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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Andres
2.Perekonnanimi Metspalu
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht Biotehnoloogia korraline professor
5.Sünniaeg 11.03.1951 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1969-1976 TÜ Arstiteaduskond, ravi eriala .
1979 Biol. kand. “Interaction of 5S RNA, 5,8S RNA and tRNA with rat liver ribosomal proteins.” Kaitstud Kiievis, Ukraina Teaduste Akadeemia Molekulaargeneetika Instituudis.
7.Teenistuskäik 1976-1980 nooremteadur TÜ Molekulaarbioloogia uurimisgrupis
1981-1982 IREXi vahetusteadlane Columbia Ülikoolis ja Yale Ülikoolis USAs
1982-1984 vanemteadur TÜ Molekulaarbioloogia laboris
1985-1992 TÜ ÜMPI Geeni Ekspressiooni labori juhataja
1986-1992 Eesti Biokeskuse teadusdirektor
1992 kuni praeguseni Eesti Biokeskuse Geenitehnoloogia labori juhataja ühiskondlikel alustel
1992 kuni praeguseni TÜ MRI Biotehnoloogia korraline professor
1996-2002, 2004 - TÜK Ühendlabori Molekulaardiagnostika Keskuse juhataja 0,5 koormusega
1993-1994 Külalisprofessor Baylor’i Meditsiinikolled˛is, Houston, Texas, USA
1999-2000 WHO Lyoni Rahvusvahelises Vähiuurimiskeskuses (IARC) külalisteaduri auhind, Lyon, Prantsusmaa
2004 - Geenivaramu juhatuse liige
8.Teaduskraad M.D
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1969-1976, TÜ Arstiteaduskond
1979 Ukraina Teaduste Akadeemia Molekulaargeneetika Instituut, Kiiev
10.Tunnustused 1980 ENSV teaduspreemia
1999 valiti aasta inimeseks ajakirja "Luup" poolt
2001 Eesti Vabariigi Punase Risti III järgu Orden
2001 EV Haridusministeeriumi Tänukiri
2002 Prantsusmaa Prix de la Garantie Medicale et Chirurgicale auhind
2003 Eesti Vabariigi teaduspreemia meditsiini alal
2003 Prantsusmaa Akadeemiliste Palmide kavaler
ja –administratiivne
Andres Metspalu on Euroopa Inimesegeneetika Ühingu President ja ESHG Nõukogu liige, Ameerika Inimesegeneetika Seltsi liige ja Inimese Genoomi Organisatsiooni HUGO liige. Samuti on ta eksperdiks Prantsusmaa Teadusministeeriumi programmis “Human Genome Network”, Saksamaa Helmholtzi Fondile ja The Wellcome Trust International Scientific programmis. Euroopa Teadusfondi (ESF) Funktsionaalse genoomika programmi juhtkomitee liige.
Metspalu on mitmete rahvusvaheliste konverentside organiseerimiskomitee liige ja programmikomitee esimees.
ICHG (Rahvusvaheline Geneetika Kongress, Brisbane, Austraalia 2006) programmikomitee liige, ESHG aastakonverentside programmikomitee liige.
1999. aastal toimus Tartus esimene geenitehnoloogia alane rahvusvaheline konverents, mille organiseerijaks oli Andres Metspalu - (HUGO WORKSHOP “DNA arrays – methods and applications” Tartu, Estonia, May 23-26, 1999) mida rahastasid Ülemaailmne Inimese Genoomi Organisatsioon (HUGO) ja Euroopa Ühendus. Sellest üritusest on välja kasvanud Tartus läbiviidav rahvusvaheline geenitehnoloogia alane konverentsi “GeneTechnology Forum”, mis toimub sellel aastal juba kuuendat korda (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005) ja mille organiseerimiskomitee liige ning programmitoimkonna juht on Andres Metspalu.
Prof. Andres Metspalu on esinenud kutsutud lektoritena paljudel rahvusvahelistel teaduskonverentsidel, kursustel ja ülikoolides ettekannetega. Näiteks Euroopa Meditsiinilise Geneetika Koolis Itaalias (European School of Medical Genetics) on A. Metspalu lugenud loenguid alates aastast 1998.
Andres Metspalu on teadusajakirjade “Heredity Cancer in Clinical Practis” ja “Clinical Genetics” toimetuskolleegiumide liige.
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Krista Kaasik, PhD, 2005, juh. Andres Metspalu. Circadian Clock Genes in Mammalian Clockwork, Metabolism and Behaviour. Tartu

Kristjan Välk, MSc, 2005, juh. Ants Kurg. Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi diferentsiaalselt ekspresseeruvate geenide analüüs cDNA mikrokiipidel. Tartu

Maris Nelis, MSc, 2004, juh. Andres Metspalu, Maris Laan. Hingamis- ja seedeelundkonna ülemise osa kasvajatega seotud kandidaatgeenide polümorfismide assotsiatsioonuuring. Tartu

Tiina Kahre, PhD, 2004, juh. Andres Metspalu. Cystic fibrosis in Estonia. Tartu

Tõnis Org, MSc, 2004, juh. Andres Metspalu. DNA kiipide kasutamine proteinuursete haiguste uurimiseks. Tartu

Aune Ahman, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu, Neeme Tõnisson. Oligonukleotiidse kiibi valideerimine ja võrdlus teiste TP53 geeni uurimisel kasutatavate meetoditega. Tartu

Evelin Mihailov, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu. Hiire lümfotsükliini geen: struktuur ja ekspressioon varajases embrüonaalses arengus. Tartu

Jaana Männik, PhD, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu. Characterization and Genetic Studies of four ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. Tartu

Kristi Kallassalu, DSc, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu. Uus inimese geen kromosoomialas 5p13.2: struktuur, ekspressioon ja võrdlev fülogeneetiline analüüs. Tartu

Maris Kuningas, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu. Loote DNA ema vereplasmas: kasutusvõimalused sünnieelses diagnostikas. Tartu

Neeme Tõnisson, PhD, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu. Mutation Detection by Primer Extension on Oligonucleotide Microarrays. Tartu

Signe Altmäe, MSc, 2003, juh. Andres Metspalu, Tiit Nikopensius. WFS1 geeni põlümorfismide võimalik seos meeleoluhäirete kujunemisega. Tartu

Elin Lõhmussaar, MSc, 2000, juh. Andres Metspalu. DNA chip in genetic analysis: method and applications. Tartu

Ana Rebane, PhD, 1999, juh. Andres Metspalu. Mammalin ribosomal protein S3a genes and intron-encoded small nucleolar RNAs U73 and U82. Tartu

Krista Kaasik, MSc, 1999, juh. Andres Metspalu. Pärilik rinna- ja munasarjavähk - Eesti perekondade valik ja mutatsioonanalüüs BRCA1 ja BRCA2 geenides. Tartu

