[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Jüri |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Kärner |
3. | Töökoht | Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | erakorraline professor o,25 ja erakorraline vanemteadur 0,5 |
5. | Sünniaeg | 25.04.1940 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | - Tartu Ülikool, 1963 diplomeeritud bioloog (zooloogia) - Tallinna 21. Keskkool, küpsustunnistus 1958 |
7. | Teenistuskäik | Tartu Ülikool: teadur 1963-68; vanemõpetaja 1970-73; dotsent 1973-84; professor 1984-93; korraline professor 1993-2005, erakorraline professor 0,25 ja erakorraline vanemteadur 2005- |
8. | Teaduskraad | teadusdoktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Eksperimentaalmeditsiini Instituut (Leningrad)1983 |
10. | Tunnustused | EestiEesti Vabariigi III klassi Vapiorden Tartu Ülikooli Suur Medal Tartu Medal Tartu Ülikooli Sammas Valitsuse ja ülikooli aukirjad |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Tartu Ülikool: Meditsiini Kesklabori elektronmikroskoopia kabineti juhataja 1968-70; prodekaan 1973-74;geneetika ja tsütoloogia kateedri juhataja 1981-86; prorektor 1986-88; rektor 1988-93; zooloogia ja hüdrobioloogia instituudi juhataja 1998 - 2005 |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Kaia Kala, MSc, 2005, juh. Jüri Kärner, Illar Pata. “Generation and characterisation of conditional transgenic mouse lines expressing Cre under regulation of the mouse Hoxb7 promoter fragment”. Tartu Karin Tamm, MSc, 2005, juh. Jüri Kärner, Tõnis Timmusk, Marko Piirsoo. “BDNF geeni regulatsioon Schwanni rakkude arengus”. Tartu Maarja Haugas, MSc, 2005, juh. Jüri Kärner, Kersti Lilleväli. “GATA3 reguleerib plakoodi morfogeneesi ja FGF signaliseerimist hiire sisekõrva arengus”. Tartu Ranno Rätsep, MSc, 2005, juh. Jüri Kärner, Sulev Kõks. “Combined haplotype analysis of the interleukin-19 and interleukin-20 genes: relationship to plaque-type psoriasis”. Tartu Rannar Airik, MSc, 2004, juh. Jüri Kärner. "Gene expression analysis of GATA3-/- mice by using microarray technology". Tartu Ülo Väli, PhD, 2004, juh. Jüri Kärner. "The Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and the Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina: taxonomy, phylogeography and ecology".. Tartu Piret Michelson, MSc, 1996, juh. Jüri Kärner. "Liigesekõhre kondrotsüütide dünaamika ühekihilises esmaskultuuris". Tartu Heiti Paves, cand, 1989, juh. Jüri Kärner,Toomas Neuman. "Pheokromotsütoom PC12 rakkude aktiinskeleti kiire reorganiseerumine NGFi toimel" (vene k.). Tartu Raivo Raid, cand, 1989, juh. Jüri Kärner. "PC12 rakkude esialgne diferentseerumine NGFi toimel" (vene k.). Tartu Toomas Veidebaum, cand, 1976, juh. Jüri Kärner, Kalju Põldvere. "Kolhitsiini mõju koekultuuri rakkude organoididele (vene k.)". Tartu |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Arengubioloogia, tsütoloogia ja histoloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Gene expression of Gata3 -/- mice using cDNA microarray technology. Airik,R., Kärner, M., Karis, A., Kärner, J. Life Sciences, 2005, 76, 2559-2568 [SCI, CC, Medline] Histoloogia, Tartu, OÜ Halo Kirastus, 2005, 363 lk (koos P.Hussari, Ü.Hussari ja T.Suurojaga) Detection and localisation of Chlamydia sp. Sp. in the central nervous system in calves and piglets. Koslov N., J. Kärner J. Agricultural Science 2003, 14, 4, 214-222 [CAB International (UK) databases] In situ hybridization of chick embryos with p53-specific probe and their immunostaining with anti-p53 antibodies. Krinka D, Raid R, Pata I, Kärner J, Maimets T. Anat Embryol, 2001, 204, 207-215. [SCI, CC, Medline] Dorsoventral compartmentalization of mesoderm in heart-forming area of chick embryo. Kärner M, Krinka D, Padari K, Kärner J, Raid R. Anat Embryol, 2000, 201, 501-507 [SCI, CC, Medline] The role of microtubules in the regulation of proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocytes