 - 99.

Freiberg, A.M., Anijalg, A.O., Kukk, P.L., Mihkelsoo, V.T., Saari, P.M., Timpmann, K.E., Schultz, E.A. (1980). Picosecond spectrochronograph based upon synchronously-driven streak camera and an optical image analyser. In: Proceedings of 14th International Congress on High Speed Photonics, Moscow, USSR, 97 - 100.

Freiberg, A., Raidalu, A., Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K., Kukk, P., Saari, P. (1980). A system of continuous scanning of optical spectra in time based on synchroscan streak camera. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 29, 187-194.

viimati muudetud: 06.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Kõu
2.Surname Timpmann
3.Institution Institute of Physics, Tartu University
4.Position senior research associate
5.Date of birth 28.05.1952 (day.month.year)
6.Education higher education - graduated at 1975 cum laude as physicist Department of Physics and Chemistry of Tartu State University
7.Research and
professional experience
Institute of Physics:

junior research associate 1975-1986
research associate 1986-1987
senior research associate 1987-1990
1993 - up to now
8.Academic degree PhD
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1986, Institute of Physics of Estonian Academy of Sciences
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Biophysics; investigation of energy relaxation, transfer and trapping in photosynthetic complexes by means of stationary and time-resolved laser spectroscopy at low temperatures and high pressures.
14.Current grant funding 1. Autolocalized excitons and eximers in photosynthesis: Physical mechanisms and practical applications - ETF5543
2. Kinetics and thermodynamics of structural changes of proteins - ETF5546
15.List of most important publications

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Pin Qian, Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2005). Excitons in core LH1 antenna complexes of photosynthetic bacteria: Evidence for strong resonant coupling and off-diagonal disorder. Chemical Physics Letters, 414, 359-363.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., & Trinkunas, G. (2004). Dual fluorescence of single LH2 antenna nanorings. Journal of Luminescence, 108(1-4), 107-110.

Timpmann, K., Rätsep, M., Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2004). Emitting excitonic polaron states in core LH1 and peripheral LH2 bacterial light-harvesting complexes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 108(29), 10581-10588.

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Olsen, J. D., Hunter, C. N., & Freiberg, A. (2004). Bandwidth of excitons in LH2 bacterial antenna chromoproteins. Chemical Physics Letters, 398(4-6), 384-388.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Lõhmus, A., Lõhmus, R., Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G. (2003). Essential differences between the core and peripheral antenna excitons in photosynthetic purple bacteria revealed by high-pressure spectroscopy. In: “High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology”, Springer Verlag 2003, 25 - 28.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., & Trinkunas, G. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Circular Cacteriochlorophyll Antenna Complexes. Journal of Luminescence, 102, 363-368.

Freiberg, A., Rätsep, M., Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., & Woodbury, N. W. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Lh2 Antenna Complexes Between 5 K and Ambient Temperature. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 107(41), 11510-11519.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Kuznetsov, A., Laisaar, A., Trinkunas, G., & Freiberg, A. (2003). Self-Trapped Excitons in Lh2 Bacteriochlorophyll-Protein Complexes Under High Pressure. Journal of Luminescence, 102, 220-225.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Pullerits, T., Ruus, R., Sundstrom, V., & Freiberg, A. (2001). Short-Range Exciton Couplings in Lh2 Photosynthetic Antenna Proteins Studied by High Hydrostatic Pressure Absorption Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105(35), 8436-8444.

Timpmann, K., Katiliene, Z., Woodbury, N. W., & Freiberg, A. (2001). Exciton Self Trapping in One-Dimensional Photosynthetic Antennas. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 105(49), 12223-12225.

Timpmann, K., Trinkunas, G., Katiliene, Z., Woodbury, N.W., Freiberg, A. (2001) Exciton self-trapping in bacterial antennas promotes light harvesting efficiency. Proc. of XIIth Intern. Congress on Photosynthesis, Brisbane, Australia, 2001, 1-4.