Kristiina Tamboom, MSc, 1999, juh. Andres Metspalu. Inimese mitokondriaalse hingamisahela kompleks I NDUFA5 geeni iseloomustamine ja kompleks I NDUFA1 geeni polümorfismide analüüs Eesti populatsioonis. Tartu

Tarmo Annilo, PhD, 1999, juh. Andres Metspalu. Studies on mammalin ribosomal protein S7. Tartu

Hiljar Sibul, MSc, 1998, juh. Andres Metspalu. DNA Analysis in Human Identification and Diagnosis of Inherited Diseases. Tartu

Jaana Tammur, MSc, 1998, juh. Andres Metspalu. LDL retseptori funktsiooni taastamine CHO ldlA7 rakuliinis veise papilloomiviirusel baseeruva geeniteraapia vektoriga. Tartu

Maris Teder, MSc, 1998, juh. Andres Metspalu. Tsüstilise fibroosi transmembraanse juhtivuse regulaatori geeni mutatsioonidest Eestis. Tartu

Külli Margus, MSc, 1997, juh. Andres Metspalu. Keskmise pikkusega rasvhapete (MCAD) ainevahetushäirete esinemis-sageduse uurimine Eestis. Tartu

Ants Kurg, PhD, 1996, juh. Andres Metspalu. Bovine Leukemia Virus: Molecular Studies on the Packaging Region and DNA Diagnostics in Cattle. Tartu

Illar Pata, PhD, 1996, juh. Andres Metspalu. Cloning and Characterization of Human and Mouse Ribosomal Protein S6-encoding Genes. Tartu

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad I Inimese genoomi genotüpiseerimine ja genotüpiseerimise tehnoloogia (APEX) edasiarendused
II Geeni ekspressiooni analüüs
III Uute geenide avastamine, mutatsiooni- ja funktsionaalne analüüs
IV Proteoomika
14.Jooksvad grandid 2002-2005 EC 5RP “Alcohol related cancers and genetic susceptibility in Europe” Contrac No: QLKI-CT-2001-00182 – PI
2004-2009 EC 6RP “Special Non-Invasive Advances in Fetal and Neonatal Evaluation Network” Contrac No: LSHB-CT-2004-503243
2004-2006 EC 6RP “Advanced molecular tools for array-based analyses of genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, and cells” Contrac No: LSHG-CT-2004-503155
2004-2006 EC, Public Health Programme ADONIS, ORPHANET SPC 2003220
2005-2007 EC 6RP “Molecular analysis of circadian clock in different model organisms. EUCLOCK LHS-CT-2005-018741
2005-2006 PHARE “The Development of Hereditary Cancer Information and Prevention Centre Network in the Baltic Sea Region – Phase One” LV2002/000-638/01
2005-2008 ETF #6465 Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi diferentsiaalselt ekspresseeruvate geenide avastamine, kasvajate molekulaarne fenotüpiseerimine varajase diagnostika ja ravistrateegiate optimiseerimiseks
2003-2007 EV Sihtfinantseerimine teema nr. 0182582s03 Inimese genoom II

Eensaar R, Metspalu A, L'Estonie parie sur les biotechnologies. Biofutur 257: 51-54.

Jakob C. Mueller, Elin Lõhmussaar, Reedik Mägi, Maido Remm, Thomas Bettecken, Peter Lichtner, Saskia Biskup, Thomas Illig, Arne Pfeufer, Jan Luedemann, Stefan Schreiber, Peter Pramstaller, Irene Pichler, Giovanni Romeo, Anthony Gaddi, Alessandra Testa, Heinz-Erich Wichmann, Andres Metspalu and Thomas Meitinger. Linkage disequilibrium patterns and tagSNP transferability among European populations. Am J Hum Genet 2005 Jan 6;76 (3).

Koido K., Kõks S., Nikopensius T., Maron E., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Kurg A., Shlik J., Vasar V., Metspalu A., Vasar E. Polymorphisms in wolframin (WFS1) gene are possibly related to increased risk for mood disorders. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 2005, 8(2): 235-244.

Koks S, Nikopensius T, Koido K, Maron E, Altmae S, Heinaste E, Vabrit K, Tammekivi V, Hallast P, Kurg A, Shlik J, Vasar V, Metspalu A, Vasar E. Analysis of SNP profiles in patients with major depressive disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005 Jun 1, pp. 1-8

Le Calvez F, Ahman A, Tõnisson N, Lambert J, Temam S, Brennan P, Zaridze DG, Metspalu A, Hainaut P.”Arrayed Primer Extension Resequencing of Mutations in the TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene: Comparison with Denaturing HPLC and Direct Sequencing.” Clin Chem. 2005 Jul;51(7):1284-7.

Maron E., Nikopensius T., Kõks S., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Koido K., Kurg A., Metspalu A., Vasar E., Vasar V., Shlik J. Association study of 90 candidate gene polymorphisms in panic disorder. Psychiatric Genet., 2005, 15(1):17-24.

Schrijver I, Oitmaa E, Metspalu A, Gardner P. Genotyping Microarray for the Detection of More Than 200 CFTR Mutations in Ethnically Diverse Populations. J Mol Diagn. 2005 Aug;7(3):375-87

US 60/729,591 - USA provisional patent - Method and Apparatus for Detection and Analysis of Biological Materials through Laser Excitation Fluorescence.

Andres Metspalu (2004), “The Estonian Genome Project”, Drug Development Research 62: 97-102.

Andres Metspalu, Jevgeni Berik, Ants Kurg “Meetod biopolümeermaatriksi lugemiseks ja fluorestsentsdetektor”. Patent Nr: EE4249B, 2004

Kahre, T., Teder, M., Panov, M., Metspalu, A.. "Severe CF manifestation with anaemia and failure to thrive in a 394delTT homozygous patient. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Vol 3 (2004): 58-60.

Metspalu, A., Köhler, F., Laschinski, G., Ganten, D., Roots, I., "Das estnische Genomprojekt in Kontext der europäischen Genomforschung", Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr 2004; 129: S25-S28.

Salumets A, Horelli-Kuitunen N, Suikkari AM, Metspalu A, Tuuri T. Elevated incidence of chromosomally chaotic embryos among frozen-thawed preimplantation embryos. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2004 May 10;114(1):59-63.

Caskey, T.C., J.M. Shumaker and A. Metspalu. “Parallel Primer Extension Approach to Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis”. SE9302152-5. US Patent No. PCT/US94/07086. WO 95/00669.

Metspalu, A. “Microarrays and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping”. In: Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. Nature Publishing Group. 2003. pp. 921-925.

Reedik Mägi, Andres Metspalu, Maido Remm. “gtSNPs – Haplotype tagging method”. Provisional Patent Application. EV 333 492 345 US, May 21, 2003.