under hydrostatic pressure. Jortikka MO, Parkkinen JJ, Inkinen RI, Kärner J, Järvelainen HT, Nelimarkka LO, Tammi MI, Lammi MJ Archives Biochem Biophys, 2000, 374, 2, 172-180 [SCI, CC, Medline] Patterning of glycosomes in the presumptive heart forming area of chick embryo. Fourth Baltic-NordicWorkshop in Veterinary Anatomy,1999, 55-57 (with R.Raid, D.Krinka, M.Kärner) Chimeric features of presumptive heart forming mesoderm cells during epithelialization in early development of chick. Proceedings of 50th annual meeting the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, 1998, 191-213 (with R.Raid, D.Krinka, M.Kärner) Sissejuhatus arengubioloogiasse, Tartu, TÜ Kirjastus, 1997, 152lk. N-cadherin, alfa- and beta-catenins immunolocalization pattern in early heart development and myofibrillogenesis. Embryonic Induction: Models and Molecules. Mariehamn (Finland), 1995, 47 (with R. Raid, K. Linask) Üldhistoloogia, Tallinn, “Valgus”, 1994, 311lk (koos Ü. Arendi, H. Kübara ja K. Põldverega) Comparison of autolytical processes in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF and in gastrulating avian embryo. Tissue Biology V. Tartu, 1992, 92-94. (with R. Raid, in Russian) Karner Juri "On University Education" AABS Newsletter XVI (USA), (2) June 1992, 1-3 Pecularities of Neutral Red vital staining in ovo at gastrulation and neurulation phases in avian embryo. Tissue Biology V. Tartu 1992, 60-62. (with U. Lehestik, R. Raid; in Russian) University policy and the independence process. AABS Newsletter (USA), XVI, 4(64), 1992, 8-9 Tartu University Policy. AABS Newsletter (USA), 1991, 60, 6-7 University policy and independence process. Report from the Second Meeting of the Baltic University Conference, Visby, 1991, 29-32 Tarton yliopisto ja eestiläisyyden kehitysedellytykset. KANAVA, 1990, 4, 209-212 (in Finnish) [Changes in the distribution of adenylate cyclase activity in PC 12 cells under the influence of nerve growth factor] Raid RKh, Neuman TE, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1989 Sep-Oct 20:5 543-5 [MEDLINE] Laser application experiments in veterinary medicine. Methods in Laser Biophysics and their Application in Medicine, Tartu, 1989, 174-178 (in Russian) (with E. Pärnaste, R. Tamkivi) Cytological changes in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF. VII All-Union Conference of Embryologists. Leningrad, 1986 (with R. Raid, M. Düüna) (in Russian) Morphological potencies of chick blastoderm regions during gastrulation. Tissue Biology IV, Tartu, 1986, 27-28 (in Russian) Prohistogenesis cytology in early chick embryogenesis. X Congress of anatomists, histologists and embryologists. Vinnitsa, 1986 (in Russian). The 5th Symposium Italy-USSR. “Macromolecules in the Fractioning Cell”. Abstracts. Pavia, 1986, 35 Tissues and germ layers. Ontogenez (Moscow) 1986, 4, 433-434, (in Russian), (with K. Põldvere, V.P. Mikhailov) Ultrastructural reorganizations in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF. Tissue Biology IV, Tartu, 1986, 46-47 (with R. Raid, M. Düüna) (in Russian) [Effect of cyclic nucleotides on the morphogenetic and ultrastructural characteristics of the primitive knot in the chick embryo in organotypic cultures] Neuman TE, Laasberg TA, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1984 Jan-Feb 15:1 88-91 [MEDLINE] Determination of functional activity of cellular components using electron microscopy. Modern methods in electron microscopy (Tallinn), 1983, 64-65 (in Russian) Histoloogia praktikum, Tallinn, “Valgus”, 1983 (koos Ü. Arendi, Ü. Hussari, H. Kübara ja K. Põldverega) Initiation of autophagocytosis during cells cultivation. Acta univ. Tartuensis, 583, 1983, 70-78 Role of lysosomes during cell differentiation and functioning in developing and definitive tissues. Abstract of doctor of science thesis. Leningrad, 1983, 40 p. (in Russian) Selectivity of autophagocytosis in cultivated cells under