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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ülle
2.Perekonnanimi Kikas
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikooli keskkonnafüüsika instituut
4.Ametikoht teadur
5.Sünniaeg 02.01.1949 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1994 -98 Tartu Ülikool doktorantuur, Ph D 1998
1967 -72 TRÜ füüsikaosakond, diplom füüsikas 1972
1964 – 67 Tartu 1. Keskkool
7.Teenistuskäik TÜ keskkonnafüüsika instituudi teadur (alates 1993) ja ülemaailmse koolide teadusharidusprogrammi GLOBE Eesti koordinaator (haridusministri käskkirja alusel alates 1996)
T(R)Ü füüsika-keemiateaduskonna nooremteadur, vanemteadur (1975-1992), füüsikaõpetaja õhtukoolis (1973 – 1974), TRÜ insener (1971 – 1972).
8.Teaduskraad Ph D keskkonnafüüsikas
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Tartu Ülikool, 1998
10.Tunnustused Haridusministeeriumi aukirjad 2005, 2004
ja –administratiivne
TÜ füüsika-keemiateaduskonna nõukogu liige
EU Socrates- Minerva projekti koordinaator, 2001 - 2003
Rahvusvaheliste konverentside oraniseerimiskomitee esimees ja liige (2003, 2005)
Euroopa GLOBE koordinaatorite nõukogu liige
IUCN Haridus- ja teaduskomisjoni liige
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Mai Vaht, MSc, 2004, juh. Ülle Kikas, Kai Kisand. Looduslik ultraviolettkiirgus Pärnu rannas ja selle mõju päevitajate lümfotsüütide alaklassidele. Tartu Ülikooli tervishoiuinstituut

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Teadustöö aerosoolifüüsika ja atmosfääriaerosooli valdkonnas: atmosfääriaerosooli mikrofüüsikaliste ja optiliste omaduste seose uurimine ja parametriseerimine; atmosfääriaerosooli mõju maalähedasele UV kiirgusele; Arendustöö: loodusainete õppimiseks mõeldud online õppematerjalide komplekti väljatöötamine (pedagoogiline ja tehniline kontseptsioon, rahvusvahelise kollektiivi juhtimine) http://www.globe-europe.org/eLSEE/index.html
14.Jooksvad grandid Grandihoidja: 2004 – 2007 projekt “Science and Technology for Innovation Education on Earth”, finantseerija US State Department, grant 635500 eek.

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A.: Relationship of UV index and aerosol properties in the Baltic Sea region - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference 2003), 2003, 2, S1039-S1040

Kikas, Ü., Reinart A.E., A., Tamm, E., Iher, H.: Comparison of aerosol microphysical characteristics obtained from AERONET and ground based measurements - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (European Aerosol Conf. 2004, Suppl. 2), 2004, 35, S1007-S1008

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A., Sherman, I.: Assessment of aerosol types in Baltic region using TOMS and AERONET data - Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 2004: 16th Intenational Conference, 2004, 682-685 .

Reinart A.E., A., Reinart A.T., A., Kikas, Ü.: Estimation of aerosol optical properties used in the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS images over Baltic Sea - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (Abstr. European Aerosol Conf. 2004, Suppl. 1), 2004, 35, S537-S538

Kikas, Ü. (toimetaja), Linnas, A.(toimetaja): e-learning in science and environmental education. Proceedings of the international conference, 2003, 93 lk

Vaht, M., Kikas, U., Reinart, A., Lehtmaa, J.: Changes in the immune system of female sunbathers due to the effect of natural UV radiation - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 2003, Vol. 206, No. 6, 597-599, 3 lk

Kikas, U., Reinart, A., Vaht, M., Veismann, U.: A case study of the impact of boundary layer aerosol size distribution on the surface UV irradiance - ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2001, Vol. 35, No. 30, 5041-5051, 11 lk .

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A., Vaht, M., Tamm, E.: Mutual impact of UV radiation and atmospheric aerosol in a coastal area - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 2001, 32, S435-S436 .

Vaht, M., Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A.: Looduslik päikesekiirgus Pärnu rannas ja selle mõju päevitajate immuunsüsteemile - Eesti Arst, 2001, 10, 456-462 .

CC Mirme, A., Kikas, Ü., Tamm, E.: The receptor-oriented study of aerosol residence times - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 1999, Suppl. 1, S531-S532

Mirme, A., Paris, P., Kikas, Ü., Laan, M., Tamm, E.: Characterisation of corona aerosol using an Electrical Aerosol Spectrometer - Electret filters, production and properties. Proceedings of International Workshop on Electret Filters, Production and Properties, 1999, 151-160 .

Kikas, Ü., Mirme, A., Tamm, E.: Examining the relationship between aerosol size distribution and atmospheric visibility in an urban area - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 1998, 29, S661-S662 .

Kikas, Ü., A. Mirme, E. Tamm, and T. Raunemaa (1997) Bimodality of aerosol size distribution in the 0.06 - 1.0 µm diameter range observed during haze episodes. In: Proc. Conf. Visual Air Quality, Aerosols, and Global Radiation Balance. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., American Geophysical Union, Pittsburgh, 507-515.

9. Kikas, Ü., I. Peil and F. Miller (1996) Black Carbon in the air of Estonia. In: Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, editors Kulmala M. and P. E. Wagner. Pergamon Press, 554 - 557.