Timpmann, K., Woodbury, N. W., & Freiberg, A. (2000). Unraveling Exciton Relaxation and Energy Transfer in Lh2 Photosynthetic Antennas. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 104(42), 9769-9771

Ellervee, A., Timpmann, K., Gall, A., Sturgis, J.N., Robert, B., Freiberg, A. (1999). Spectroscopic studies of photosynthetic pigment-protein complexes at high pressure, Internet Journal of High Pressure School, 1 - 5.

Freiberg, A., Ruus, R., Timpmann, K. (1999). Exciton lineshapes of LH2 photosynthetic antenna proteins. In: Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules: New Directions (Ed. By J. Greve, G. J. Puppels, C. Otto) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 115 - 118.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Jackson, J.A., Lin, S., Woodbury, N.W. (1999). Exciton relaxation and and transfer in the antenna network of photosynthetic bacteria. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, (Ed. G.Garab), Kluwer, Dordrecht, I, pp. 21 - 24.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Ruus, R., & Woodbury, N. W. (1999). Disordered Exciton Analysis of Linear and Nonlinear Absorption Spectra of Antenna Bacteriochlorophyll Aggregates: Lh2-Only Mutant Chromatophores of Rhodobacter Sphaeroides at 8 K Under Spectrally Selective Excitation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103(45), 10032-10041.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Ruus, R., Woodbury, N.W. (1999). Excitons in light harvesting, J. Biosciences Indian Academy of Sciences, 24, 159.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Jones, M.R., Freiberg, A. (1999). High pressure studies of primary electron transfer in bacterial reaction centers. In: Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects, (Ed.G.Garab), Kluwer, Dordrecht, II, pp. 771 - 774.

Fetisova, Z.G., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1988). Long-range molecular order as an efficient strategy for light harvesting in photosynthesis. Nature, 334(6183), 633-634.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Lin, S., & Woodbury, N. W. (1998). Exciton Relaxation and Transfer in the Lh2 Antenna Network of Photosynthetic Bacteria. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 102(52), 10974-10982.

Timpmann, K., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Jones, M.R., Freiberg, A. (1998). High pressure induced acceleration of primary photochemistry in membrane-bound and mutant bacterial reaction centers. In: Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, (Eds. R.Kaarli, A.Freiberg and P.Saari), Institute of Physics, University of Tartu, 236 - 247.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Laisaar, A., Miller, M., Tars, M., Timpmann, K. (1997). Conformational high pressure effects in FMO protein trimers. In: High Pressure Research in Biosciences and Biotehnology (Ed. K.Heremans), Leeuven University Press, Leeuven, 159 - 162.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Tars, M., Timpmann, K., & Laisaar, A. (1997). Electron Transfer and Electronic Energy Relaxation Under High Hydrostatic Pressure. Biophysical Chemistry, 68(1-3), 189-205.

Freiberg, A., Lin, S., Timpmann, K., & Blankenship, R. E. (1997). Exciton Dynamics in Fmo Bacteriochlorophyll Protein at Low Temperatures. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 101(37), 7211-7220.

Timpmann, K.E., Taisova, A.S., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Fetisova, Z.G. (1997). Oligomerization of light-harvesting pigments as a structural factor optimizing the photosynthetic antenna function. IV. Functional model of an oligomeric antenna of green bacteria. Molecular Biology, 31 (5), 729-733.

Timpmann, K., Taisova, A. S., Novoderezhkin, V. I., & Fetisova, Z. G. (1997). Functioning of Oligomeric-Type Light-Harvesting Antenna. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 42(1), 21-27.

Fetisova, Z., Freiberg, A., Mauring, K., Novoderezhkin, V., Taisova, A., Timpmann, K. (1996). Excitation energy transfer in chlorosomes of green bacteria: Theoretical and experimental studies. Biophysical Journal, 71 (2), 995 -1010.

Fetisova, Z., Freiberg, A., Novoderezhkin, V., Taisova, A., Timpmann, K. (1996). Antenna size dependent exciton dynamics in the chlorosomal antenna of the green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus , FEBS Letters, 383, 233-236.