the influence of different antimetabolites. Acta Univ. Tartuensis, 583, 1983, 15-24 (with T. Veidebaum) (in Russian) Ultrastructural localization of adenylate cyclase and cAMP phosphodiesterase in the gastrulating chick embryo. Neuman T, Laasberg T, Kärner J Wilhelm Roux’Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen (now Development Genes and Evolution]1983,192,42-43 [SCI, Current Contents] Ultrastructural localization of adenylate cyclase during early embryogenesis. Modern methods in electron microscopy (Tallinn) 1983, 74-75 (with T.Neuman, R. Raid) (in Russian) Internal degradative processes in cultivated chick embryo primary node under the influence of cyclic nucleotides. III All-Union conference on cell pathology. Abstracts. Moscow, 1982, p. 139 (in Russian) Cell changes in avian Hensen’s node. IX Congress of anatomists, histologists and embryologists. Minsk, 1981, p. 63 (in Russian) Cytological aspects of catabolism during determination of tissue anlages. Soviet-Finnish seminar on the problems of embryonal induction. Tallinn, 1981, p. 10. [Cytologic aspects of cell determination in the primitive (Hensen's) knot] Kiarner IuK Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol 1980 Dec 79:12 36-47 [MEDLINE] Endo- and exocytosis during the label determination of tissue anlages. Tissue Biology III, Tartu, 1980 (in Russian) On the pecularities of autophagocytosis in tissue culture cells under the influence of different antimetabolites. All-Union Symposium “Structure and Function of Lysosomes”, Novosibirsk, 1980, 42-43, (with T. Weidebaum, in Russian) On the reparative regeneration of the cortex of suprarenal gland. Tissue Biology III, Tartu, 1980 (in Russian) [Distribution of acid phosphatase in the chicken blastoderm] Laasberg TA, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1979 10:3 302-5 [MEDLINE] On the autophagocytosis in the acinar cells of pancreas under the influence of different stimulators. Symposium “Mechanisms of Regulation of Pancreas Activity and Functional Diagnostics of its Diseases”, Tartu, 1979, 85-90. (with S. Teesalu, in Russian) [Changes in the endomembrane system and mitochondria of cultured chick fibroblasts upon application of colchicine and following its withdrawal] Veidebaum TI, Kiarner IuK Tsitologiia 1978 Oct 20:10 1216-20 [MEDLINE] Electron-microscopical study of Drosophila melanogaster follicule differentiation. Final report. Information Centre of VINITI (Moscow), 1978, 26 pp. (in Russian) [Ultrastructure of pancreatic acinar cells under the influence of pancreozymin, serotonin and histamine] Kiarner IuK, Teesalu SA Fiziol Zh SSSR 1978 Sep 64:9 1311-3 [MEDLINE] Virus-like particles in yeast: isolation and infectivity. Nesterova GF, Kärner J, Soom Y, Kozlova TM Z Allg Mikrobiol 1978 18:3 203-7 [SCI, CC, MEDLINE] Distribution of acid phosphatase in chick Hensen's node. Kärner J, Leikola A Differentiation 1976 Jun 4 5:2-3 67-74 [SCI, CC, Evaluated MEDLINE] Macrobodies in chick blastoderm. Kärner J, Leikola A Med Biol 1976 Feb 54:1 50-5 [SCI, CC, MEDLINE] [On the morphology of lysosomes in the cells of primary tissue cultures.] Acta Universitatis Tartuensis, 1976, 64-73 (in Russian) On the pecularities of lysosomes during early avian embryogenesis. Tissue Biology 1976, 67-69 (in Russian) On the seasonal changes of the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes of bream (Abramis brama). Laugaste K, Kärner J Ichthyologia 1976, 8:1 65-70 [MEDLINE] On the two different forms of crinome localization in cultivated chick fibroblasts. Acta Universitatis tartuensis, 1976, 74-82 (in Russian) Distribution of acid phosphatase in chick Hensen’s node. Sec. Int. Conf. on Differentiation (Copenhagen). Abstracts, 1975, 14 (with A. Leikola) [On the ultrastructure of the follicle cells in Drosophila egg chamber.] Proc. of Acad. of Sciences of Est.SSR (Biology) 1975, 26, 141-142 (in Russian) (with M. Viikmaa, M. Ojamaa) On the ultrastructure of the follicle cells in Drosophila egg chamber. Proc. of Acad. of Sciences of EstSSR. Biology. 