[ sulge aken ]
Elulookirjeldus (CV) | ||
1. | Eesnimi | Peeter |
2. | Perekonnanimi | Laane |
3. | Töökoht | Eesti Kardioloogia Instituut |
4. | Ametikoht | Head of Dept. of Clinical Cardiology |
5. | Sünniaeg | 07.01.1941 (päev.kuu.aasta) |
6. | Haridus | 1965 Tartu Ülikool, arstiteaduskond 1969-1971 aspirantMoskvas 2000 - kõrgema kategooria kardioloog |
7. | Teenistuskäik | 1971-1972 - raviarst Tallinn Keskhaiglas; 1972- 1984 – vanemteadur EKMI kliinilise kardiologia osakonnas; 1984-1994 – Kardioloogia TU Instituudi direktor ja osakonna juhataja 1994 kliinilise kardioloogia osakonna juhataja 1997-89 –professor, Tallinna Pedagoogilises Ülikoolis Mitmeid kordi teadustöö projektide juht ja grandihoidja. |
8. | Teaduskraad | DMed Sc cand med nauk (PhD) |
9. | Teaduskraadi välja andnud asutus, aasta |
1988, Moskva 1971 Moskva |
10. | Tunnustused | |
11. | Teadusorganisatsiooniline ja –administratiivne tegevus |
Kardioloogia TU Instituudi direktor,1984-1994; alates 1994 - kliinilise kardioloogia osakonna juhataja; EKardI Teadusnõukogu esimees (1984-1994) ja liige; Tervishoiuministeeriumi peakardioloog 1987-1991 |
12. | Juhendamisel kaitstud väitekirjad |
Igor Pscenitsnikov, cand, 1996, juh. Peeter Laane. Bessimptomnaja ishemija miokarda v otsenke tjažesti funktsionalnogo sostojanija i prognoza bolnõh IBS so stailnoi stenokardijei.. Moskva (Ülevenemaaline Kardioloogia TU Keskus) |
13. | Teadustöö põhisuunad | kliiniline kardioloogia |
14. | Jooksvad grandid | ei ole |
15. | Teaduspublikatsioonid |
Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico, L. (2005) Anthropometric assessment of elderly women in relation to risk of cardio-vascular diseases (epidemiological study of female population aged 65-74). Papers of Anthropology, 2005, 14, 295-307.(ISSN 1406-0140,international editorial board, indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER) Pshenichnikov, I., Shipilova, T., Laane, P., Kaik, J., Solodkaya, E. (2004) Prognostic value of QT dispersion changes during exercise in patients with stable angina. Kardiologija 2004, 12:27-30. Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane P., Tchaico, L., Belova V. (2004) Nutritional status and main risk factors for cardiovascular sisease in various ethnic groups of the elderly male population in Tallinn. Papers on Anthropology, 2004, 13: 214-225. (ISSN 1406-0140; indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER) Shipilova T, Pshenichnikov I, Laane P et al. Dynamics of QT-dispersion during bicycle exercise test in assessment of functional state and prognosis in oatients with ishamic heart disease. Karduikigiya 44 (12) :27-30. 2004 Saava, M., Laane, P., Abina, J., Villo N: (2003) Anthropometric assessment of elderly men aged 64-69 in relation to atherogenic metabolic indices (epidemiological study in Tallinn 2002-2003). Papers of Anthropology, 2003, 12:219-228 Pšenetsnikov, I., Šipilova, T., Graf, A., Laane, P., jt. ( 2002) Latsidipiin arteriaalse hüpertensiooni ravis:kirjanduse ülevaade ja kasutamiskogemused Eesti raviasutustes. Eesti Arst 2002, 81 (10):638-644. Šipilova, T., Pšenutšnikov I., Laane, P., Saava, M jt.(2002) Statiinravi:kliiniline kogemus atorvastatiiniga. Eesti Arst 2002, 8:26-30. Šipilova T, Abramova L, Mesimaa E, Laane P, Kaik, J.Pšenutšnikov I. (2001)Dihüdropüridiinirea kaltsiumantagonistide rakrndamise uued võimalused arteriaalse hüpertensiooi ja stenokardia ravis. Eesti Arst 2001, 6:310-316. Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova T, Laane P et al. Signal avaraged EDG in patents with moderate essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 18: S25-S25 Suppl.2 Jun 2000 Shipilova T, Pshenichnokov I., Laane p: et al. FDo left ventricular hypertrophy and late potentials predict course of essential hypertension? European Heart Juranl 21: P629 Suppl. S Aug_Sept.2000 Laane P,Šipilova T, Pšenutšnikov I. (1999) Vasaku vatsakese hüpertroofia ning hilispotentsiaalide kliiniline ja prognostiline väärtus kõrgvererõhutõvega haigetel. Eesti Arst 1999, 4:320-322. Pshenishnikov I Shipilova T, Laane P. (1998) Clinico-instrumental parameters in evaluation of favorable prognosis in ushemic heart disease. Results of 5-year follow-up. Kardiologiya, 38 (12), 12-15. Shipilova T, Pshenishnokov I, Laane P. (1997) The significance of ambulatory ECG monitoring data in prognosis of stabl4e angina pectoris. Terapevticheskii arkhiv, 69 (4), 31-34. Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova t; Laane P et al. Course and outcomes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy during 15-20 years of follow-up. Kardiologiya 36 (1): 42-46.1996 Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova T, Laane P et a. Prognostic significance of silent myocardial ishamia in patients with stable angina pectoris. Kardiolopgiya 36 (7): 11-15 1996 Shipilova T, Udras A, Laane P et al. (1996) Course and outcomes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy during 15-20 years of follow-up. Kardiologiya 1996, 36 (1):42-46. Udras A, Laane P, Kalev M, Nõmm T. (1996) Vasaku südamega müoksoomi retsidiiv, kulu iseärasused ja diagnoosimune. Eesti Arst 1996, 5:451-453. Udras AV, Shipilova TV, ....Laane PG.... Funcional state of left-ventricular myocardium in patients with oschamic-heart-disease and silent-myocardial-ischamia (achocardiography data) Kardiologiyaq 25 (1): 14-17 1995 Kolk R, Laaane P. Roose I et al. Results of long-term follow-up of permanent artial-pacing in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Kardiologiya 34 /7-8): 5-7 1994 Pshenitchnikov I, Shipilova T, Udras A, Laane P. (1994) Significance of silent myocardial ishemia in patients with coronary heart disease for disease gravidity evaltation. Terapevticheskii arkhiv 1994,9:21-24. Shipilova TV, Pshenitchnikov IB,Laane p Correlation between silent ishaemia and the state of coronary-arteries in patients with ischemic-heart-sisaese. Kardiologiya 34 (7-8): A5-A8 1994 Shipilova TV, Laane PG, Liberman BM Blood lipid-content in correlation with the results of coronarography in patients with ischamos-heart-disease. Kardiologiya 20 (3): 109-111 1980. |
viimati muudetud: 16.10.2005
Curriculum Vitae (CV) | ||
1. | First Name | Peeter |
2. | Surname | Laane |
3. | Institution | Estonian Institute of Cardiology |
4. | Position | Head of Dept. of Clinical Cardiology |
5. | Date of birth | 07.01.1941 (day.month.year) |
6. | Education | 1965 Tartu University, Medical Faculty, physician 1969-1971 postgraduate student in Moscow 2000 – higher qualification of cardiology |
7. | Research and professional experience |
1971-1972 - physician of Tallinn Central Hospital; 1972- 1984 – senior researcher –cardiologist at the IECM; 1984-1994 – director of the Estonian Institute of Cardiology; 1994 up to now –head of Dept. of Clinical Cardiology, EIC 1997-89 –professor, at a chair of Tallinn Pedagogical University Several times project leader and grant-holder. |
8. | Academic degree | DMedSc, PhD |
9. | Dates and sites of earning the degrees |
1988, Moscow 1971, Moscow |
10. | Honours/awards | |
11. | Research-administrative experience |
Director and head of dept. , EIC; member of Scientific committee of EIC; 1987-1991 – principal cardiologist of Ministry of Health |
12. | Supervised dissertations |
Igor Pscenitsnikov, cand, 1996, superv. Peeter Laane. Bessimptomnaja ishemija miokarda v otsenke tjažesti funktsionalnogo sostojanija i prognoza bolnõh IBS so stailnoi stenokardijei.. Moskva (Ülevenemaaline Kardioloogia TU Keskus) |
13. | Current research program | clinical cardiology |
14. | Current grant funding | |
15. | List of most important publications |
Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane, P., Solodkaya, E., Tchaico, L. (2005) Anthropometric assessment of elderly women in relation to risk of cardio-vascular diseases (epidemiological study of female population aged 65-74). Papers of Anthropology, 2005, 14, 295-307.(ISSN 1406-0140,international editorial board, indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER) Pshenichnikov, I., Shipilova, T., Laane, P., Kaik, J., Solodkaya, E. (2004) Prognostic value of QT dispersion changes during exercise in patients with stable angina. Kardiologija 2004, 12:27-30. Saava, M., Abina, J., Laane P., Tchaico, L., Belova V. (2004) Nutritional status and main risk factors for cardiovascular sisease in various ethnic groups of the elderly male population in Tallinn. Papers on Anthropology, 2004, 13: 214-225. (ISSN 1406-0140; indexed in BIOSIS, SPORTDiscus, Anthropological Index Online, EBSCO Publishing, CABI International, Index Copernicus, ESTER) Shipilova T, Pshenichnikov I, Laane P et al. Dynamics of QT-dispersion during bicycle exercise test in assessment of functional state and prognosis in oatients with ishamic heart disease. Karduikigiya 44 (12) :27-30. 2004 Saava, M., Laane, P., Abina, J., Villo N: (2003) Anthropometric assessment of elderly men aged 64-69 in relation to atherogenic metabolic indices (epidemiological study in Tallinn 2002-2003). Papers of Anthropology, 2003, 12:219-228 Pšenetsnikov, I., Šipilova, T., Graf, A., Laane, P., jt. ( 2002) Latsidipiin arteriaalse hüpertensiooni ravis:kirjanduse ülevaade ja kasutamiskogemused Eesti raviasutustes. Eesti Arst 2002, 81 (10):638-644. Šipilova, T., Pšenutšnikov I., Laane, P., Saava, M jt.(2002) Statiinravi:kliiniline kogemus atorvastatiiniga. Eesti Arst 2002, 8:26-30. Šipilova T, Abramova L, Mesimaa E, Laane P, Kaik, J.Pšenutšnikov I. (2001)Dihüdropüridiinirea kaltsiumantagonistide rakrndamise uued võimalused arteriaalse hüpertensiooi ja stenokardia ravis. Eesti Arst 2001, 6:310-316. Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova T, Laane P et al. Signal avaraged EDG in patents with moderate essential hypertension. Journal of Hypertension 18: S25-S25 Suppl.2 Jun 2000 Shipilova T, Pshenichnokov I., Laane p: et al. FDo left ventricular hypertrophy and late potentials predict course of essential hypertension? European Heart Juranl 21: P629 Suppl. S Aug_Sept.2000 Laane P,Šipilova T, Pšenutšnikov I. (1999) Vasaku vatsakese hüpertroofia ning hilispotentsiaalide kliiniline ja prognostiline väärtus kõrgvererõhutõvega haigetel. Eesti Arst 1999, 4:320-322. Pshenishnikov I Shipilova T, Laane P. (1998) Clinico-instrumental parameters in evaluation of favorable prognosis in ushemic heart disease. Results of 5-year follow-up. Kardiologiya, 38 (12), 12-15. Shipilova T, Pshenishnokov I, Laane P. (1997) The significance of ambulatory ECG monitoring data in prognosis of stabl4e angina pectoris. Terapevticheskii arkhiv, 69 (4), 31-34. Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova t; Laane P et al. Course and outcomes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy during 15-20 years of follow-up. Kardiologiya 36 (1): 42-46.1996 Pshenichnikov I, Shipilova T, Laane P et a. Prognostic significance of silent myocardial ishamia in patients with stable angina pectoris. Kardiolopgiya 36 (7): 11-15 1996 Shipilova T, Udras A, Laane P et al. (1996) Course and outcomes of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy during 15-20 years of follow-up. Kardiologiya 1996, 36 (1):42-46. Udras A, Laane P, Kalev M, Nõmm T. (1996) Vasaku südamega müoksoomi retsidiiv, kulu iseärasused ja diagnoosimune. Eesti Arst 1996, 5:451-453. Udras AV, Shipilova TV, ....Laane PG.... Funcional state of left-ventricular myocardium in patients with oschamic-heart-disease and silent-myocardial-ischamia (achocardiography data) Kardiologiyaq 25 (1): 14-17 1995 Kolk R, Laaane P. Roose I et al. Results of long-term follow-up of permanent artial-pacing in patients with sick sinus syndrome. Kardiologiya 34 /7-8): 5-7 1994 Pshenitchnikov I, Shipilova T, Udras A, Laane P. (1994) Significance of silent myocardial ishemia in patients with coronary heart disease for disease gravidity evaltation. Terapevticheskii arkhiv 1994,9:21-24. Shipilova TV, Pshenitchnikov IB,Laane p Correlation between silent ishaemia and the state of coronary-arteries in patients with ischemic-heart-sisaese. Kardiologiya 34 (7-8): A5-A8 1994 Shipilova TV, Laane PG, Liberman BM Blood lipid-content in correlation with the results of coronarography in patients with ischamos-heart-disease. Kardiologiya 20 (3): 109-111 1980. |
last updated: 16.10.2005
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