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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Ene
2.Perekonnanimi Ustav
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool, Tehnoloogiainstituut
4.Ametikoht Vanemteadur
5.Sünniaeg 25.10.1947 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus Lõpetanud Tartu Ülikooli 1972. a. keemik-keemia pedagoogina;
Ph. D. (Molekulaarbioloogia erialal) 1996. a.
7.Teenistuskäik 1972-1974. a. Keemia õpetaja Tõrva keskkoolis;
1975-1989. a. Teadur Tartu Ülikoolis;
1989-1992. a. Teaduslik töö Cold Spring Harbour Laboratooriumis USA-s;
1992- 1997. a. Teadur Tartu Ülikoolis Molekulaar- ja Rakubioloogia Instituudi Mikrobioloogia ja Viroloogia õppetoolis
1997-tänaseni Vanemteadur Tartu Ülikooli Tehnoloogiakeskuse geenitehnoloogia osakonnas.
8.Teaduskraad Ph. D. (Molekulaarbioloogia erialal)
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
1996; Tartu Ülikool, TÜMRI, Mikrobioloogia ja Viroloogia õppetool
ja –administratiivne
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud

Alina Sumerina, MSc, 2005, juh. Ene Ustav. Analysis of HPV 18 E6/E7 oncogenes expression in association with DNA amplification from integrated HPV segments in HeLa cells. TÜMRI

Mari Ojarand, MSc, 2005, juh. Ene Ustav. Erinevatelt papilloomiviiruste URR järjestustelt lähtuv replikatsioon HeLa rakkudes. TÜMRI

Anri Kivil, MSc, 2004, juh. Ene Ustav, Meelis Kadaja. Tuumorsupressorvalgu p53 mõju veise papilloomiviiruse tüüp 1 replikatsioonile in vitro. TÜMRI

Jelizaveta Geimanen, MSc, 2004, juh. Ene Ustav. Hübriidset origini sisaldavate episomaalsete replitseeruvate vektorsüsteemide testimine koekultuuri tingimustes.. TÜMRI

13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Papilloomiviiruste DNA replikatsiooni mehhanismid (veise papilloomiviirus - BPV1, kõrge ja madala riskigrupi inimese papilloomiviirused (HPV16, HPV18, HPV11, HPV6b).
Geeniteraapia vektorite väljatöötamine ja testimine. Hübriidsed vektorsüsteemid.
14.Jooksvad grandid ETF 5524

Silla, T., Hääl, I., Geimanen, J., Janikson, K., Abroi, A., Ustav, E., Ustav, M. Episomal maintenance of the plasmids with hybrid origins in mouse cells. Journal of Virology 2005, Vol.79, No. 24, p. 15277-15288

Männik, A., Piirsoo, M., Nordtröm, K., Ustav, E., Vennström B. and Ustav, M. Effective generation of transgenic mice by Bovine Papillomavirus type 1 based self-replicating plasmid that is maintained as extrachromosomal genetic element in three generations of animals. Plasmid. 49(3), 193-204.

Männik, A., Rünkorg, K., Jaanson, N., Ustav, M. and Ustav, E. Induction of the bovine papillomavirus origin "onion-skin" type DNA replication at high E1 protein concentration" Journal of Virology" 76, 5835-5845.

Sibul, H., Tammur, J., Ustav, E., Ustav, M. and Metspalu, A. A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line. BMC MolecularBiology, 3:5.

Lampela, P., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Niskanen, M., Männistö, P. T. and Raasmaja, P. Efficient transfection of novel Bovine Papillomavirus 1 expression plasmids. Plasmid 46, 163-169.

Raasmaja, A., Soosaar, A., Lampela, P., Kõks, S., Männik, A., Volke, V., Huotari, M., Joki, S., Ustav, E., Vasar, E., Ustav, M. and Männistö, P. T. Tyrosine hydroxylase gene transfer to rat striatum using Bovine Papilloma Virus-1 expression plasmids in the experimental model of Parkinson's disease. Pharm. Pharmacol Lett. 2: 83-86.

Collins, A., Pitkänen,J., Strengele, M., Tähtinen, M., Pitkänen, J., Lagerstedt, A., Hakkarinen, K., Ovod, V., Sutter, G., Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Männik, A., Ranki A.-M., Peterson, P. and Krohn, K. Humoral and cellular immune response to HIV-1 nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating of self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18(5-6), 460-467.

Ustav, E. and Ustav, M. E2 protein as the master regulator of extrachromosomal replication of the papillomaviruses. - Papillomavirus Report, , 9(6), 145-152.

Piirsoo. M., Ustav, E., Mandel, T., Stenlund, A. and Ustav, M. cis and trans requirements for stable episomal maintenance of the BPV-1 replicator. EMBO J. 15: 1-11.

Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Szymanski, P. and Stenlund, A. The bovine papillomavirus origin of replication requires a binding site for the E2 transcriptional activator. PNAS 90: 898-902.

Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Szymanski, P. and Stenlund, A. Identification of the origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus and characterization of the viral origin recognition factor E1. EMBO J. 10: 4321-4329.

viimati muudetud: 11.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Ene
2.Surname Ustav
3.Institution University of Tartu, Institute of Technology
4.Position Senior Scientist
5.Date of birth 25.10.1947 (day.month.year)
6.Education University of Tartu, 1972, Department of Chemistry
Ph.D. 1996, (Molecular Biology)
7.Research and
professional experience
1972-1974. a. Teacher, chemistry, Tõrva;
1975-1989. a. Scientist, University of Tartu;
1989-1992. a. Scientific work Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory USA;
1992- 1997. a. Scientist University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology,Department of Microbiology and Virology;
1997- Senior Scientist, University of Tartu, Institute of Technology.
8.Academic degree Ph.D. (Molecular Biology)
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
1996; University of Tartu, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Chair of Microbiology and Virology
12.Supervised dissertations

Alina Sumerina, MSc, 2005, superv. Ene Ustav. Analysis of HPV 18 E6/E7 oncogenes expression in association with DNA amplification from integrated HPV segments in HeLa cells. TÜMRI

Mari Ojarand, MSc, 2005, superv. Ene Ustav. Erinevatelt papilloomiviiruste URR järjestustelt lähtuv replikatsioon HeLa rakkudes. TÜMRI

Anri Kivil, MSc, 2004, superv. Ene Ustav, Meelis Kadaja. Tuumorsupressorvalgu p53 mõju veise papilloomiviiruse tüüp 1 replikatsioonile in vitro. TÜMRI

Jelizaveta Geimanen, MSc, 2004, superv. Ene Ustav. Hübriidset origini sisaldavate episomaalsete replitseeruvate vektorsüsteemide testimine koekultuuri tingimustes.. TÜMRI

13.Current research program DNA replication of bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV1) and human papillomaviruses (HPV16, HPV18, HPV11, HPV6b).
Papillomavirus based viral vectors, hybrid viral vectors.
14.Current grant funding Estonian Science Foundation Grant no 5524
15.List of most important publications

Silla, T., Hääl, I., Geimanen, J., Janikson, K., Abroi, A., Ustav, E., Ustav, M. Episomal maintenance of the plasmids with hybrid origins in mouse cells. Journal of Virology 2005, Vol.79, No. 24, p. 15277-15288

Männik, A., Piirsoo, M., Nordtröm, K., Ustav, E., Vennström B. and Ustav, M. Effective generation of transgenic mice by Bovine Papillomavirus type 1 based self-replicating plasmid that is maintained as extrachromosomal genetic element in three generations of animals. Plasmid. 49(3), 193-204.

Männik, A., Rünkorg, K., Jaanson, N., Ustav, M. and Ustav, E. Induction of the bovine papillomavirus origin "onion-skin" type DNA replication at high E1 protein concentration" Journal of Virology" 76, 5835-5845.

Sibul, H., Tammur, J., Ustav, E., Ustav, M. and Metspalu, A. A bovine papillomavirus-1 based vector restores the function of the low-density lipoprotein receptor in the receptor-deficient CHO-IdIA7 cell line. BMC MolecularBiology, 3:5.

Lampela, P., Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Niskanen, M., Männistö, P. T. and Raasmaja, P. Efficient transfection of novel Bovine Papillomavirus 1 expression plasmids. Plasmid 46, 163-169.

Raasmaja, A., Soosaar, A., Lampela, P., Kõks, S., Männik, A., Volke, V., Huotari, M., Joki, S., Ustav, E., Vasar, E., Ustav, M. and Männistö, P. T. Tyrosine hydroxylase gene transfer to rat striatum using Bovine Papilloma Virus-1 expression plasmids in the experimental model of Parkinson's disease. Pharm. Pharmacol Lett. 2: 83-86.

Collins, A., Pitkänen,J., Strengele, M., Tähtinen, M., Pitkänen, J., Lagerstedt, A., Hakkarinen, K., Ovod, V., Sutter, G., Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Männik, A., Ranki A.-M., Peterson, P. and Krohn, K. Humoral and cellular immune response to HIV-1 nef in mice DNA-immunized with non-replicating of self-replicating expression vectors. Vaccine 18(5-6), 460-467.

Ustav, E. and Ustav, M. E2 protein as the master regulator of extrachromosomal replication of the papillomaviruses. - Papillomavirus Report, , 9(6), 145-152.

Piirsoo. M., Ustav, E., Mandel, T., Stenlund, A. and Ustav, M. cis and trans requirements for stable episomal maintenance of the BPV-1 replicator. EMBO J. 15: 1-11.

Ustav, E., Ustav, M., Szymanski, P. and Stenlund, A. The bovine papillomavirus origin of replication requires a binding site for the E2 transcriptional activator. PNAS 90: 898-902.

Ustav, M., Ustav, E., Szymanski, P. and Stenlund, A. Identification of the origin of replication of bovine papillomavirus and characterization of the viral origin recognition factor E1. EMBO J. 10: 4321-4329.

last updated: 11.10.2005

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