1975, 26, 141-142 (in Russian) (with M. Viikmaa, M. Ojamaa) Comparative cytological study on cell ultrastructural changes under functional loading. VIII All-Union Congress of Anatomists. Abstracts. Tashkent, 1974, 217 (in Russian) (with T. Veidebaum, M. Viikmaa, R. Masso, A. Piirsoo) Genetical aspects of the virus content in yeasts. Genetics of Industrian Microorganisms. Sec. Intern. Symp. Abstracts. AP. London, N.-Y., San Fransisco, 1974, 94 (with G. Nesterova, J. Soom) On the changes of cell organelles in Drosophila egg chamber during vitellogenesis. Symposium of Developmental Biology (Leningrad), 1974, 28-29 (with M. Viikmaa) (in Russian) [Possible transfer of virus-like particles from Candida tropicalis cells to Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells] Nesterova GF, Kiarner Iu, Kozlova TM Mikrobiologiia 1974 Nov-Dec 43:6 1095-7 [MEDLINE] On the seasonal changes of the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes of bream (Abramis brama L.). I European Congress of Ichtyologists. Sarajevo, 1973, 97 (with K. Laugaste) On the ultrastructure of chick cultivated fibroblasts under the influence of colchicine. Proc.of Acad. of Sciences of Est.SSR. Biology. 1973, 22, 3, 269-273 (with T. Veidebaum) (in Russian) [Virus-like particles in Candida tropicalis] Nesterova GF, Kiarner Iu, Soom IaO Mikrobiologiia 1973 Jan-Feb 42:1 162-5 [MEDLINE] [The ultrastructure of gastric parietal and chief cells in atrophic gastritis] Salupere VP, Kiarner IuK Arkh Patol 1972 34:10 20-5 [MEDLINE] Focal degradation of cytoplasm in primary tissue culture cells. IX Intern. Congress of Anatomists. Abstracts. Leningrad, 1970, 64 On the origin of autolysosomes in the fibroblasts of primary tissue cultures. VII All-Union Conference of Electron Microscopy. Abstracts. Moscow, 1969, p. 10 (in Russian) Seasonal dynamics of bream liver ultrastructures. VII All-Union Conf. of Electron Microscopy. Abstracts. Moscow, 1969, p. 37 (in Russian) (with K. Laugaste) On the dynamics of acid phosphatase during cultivation of dissociated cells. Students’ scientific works in zoology II, Tartu, 1968, 23-33 (in Russian) [The effects of estrone on myomatous cells and the surrounding myometrium in tissue culture] Meipalu VE, Kiarner IuK Tsitologiia 1968 Aug 10:8 1052-7 [MEDLINE] Cytological pecularities of primary tissue cultures. Acta Universitatis Tartuensis, 1966, 4-15 (in Russian) Lysosomes in tissue culture cells. VII All-Union Congress of Anatomists. Tbilisi, 1966, 306-307 (in Russian) [On lysosomes and vital staining of fibroblasts in primary tissue cultures] Kiarner IuK Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol 1966 May 50:5 60-6 [MEDLINE] Tissue cultures as useful method in connective tissues studies. In: Rheumatism (Riga), 1966, 47-53 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere) Biological pecularities of primary trypsinized tissue cultures. V Conf. of Tallinn Institute of Epid. Microbiol. and Hygienics. Reports. 1965, 29-30 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere, S. Veroman, T. Laisk) Primary trypsinized tissue culture as a differentiating system. VIII conference for memory acad. A.A. Zavarzin, Leningrad. Reports, 1965, 156-158 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere, S. Veroman, M.-A. Kool, T. Laisk) On the light-microscopical organization of the cytoplasm of fibroblasts in primary trypsinized cultures. ActaUniversitatis Tartuensis, 1963, 320-325 (in Russian) Ornitofaunistical pecularities of Polar Urales. Students Scientific Works inZoology I, Tartu, 1963, 62-63 (in Russian) (with T. Randla) Pheasant in Estonia. Estonian Nature, 1960, 5, 281-284 (in Estonian) |
viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Jüri |
2. | Surname | Kärner |
3. | Institution | University of Tartu |