Remm, M., Kurg, A. Metspalu, A. PCR Technology: Current Innovations, 2nd Edition. pp: 131-140. CRC Press, USA, November 2003. ISBN 0-8493-1184-5

A. Metspalu “ Genes, technology and public dialogue in Tartu, Estonia” Trends in Biotechnology 2002, Feb;2:51-52.

Andres Metspalu “Biotechnology as an instrument of politics. The example of Estonia.” 17th Sinclair House debate “Who owns the human genome?” Herbert Quandt Foundation, March 2002: 43-45 ISBN 3-00-008926-8

Andres Metspalu. Comment to Gísli Pálsson and Kristín E. Hardardóttir “For Whom the Cell Tolls” Current Anthropology 43 (2), 2002: 271-301.

Dawson E, Abecasis GR, Bumpstead S, Chen Y, Hunt S, Beare DM, Pabial J, Dibling T, Tinsley E, Kirby S, Carter D, Papaspyridonos M, Livingstone S, Ganske R, Lőhmussaar E, Zernant J, Tőnisson N, Remm M, Mägi R, Puurand T, Vilo J, Kurg A, Rice K, Deloukas P, Mott R, Metspalu A, Bentley DR, Cardon LR, Dunham I “A First-Generation Linkage Disequilibrium Map of Human Chromosome 22” Nature 418 (2002), 544 – 548.

Gemignani, F., Perra, C., Landi, St., Canzian, F., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Galanello, R., Cao, A., Metsplau, A. and Romeo, G. “Reliable detection of b-Thalassemia and G6PD mutations by a DNA microarray”. Clinical Chemistry 48 No. 11 (2002)

Jaana Tammur, Hiljar Sibul, Ene Ustav, Mart Ustav, Andres Metspalu “A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line” BMC Molecular Biology 2002, 3:5. ISSN 1471-2199 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/3/5

Maugeri, A., Flothmann, K., Hemmrich, N., Ingvast, S., Jorge, P., Paloma, E., Patel, R., Rozet J.M., Tammur, J., Testa, F., Balcells, S., Bird, A.C., Brunner, H.G., Hoyng, C.B., Metspalu, A., Simonelli, F., Allikmets, R., Bhattacharya, S.S., D'Urso, M., Gonzàlez-Duarte, R., Kaplan, J., te Meerman, G.J., Santos, R., Schwartz, M., Camp G.V., Wadelius, C., Weber, B.H.F., and Cremers, F.P.M. “The ABCG4 2588 G>C Stargardt mutation: single origin and increasing carrier frequency from South-West to North-East Europe”. Eur J Hum Genet. 2002, 10: 197-203.

Remm, M. and A. Metspalu. “High-density genotyping and linkage disequilibrium in the human genome using chromosome 22 as a model”. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2002, 6:24-30.

Tõnisson, N.; J. Zernant, A. Kurg, H. Pavel, G. Slavin, H. Roomere, A. Meiel, P. Hainaut and A. Metspalu. “Evaluating the arrayed primer extension resequencing assay of TP53 tumor suppressor gene”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2002, Vol. 99, Issue 8, 5503-5508.

Wittig I, Augstein P, Brown GK, Fujii T, Rotig A, Rustin P, Munnich A, Seibel P, Thorburn D, Wissinger B, Tamboom K, Metspalu A, Lamantea E, Zeviani M, Wehnert MS. “Sequence variations in the NDUFA1 gene encoding a subunit of complex I of the respiratory chain.” Journal Inherited Metabolic Diseases 2001;24(1):15-27.

Auffray C, Mundy C, Metspalu A. DNA arrays: methods and applications: report on HUGO Meeting, Tartu, Estonia, 23-26 May, 1999. Eur J Hum Genet. 2000 Mar;8(3):236-8.

Gasparini, P., Rabionet, R., Barbujani, G., Melchionda, S., Petersen, M., Br?ndum-Nielsen, K., Metspalu, A., Oitmaa, E., Pisano, M., Fortina, P., Zelante, L., Estivill, X. High carrier frequency of the deafness mutation 35delG. Europeans Genetic Analysis Consortium of GJB2 35delG. (2000) Eurpean Journal of Human Genetics 8 (1), 19-23.

Hahn, D., Ilisson, R., Metspalu, A. and Sterchi, E.E. Human N-benzoyl-L-Tyrosyl-p-Aminobenzoic Acid Hydrolase (human meprin): genomic structure of alpha and beta subunits. Biochemical Journal (2000) 346, 83-91.

Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Georgiou, I., Shumaker, J., Tollett, J., Metspalu, A. Arrayed Primer Extension: Solid phase four-color DNA resequencing and mutation detection technology (2000) Genetic Testing 4(1), 1-7.

Teder, M., Klaassen, T., Oitmaa, E., Kaasik, K. and Metspalu, A. Distribution of the CFTR gene mutations in cystic fibrosis patients from Estonia (2000) Journal of Medical Genetics 37e16.

Tõnisson N, Kurg A, Kaasik K, Lõhmussaar E, Metspalu A. Unravelling Genetic Data by Arrayed Primer Extension. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2000, 38 (2), 165-170.

Tõnisson, N., Kurg, A., Lõhmussaar, E., Metspalu, A. Arrayed primer extension on the DNA chip – method and applications. In “Microarray Biochip Technology” Ed by M. Schena (2000) Eaton Publishing. BioTechniques Books ISBN 1-881299-37-6, 247-263.

Andres Metspalu, Krista Kaasik, Neeme Tõnisson and Ants Kurg. Oligonucleotide array for mutation analysis in familial breast cancer. (1999) Disease Markers 15 (1-3), 117.

Lilleväli, H., Margus, K., Õunap, K., and Metspalu, A. Mutation A985 G in the MCAD Gene Shows Low Incidence in Estonian Population (1999) Human Mutation Mutation in Brief #295 Online.

Metspalu, A and Shumaker, J.M. “DNA resequencing, mutation detection and gene expression analysis by oligonucleotide microchips” In: "Microsystems Technology: A Powerful Tool for Biomolecular Studies" ed. by M. Köhler, T. Mejevaia and H.P. Saluz (1999) Birkhaeuser Verlag, ISBN 3-7643-5774-6, pp. 371-397.

Rebane, A. and Metspalu, A. U82, a novel snoRNA identified from the fifth intron of human and mouse nucleon gene (1999) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1446, 426-430.

Tensing, K., Pata, I., Wittig, I., Wehnert, M., and Metspalu, A. Genomic organization of the human Complex I 13kDa subunit gene NDUFA5 (1999) Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 84, 125-127.

Annilo, T., Jelina, J., Pata, I., and Metspalu, A. Isolation and characterization of a mouse ribosomal protein S7 gene (1998) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 46(2), 287-295.

Annilo, T., Karis, A., Hoth, S., Rikk, T., Kruppa, J., Metspalu, A. Nuclear import and nucleolar accumulation of the human ribosomal protein S7 depend on both a minimal nuclear localization sequence and adjacent basic region (1998) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 249(3), 759-766.

