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Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Tamara |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Vorobjova |
3. | Töökoht | Immunoloogia õppetool, Üld ja molekulaarpatoloogia instituut, Tartu Ülikool |
4. | Ametikoht | vanemteadur |
5. | Sünniaeg | 05.07.1955 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1962-1972 Narva 7. Keskkool (kuldmedal) 1972-1978 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskond (cum laude) 1979 Internatuur Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumis 1985 Meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat sisehaiguste alal, Tartu Ülikool (“Humoraalne ja rakuline immuunsus mao ja kaksteistsõrmiksoole haavandi haigetel, nende seos maolimaskesta seisundiga”). 2001 Meditsiiniteaduste doktor, Tartu Ülikool (“Immuunvastus Helicobacter pylori’le, selle seos kroonilise gastriidi dünaamikaga ja epiteelrakkude apoptoosi ning proliferatsiooniga antrumis ja korpuses”; cum laude). |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1979-1981 vanemlaborant TÜ ÜMPI immunoloogia laboris 1981-1993 nooremteadur TÜ ÜMPI immunoloogia laboris 1993-tänaseni vanemteadur TÜ ÜMPI immunoloogia õppetoolis |
8. | Teaduskraad | 1. Meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat sisehaiguste alal; 2.Meditsiiniteaduste doktor |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
Meditsiiniteaduste kandidaat sisehaiguste alal, Tartu Ülikool (“Humoraalne ja rakuline immuunsus mao ja kaksteistsõrmiksoole haavandi haigetel, nende seos maolimaskesta seisundiga”), 1985.a. 2. Tartu Ülikool, 2001.a.(“Immuunvastus Helicobacter pylori’le, selle seos kroonilise gastriidi dünaamikaga ja epiteelrakkude apoptoosi ning proliferatsiooniga antrumis ja korpuses”; cum laude). |
10. | Tunnustused | 1994 Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuri- ja Haridusministeeriumi aastapreemia autorite kollektiivilt H.-I.Maaroos, T.Vorobjova, R.Uibo, K.Kisand, R.Tammur, T.Kivik, K.Villako “Helicobacter pylori infektsiooni sagedus Eestis- epidemioloogiline populatsiooni juhuslikustatud valikul põhinev uurimus”. 1994 Šveitsi Natsionaalfondi stipendium 1998 DAAD’i (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) stipendium 1999 Tartu Ülikooli Arstiteaduskonna preemia. |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Eesti Immunoloogide Seltsi (1984 aastast) ja Eesti Immunoloogide ja Allergoloogide Seltsi juhatuse liige (2001 aastast), Eesti Gastroenteroloogide Seltsi liige (1980 aastast), Balti Immunoloogide Seltsi juhatuse liige (1991 aastast) Saksa-Balti Arstide Seltsi liige (1991 aastast). Esimese Eesti Immunoloogide Kongressi (1989), Rahvusvaheliste suvekoolide “Autoimmunity: Basic and Clinical” (1994) ja “Autoimmunity: Clinical and Molecular aspects” (2001) organiseerimiskomiteede liige. |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | Põhiliseks uurimisvaldkonnaks on olnud humoraalne ja rakuline immuunsus mao ja kaksteistsõrmiksoolehaavandi haigetel, nende seos maolimaskesta seisundiga, samuti H. pylori seroepidemioloogiline uuring Eestis, selle seos kroonilise gastriidiga nii täiskasvanutel kui ka lastel, H. pylori osatähtsuse uuring maolimaskesta rakude proliferatsioonile ja apoptoosile, ning atroofia arengule. Uuringud teostatud ETF grantide 1924, 1369, 3045 ja 4383 raames, Rootsi Meditsiiniuuringute grandi 16X-04723 raames, ning toetatud Šveitsi Natsionaalfondi stipendiumiga (1994), DAAD’i (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) stipendiumiga (1998). Viimasel ajal on uuritud immuunvastust sapitolerantsetele Helicobacter tüvedele üldpopulatsioonis, veredoonoritel ja lastel. |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | 1.SF0182586sO3 Organispetsiifilise autoimmuunse koekahjustuse molekulaarsed mehhanismid (2003-2007). 2. ETF6514 Tsöliaakia ja diabeedi korral esinevate peensoole limaskesta muutuste ning kaasnevate immunoloogiliste häirete uuring (2005-2008). |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Vorobjova T, Hürlimann S, Zimmermann A, Uibo R, Halter F. Helicobacter pylori gastritis: glandular proliferation and homeostasis differ between gastric antrum and corpus. Acta Medica Lituanica 2005; 12, 3: 18-27. Vorobjova T, Nilsson I, Terjajev S, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Prükk T, Salupere R, Maaroos H-I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Serum Antibodies to Helicobacter hepaticus, Helicobacter bilis and Helicobacter pullorum in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases and ina Population with High Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Abstract no.: 15.10 of XVIIIth International Workshop Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. Copenhagen, October 12-14,2005. Helicobacter 2005; 10, 5, p. 551. Oona M, Utt M, Nilsson I, Uibo O, Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I. Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Estonia: decreasing seroprevalence during the 11-year period of profound socio-economic changes”. Helicobacter, 2004; 9: 233-241. Vorobjova T, Ren Z, Dunkley M, Clancy R, Maaroos H-I, Labotkin R, Kull K, Uibo R. Response of IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses to H. pylori in persons with chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa, atrophy and gastric cancer in a country with H. pylori infection prevalence. Helicobacter 2004, 9, 5, Abstract no: 05.25, 526. Abstracts of the XVIIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Vienna, September 22-24, 2004. 84. Oona M, Utt M, Nilsson I, Uibo O, Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I. Helicobacter pylori in children in Estonia over the last 11 years: the changing prevalence. Helicobacter 2003, 8, 4, Abstract no.: 06.12, 389. Abstracts of the XVIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Stockholm, September 3-6, 2003 Vorobjova T, Nilsson I, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Terjajev S, Prükk T, Salupere R, Wadström T, Uibo R. Comparative study of the Seropositivity to H. Hepaticus, H. bilis and H. pullorum in patients with chronic liver diseases and in blood donors in Estonia. Helicobacter 2003, 8, 4, Abstract no.: 13.05, 442-443. Abstracts of the XVIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Stockholm, September 3-6, 2003. 83. Vorobjova T, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Terjajev S, Ananieva O, Nilsson I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Comparison of immune response to H. hepaticus, H. bilis, H. pullorum and H. pylori in children and adults. Gut 2002, 51, (Suppl 11), A72. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations on XVth international Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter, Athens, Greece, 11-14 September 2002. Ananieva O, Nilsson I, Vorobjova T, Uibo R, Wadström T. Immune response to bile-tolerant Helicobacter species in patients with chronic liver diseases, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors. Clinical&Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 2002; 9: 1160-1164. Vorobjova T, Ananieva O, Maaroos H-I, Sipponen P, Villako K, Utt M, Nilsson I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Seropositivity to H. pylori heat shock protein 60 is strongly associated with intensity of chronic inflammation, particularly in antrum mucosa: an extension of 18-year follow-up study of chronic gastritis in Saaremaa, Estonia. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbioligy, 2001; 30: 143-149. Vorobjova T. Immune response to Helicobacter pylori and its association with dynamics of chronic gastritis and epithelial cell turnover in antrum and corpus. Doctoral thesis,Tartu University Press, 2001, 256 p. Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I, Sipponen P, Villako K, Uibo R. Apoptosis in different compartments of antrum and corpus mucosa in chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis. An 18-year follow-up study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2001; 36: 136-143. |
viimati muudetud: 10.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Tamara |
2. | Surname | Vorobjova |
3. | Institution | Department of Immunology, Institute of General and molecular pathology, University of Tartu |
4. | Position | research fellow |
5. | Date of birth | 05.07.1955 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | Narva 7. Secondary School 1962-1972 (cum laude) University of Tartu, Medical Faculty 1972-1978 Diploma (cum laude) in internal diseases (M.D.), University of Tartu, Estonia, 1978 Post-graduate training at Taru University Hospital 1978-1979 1985, Cand Sci (PhD) (medicine, internal diseases), University of Tartu, Estonia, 2001, Dr Med, University of Tartu, Estonia (cum laude). |
7. | Research and professional experience |
Post-graduate training at Tartu University Hospital, 1978 -1979 Research Assistant, Laboratory of Immunology, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estonia, 1979-1981 Junior Researcher, Laboratory of Immunology, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estonia, 1981-1993 Current position: Senior Research Fellow in Immunology, Chair of Immunology, Institute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estonia, since 1993 |
8. | Academic degree | 1.Cand Sci (PhD) (medicine, internal diseases; 2. Dr Med |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
University of Tartu, Estonia,1985; 2. University of Tartu, Estonia (cum laude), 2001. |