4. | Position | extraordinary professor 0,25 & extraordinary reseacher 0,5 |
5. | Date of birth | 25.04.1940 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | - University of Tartu diploma biologist (zoology) 23.06. 1963 - Tallinn 21. Secondary School diploma of maturity 20.06. 1958 |
7. | Research and professional experience |
University of Tartu extraordinary professor 0,25 and senior reseacher 0,5 2005- Professor, head of Dept. of Zoology, 1998-2005 professor of general zoology, Dept. of Zoology and Hydrobiology 1993 -2005 professor 1984-1993 docent (assoc. professor), Dept. Genetics and Cytology 1976-1981 docent (assoc. professor), Dept. of Zoology 1973-1976 senior lecturer, Dept. of Zoology 1970-1973 head of Lab. of Electron Microscopy, Central Medical Research Lab. 1968-1970 researcher, Lab. of Histology, Central Medical Research Lab. 1963-1968 |
8. | Academic degree | Doctor of science in embryology and histology |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
- Institute of Experimental Medicine (Leningrad) 23.11. 1983 |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
head of Institute of Zoology and Hydrobiology 1998-2005 rector of the University of Tartu 1988-1993 prorector of the University of Tartu 1986-1988 professor, head of Dept. Genetics and Cytology 1984-1986 docent (assoc. professor), head of Dept. Genetics and Cytology 1981-1984 assoc. dean of the Faculty of Biology and Geography 1973-1974 |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Kaia Kala, MSc, 2005, superv. Jüri Kärner, Illar Pata. “Generation and characterisation of conditional transgenic mouse lines expressing Cre under regulation of the mouse Hoxb7 promoter fragment”. Tartu Karin Tamm, MSc, 2005, superv. Jüri Kärner, Tõnis Timmusk, Marko Piirsoo. “BDNF geeni regulatsioon Schwanni rakkude arengus”. Tartu Maarja Haugas, MSc, 2005, superv. Jüri Kärner, Kersti Lilleväli. “GATA3 reguleerib plakoodi morfogeneesi ja FGF signaliseerimist hiire sisekõrva arengus”. Tartu Ranno Rätsep, MSc, 2005, superv. Jüri Kärner, Sulev Kõks. “Combined haplotype analysis of the interleukin-19 and interleukin-20 genes: relationship to plaque-type psoriasis”. Tartu Rannar Airik, MSc, 2004, superv. Jüri Kärner. "Gene expression analysis of GATA3-/- mice by using microarray technology". Tartu Ülo Väli, PhD, 2004, superv. Jüri Kärner. "The Greater Spotted Eagle Aquila clanga and the Lesser Spotted Eagle A. pomarina: taxonomy, phylogeography and ecology".. Tartu Piret Michelson, MSc, 1996, superv. Jüri Kärner. "Liigesekõhre kondrotsüütide dünaamika ühekihilises esmaskultuuris". Tartu Heiti Paves, cand, 1989, superv. Jüri Kärner,Toomas Neuman. "Pheokromotsütoom PC12 rakkude aktiinskeleti kiire reorganiseerumine NGFi toimel" (vene k.). Tartu Raivo Raid, cand, 1989, superv. Jüri Kärner. "PC12 rakkude esialgne diferentseerumine NGFi toimel" (vene k.). Tartu Toomas Veidebaum, cand, 1976, superv. Jüri Kärner, Kalju Põldvere. "Kolhitsiini mõju koekultuuri rakkude organoididele (vene k.)". Tartu |
13. | Current research program | Developmental biology, cytology and histology |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Gene expression of Gata3 -/- mice using cDNA microarray technology. Airik,R., Kärner, M., Karis, A., Kärner, J. Life Sciences, 2005, 76, 2559-2568 [SCI, CC, Medline] Histoloogia, Tartu, OÜ Halo Kirastus, 2005, 363 lk (koos P.Hussari, Ü.Hussari ja T.Suurojaga) Detection and localisation of Chlamydia sp. Sp. in the central nervous system in calves and piglets. Koslov N., J. Kärner J. Agricultural Science 2003, 14, 4, 214-222 [CAB International (UK) databases] In situ hybridization of chick embryos with p53-specific probe and their immunostaining with anti-p53 antibodies. Krinka D, Raid R, Pata I, Kärner J, Maimets T. Anat Embryol, 2001, 204, 207-215. [SCI, CC, Medline] Dorsoventral compartmentalization of mesoderm in heart-forming area of chick embryo. Kärner M, Krinka