Klaassen, T., M. Teder, M. Viikmaa, A. Metspalu (1998). Neonatal screening for the cystic fibrosis main mutation DF508 in Estonia: A pilot study. Journal of Medical Screening, 5, 16-19.

Metspalu, A., Saulep, H., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Shumaker, J.M. Primer extension from two-dimensional oligonucleotides grid for DNA sequencing analysis. In: Genomics: Commercial opportunities from a scientific revolution. Ed. By G.K. Dixon, L.G. Copping, D. Livingstone. BIOS Scientific Publishers (1998) ISBN 1-85996-106-1, pp.217-219.

Rebane, A., Tamme, R., Laan, M., Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal proteins S3a genes. (1998) Gene 210, 255-263.

Stephens, J.C., Reich, D.E., Goldstein, D.B., Shain, H.D., Smith, M.W., Carrington, M., Winkler, C., Huttley, G.A., Allikmets, R., Schriml, L., Gerrard, B., Malasky, M., Ramos, M.D., Morlot, S., Tzetis, M., Oddoux, C., di Giovine, F.S., Nasioulas, G., Chandler, D., Aseev, M., Hanson, M., Kalaydjieva, L., Glavac, D., Gasparini, P., Kanavakis, E., Claustres, M., Kambouris, M., Ostrer, H., Duff, G., Baranov, V., Sibul, H., Metspalu, A., Goldman, D., Martin, N., Duffy, D., Schmidtke, J., Estevill, X., O’Brien, S.J., Dean, M. Dating the Origin of the CCR5-Delta32 AIDS-Resistance Allele by the Coalescence of Haplotypes (1998) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 62(6), 1507-1515.

Õunap, K., H. Lilleväli, A. Metspalu, M. Sitska-Lipping (1998). Development of phenylketonuria screening program in Estonia. Journal of Medical Screening 5, 22-23.

Pastinen, T., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Peltonen, L. and Syvänen, A.-C. (1997) Minisequencing: A specific tool for DNA analysis and diagnostics on oligonucleotide arrays. Genome Research 7, 606-614.

Pata, I., Tensing, K. and Metspalu, A. (1997). A human cDNA encoding the homologue of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B13. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1350/2, 115-118.

Lilleväli, H., Õunap, K. and Metspalu, A. (1996) Phenylalanine hydroxylase gene mutation R408W is present on 84% of Estonian phenylketonuria chromosomes. European Journal of Human Genetics 4, 296-300.

Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. Structural characterization of the mouse ribosomal protein S6-encoding gene. (1996) Gene 175, 241-245.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A. and Caskey C.T. “Multiplex solid-phase fluorescent primer extension” in "Laboratory protocols for mutation detection" Ed. by Landegren, Ulf, Oxford University Press (1996) 93-95.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A., Caskey, T.C. Mutation Detection by Solid Phase Primer Extension. (1996) Human Mutation 7, 346-354.

Õunap, K., Lilleväli, H., Klaassen, T., Metspalu, A. and Sitska, M. Short Report. The incidence and characterization of phenylketonuric patients in Estonia. J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 19 (1996) 381-382.

Annilo, T., Laan, M., Stahl, J., Metspalu, A. Human ribosomal protein S7 gene - isolation, structure and location in 2p25. (1995) Gene 165, 297-302

Kurg, A., Sommer, G., and Metspalu, A. An RNA Stem-Loop Structure Involved in the Packaging of Bovine leukemia Virus Genomic RNA in vivo. (1995) Virology 211, 434-442.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A., Ngo, T.T., Caskey, C.T. Primer Extension Mutation Detection Method: A Non-Gel Based Method for Rapid Mutation Identification. (1995) The Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification 1994, 147-151. ISBN 1-882274-54-7.

Caskey, T.C., J.M. Shumaker and A. Metspalu. “Parallel Primer Extension Approach to Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis”. US Patent No. PCT/US94/07086. WO 95/00669.

Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. A Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) gene. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2, 10 (1993) 1749.

Pata I, Hoth S, Kruppa J, Metspalu A. The human ribosomal protein S6 gene: isolation, primary structure and location in chromosome 9. Gene. 1993 May 30;127(2):275-6.

Karis, A., Metspalu, E., Pooga, M., Juhkam, A., Metspalu, A. Development, immunogenicity and protective capacity of K99/F41 pilus vaccine against colibacteriosis in calves. Biotechnology 1 (1992) 71-74. (in russian)

Metspalu, A. Diagnostics of heritable diseases by direct analysis of the genes. Estonian Physician 3 (1992) 179-184.

Metspalu, A., Rebane, A., Hoth, S., Pooga, M., Stahl, J., Kruppa, J. Human ribosomal protein S3a: Cloning of the cDNA and primary structure of the protein. Gene 119 (1992) 313-316.

Pata, I., Hoth, S., Kruppa, J., and Metspalu, A. The human ribosomal protein S6 gene: Isolation, primary structure and location in chromosome 9. Gene 121 (1992) 387-392.

Heymann, S., Sommer, G., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Dolganow, G., Frolowa, S., Wagner, H.-J., Blankenstein, P., Risse, S. Rinder-retrovirusvektoren. Patentschrift DD 294042 A5, 1991, BRD.

Steitz, J.A., Berg, C. Hendrick, J.P., La Branche-Chabot, H., Metspalu, A., Rinke, J., Yario,T. A 5S RNA/L5 complex is a precursor to ribosome assembly in mammalian cells. J. Cell Biol. 106 (1988) 545-546.

Dente, L., Pizza, M.-G., Metspalu, A., Cortese, R. Structure and expression of the genes coding for human a1-acid glycoprotein. The EMBO J. 7 (1987) 2289-2296.

Villems, R., Metspalu, A., Speek, M., Toots, I., Saarma, M. Interaction of 5S RNA, 5,8S RNA, tRNA and ribosomal proteins in structure and function of eukaryotic ribosome. Macromolecules in Functioning Cell 1 (1982) 228-238.

Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Villems, R. The Structure and some functions of eukaryotic ribosome. VINITI “Bioorganic chemistry”. Progress in science and techniques 15 (1981) 175-223. (in russian)

Saarma, M., Metspalu, A., Villems, R., Örd, T., Toots, I. 5SRNA and 5,8S RNA build up eukaryotic domains active tRNA binding. FEBS Letters 136 (1981) 255-258.

Toots, I., Metspalu, A., Villems, R., Saarma, M. Location of single-stranded and double-stranded regions in rat-liver ribosomal 5S RNA and 5,8S RNA. Nucl. Acid Res. 9 (1981) 5331-5343.

Metspalu, A., Toots, I., Saarma, M., Villems, R. Involvement of 5,8S RNA in eukaryotic ribosome interactions. In; “Biological Implication of Protein-Nucleic Acid Interaction”. Ed. by J. Augustinjak. Poznan, 1980, 83-90.

