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Elulookirjeldus (CV)
1.Eesnimi Kadri
2.Perekonnanimi Simm
3.Töökoht Tartu Ülikool
4.Ametikoht projektijuht, doktorant
5.Sünniaeg 30.04.1976 (päev.kuu.aasta)
6.Haridus 1994-2000 BA, Tartu Ülikool (ajalugu)
2000-2001 MA Kesk Euroopa Ülikool, Budapest (soouuringud)
2001 - doktorant, Tartu Ülikool (filosoofia)
7.Teenistuskäik 1997-2000 Eesti Teaduse ja Hariduse Andmesidevõrk, lepinguhaldur
2001-2002 Tartu Ülikool, õppeülesande täitja, assistent
2002- Tartu Ülikool, eetikakeskuse projektijuht
8.Teaduskraad magister
9.Teaduskraadi välja
andnud asutus, aasta
Kesk Euroopa Ülikool, 2001
ja –administratiivne
1) "Postgraduate Forum on Genetics and Society" liige
2) Tartu Ülikooli intedistsiplinaarse eetikakeskuse projektijuht - erinevate kodumaiste ning rahvusvaheliste teadusprojektide ning koostöö koordineerimine
12.Juhendamisel kaitstud
13.Teadustöö põhisuunad Sotsiaal- ja poliitiline filosoofia (sotsiaalne õiglus), moraalifilosoofia, bioeetika.
14.Jooksvad grandid 1) EL 5.raamprogrammi projekt "Elsagen - geeniandmepankade eetilised, juriidilised ja sotsiaalsed aspektid" (2001-2004)
2) ELi 6.raaprogrammi projekt "FASTER" (2004)
3) Volkswagen' sihtasutuse doktorandistipendium (2001-2004)
4) Alates sept.2004 Euroopa Komisjoni Marie Curie stipendium

K.Simm "Benefit sharing and genetic databases". In "Ethics and Governance of Human Population Databases " Ed. by R.Chadwick, V.Arnason, M.Häyry, G.Arnason. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2006.

K. Simm „Benefit-sharing: an inquiry regarding the meaning and limits of the concept in human genetic research.” Genomics, Society and Policy 1,2 (2005): 29-40.

K.Simm “On social justice”, a yearbook of the Centre for Ethics, (forthcoming 2005).

Margit Sutrop, Kadri Simm (eds.) Great works of ethics. A Dozen Acts of Reading. Tallinn: Estonian Language Foundation, forthcoming 2005.

K.Simm "The contested site of human nature. Applying 'trace' to the Strategic Action Plan of the Estonian Ministry of Social Affaires 2000-2010". In "The Heart of the Matter. The Contribution of the Ethic of Care to Social Policy in some new EU Member States." Ed. by S.Sevenhuijsen, A.Svab. Peace Institute, Ljubljana 2004.

M.Sutrop, K.Simm "Estonian health care system and the genetic database project: from limited resources to big hopes". Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, vol.13, No.3, 2004, pp.254-262

K.Simm (with L.Kurvet-Käosaar, R.Põldsaar) „Eestikeelne teejuht feminismi labürintidesse“ Ariadne Lõng, ½, 2003, pp.212-216.

K.Simm „Critical look at the human rights discourse“ Ariadne’s Clew, Vol.2, 2002, pp.166-173. (in Estonian)

viimati muudetud: 09.10.2005

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
1.First Name Kadri
2.Surname Simm
3.Institution University of Tartu
4.Position Project manager, PhD student
5.Date of birth 30.04.1976 (day.month.year)
6.Education 1994-2000 BA, University of Tartu (history)
2000-2001 MA, Central European University, Hungary (Gender Studies)
2001- PhD studies, University of Tartu (philosophy)
7.Research and
professional experience
1997-2000 Estonian Educational and Research Network, contract manager
2001-2002 University of Tartu, assistant lecturer
2002- University of Tartu, project manager of the Centre for Ethics
8.Academic degree MA
9.Dates and sites of
earning the degrees
Central European University, 2001
1) Member of the Postgraduate Forum on Genetics and Society
2) Project manager of the interdisciplinary Center for Ethics of the University of Tartu: coordination of various national and international research and cooperation projects
12.Supervised dissertations
13.Current research program Social and political philosophy (social justice), moral philosophy, bioethics.
14.Current grant funding 1) European Commission 5th Framework Programme project "Elsagen - ethical, legal and social aspects of human genetic databases" (2001-2004)
2) European Commission 6th Framework Programme project "FASTER: feasibility study for an advanced systematic documentation, information and communication tool in the field of ethical issues in science, research and technology" (2004)
3) Volkswagen Stiftung grant for PhD students (2001-2004)
4) European Commission Marie Curie fellowship from Sept.2004
15.List of most important publications

K.Simm "Benefit sharing and genetic databases". In "Ethics and Governance of Human Population Databases " Ed. by R.Chadwick, V.Arnason, M.Häyry, G.Arnason. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2006.

K. Simm „Benefit-sharing: an inquiry regarding the meaning and limits of the concept in human genetic research.” Genomics, Society and Policy 1,2 (2005): 29-40.

K.Simm “On social justice”, a yearbook of the Centre for Ethics, (forthcoming 2005).

Margit Sutrop, Kadri Simm (eds.) Great works of ethics. A Dozen Acts of Reading. Tallinn: Estonian Language Foundation, forthcoming 2005.

K.Simm "The contested site of human nature. Applying 'trace' to the Strategic Action Plan of the Estonian Ministry of Social Affaires 2000-2010". In "The Heart of the Matter. The Contribution of the Ethic of Care to Social Policy in some new EU Member States." Ed. by S.Sevenhuijsen, A.Svab. Peace Institute, Ljubljana 2004.

M.Sutrop, K.Simm "Estonian health care system and the genetic database project: from limited resources to big hopes". Cambridge Quarterly of Health Care Ethics, vol.13, No.3, 2004, pp.254-262

K.Simm (with L.Kurvet-Käosaar, R.Põldsaar) „Eestikeelne teejuht feminismi labürintidesse“ Ariadne Lõng, ½, 2003, pp.212-216.

K.Simm „Critical look at the human rights discourse“ Ariadne’s Clew, Vol.2, 2002, pp.166-173. (in Estonian)

last updated: 09.10.2005

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