D, Padari K, Kärner J, Raid R. Anat Embryol, 2000, 201, 501-507 [SCI, CC, Medline] The role of microtubules in the regulation of proteoglycan synthesis in chondrocytes under hydrostatic pressure. Jortikka MO, Parkkinen JJ, Inkinen RI, Kärner J, Järvelainen HT, Nelimarkka LO, Tammi MI, Lammi MJ Archives Biochem Biophys, 2000, 374, 2, 172-180 [SCI, CC, Medline] Patterning of glycosomes in the presumptive heart forming area of chick embryo. Fourth Baltic-NordicWorkshop in Veterinary Anatomy,1999, 55-57 (with R.Raid, D.Krinka, M.Kärner) Chimeric features of presumptive heart forming mesoderm cells during epithelialization in early development of chick. Proceedings of 50th annual meeting the Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy, 1998, 191-213 (with R.Raid, D.Krinka, M.Kärner) Sissejuhatus arengubioloogiasse, Tartu, TÜ Kirjastus, 1997, 152lk. N-cadherin, alfa- and beta-catenins immunolocalization pattern in early heart development and myofibrillogenesis. Embryonic Induction: Models and Molecules. Mariehamn (Finland), 1995, 47 (with R. Raid, K. Linask) Üldhistoloogia, Tallinn, “Valgus”, 1994, 311lk (koos Ü. Arendi, H. Kübara ja K. Põldverega) Comparison of autolytical processes in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF and in gastrulating avian embryo. Tissue Biology V. Tartu, 1992, 92-94. (with R. Raid, in Russian) Karner Juri "On University Education" AABS Newsletter XVI (USA), (2) June 1992, 1-3 Pecularities of Neutral Red vital staining in ovo at gastrulation and neurulation phases in avian embryo. Tissue Biology V. Tartu 1992, 60-62. (with U. Lehestik, R. Raid; in Russian) University policy and the independence process. AABS Newsletter (USA), XVI, 4(64), 1992, 8-9 Tartu University Policy. AABS Newsletter (USA), 1991, 60, 6-7 University policy and independence process. Report from the Second Meeting of the Baltic University Conference, Visby, 1991, 29-32 Tarton yliopisto ja eestiläisyyden kehitysedellytykset. KANAVA, 1990, 4, 209-212 (in Finnish) [Changes in the distribution of adenylate cyclase activity in PC 12 cells under the influence of nerve growth factor] Raid RKh, Neuman TE, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1989 Sep-Oct 20:5 543-5 [MEDLINE] Laser application experiments in veterinary medicine. Methods in Laser Biophysics and their Application in Medicine, Tartu, 1989, 174-178 (in Russian) (with E. Pärnaste, R. Tamkivi) Cytological changes in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF. VII All-Union Conference of Embryologists. Leningrad, 1986 (with R. Raid, M. Düüna) (in Russian) Morphological potencies of chick blastoderm regions during gastrulation. Tissue Biology IV, Tartu, 1986, 27-28 (in Russian) Prohistogenesis cytology in early chick embryogenesis. X Congress of anatomists, histologists and embryologists. Vinnitsa, 1986 (in Russian). The 5th Symposium Italy-USSR. “Macromolecules in the Fractioning Cell”. Abstracts. Pavia, 1986, 35 Tissues and germ layers. Ontogenez (Moscow) 1986, 4, 433-434, (in Russian), (with K. Põldvere, V.P. Mikhailov) Ultrastructural reorganizations in PC12 cells under the influence of NGF. Tissue Biology IV, Tartu, 1986, 46-47 (with R. Raid, M. Düüna) (in Russian) [Effect of cyclic nucleotides on the morphogenetic and ultrastructural characteristics of the primitive knot in the chick embryo in organotypic cultures] Neuman TE, Laasberg TA, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1984 Jan-Feb 15:1 88-91 [MEDLINE] Determination of functional activity of cellular components using electron microscopy. Modern methods in electron microscopy (Tallinn), 1983, 64-65 (in Russian) Histoloogia praktikum, Tallinn, “Valgus”, 1983 (koos Ü. Arendi, Ü. Hussari, H. Kübara ja K. Põldverega) Initiation of autophagocytosis during cells cultivation. Acta univ. Tartuensis, 583, 1983, 70-78 Role of lysosomes during cell differentiation and functioning in developing