Metspalu, A., Toots, I., Saarma, M., Villems, R. The ternary complex consisting of rat-liver ribosomal 5S RNA, 5,8S RNA and protein L5. FEBS Letters 119 (1980) 81-84.

Toots, I., Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Lind, A., Villems, R. Immobilised eukaryotic 5,8S RNA binds E. coli and rat liver ribosomal proteins. FEBS Letters 104 (1979) 193-196.

Villems, R., Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Toots, I. New aspects of the eukaryotic ribosomal subunit interaction. FEBS Letters 107 (1979) 66-68.

Kelve, M., Metspalu, A., Lind, A., Saarma, M., Villems, R. Conformational isomers of rat liver ribosomal 5S RNA. Molecular Biology 12 (1978) 695-699. (in russian)

Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Villems, R., Ustav, M., Lind, A. Interaction of 5S RNA, 5,8S RNA and tRNA with rat-liver ribosomal proteins. Eur. J. Biochem. 91 (1978) 73-81.

Lind, A., Metspalu, A., Saarma, M., Toots, I., Ustav, M., Villems, R. Universal structure of the ribosomal peptidyltransferase center and function of the eukaryotic 5,8S rRNA. Bioorganic Chemistry 3 (1977) 1138-1140. (in russian)

viimati muudetud: 19.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Andres
2.Surname Metspalu
3.Institution University of Tartu
4.Position Professor in biotechnology
5.Date of birth 11.03.1951 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1969-1976 M.D - Tartu University, physician
1979 Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Structure and function of the Eukaryotic ribosome, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Ukrainian Acad. Of Sciences, Kiev
7.Research and
professional experience
1976 M.D., Tartu University (physician)
1979 Ph.D., in Molecular Biology
1981 – 1982 IREX fellow at Columbia University, New York, USA.
1982 IREX fellow at Yale University, New Haven, USA.
1982 – 1985 Senior scientist at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Tartu University.
1985 European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany. Two month fellowship from European Society of Biochemistry (FEBS)
1985 – 1992 Head of Laboratory of Gene Expression, Tartu University
1988 Max-Planck Institute of Molecular Genetics, West-Berlin, Germany. One month fellowship from European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
1986 – 1992 Research Director of the Estonian Biocentre.
1991 FEBS (Federation of the European Societies of Biochemistry) Advanced Course, Patras, Greece. “Application of DNA Methods for the Diagnosis of Human Disease”. FEBS fellowship.
1991 Visiting scientist at University of Tampere, Finland
1991 – 1992 Visiting scientist at Hamburg University, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Germany. Two months fellowship from DAAD.
1992 - … Head of Gene Technology Laboratory, Estonian Biocentre
1993 Three months research grant from EEC at University of Hamburg, H. Pette Institute for Experimental Immunology.
1993 –1994 Sabbatical leave, visiting professor at Baylor College of Medicine, Dept. of Molecular and Human Genetics with Prof. C.T. Caskey.
1999 – … Asper Biotech Ltd., Tartu, Estonia. Founder and Chairman of the Board
1996 – 2001 and2004 – … Second appointment as Head of Molecular Diagnostics Centre at TartuUniversity Clinics
1999- … Founder and scientific advisor of the Estonian Genome Project (www.geenivaramu.ee)
2000 WHO International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France, The Visiting Scientist Award for 12 months
2002 – 2004 EGeen International Inc., Foster City, CA, USA, Founder and Chief Scientific Officer
From 1992 onward Professor of Biotechnology at University of Tartu, from 2004 this is a permanent position
2004 - … Estonian Genome Project, Member of the Board
8.Academic degree M.D
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1969-1976 M.D - Tartu University, physician
1979 Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Ukrainian Acad. Of Sciences, Kiev
10.Honours/awards 1980 Soviet Estonian Prize for Sciences
1999 Elected as a “Man of the Year” by journal “Loop” in Estonia
2001 3rd Class Order of the Estonian Red Cross
2002 Prix de la Garantie Medicale et Chirurgicale, France
2003 Estonian Science Prize in Medicine
2003 L'Ordre des Palmes Académiques, Chevalier, France
1988 – 1990 Member of the Expert Council of Soviet Union Human Genome program
1994 – … Member of European Society of Human Genetics, from 2000 as a board member, from 2005 President and member of Executive Board
1995 – … Member of American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG)
1995 – … Member of The Human Genome Organization (HUGO)
1996 – 2001 Member of Tartu University Council
1997 – 2000 and 2003 – 2006 Member of Estonian Council of Scientific Competence (advisory body for ministry of education and research for science policy and funding)
1999 – … Member of Estonian Society of Human Genetics
2001 – 2005 European Science Foundation Functional Genomics Program: Member of steering committee
2003 – 2006 International Congress of Genetics (Brisbane, Australia) member of the SPC.
2003 – … Biotechnology Centre of Excellence, Vilnius, Lithuania, Member of the International Board
2003 – … Journal “Heredity Cancer in Clinical Practice” editorial board member
2004 – … Journal “Clinical Genetics” editorial board member
12.Supervised dissertations

Krista Kaasik, PhD, 2005, superv. Andres Metspalu. Circadian Clock Genes in Mammalian Clockwork, Metabolism and Behaviour. Tartu

Kristjan Välk, MSc, 2005, superv. Ants Kurg. Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi diferentsiaalselt ekspresseeruvate geenide analüüs cDNA mikrokiipidel. Tartu

Maris Nelis, MSc, 2004, superv. Andres Metspalu, Maris Laan. Hingamis- ja seedeelundkonna ülemise osa kasvajatega seotud kandidaatgeenide polümorfismide assotsiatsioonuuring. Tartu

Tiina Kahre, PhD, 2004, superv. Andres Metspalu. Cystic fibrosis in Estonia. Tartu

Tõnis Org, MSc, 2004, superv. Andres Metspalu. DNA kiipide kasutamine proteinuursete haiguste uurimiseks. Tartu

Aune Ahman, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu, Neeme Tõnisson. Oligonukleotiidse kiibi valideerimine ja võrdlus teiste TP53 geeni uurimisel kasutatavate meetoditega. Tartu

Evelin Mihailov, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu. Hiire lümfotsükliini geen: struktuur ja ekspressioon varajases embrüonaalses arengus. Tartu

Jaana Männik, PhD, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu. Characterization and Genetic Studies of four ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters. Tartu

Kristi Kallassalu, DSc, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu. Uus inimese geen kromosoomialas 5p13.2: struktuur, ekspressioon ja võrdlev fülogeneetiline analüüs. Tartu

Maris Kuningas, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu. Loote DNA ema vereplasmas: kasutusvõimalused sünnieelses diagnostikas. Tartu

Neeme Tõnisson, PhD, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu. Mutation Detection by Primer Extension on Oligonucleotide Microarrays. Tartu

