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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ülo
2.Perekonnanimi Puurand
3.Töökoht Iasgen OÜ
4.Ametikoht juhataja
5.Sünniaeg 20.12.1963 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1970-1978 Tallinna 27.8-klassiline kool (praegu Tallinna Rahumäe Põhikool)
1978-1981 Tallinna 1.Keskkool (praegu Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium)
1981-1986 Tartu Ülikool, Bioloogia, geneetika ja selektsiooni eriala
7.Teenistuskäik 1986-1990 Keemilise ja Biloogilise Füüsika Instituut, Molekulaargeneenika Laboratoorium, teadlane; Tallinn, Eesti;
1990-1997 Helsingi Ülikool, Biotehnoloogia Instituut, Taime Molekulaarbioloogia Laboratoorium, teadlane; Helsinki, Soome;
1998 Helsingi Ülikool, Biotehnoloogia Instituut, Taime Molekulaarbioloogia Laboratoorium, vanemteadur; Helsinki, Soome;
2000-2005 Tartu Ülikool, Arstiteaduskond, Patofüsioloogia Õppetool, teadlane;
2001-until now, Iasgen OÜ, juhataja;
8.Teaduskraad Filosoofiadoktor(viroloogia)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1997
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad 1986-1990 oli mu teadustöö seotud veise pepsiini geeni uurimisega, mille geeni ma kloneerisin ja kirjeldasin;
1990-1998 oli mu teadustöö seotud taime viroloogiaga, peamiselt kartuli viirus A -ga, mille genoomi ma kloneerisin, sekveneerisin ja koostasin ta infektsioonilise cDNA; samuti osalesin kartuliviirus Y kattevalku ekspresseerivate transgeensete tubakataimede valmistamisel ja uurimisel;
2000-2005 oli mu teadustöö seotud imetajate energeetilise metabolismi uurimisega; põhitöö oli seotud geenide otsimisega, mis ekspresseeruvad lihastes, kus energia tootmiseks on domineeriv oksüdatiivne fosforüülimine, kuid ei ekspresseeru lihastes, kus energia tootmiseks on domineeriv glükolüüs. Mudelsüsteemina, kus on energia tootmises domineeriv oksüdatiivse fosforüülimise, kasutati hiire südant ja M. soleus't, ja mudelsüsteemina, kus on energia tootmises domineeriv glükolüüs, kasutati M. extensor digitorum'it.
14.Jooksvad grandid

Leppanen, V.M., Bespalov, M.M., Runeberg-Roos, P., Puurand, U., Merits, A., Saarma, M., Goldman, A. (2004), The structure of GFRalpha1 domain 3 reveals new insights into GDNF binding and RET activation, EMBO J. 23(7), 1752-62.

Puurand, Ü., Kadaja, L., Seppet, E. (2003), Kindred DNA amplification from two distinct populations of DNA fragments. Biotechniques, 34(5), 994-1000.

International Patent Application PCT/EE02/00002, Method for detection of DNA sequence variations. Requested: 22.02.2002. Author: Ulo Puurand.

Eesti Patenditaotlus P200100112, Meetod DNA järjestuse variatsioonide leidmiseks. Taotletud: 23.02.2001. Autor: Ülo Puurand.

Truusalu, K., Vainumäe, I., Puurand, Ü., Talvik, T., Mikelsaar, M.(2000), Korduvate uroinfektsioonidega laste E.coli tüvede tüpiseerimine. Eesti Arst, 2000 (9), 570.

Andrejeva, L., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Järvekülg, L., Valkonen, JP. (1999), Potyvirus helper component-proteinase and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation. Journal of General Virology, 80(5), 1133-9.

Andrejeva, J., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Puurand, Ü., Järvekülg, L. (1996), Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the 3'-terminal regions of one aphid and two non-aphid transmissible isolates of potato A potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 141(7), 1207-19.

Puurand, Ü., Valkonen, J.P., Mäkinen, K., Rabenstein, F., Saarma, M. (1996), Infectious in vitro transcripts from cloned cDNA of the potato A potyvirus. Virus Research, 40(2), 135-40.

Mäkinen, K., Tamm, T., Naess, V., Truve, E., Puurand, Ü., Munthe, T., Saarma, M. (1995), Characterization of cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus genomic RNA and sequence comparison with related viruses. Journal of General Virology, 76(11), 2817-25.

Puurand, Ü., Valkonen, J.P.T., Mäkinen, K., Rabenstein, F., Saarma, M. (1995), Characterization of the infectious in vitro transcripts from the cloned cDNA of the potato A potyvirus. In: 75 Years of Phytopathological and Resistance Research at Aschersleben, Germany. Züchtungsforsforschung, 1, 133-36.

Valkonen, J.P.T., Puurand, Ü., Slack, S.A., Mäkinen, K., Saarma, M. (1995), Three strain groups of potato A potyvirus based on hypersensitive responses in potato, serological properties, and coat protein sequences. Plant Disease, 79, 748-753.

Puurand, Ü., Mäkinen, K., Paulin, L., Saarma, M. (1994), The nucleotide sequence of potato virus A genomic RNA and its sequence similarities with other potyviruses. Journal of General Virology, 75(2), 457-61.

Puurand, Ü., Mäkinen, K., Baumann, M., Saarma, M. (1992), Nucleotide sequence of the 3’-terminal region of potato virus A RNA. Virus Research, 23(1-2), 99-105.