and definitive tissues. Abstract of doctor of science thesis. Leningrad, 1983, 40 p. (in Russian) Selectivity of autophagocytosis in cultivated cells under the influence of different antimetabolites. Acta Univ. Tartuensis, 583, 1983, 15-24 (with T. Veidebaum) (in Russian) Ultrastructural localization of adenylate cyclase and cAMP phosphodiesterase in the gastrulating chick embryo. Neuman T, Laasberg T, Kärner J Wilhelm Roux’Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen (now Development Genes and Evolution]1983,192,42-43 [SCI, Current Contents] Ultrastructural localization of adenylate cyclase during early embryogenesis. Modern methods in electron microscopy (Tallinn) 1983, 74-75 (with T.Neuman, R. Raid) (in Russian) Internal degradative processes in cultivated chick embryo primary node under the influence of cyclic nucleotides. III All-Union conference on cell pathology. Abstracts. Moscow, 1982, p. 139 (in Russian) Cell changes in avian Hensen’s node. IX Congress of anatomists, histologists and embryologists. Minsk, 1981, p. 63 (in Russian) Cytological aspects of catabolism during determination of tissue anlages. Soviet-Finnish seminar on the problems of embryonal induction. Tallinn, 1981, p. 10. [Cytologic aspects of cell determination in the primitive (Hensen's) knot] Kiarner IuK Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol 1980 Dec 79:12 36-47 [MEDLINE] Endo- and exocytosis during the label determination of tissue anlages. Tissue Biology III, Tartu, 1980 (in Russian) On the pecularities of autophagocytosis in tissue culture cells under the influence of different antimetabolites. All-Union Symposium “Structure and Function of Lysosomes”, Novosibirsk, 1980, 42-43, (with T. Weidebaum, in Russian) On the reparative regeneration of the cortex of suprarenal gland. Tissue Biology III, Tartu, 1980 (in Russian) [Distribution of acid phosphatase in the chicken blastoderm] Laasberg TA, Kiarner IuK Ontogenez 1979 10:3 302-5 [MEDLINE] On the autophagocytosis in the acinar cells of pancreas under the influence of different stimulators. Symposium “Mechanisms of Regulation of Pancreas Activity and Functional Diagnostics of its Diseases”, Tartu, 1979, 85-90. (with S. Teesalu, in Russian) [Changes in the endomembrane system and mitochondria of cultured chick fibroblasts upon application of colchicine and following its withdrawal] Veidebaum TI, Kiarner IuK Tsitologiia 1978 Oct 20:10 1216-20 [MEDLINE] Electron-microscopical study of Drosophila melanogaster follicule differentiation. Final report. Information Centre of VINITI (Moscow), 1978, 26 pp. (in Russian) [Ultrastructure of pancreatic acinar cells under the influence of pancreozymin, serotonin and histamine] Kiarner IuK, Teesalu SA Fiziol Zh SSSR 1978 Sep 64:9 1311-3 [MEDLINE] Virus-like particles in yeast: isolation and infectivity. Nesterova GF, Kärner J, Soom Y, Kozlova TM Z Allg Mikrobiol 1978 18:3 203-7 [SCI, CC, MEDLINE] Distribution of acid phosphatase in chick Hensen's node. Kärner J, Leikola A Differentiation 1976 Jun 4 5:2-3 67-74 [SCI, CC, Evaluated MEDLINE] Macrobodies in chick blastoderm. Kärner J, Leikola A Med Biol 1976 Feb 54:1 50-5 [SCI, CC, MEDLINE] [On the morphology of lysosomes in the cells of primary tissue cultures.] Acta Universitatis Tartuensis, 1976, 64-73 (in Russian) On the pecularities of lysosomes during early avian embryogenesis. Tissue Biology 1976, 67-69 (in Russian) On the seasonal changes of the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes of bream (Abramis brama). Laugaste K, Kärner J Ichthyologia 1976, 8:1 65-70 [MEDLINE] On the two different forms of crinome localization in cultivated chick fibroblasts. Acta Universitatis tartuensis, 1976, 74-82 (in Russian) Distribution of acid phosphatase in chick Hensen’s node. Sec. Int. Conf. on Differentiation (Copenhagen). Abstracts, 1975, 14 (with A. Leikola) [On the ultrastructure of the follicle cells in Drosophila egg chamber.] Proc. of Acad. of Sciences of Est.SSR (Biology) 1975, 26, 141-142 (in Russian) (with M. Viikmaa, M. Ojamaa) On the ultrastructure of the follicle cells in Drosophila egg chamber. Proc. of Acad. of Sciences of EstSSR. Biology. 