Fetisova, Z.G., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Taisova, A.s., Mauring, K., Timpmann, K. (1996). Structure and function of superantenna of green sulfur bacteria. In: Excitonic Processes in Condensed Matter (Ed. M.Schreiber), Dresden University Press, Dresden, 271-274.

Fetisova, Z.G., Novoderezhkin, V.I., Taisova, A.S., Uzbekov, R.E., Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1995). Dynamics of a cylindrical exciton in chlorosomes of green bacteria. In: Photosynthesis: from Light to Biosphere (Ed. P. Mathis), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol. I, 17-22.

Hess, S., Chachisvilis, M., Timpmann, K., Jones, M.R., Fowler, G.J.S., Hunter, C.N., Sundstrom, V., (1995). Temporally and spectrally resolved subpicosecond energy transfer within the peripheral antenna complex (LH2) and from LH2 to the core antenna complex in photosynthetic purple bacteria. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 92(26), 12333 - 12337.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Sundström, V. (1995). Energy trapping and detrapping in photosynthetic bacteria Rhodopseudomonas viridis: transfer-to-trap-limited dynamics. Chemical Physics, 194(2-3), 275-283.

Freiberg, A.,Timpmann, K., Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1994). Pico-nanosecond fluorescence kinetics of photosystem II reaction centre and its complex with CP47 antenna. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1184(1), 45-53.

Pullerits, T., Visscher, K.J., Hess, S., Sundström, V., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., van Grondelle, R. (1994). Energy transfer in the inhomogeneously broadened core antenna of purple bacteria: A simultaneous fit of low-intensity picosecond absorption and fluorescence kinetics. Biophysical Journal, 66(1), 236-248.

Freiberg, A., Ellervee, A., Kukk, P., Laisaar, A., Tars, M., Timpmann, K. (1993). Pressure effects on spectra of photosynthetic light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes. Chemical Physics Letters, 214(1), 10-16.

Godik, V., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Moskalenko, A.A. (1993). Picosecond dynamics of excitations in light-harvesting complex B800-850 from Chromatium minutissimum studied using fluorescence spectrochronography, FEBS Letters, 327(1), 68-70.

Timpmann, K., Zhang, F.G., Freiberg, A., Sundström, V. (1993). Detrapping of excitation energy from the reaction centre in the photosynthetic purple bacterium Rhodospirillium rubrum, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 1183(1), 185-193.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1992). Picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy of light-harvesting antenna complexes from Rhodospirillum rubrum in the 300-4 K temperature range. Comparison with the data on chromatophores. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, 15(1-2), 151-158.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Moskalenko, A.A. (1992). Energy transfer in photosystem II core complexes. Comparison with bacterial systems. Proceedings of SPIE, 1921, 75-85.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K, Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1992). Pico-nanosecond fluorescence kinetics of photosystem II reaction centre and its complex with CP47 antenna. In: Research in Photosynthesis (Ed. N.Murata), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.2, 65-68.

Moskalenko, A.A., Toropygina, O, Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1992). Investigation of spatial relationships and energy transfer between complexes B800-850 and B890-RC from Chromatium minutissimum reconstituted into liposomes, FEBS Letters, 308(2), 133-136.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Moskalenko, A.A., Kuznetsova, N.Y. (1992). Picosecond fluorescence of photosystem II D1/D2/cyt b559 and D1/D2/cyt b559/CP47 pigment-ptotein complexes. In: Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Institute of Physics Conf. Series, (126), 613-616.

Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Fetisova, Z.G. (1991). Investigation of the orientation of Qy-transition moments of light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll-c in intact-cells of the green bacterium Chloroflexus aurantiacus. Picosecond polarized fluorescence spectroscopic study. Biofizika, 36(1), 65-69.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I. (1991). Picosecond kinetics of light excitations in photosynthetic purple bacteria in the temperature range of 300-4 K. Chemical Physics Letters, 182(6), 617-622.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1990). Excitation transport and quenching in photosynthetic bacteria at normal and cryogenic temperatures, In: Current Research in Photosynthesis (Ed. M.Baltscheffsky), Kluwer Academic Publishers, vol.2, 157-160.