Signe Altmäe, MSc, 2003, superv. Andres Metspalu, Tiit Nikopensius. WFS1 geeni põlümorfismide võimalik seos meeleoluhäirete kujunemisega. Tartu

Elin Lõhmussaar, MSc, 2000, superv. Andres Metspalu. DNA chip in genetic analysis: method and applications. Tartu

Ana Rebane, PhD, 1999, superv. Andres Metspalu. Mammalin ribosomal protein S3a genes and intron-encoded small nucleolar RNAs U73 and U82. Tartu

Krista Kaasik, MSc, 1999, superv. Andres Metspalu. Pärilik rinna- ja munasarjavähk - Eesti perekondade valik ja mutatsioonanalüüs BRCA1 ja BRCA2 geenides. Tartu

Kristiina Tamboom, MSc, 1999, superv. Andres Metspalu. Inimese mitokondriaalse hingamisahela kompleks I NDUFA5 geeni iseloomustamine ja kompleks I NDUFA1 geeni polümorfismide analüüs Eesti populatsioonis. Tartu

Tarmo Annilo, PhD, 1999, superv. Andres Metspalu. Studies on mammalin ribosomal protein S7. Tartu

Hiljar Sibul, MSc, 1998, superv. Andres Metspalu. DNA Analysis in Human Identification and Diagnosis of Inherited Diseases. Tartu

Jaana Tammur, MSc, 1998, superv. Andres Metspalu. LDL retseptori funktsiooni taastamine CHO ldlA7 rakuliinis veise papilloomiviirusel baseeruva geeniteraapia vektoriga. Tartu

Maris Teder, MSc, 1998, superv. Andres Metspalu. Tsüstilise fibroosi transmembraanse juhtivuse regulaatori geeni mutatsioonidest Eestis. Tartu

Külli Margus, MSc, 1997, superv. Andres Metspalu. Keskmise pikkusega rasvhapete (MCAD) ainevahetushäirete esinemis-sageduse uurimine Eestis. Tartu

Ants Kurg, PhD, 1996, superv. Andres Metspalu. Bovine Leukemia Virus: Molecular Studies on the Packaging Region and DNA Diagnostics in Cattle. Tartu

Illar Pata, PhD, 1996, superv. Andres Metspalu. Cloning and Characterization of Human and Mouse Ribosomal Protein S6-encoding Genes. Tartu

13.Current research program I Genotyping of human genome and development of genotyping technology (APEX)
II Gene expression analysis
III Discovery of new genes, mutation and function analysis
IV Proteomics
14.Current grant funding 2002-2005 EC 5RP “Alcohol related cancers and genetic susceptibility in Europe” Contrac No: QLKI-CT-2001-00182 – PI
2004-2009 EC 6RP “Special Non-Invasive Advances in Fetal and Neonatal Evaluation Network” Contrac No: LSHB-CT-2004-503243
2004-2006 EC 6RP “Advanced molecular tools for array-based analyses of genomes, transcriptomes, proteomes, and cells” Contrac No: LSHG-CT-2004-503155
2004-2006 EC, Public Health Programme ADONIS, ORPHANET SPC 2003220
2005-2007 EC 6RP “Molecular analysis of circadian clock in different model organisms. EUCLOCK LHS-CT-2005-018741
2005-2006 PHARE “The Development of Hereditary Cancer Information and Prevention Centre Network in the Baltic Sea Region – Phase One” LV2002/000-638/01
2005-2008 ETF #6465 Mitteväikserakulise kopsuvähi diferentsiaalselt ekspresseeruvate geenide avastamine, kasvajate molekulaarne fenotüpiseerimine varajase diagnostika ja ravistrateegiate optimiseerimiseks
2003-2007 EV Sihtfinantseerimine teema nr. 0182582s03 Human Genome II
15.List of most important publications

Eensaar R, Metspalu A, L'Estonie parie sur les biotechnologies. Biofutur 257: 51-54.

Jakob C. Mueller, Elin Lõhmussaar, Reedik Mägi, Maido Remm, Thomas Bettecken, Peter Lichtner, Saskia Biskup, Thomas Illig, Arne Pfeufer, Jan Luedemann, Stefan Schreiber, Peter Pramstaller, Irene Pichler, Giovanni Romeo, Anthony Gaddi, Alessandra Testa, Heinz-Erich Wichmann, Andres Metspalu and Thomas Meitinger. Linkage disequilibrium patterns and tagSNP transferability among European populations. Am J Hum Genet 2005 Jan 6;76 (3).

Koido K., Kõks S., Nikopensius T., Maron E., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Kurg A., Shlik J., Vasar V., Metspalu A., Vasar E. Polymorphisms in wolframin (WFS1) gene are possibly related to increased risk for mood disorders. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol., 2005, 8(2): 235-244.

Koks S, Nikopensius T, Koido K, Maron E, Altmae S, Heinaste E, Vabrit K, Tammekivi V, Hallast P, Kurg A, Shlik J, Vasar V, Metspalu A, Vasar E. Analysis of SNP profiles in patients with major depressive disorder. Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacol. 2005 Jun 1, pp. 1-8

Le Calvez F, Ahman A, Tõnisson N, Lambert J, Temam S, Brennan P, Zaridze DG, Metspalu A, Hainaut P.”Arrayed Primer Extension Resequencing of Mutations in the TP53 Tumor Suppressor Gene: Comparison with Denaturing HPLC and Direct Sequencing.” Clin Chem. 2005 Jul;51(7):1284-7.

Maron E., Nikopensius T., Kõks S., Altmäe S., Heinaste E., Vabrit K., Tammekivi V., Hallast P., Koido K., Kurg A., Metspalu A., Vasar E., Vasar V., Shlik J. Association study of 90 candidate gene polymorphisms in panic disorder. Psychiatric Genet., 2005, 15(1):17-24.

Schrijver I, Oitmaa E, Metspalu A, Gardner P. Genotyping Microarray for the Detection of More Than 200 CFTR Mutations in Ethnically Diverse Populations. J Mol Diagn. 2005 Aug;7(3):375-87

US 60/729,591 - USA provisional patent - Method and Apparatus for Detection and Analysis of Biological Materials through Laser Excitation Fluorescence.

Andres Metspalu (2004), “The Estonian Genome Project”, Drug Development Research 62: 97-102.

Andres Metspalu, Jevgeni Berik, Ants Kurg “Meetod biopolümeermaatriksi lugemiseks ja fluorestsentsdetektor”. Patent Nr: EE4249B, 2004

Kahre, T., Teder, M., Panov, M., Metspalu, A.. "Severe CF manifestation with anaemia and failure to thrive in a 394delTT homozygous patient. Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, Vol 3 (2004): 58-60.

Metspalu, A., Köhler, F., Laschinski, G., Ganten, D., Roots, I., "Das estnische Genomprojekt in Kontext der europäischen Genomforschung", Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr 2004; 129: S25-S28.