1975, 26, 141-142 (in Russian) (with M. Viikmaa, M. Ojamaa) Comparative cytological study on cell ultrastructural changes under functional loading. VIII All-Union Congress of Anatomists. Abstracts. Tashkent, 1974, 217 (in Russian) (with T. Veidebaum, M. Viikmaa, R. Masso, A. Piirsoo) Genetical aspects of the virus content in yeasts. Genetics of Industrian Microorganisms. Sec. Intern. Symp. Abstracts. AP. London, N.-Y., San Fransisco, 1974, 94 (with G. Nesterova, J. Soom) On the changes of cell organelles in Drosophila egg chamber during vitellogenesis. Symposium of Developmental Biology (Leningrad), 1974, 28-29 (with M. Viikmaa) (in Russian) [Possible transfer of virus-like particles from Candida tropicalis cells to Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells] Nesterova GF, Kiarner Iu, Kozlova TM Mikrobiologiia 1974 Nov-Dec 43:6 1095-7 [MEDLINE] On the seasonal changes of the ultrastructure of the hepatocytes of bream (Abramis brama L.). I European Congress of Ichtyologists. Sarajevo, 1973, 97 (with K. Laugaste) On the ultrastructure of chick cultivated fibroblasts under the influence of colchicine. Proc.of Acad. of Sciences of Est.SSR. Biology. 1973, 22, 3, 269-273 (with T. Veidebaum) (in Russian) [Virus-like particles in Candida tropicalis] Nesterova GF, Kiarner Iu, Soom IaO Mikrobiologiia 1973 Jan-Feb 42:1 162-5 [MEDLINE] [The ultrastructure of gastric parietal and chief cells in atrophic gastritis] Salupere VP, Kiarner IuK Arkh Patol 1972 34:10 20-5 [MEDLINE] Focal degradation of cytoplasm in primary tissue culture cells. IX Intern. Congress of Anatomists. Abstracts. Leningrad, 1970, 64 On the origin of autolysosomes in the fibroblasts of primary tissue cultures. VII All-Union Conference of Electron Microscopy. Abstracts. Moscow, 1969, p. 10 (in Russian) Seasonal dynamics of bream liver ultrastructures. VII All-Union Conf. of Electron Microscopy. Abstracts. Moscow, 1969, p. 37 (in Russian) (with K. Laugaste) On the dynamics of acid phosphatase during cultivation of dissociated cells. Students’ scientific works in zoology II, Tartu, 1968, 23-33 (in Russian) [The effects of estrone on myomatous cells and the surrounding myometrium in tissue culture] Meipalu VE, Kiarner IuK Tsitologiia 1968 Aug 10:8 1052-7 [MEDLINE] Cytological pecularities of primary tissue cultures. Acta Universitatis Tartuensis, 1966, 4-15 (in Russian) Lysosomes in tissue culture cells. VII All-Union Congress of Anatomists. Tbilisi, 1966, 306-307 (in Russian) [On lysosomes and vital staining of fibroblasts in primary tissue cultures] Kiarner IuK Arkh Anat Gistol Embriol 1966 May 50:5 60-6 [MEDLINE] Tissue cultures as useful method in connective tissues studies. In: Rheumatism (Riga), 1966, 47-53 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere) Biological pecularities of primary trypsinized tissue cultures. V Conf. of Tallinn Institute of Epid. Microbiol. and Hygienics. Reports. 1965, 29-30 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere, S. Veroman, T. Laisk) Primary trypsinized tissue culture as a differentiating system. VIII conference for memory acad. A.A. Zavarzin, Leningrad. Reports, 1965, 156-158 (in Russian) (with K. Põldvere, S. Veroman, M.-A. Kool, T. Laisk) On the light-microscopical organization of the cytoplasm of fibroblasts in primary trypsinized cultures. ActaUniversitatis Tartuensis, 1963, 320-325 (in Russian) Ornitofaunistical pecularities of Polar Urales. Students Scientific Works inZoology I, Tartu, 1963, 62-63 (in Russian) (with T. Randla) Pheasant in Estonia. Estonian Nature, 1960, 5, 281-284 (in Estonian) |
last updated: 10.10.2005
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