Freiberg, A., Pullerits, T, Timpmann, K. (1990). Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of photosynthetic membranes. Experiment and model simulations, Proceedings of SPIE, 1204, 727-735.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1989). Picosecond dynamics of directed excitation transfer in spectrally heterogeneous light-harvesting antenna of purple bacteria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics, 973(1), 93-104.

Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1989). Annihilation of excitations in the photosynthetic light harvesting antenna under quasicontinuous low-intensity light excitation. In: Proceedings of 6th Internernational Conference on Energy and Electron Transfer. Prague, 30.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1988). Directed picosecond excitation transport in purple photosynthetic bacteria, Chemical Physics, 128(1), 227-237.

Freiberg, A., Pullerits, T., Timpmann, K. (1988). Picosecond excitation transport in photosynthesis: Factors for optimization of light harvesting. In: Ultrafast Phenomena VI (Eds. T.Yajima et al.), Springer-Verlag, 593-595.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Fetisova, Z.G. (1988). Excitation energy transfer in living cells of the green bacterium Chlorobium limicola, studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Green Photosynthetic Bacteria (Eds. J.M.Olson et al.), Plenum Press, New York, 81-90.

Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1988). Spectral inhomogeneity of the bacteriochlorophyll absorption band of Rhodospirillum rubrum as studied by picosecond fluorescence spectroscopy. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 298(6), 1469-1473.

Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Fetisova, Z.G. (1988). Orientational ordering of Qy transition moments of the light-harvesting bacteriochlorophyll in intact cells of green sulphur bacteria Chlorobium limicola. Investigations with picosecond polarized fluorescence spectroscopy. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 302(4), 976-979.

Fetisova, Z.G., Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1987). Investigations by picosecond polarized fluorescence spectrochronography of structural aspects of energy transfer in living cells of the green bacterium Chlorobium limicola. FEBS Letters, 223(1), 161-164.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K. (1987). Spectral dependence of the fluorescence lifetime of Rhodospirillum rubrum. Evidence for inhomogeneity of B880 absorption band. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. J.Biggins), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, vol.1, 45-48.

Godik, V.I., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1987). Picosecond excitation energy transfer between different light-harvesting complexes and reaction centres in purple bacteria. In: Progress in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. J.Biggins), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, vol.1, 41-44.

Freiberg, A., Aaviksoo, J., Timpmann, K. (1986). Picosecond specrtrochronography. A new method for the studying of ultrafast dynamics of excitations in molecules and solids. Journal of Molecular Structure, 142, 563-566.

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Aaviksoo, J., Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1985). On noise and fluctuations in a synchronously mode-locked CW laser system, Applied Physics B, 37(4), 213-217.

Borisov, A.Y., Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Rebane, K., Timpmann, K. (1985). Kinetics of picosecond bacteriochlorophyll luminescence in vivo as a function of the reaction center state. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 807(3), 221-229.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V., Harchenko, S., Timpmann, K. (1985). Excitation energy transformations in bacterial photosynthesis studied by fluorescence of intact cells and isolated reaction centers. In: Proceedings of 5th International Seminar on Energy Transfer, Prague, Tcheco-Slovakkia, 211 - 212.

Freiberg, A.M., Godik, V.I., Kharchenko, S.G., Timpmann, K.E., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1985). Picosecond fluorescence of reaction centers from Rhodospirillum rubrum. FEBS Letters, 189(2), 341-344.

Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M., Borisov, A.Y., Rebane, K.K. (1985). Picosecond kinetics of Thiocapsa roseopersicina fluorescence decay at different reaction center states. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 284(2), 491-494.