Salumets A, Horelli-Kuitunen N, Suikkari AM, Metspalu A, Tuuri T. Elevated incidence of chromosomally chaotic embryos among frozen-thawed preimplantation embryos. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2004 May 10;114(1):59-63.

Caskey, T.C., J.M. Shumaker and A. Metspalu. “Parallel Primer Extension Approach to Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis”. SE9302152-5. US Patent No. PCT/US94/07086. WO 95/00669.

Metspalu, A. “Microarrays and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) genotyping”. In: Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome. Nature Publishing Group. 2003. pp. 921-925.

Reedik Mägi, Andres Metspalu, Maido Remm. “gtSNPs – Haplotype tagging method”. Provisional Patent Application. EV 333 492 345 US, May 21, 2003.

Remm, M., Kurg, A. Metspalu, A. PCR Technology: Current Innovations, 2nd Edition. pp: 131-140. CRC Press, USA, November 2003. ISBN 0-8493-1184-5

A. Metspalu “ Genes, technology and public dialogue in Tartu, Estonia” Trends in Biotechnology 2002, Feb;2:51-52.

Andres Metspalu “Biotechnology as an instrument of politics. The example of Estonia.” 17th Sinclair House debate “Who owns the human genome?” Herbert Quandt Foundation, March 2002: 43-45 ISBN 3-00-008926-8

Andres Metspalu. Comment to Gísli Pálsson and Kristín E. Hardardóttir “For Whom the Cell Tolls” Current Anthropology 43 (2), 2002: 271-301.

Dawson E, Abecasis GR, Bumpstead S, Chen Y, Hunt S, Beare DM, Pabial J, Dibling T, Tinsley E, Kirby S, Carter D, Papaspyridonos M, Livingstone S, Ganske R, Lőhmussaar E, Zernant J, Tőnisson N, Remm M, Mägi R, Puurand T, Vilo J, Kurg A, Rice K, Deloukas P, Mott R, Metspalu A, Bentley DR, Cardon LR, Dunham I “A First-Generation Linkage Disequilibrium Map of Human Chromosome 22” Nature 418 (2002), 544 – 548.

Gemignani, F., Perra, C., Landi, St., Canzian, F., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Galanello, R., Cao, A., Metsplau, A. and Romeo, G. “Reliable detection of b-Thalassemia and G6PD mutations by a DNA microarray”. Clinical Chemistry 48 No. 11 (2002)

Jaana Tammur, Hiljar Sibul, Ene Ustav, Mart Ustav, Andres Metspalu “A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line” BMC Molecular Biology 2002, 3:5. ISSN 1471-2199 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/3/5

Maugeri, A., Flothmann, K., Hemmrich, N., Ingvast, S., Jorge, P., Paloma, E., Patel, R., Rozet J.M., Tammur, J., Testa, F., Balcells, S., Bird, A.C., Brunner, H.G., Hoyng, C.B., Metspalu, A., Simonelli, F., Allikmets, R., Bhattacharya, S.S., D'Urso, M., Gonzàlez-Duarte, R., Kaplan, J., te Meerman, G.J., Santos, R., Schwartz, M., Camp G.V., Wadelius, C., Weber, B.H.F., and Cremers, F.P.M. “The ABCG4 2588 G>C Stargardt mutation: single origin and increasing carrier frequency from South-West to North-East Europe”. Eur J Hum Genet. 2002, 10: 197-203.

Remm, M. and A. Metspalu. “High-density genotyping and linkage disequilibrium in the human genome using chromosome 22 as a model”. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2002, 6:24-30.

Tõnisson, N.; J. Zernant, A. Kurg, H. Pavel, G. Slavin, H. Roomere, A. Meiel, P. Hainaut and A. Metspalu. “Evaluating the arrayed primer extension resequencing assay of TP53 tumor suppressor gene”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2002, Vol. 99, Issue 8, 5503-5508.

Wittig I, Augstein P, Brown GK, Fujii T, Rotig A, Rustin P, Munnich A, Seibel P, Thorburn D, Wissinger B, Tamboom K, Metspalu A, Lamantea E, Zeviani M, Wehnert MS. “Sequence variations in the NDUFA1 gene encoding a subunit of complex I of the respiratory chain.” Journal Inherited Metabolic Diseases 2001;24(1):15-27.

Auffray C, Mundy C, Metspalu A. DNA arrays: methods and applications: report on HUGO Meeting, Tartu, Estonia, 23-26 May, 1999. Eur J Hum Genet. 2000 Mar;8(3):236-8.

Gasparini, P., Rabionet, R., Barbujani, G., Melchionda, S., Petersen, M., Br?ndum-Nielsen, K., Metspalu, A., Oitmaa, E., Pisano, M., Fortina, P., Zelante, L., Estivill, X. High carrier frequency of the deafness mutation 35delG. Europeans Genetic Analysis Consortium of GJB2 35delG. (2000) Eurpean Journal of Human Genetics 8 (1), 19-23.

Hahn, D., Ilisson, R., Metspalu, A. and Sterchi, E.E. Human N-benzoyl-L-Tyrosyl-p-Aminobenzoic Acid Hydrolase (human meprin): genomic structure of alpha and beta subunits. Biochemical Journal (2000) 346, 83-91.

Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Georgiou, I., Shumaker, J., Tollett, J., Metspalu, A. Arrayed Primer Extension: Solid phase four-color DNA resequencing and mutation detection technology (2000) Genetic Testing 4(1), 1-7.

Teder, M., Klaassen, T., Oitmaa, E., Kaasik, K. and Metspalu, A. Distribution of the CFTR gene mutations in cystic fibrosis patients from Estonia (2000) Journal of Medical Genetics 37e16.

Tõnisson N, Kurg A, Kaasik K, Lõhmussaar E, Metspalu A. Unravelling Genetic Data by Arrayed Primer Extension. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine 2000, 38 (2), 165-170.

Tõnisson, N., Kurg, A., Lõhmussaar, E., Metspalu, A. Arrayed primer extension on the DNA chip – method and applications. In “Microarray Biochip Technology” Ed by M. Schena (2000) Eaton Publishing. BioTechniques Books ISBN 1-881299-37-6, 247-263.

Andres Metspalu, Krista Kaasik, Neeme Tõnisson and Ants Kurg. Oligonucleotide array for mutation analysis in familial breast cancer. (1999) Disease Markers 15 (1-3), 117.

Lilleväli, H., Margus, K., Õunap, K., and Metspalu, A. Mutation A985 G in the MCAD Gene Shows Low Incidence in Estonian Population (1999) Human Mutation Mutation in Brief #295 Online.

Metspalu, A and Shumaker, J.M. “DNA resequencing, mutation detection and gene expression analysis by oligonucleotide microchips” In: "Microsystems Technology: A Powerful Tool for Biomolecular Studies" ed. by M. Köhler, T. Mejevaia and H.P. Saluz (1999) Birkhaeuser Verlag, ISBN 3-7643-5774-6, pp. 371-397.