10. | Honours/awards | 1994 Science Award of the Government of the Republic of Estonia to the group of authors: H.-I. Maaroos, T. Vorobjova, R.Uibo, K.Kisand, R. Tammur, T. Kivik, K. Villako for the study “Occurrence of Helicobacter pylori infection among the Estonian population”. 1990 Scholarship of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) 1994 Scholarship of the Swiss National Foundation 1999 Award of the Tartu University Faculty of Medicine. |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Member of the Estonian Society of Gastroenterology, since 1980. Member of the Estonian Society for Immunology, since 1984, and of the Estonian Society of Immunology and Allergology, since 2001. Member of the Organizing Committee of the I Congress of the Estonian Society for Immunology, 1989. Member of the Board of the Baltic Immunological Society, since 1991. Member of the German-Baltic Physicians Society, since 1991. |
12. | Supervised dissertations | |
13. | Current research program | Immune response to Helicobacter pylori and its association with dynamics of chronic gastritis and epithelial cell turnover in the antrum and corpus. Immune response to bile-tolerant Helicobacters. |
14. | Current grant funding | 1. SF0182586sO3 2. ETF6514 |
15. | List of most important publications |
Vorobjova T, Hürlimann S, Zimmermann A, Uibo R, Halter F. Helicobacter pylori gastritis: glandular proliferation and homeostasis differ between gastric antrum and corpus. Acta Medica Lituanica 2005; 12, 3: 18-27. Vorobjova T, Nilsson I, Terjajev S, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Prükk T, Salupere R, Maaroos H-I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Serum Antibodies to Helicobacter hepaticus, Helicobacter bilis and Helicobacter pullorum in Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases and ina Population with High Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori Infection. Abstract no.: 15.10 of XVIIIth International Workshop Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. Copenhagen, October 12-14,2005. Helicobacter 2005; 10, 5, p. 551. Oona M, Utt M, Nilsson I, Uibo O, Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I. Helicobacter pylori infection in children in Estonia: decreasing seroprevalence during the 11-year period of profound socio-economic changes”. Helicobacter, 2004; 9: 233-241. Vorobjova T, Ren Z, Dunkley M, Clancy R, Maaroos H-I, Labotkin R, Kull K, Uibo R. Response of IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses to H. pylori in persons with chronic inflammation of gastric mucosa, atrophy and gastric cancer in a country with H. pylori infection prevalence. Helicobacter 2004, 9, 5, Abstract no: 05.25, 526. Abstracts of the XVIIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Vienna, September 22-24, 2004. 84. Oona M, Utt M, Nilsson I, Uibo O, Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I. Helicobacter pylori in children in Estonia over the last 11 years: the changing prevalence. Helicobacter 2003, 8, 4, Abstract no.: 06.12, 389. Abstracts of the XVIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Stockholm, September 3-6, 2003 Vorobjova T, Nilsson I, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Terjajev S, Prükk T, Salupere R, Wadström T, Uibo R. Comparative study of the Seropositivity to H. Hepaticus, H. bilis and H. pullorum in patients with chronic liver diseases and in blood donors in Estonia. Helicobacter 2003, 8, 4, Abstract no.: 13.05, 442-443. Abstracts of the XVIth International Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter. European Helicobacter Study Group. Stockholm, September 3-6, 2003. 83. Vorobjova T, Granholm M, Lyyra M, Porkka T, Terjajev S, Ananieva O, Nilsson I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Comparison of immune response to H. hepaticus, H. bilis, H. pullorum and H. pylori in children and adults. Gut 2002, 51, (Suppl 11), A72. Abstracts of Scientific Presentations on XVth international Workshop on Gastrointestinal Pathology and Helicobacter, Athens, Greece, 11-14 September 2002. Ananieva O, Nilsson I, Vorobjova T, Uibo R, Wadström T. Immune response to bile-tolerant Helicobacter species in patients with chronic liver diseases, a randomized population group, and healthy blood donors. Clinical&Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 2002; 9: 1160-1164. Vorobjova T, Ananieva O, Maaroos H-I, Sipponen P, Villako K, Utt M, Nilsson I, Wadström T, Uibo R. Seropositivity to H. pylori heat shock protein 60 is strongly associated with intensity of chronic inflammation, particularly in antrum mucosa: an extension of 18-year follow-up study of chronic gastritis in Saaremaa, Estonia. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbioligy, 2001; 30: 143-149. Vorobjova T. Immune response to Helicobacter pylori and its association with dynamics of chronic gastritis and epithelial cell turnover in antrum and corpus. Doctoral thesis,Tartu University Press, 2001, 256 p. Vorobjova T, Maaroos H-I, Sipponen P, Villako K, Uibo R. Apoptosis in different compartments of antrum and corpus mucosa in chronic Helicobacter pylori gastritis. An 18-year follow-up study. Scand J Gastroenterol 2001; 36: 136-143. |
last updated: 10.10.2005
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