Puurand, Ü., Saarma, M. (1990), Cloning and sequencing of the 3’-terminal region of potato virus YN (Russian isolate) RNA genome. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(22), 6694.

viimati muudetud: 07.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ülo
2.Surname Puurand
3.Institution Iasgen LLC
4.Position chairman
5.Date of birth 20.12.1963 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1970-1978 Tallinn 27th Elementary School (now Rahumae Elementary School)
1978-1981 Tallinn 1th High School (now Gustav Adolf Gymnasium)
1981-1986 University of Tartu, Biologist (Geneticist);
7.Research and
professional experience
1986-1990 Institute of Chemical and Biological Physics, Laboratory of Molecular genetics, Scientist; Tallinn, Estonia;
1990-1997 University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, Scientist; Helsinki, Finland;
1998 University of Helsinki, Institute of Biotechnology, Laboratory of Plant Molecular Biology, Senior Scientist; Helsinki, Finland;
2000- 2005 University of Tartu, Department of Medicine, Chair of Pathophysiology, Scientist;
2001- until now, Iasgen LLC, chairman;
8.Academic degree Ph.D., (Virology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1997
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program 1986-1990 was my scientific activity connected into the studing of cow's pepsin, which gene I cloned and described.
1990-1998 was my scientific activity connected into the molecular biology of the plant viruses, mainly into the studing of Potato Virus A (PVA), which genome I cloned, sequenced and constract the infectious copy of this virus (PVA). I was also active in the project making the transgenic tobacco plants expressing the coat protein of the Potato Virus Y (PVY).
2000-2005 was my scientific activity connected into the studing of mammalian energetic metabolism. Main work was to search for the genes, whish are expressed in muscles, in which is dominating the oxydative phosphorylation for the energy production, but not expressed in muscles, in which the glycolysis is the dominating for the energy production. Mouse heart and M. soleus were the model systems for the oxydative phoshorylation dominating possibility, M. extensor digitorum was the model system for the glycolysis dominating possibility.
14.Current grant funding
15.List of most important publications

Leppanen, V.M., Bespalov, M.M., Runeberg-Roos, P., Puurand, U., Merits, A., Saarma, M., Goldman, A. (2004), The structure of GFRalpha1 domain 3 reveals new insights into GDNF binding and RET activation, EMBO J. 23(7), 1752-62.

Puurand, Ü., Kadaja, L., Seppet, E. (2003), Kindred DNA amplification from two distinct populations of DNA fragments. Biotechniques, 34(5), 994-1000.

International Patent Application PCT/EE02/00002, Method for detection of DNA sequence variations. Requested: 22.02.2002. Author: Ulo Puurand.

Eesti Patenditaotlus P200100112, Meetod DNA järjestuse variatsioonide leidmiseks. Taotletud: 23.02.2001. Autor: Ülo Puurand.

Truusalu, K., Vainumäe, I., Puurand, Ü., Talvik, T., Mikelsaar, M.(2000), Korduvate uroinfektsioonidega laste E.coli tüvede tüpiseerimine. Eesti Arst, 2000 (9), 570.

Andrejeva, L., Puurand, Ü., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Järvekülg, L., Valkonen, JP. (1999), Potyvirus helper component-proteinase and coat protein (CP) have coordinated functions in virus-host interactions and the same CP motif affects virus transmission and accumulation. Journal of General Virology, 80(5), 1133-9.

Andrejeva, J., Merits, A., Rabenstein, F., Puurand, Ü., Järvekülg, L. (1996), Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the 3'-terminal regions of one aphid and two non-aphid transmissible isolates of potato A potyvirus. Archives of Virology, 141(7), 1207-19.

Puurand, Ü., Valkonen, J.P., Mäkinen, K., Rabenstein, F., Saarma, M. (1996), Infectious in vitro transcripts from cloned cDNA of the potato A potyvirus. Virus Research, 40(2), 135-40.

Mäkinen, K., Tamm, T., Naess, V., Truve, E., Puurand, Ü., Munthe, T., Saarma, M. (1995), Characterization of cocksfoot mottle sobemovirus genomic RNA and sequence comparison with related viruses. Journal of General Virology, 76(11), 2817-25.

Puurand, Ü., Valkonen, J.P.T., Mäkinen, K., Rabenstein, F., Saarma, M. (1995), Characterization of the infectious in vitro transcripts from the cloned cDNA of the potato A potyvirus. In: 75 Years of Phytopathological and Resistance Research at Aschersleben, Germany. Züchtungsforsforschung, 1, 133-36.

Valkonen, J.P.T., Puurand, Ü., Slack, S.A., Mäkinen, K., Saarma, M. (1995), Three strain groups of potato A potyvirus based on hypersensitive responses in potato, serological properties, and coat protein sequences. Plant Disease, 79, 748-753.

Puurand, Ü., Mäkinen, K., Paulin, L., Saarma, M. (1994), The nucleotide sequence of potato virus A genomic RNA and its sequence similarities with other potyviruses. Journal of General Virology, 75(2), 457-61.

Puurand, Ü., Mäkinen, K., Baumann, M., Saarma, M. (1992), Nucleotide sequence of the 3’-terminal region of potato virus A RNA. Virus Research, 23(1-2), 99-105.

Puurand, Ü., Saarma, M. (1990), Cloning and sequencing of the 3’-terminal region of potato virus YN (Russian isolate) RNA genome. Nucleic Acids Research, 18(22), 6694.

last updated: 07.10.2005

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