Rebane, A. and Metspalu, A. U82, a novel snoRNA identified from the fifth intron of human and mouse nucleon gene (1999) Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1446, 426-430.

Tensing, K., Pata, I., Wittig, I., Wehnert, M., and Metspalu, A. Genomic organization of the human Complex I 13kDa subunit gene NDUFA5 (1999) Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 84, 125-127.

Annilo, T., Jelina, J., Pata, I., and Metspalu, A. Isolation and characterization of a mouse ribosomal protein S7 gene (1998) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 46(2), 287-295.

Annilo, T., Karis, A., Hoth, S., Rikk, T., Kruppa, J., Metspalu, A. Nuclear import and nucleolar accumulation of the human ribosomal protein S7 depend on both a minimal nuclear localization sequence and adjacent basic region (1998) Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 249(3), 759-766.

Klaassen, T., M. Teder, M. Viikmaa, A. Metspalu (1998). Neonatal screening for the cystic fibrosis main mutation DF508 in Estonia: A pilot study. Journal of Medical Screening, 5, 16-19.

Metspalu, A., Saulep, H., Kurg, A., Tõnisson, N., Shumaker, J.M. Primer extension from two-dimensional oligonucleotides grid for DNA sequencing analysis. In: Genomics: Commercial opportunities from a scientific revolution. Ed. By G.K. Dixon, L.G. Copping, D. Livingstone. BIOS Scientific Publishers (1998) ISBN 1-85996-106-1, pp.217-219.

Rebane, A., Tamme, R., Laan, M., Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. A novel snoRNA (U73) is encoded within the introns of the human and mouse ribosomal proteins S3a genes. (1998) Gene 210, 255-263.

Stephens, J.C., Reich, D.E., Goldstein, D.B., Shain, H.D., Smith, M.W., Carrington, M., Winkler, C., Huttley, G.A., Allikmets, R., Schriml, L., Gerrard, B., Malasky, M., Ramos, M.D., Morlot, S., Tzetis, M., Oddoux, C., di Giovine, F.S., Nasioulas, G., Chandler, D., Aseev, M., Hanson, M., Kalaydjieva, L., Glavac, D., Gasparini, P., Kanavakis, E., Claustres, M., Kambouris, M., Ostrer, H., Duff, G., Baranov, V., Sibul, H., Metspalu, A., Goldman, D., Martin, N., Duffy, D., Schmidtke, J., Estevill, X., O’Brien, S.J., Dean, M. Dating the Origin of the CCR5-Delta32 AIDS-Resistance Allele by the Coalescence of Haplotypes (1998) Am. J. Hum. Genet. 62(6), 1507-1515.

Õunap, K., H. Lilleväli, A. Metspalu, M. Sitska-Lipping (1998). Development of phenylketonuria screening program in Estonia. Journal of Medical Screening 5, 22-23.

Pastinen, T., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Peltonen, L. and Syvänen, A.-C. (1997) Minisequencing: A specific tool for DNA analysis and diagnostics on oligonucleotide arrays. Genome Research 7, 606-614.

Pata, I., Tensing, K. and Metspalu, A. (1997). A human cDNA encoding the homologue of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B13. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1350/2, 115-118.

Lilleväli, H., Õunap, K. and Metspalu, A. (1996) Phenylalanine hydroxylase gene mutation R408W is present on 84% of Estonian phenylketonuria chromosomes. European Journal of Human Genetics 4, 296-300.

Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. Structural characterization of the mouse ribosomal protein S6-encoding gene. (1996) Gene 175, 241-245.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A. and Caskey C.T. “Multiplex solid-phase fluorescent primer extension” in "Laboratory protocols for mutation detection" Ed. by Landegren, Ulf, Oxford University Press (1996) 93-95.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A., Caskey, T.C. Mutation Detection by Solid Phase Primer Extension. (1996) Human Mutation 7, 346-354.

Õunap, K., Lilleväli, H., Klaassen, T., Metspalu, A. and Sitska, M. Short Report. The incidence and characterization of phenylketonuric patients in Estonia. J. Inher. Metab. Dis. 19 (1996) 381-382.

Annilo, T., Laan, M., Stahl, J., Metspalu, A. Human ribosomal protein S7 gene - isolation, structure and location in 2p25. (1995) Gene 165, 297-302

Kurg, A., Sommer, G., and Metspalu, A. An RNA Stem-Loop Structure Involved in the Packaging of Bovine leukemia Virus Genomic RNA in vivo. (1995) Virology 211, 434-442.

Shumaker, J.M., Metspalu, A., Ngo, T.T., Caskey, C.T. Primer Extension Mutation Detection Method: A Non-Gel Based Method for Rapid Mutation Identification. (1995) The Fifth International Symposium on Human Identification 1994, 147-151. ISBN 1-882274-54-7.

Caskey, T.C., J.M. Shumaker and A. Metspalu. “Parallel Primer Extension Approach to Nucleic Acid Sequence Analysis”. US Patent No. PCT/US94/07086. WO 95/00669.

Pata, I. and Metspalu, A. A Dinucleotide repeat polymorphism at the ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) gene. Hum. Mol. Genet. 2, 10 (1993) 1749.

Pata I, Hoth S, Kruppa J, Metspalu A. The human ribosomal protein S6 gene: isolation, primary structure and location in chromosome 9. Gene. 1993 May 30;127(2):275-6.

Karis, A., Metspalu, E., Pooga, M., Juhkam, A., Metspalu, A. Development, immunogenicity and protective capacity of K99/F41 pilus vaccine against colibacteriosis in calves. Biotechnology 1 (1992) 71-74. (in russian)

Metspalu, A. Diagnostics of heritable diseases by direct analysis of the genes. Estonian Physician 3 (1992) 179-184.

Metspalu, A., Rebane, A., Hoth, S., Pooga, M., Stahl, J., Kruppa, J. Human ribosomal protein S3a: Cloning of the cDNA and primary structure of the protein. Gene 119 (1992) 313-316.

Pata, I., Hoth, S., Kruppa, J., and Metspalu, A. The human ribosomal protein S6 gene: Isolation, primary structure and location in chromosome 9. Gene 121 (1992) 387-392.

Heymann, S., Sommer, G., Kurg, A., Metspalu, A., Dolganow, G., Frolowa, S., Wagner, H.-J., Blankenstein, P., Risse, S. Rinder-retrovirusvektoren. Patentschrift DD 294042 A5, 1991, BRD.

Steitz, J.A., Berg, C. Hendrick, J.P., La Branche-Chabot, H., Metspalu, A., Rinke, J., Yario,T. A 5S RNA/L5 complex is a precursor to ribosome assembly in mammalian cells. J. Cell Biol. 106 (1988) 545-546.

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last updated: 19.10.2005

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