Kikas, U., Mirme, A., Tamm, E., Raunemaa, T.: Statistical characteristics of aerosol in Baltic Sea region - JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 1996, Vol. 101, No. D14, 19319-19327, 9 lk

10. Kikas, Ü., A. Mirme, E. Tamm and T. Raunemaa (1994). Statistical characteristics of aerosol in Baltic Sea region. In: Aerosols and Atmospheric Optics. Proc. Int. Spec. Conference, A . Air & Waste Management Association, American Geophysical Union, 95 - 108.


viimati muudetud: 07.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ülle
2.Surname Kikas
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of Environmental Physics
4.Position researcher
5.Date of birth 02.01.1949 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1994 – 98 Doctoral studies, University of Tartu
1967 – 72 Department of Physics, State University of Tartu
1964 – 67 1st Secondary School, Tartu
7.Research and
professional experience
Since 1993 researcher in the institute of environmental physics, University of Tartu
Since 1996 country Coordinator of the GLOBE program www.globe.gov (rescript of Minister of Education 1996)
1975 – 92 engineer, researcher, senior researcher in the University of Tartu
1973 – 74 teacher in a secondary school
8.Academic degree Ph D in environmental physics
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
University of Tartu, 1998
10.Honours/awards Honour letters of the Ministry of Education (2004, 2005)
Council of Faculty of Physics and Chemistry, member ;
Coordinator of the EU project e-LSEE, 2001 – 2003;
Organiser of international conferences (2003, 2005) ;
Council of European GLOBE Country coordinators, member;
IUCN Commision of Education and Communication, member
12.Supervised dissertations

Mai Vaht, MSc, 2004, superv. Ülle Kikas, Kai Kisand. Looduslik ultraviolettkiirgus Pärnu rannas ja selle mõju päevitajate lümfotsüütide alaklassidele. Tartu Ülikooli tervishoiuinstituut

13.Current research program Research in aerosol physics and atmospheric aerosols: investigation of mutual impact of atmospheric aerosol and solar UV radiation; characterisation and parametrisation of aerosol microphysical and optical properties in Baltic region.
Development of e-learning materials for online learning and teaching of Earth sciences http://www.globe-europe.org/eLSEE/index.html (pedagogical and technical concept, leadership in international team, 2001 - 2003)
14.Current grant funding 2004 – 2007 “Science and Technology for Innovation Education on Earth”, US State Department grant 635500 eek
15.List of most important publications

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A.: Relationship of UV index and aerosol properties in the Baltic Sea region - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (Abstracts of the European Aerosol Conference 2003), 2003, 2, S1039-S1040

Kikas, Ü., Reinart A.E., A., Tamm, E., Iher, H.: Comparison of aerosol microphysical characteristics obtained from AERONET and ground based measurements - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (European Aerosol Conf. 2004, Suppl. 2), 2004, 35, S1007-S1008

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A., Sherman, I.: Assessment of aerosol types in Baltic region using TOMS and AERONET data - Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 2004: 16th Intenational Conference, 2004, 682-685 .

Reinart A.E., A., Reinart A.T., A., Kikas, Ü.: Estimation of aerosol optical properties used in the atmospheric correction of SeaWiFS images over Baltic Sea - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE (Abstr. European Aerosol Conf. 2004, Suppl. 1), 2004, 35, S537-S538

Kikas, Ü. (toimetaja), Linnas, A.(toimetaja): e-learning in science and environmental education. Proceedings of the international conference, 2003, 93 lk

Vaht, M., Kikas, U., Reinart, A., Lehtmaa, J.: Changes in the immune system of female sunbathers due to the effect of natural UV radiation - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYGIENE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH, 2003, Vol. 206, No. 6, 597-599, 3 lk

Kikas, U., Reinart, A., Vaht, M., Veismann, U.: A case study of the impact of boundary layer aerosol size distribution on the surface UV irradiance - ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT, 2001, Vol. 35, No. 30, 5041-5051, 11 lk .

Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A., Vaht, M., Tamm, E.: Mutual impact of UV radiation and atmospheric aerosol in a coastal area - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 2001, 32, S435-S436 .

Vaht, M., Kikas, Ü., Reinart, A.: Looduslik päikesekiirgus Pärnu rannas ja selle mõju päevitajate immuunsüsteemile - Eesti Arst, 2001, 10, 456-462 .

CC Mirme, A., Kikas, Ü., Tamm, E.: The receptor-oriented study of aerosol residence times - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 1999, Suppl. 1, S531-S532

Mirme, A., Paris, P., Kikas, Ü., Laan, M., Tamm, E.: Characterisation of corona aerosol using an Electrical Aerosol Spectrometer - Electret filters, production and properties. Proceedings of International Workshop on Electret Filters, Production and Properties, 1999, 151-160 .

Kikas, Ü., Mirme, A., Tamm, E.: Examining the relationship between aerosol size distribution and atmospheric visibility in an urban area - JOURNAL OF AEROSOL SCIENCE, 1998, 29, S661-S662 .

Kikas, Ü., A. Mirme, E. Tamm, and T. Raunemaa (1997) Bimodality of aerosol size distribution in the 0.06 - 1.0 µm diameter range observed during haze episodes. In: Proc. Conf. Visual Air Quality, Aerosols, and Global Radiation Balance. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc., American Geophysical Union, Pittsburgh, 507-515.

9. Kikas, Ü., I. Peil and F. Miller (1996) Black Carbon in the air of Estonia. In: Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols, editors Kulmala M. and P. E. Wagner. Pergamon Press, 554 - 557.

Kikas, U., Mirme, A., Tamm, E., Raunemaa, T.: Statistical characteristics of aerosol in Baltic Sea region - JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 1996, Vol. 101, No. D14, 19319-19327, 9 lk

10. Kikas, Ü., A. Mirme, E. Tamm and T. Raunemaa (1994). Statistical characteristics of aerosol in Baltic Sea region. In: Aerosols and Atmospheric Optics. Proc. Int. Spec. Conference, A . Air & Waste Management Association, American Geophysical Union, 95 - 108.


last updated: 07.10.2005

[ sulge aken ]