Freiberg, A., Godik, V.I., Timpmann, K. (1984). Excitation energy transfer in bacterial photosynthesis studied by picosecond laser spectrochronography. In: Advances in Photosynthesis Research (Ed. C.Sybesma), Martinus Nijhoff/dr. W.Junk Publishers, Hague, vol.I, 45-48.

Godik, V.I., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1984). Picosecond spectrochronography study of light energy utilization by photosynthetic bacteria. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 33, 211-219.

Tamm, T.B., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1984). Kinetics of picosecond vibrational relaxation in the excited states of anthracene molecules in the Shpolski matrix. In: Modern Aspects of Fine-Structure Spectroscopy (On the occasion of 30 years of Shpolski effect), V.I.Lenin MGPI, Moscow, 17-22.

Freiberg, A.M., Timpmann, K.E. (1983). Direct observation of picosecond relaxation of higher electronic states of some dyes in solution. JETP Letters, 37(5), 247-250.

Freiberg, A., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1983). Picosecond-duaration vibrational relaxation kinetics in the excited S1 state of perylene and anthracene molecules. Laser Chemistry, 3, 249-261.

Freiberg, A., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1983). Picosecond-duration vibrational relaxation kinetics in the excited S1 state of perylene and anthracene molecules. In: Photochemistry and Photobiology (Ed. A. Zewail), Harwood Academic Publishers, Cheer, Switzerland, 633-645.

Rebane, A., Kaarli, R., Saari, P., Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K. (1983). Photochemical time-domain holograpy of weak picosecond pulse. Optics Communications, 47(3), 173-176.

Aaviksoo, J., Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Lepik, M., Saari, P., Tamm, T., Timpmann, K. (1982). Direct picosecond resolving of hot luminescence spectrum. In: Picosecond Phenomena III, (Eds. K.B.Eisental et al.), Springer, 192-195.

Anijalg, A.O., Berik, E.B., Vill, A.A., Kukk, P.L., Mihkelsoo, V.T., Saari, P.M., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1982). Laser spectrometers with nano- and picosecond time resolution. In: Proceedings of 2nd Soviet-France Symposium on Building of Optical Instruments, Moscow, USSR, 15-25.

Anijalg, A.O., Saari, P.M., Tamm, T.B., Timpmann, K.E., Freiberg, A.M. (1982). Spectrochronography of hot luminescence as a method for studying picosecond relaxation in molecular systems. Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9(12), 2449-2454.

Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K., Freiberg, A. (1982). A real-time spectrochronograph with the time resolution better than 10 ps. Techical Physics Letters, 8, 628-629.

Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K., Tamkivi, R., Avarmaa, R. (1982). The study of emission kinetics of chloroplast fragments by using a synchronously-pumped dye laser and a spectrochronograph. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 31, 200-207.

Aaviksoo, J., Saari, P., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1981). Elimination of excess pulse broadening at high spectral resolution of picosecond light pulses. In: Proceedings of International Conference "Lasers 81", New Orleans, USA, 997 - 1002.

Saari, P., Aaviksoo, J., Freiberg, A., Timpmann, K. (1981). Elimination of excess pulse broadening at high spectral resolution of picosecond duration light emission. Optics Communications, 39(1-2), 94-98.

Anijalg, A., Freiberg, A., Kaarli, R., Kukk, P., Saari, P., Timpmann, K. (1980). Investigation of ultrafast processes with the help of a continuously-operating streak camera. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium "Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Reinhardsbrunn, DDR, 95 - 99.

Freiberg, A.M., Anijalg, A.O., Kukk, P.L., Mihkelsoo, V.T., Saari, P.M., Timpmann, K.E., Schultz, E.A. (1980). Picosecond spectrochronograph based upon synchronously-driven streak camera and an optical image analyser. In: Proceedings of 14th International Congress on High Speed Photonics, Moscow, USSR, 97 - 100.

Freiberg, A., Raidalu, A., Anijalg, A., Timpmann, K., Kukk, P., Saari, P. (1980). A system of continuous scanning of optical spectra in time based on synchroscan streak camera. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised, 29, 187-194.

last updated: 06.10.2005

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